What is the minimum wage for an illegal immigrant?????????????

I live in a border state where the minimum wage is 7.25. (7.25 x 8 = 58). You can go to most Home Depot or Lowe's parking lots every morning and hire an unskilled illegal for 35 bucks a day. They will work all day until the job is done, not just 8 hours. Same with a skilled mason or carpenter for a higher (negotiated) rate.

No rules or regulations to worry about. Immigration laws flagrantly broken every day and law enforcement doesn't do a damn thing about it. I asked a local cop about this a few years ago. He told me they don't arrest illegals unless they commit a felony. The ICE facility in the state stays full and they rarely accept those that are arrested so if our city arrests illegals, they're stuck with the bill of housing and feeding them. Our schools are stuck with the bill of their kids and our hospitals are stuck with caring for their sick since they won't pay.

THat jives with what I have heard from local law enforcement. ICE just won't lift a finger.

Trump could vastly increase deportations simply by putting a ball buster in charge of ICE.
That costs money and may require a tax increase in red States.

Money well spent.
until it comes time to flip-flop on your, lower taxes, mantra.

Defending the borders is the primary purpose of government.
civil offenses are not real crimes; it is jaywalking across a State line. only the right wing, is that fantastical.
I live in a border state where the minimum wage is 7.25. (7.25 x 8 = 58). You can go to most Home Depot or Lowe's parking lots every morning and hire an unskilled illegal for 35 bucks a day. They will work all day until the job is done, not just 8 hours. Same with a skilled mason or carpenter for a higher (negotiated) rate.

No rules or regulations to worry about. Immigration laws flagrantly broken every day and law enforcement doesn't do a damn thing about it. I asked a local cop about this a few years ago. He told me they don't arrest illegals unless they commit a felony. The ICE facility in the state stays full and they rarely accept those that are arrested so if our city arrests illegals, they're stuck with the bill of housing and feeding them. Our schools are stuck with the bill of their kids and our hospitals are stuck with caring for their sick since they won't pay.

THat jives with what I have heard from local law enforcement. ICE just won't lift a finger.

Trump could vastly increase deportations simply by putting a ball buster in charge of ICE.

Agree, but also disagree. We pay to much to deport to many people but the absolute worst, until we devise the method that we are going to use to stop them from coming back in. You do not try and bail water from a boat with a bucket, that 1/2 the bottom is missing from. The left is sure besides stopping people at the border as best as IE can, nothing major besides that is going to happen, until a barrier of some sort is erected, to keep what we throw out, out!
Captured illegals need to be treated like the criminals they are and not hugged and coddled all the way back to their shit-hole.
We need to use them after capture...make them build our wall...say...a 120 day sentence to "the wall" working 16 hours a day, sleeping in tents and fed rice, bread and water.
This is so simple...someone just needs to grab their balls and sack up.
I live in a border state where the minimum wage is 7.25. (7.25 x 8 = 58). You can go to most Home Depot or Lowe's parking lots every morning and hire an unskilled illegal for 35 bucks a day. They will work all day until the job is done, not just 8 hours. Same with a skilled mason or carpenter for a higher (negotiated) rate.

No rules or regulations to worry about. Immigration laws flagrantly broken every day and law enforcement doesn't do a damn thing about it. I asked a local cop about this a few years ago. He told me they don't arrest illegals unless they commit a felony. The ICE facility in the state stays full and they rarely accept those that are arrested so if our city arrests illegals, they're stuck with the bill of housing and feeding them. Our schools are stuck with the bill of their kids and our hospitals are stuck with caring for their sick since they won't pay.

THat jives with what I have heard from local law enforcement. ICE just won't lift a finger.

Trump could vastly increase deportations simply by putting a ball buster in charge of ICE.

Agree, but also disagree. We pay to much to deport to many people but the absolute worst, until we devise the method that we are going to use to stop them from coming back in. You do not try and bail water from a boat with a bucket, that 1/2 the bottom is missing from. The left is sure besides stopping people at the border as best as IE can, nothing major besides that is going to happen, until a barrier of some sort is erected, to keep what we throw out, out!
Captured illegals need to be treated like the criminals they are and not hugged and coddled all the way back to their shit-hole.
We need to use them after capture...make them build our wall...say...a 120 day sentence to "the wall" working 16 hours a day, sleeping in tents and fed rice, bread and water.
This is so simple...someone just needs to grab their balls and sack up.
how nationalist and how socialist of you. should we also round up illegals to 10USC311 and make them muster?
Trump even reneged on one of his golf courses, offering a million dollars for a hole in one. He only paid out $10k when he was sued.
Report: Trump Stiffed Winner of $1M Hole-in-One Contest

He's constantly is sued for not paying for work done on his buildings.

He's planning on starting a trade war with Mexico and China....and probably Saudi Arabia....starting a nuclear war by bombing Iran and North Korea. Trump is much more dangerous than Hitler, because Hitler didn't have the bomb.

I live in a border state where the minimum wage is 7.25. (7.25 x 8 = 58). You can go to most Home Depot or Lowe's parking lots every morning and hire an unskilled illegal for 35 bucks a day. They will work all day until the job is done, not just 8 hours. Same with a skilled mason or carpenter for a higher (negotiated) rate.

No rules or regulations to worry about. Immigration laws flagrantly broken every day and law enforcement doesn't do a damn thing about it. I asked a local cop about this a few years ago. He told me they don't arrest illegals unless they commit a felony. The ICE facility in the state stays full and they rarely accept those that are arrested so if our city arrests illegals, they're stuck with the bill of housing and feeding them. Our schools are stuck with the bill of their kids and our hospitals are stuck with caring for their sick since they won't pay.

THat jives with what I have heard from local law enforcement. ICE just won't lift a finger.

Trump could vastly increase deportations simply by putting a ball buster in charge of ICE.

Agree, but also disagree. We pay to much to deport to many people but the absolute worst, until we devise the method that we are going to use to stop them from coming back in. You do not try and bail water from a boat with a bucket, that 1/2 the bottom is missing from. The left is sure besides stopping people at the border as best as IE can, nothing major besides that is going to happen, until a barrier of some sort is erected, to keep what we throw out, out!
Captured illegals need to be treated like the criminals they are and not hugged and coddled all the way back to their shit-hole.
We need to use them after capture...make them build our wall...say...a 120 day sentence to "the wall" working 16 hours a day, sleeping in tents and fed rice, bread and water.
This is so simple...someone just needs to grab their balls and sack up.
how nationalist and how socialist of you.
Thank you for the compliment...much appreciated!
You're about witness America Americanize again...Don't be scared just get American.
They have no minimum wage, some of the people working on farms are getting .25 cents per bushel of tomatoes picked............ So the Democraps are in favor of slave labor. No matter Trump is coming

I can't figure them out. It has to be that they don't think for themselves. On one hand, they insist that government should be able to dictate what wages should be. On the other, we know politicians support illegal aliens because they need the votes.

So, when you are going to defend everything your party does, it means supporting things that contradict each other. I have heard so many libs claim that we need illegal aliens working the fields because it keeps the cost of produce down to an affordable price. Then they claim that raising the minimum wage for citizens will not cause price increases for other things.

Standing in an air conditioned restaurants asking someone if they 'want fries with that' for $10 an hour is deemed inhumane treatment but forcing someone to work the fields all day in the hot sun for next to nothing is okay.
They have no minimum wage, some of the people working on farms are getting .25 cents per bushel of tomatoes picked............ So the Democraps are in favor of slave labor. No matter Trump is coming

A fellow dad at the local school is s transplanted Californian. He would talk about how when you walked down the streets of san francisco that you would see sweat shop type set ups, with the doors wide open for all to see, filled with illegals making slave wages in horrible conditions.

He blamed the corruption of the city government. Couldn't make the leap to blaming the open border policy.

Correll you've been watching too much movies. why do you post this kind of nonsense? Do you have a link to prove your post?
These places are inspected for health or safety or any violations.
They have no minimum wage, some of the people working on farms are getting .25 cents per bushel of tomatoes picked............ So the Democraps are in favor of slave labor. No matter Trump is coming
When is the, alleged capital right wing, going to solve our illegal problem at the federal borders with the federal powers already delegated in our federal Constitution? Good capitalists generate revenue from market friendliness in public policies, not just fines.
You guys do realize Republicans and corporations both say we need immigrants, right? So expect them to make all the illegals legal very soon.

That's better than illegals but it's not like it's going to help the blue collar trump supporters. If anything it will cost small business owners and consumers

About 70% of Americans support immigration reform. Anybody against are just the minorities.
They have no minimum wage, some of the people working on farms are getting .25 cents per bushel of tomatoes picked............ So the Democraps are in favor of slave labor. No matter Trump is coming
When is the, alleged capital right wing, going to solve our illegal problem at the federal borders with the federal powers already delegated in our federal Constitution? Good capitalists generate revenue from market friendliness in public policies, not just fines.
You guys do realize Republicans and corporations both say we need immigrants, right? So expect them to make all the illegals legal very soon.

That's better than illegals but it's not like it's going to help the blue collar trump supporters. If anything it will cost small business owners and consumers

About 70% of Americans support immigration reform. Anybody against are just the minorities.
70% wanted healthcare reform too. Did we get what we wanted?
Corporations and their lobbyists don't have to be the majority.

Alec writes laws all the time that most Americans would disagree with
There is no minimum wage for illegals...in fact their labor can be FREE!
Simply pick up a truck load at your local Home Depot, have them pull weeds and do brainless work then drop them off at your local INS office. Like this:
I live in a border state where the minimum wage is 7.25. (7.25 x 8 = 58). You can go to most Home Depot or Lowe's parking lots every morning and hire an unskilled illegal for 35 bucks a day. They will work all day until the job is done, not just 8 hours. Same with a skilled mason or carpenter for a higher (negotiated) rate.

No rules or regulations to worry about. Immigration laws flagrantly broken every day and law enforcement doesn't do a damn thing about it. I asked a local cop about this a few years ago. He told me they don't arrest illegals unless they commit a felony. The ICE facility in the state stays full and they rarely accept those that are arrested so if our city arrests illegals, they're stuck with the bill of housing and feeding them. Our schools are stuck with the bill of their kids and our hospitals are stuck with caring for their sick since they won't pay.

THat jives with what I have heard from local law enforcement. ICE just won't lift a finger.

Trump could vastly increase deportations simply by putting a ball buster in charge of ICE.

Agree, but also disagree. We pay to much to deport to many people but the absolute worst, until we devise the method that we are going to use to stop them from coming back in. You do not try and bail water from a boat with a bucket, that 1/2 the bottom is missing from. The left is sure besides stopping people at the border as best as IE can, nothing major besides that is going to happen, until a barrier of some sort is erected, to keep what we throw out, out!
Captured illegals need to be treated like the criminals they are and not hugged and coddled all the way back to their shit-hole.
We need to use them after capture...make them build our wall...say...a 120 day sentence to "the wall" working 16 hours a day, sleeping in tents and fed rice, bread and water.
This is so simple...someone just needs to grab their balls and sack up.

stop wasting time with childish, emotive, nonsense.
There is no minimum wage for illegals...in fact their labor can be FREE!
Simply pick up a truck load at your local Home Depot, have them pull weeds and do brainless work then drop them off at your local INS office. Like this:

Give it a try big mouth
Who's hiring them?

And another thing! It's so easy to get fake documents. You can go downtown to the center of the Hispanic district and right there in the open are shops advertising "work documents" and "immigration attorneys". It's very easy for a Mexican to come here on a tourist visa, hop off the plane legally, get fake papers and go to work and never worry about going back to Mexico when his tourist visa expires. If a contractor (halfheartedly) checks an applicant's status, he's confronted with fake documents and he feels covered--even if he knows he's breaking the law. The cops know it. ICE knows it. The politicians know it. It's right out in the open.

The same cop who will right a CITIZEN a speeding ticket or take you to the jail for shoplifting won't lift a finger to arrest anyone flagrantly breaking our immigration and labor laws nor the ones supplying them with forged documents.

Nonsense. It doesn't work that way. Obviously you are thinking like an American that you can go just about anywhere. Do you realize what it need or what takes place to get a US tourist visa?
1. You have to apply for passport.
2. Getting a tourist visa. You have to provide a *PROOF* that you can *AFFORD* a tourist visa. You just don't go to US Embassy....... give me a tourist visa.

You are picking the wrong illegals. Foreigners that are guilty of such violations are mostly coming from Asia which most of them are rich and don't care about the bond they deposited. Not Mexicans.

They don't need any documents if they work illegally. What fake documents are you talking about? Are you talking about library cards?
There is no minimum wage for illegals...in fact their labor can be FREE!
Simply pick up a truck load at your local Home Depot, have them pull weeds and do brainless work then drop them off at your local INS office. Like this:

I hire illegal immigrant maids and then after their done working for me I rape them then threaten to deport them if they tell. Not one guy has turned me in yet
I live in a border state where the minimum wage is 7.25. (7.25 x 8 = 58). You can go to most Home Depot or Lowe's parking lots every morning and hire an unskilled illegal for 35 bucks a day. They will work all day until the job is done, not just 8 hours. Same with a skilled mason or carpenter for a higher (negotiated) rate.

No rules or regulations to worry about. Immigration laws flagrantly broken every day and law enforcement doesn't do a damn thing about it. I asked a local cop about this a few years ago. He told me they don't arrest illegals unless they commit a felony. The ICE facility in the state stays full and they rarely accept those that are arrested so if our city arrests illegals, they're stuck with the bill of housing and feeding them. Our schools are stuck with the bill of their kids and our hospitals are stuck with caring for their sick since they won't pay.

THat jives with what I have heard from local law enforcement. ICE just won't lift a finger.

Trump could vastly increase deportations simply by putting a ball buster in charge of ICE.

Agree, but also disagree. We pay to much to deport to many people but the absolute worst, until we devise the method that we are going to use to stop them from coming back in. You do not try and bail water from a boat with a bucket, that 1/2 the bottom is missing from. The left is sure besides stopping people at the border as best as IE can, nothing major besides that is going to happen, until a barrier of some sort is erected, to keep what we throw out, out!
Captured illegals need to be treated like the criminals they are and not hugged and coddled all the way back to their shit-hole.
We need to use them after capture...make them build our wall...say...a 120 day sentence to "the wall" working 16 hours a day, sleeping in tents and fed rice, bread and water.
This is so simple...someone just needs to grab their balls and sack up.

stop wasting time with childish, emotive, nonsense.

There is no minimum wage for illegals...in fact their labor can be FREE!
Simply pick up a truck load at your local Home Depot, have them pull weeds and do brainless work then drop them off at your local INS office. Like this:

Give it a try big mouth

Easy now tuff guy...remember how stupid I made you look before?
I'd suggest you follow someone else around and drop your retarded, desperate one-liners somewhere else.
And remember..it is not a mandatory requirement that you post.
I live in a border state where the minimum wage is 7.25. (7.25 x 8 = 58). You can go to most Home Depot or Lowe's parking lots every morning and hire an unskilled illegal for 35 bucks a day. They will work all day until the job is done, not just 8 hours. Same with a skilled mason or carpenter for a higher (negotiated) rate.

No rules or regulations to worry about. Immigration laws flagrantly broken every day and law enforcement doesn't do a damn thing about it. I asked a local cop about this a few years ago. He told me they don't arrest illegals unless they commit a felony. The ICE facility in the state stays full and they rarely accept those that are arrested so if our city arrests illegals, they're stuck with the bill of housing and feeding them. Our schools are stuck with the bill of their kids and our hospitals are stuck with caring for their sick since they won't pay.

THat jives with what I have heard from local law enforcement. ICE just won't lift a finger.

Trump could vastly increase deportations simply by putting a ball buster in charge of ICE.

Agree, but also disagree. We pay to much to deport to many people but the absolute worst, until we devise the method that we are going to use to stop them from coming back in. You do not try and bail water from a boat with a bucket, that 1/2 the bottom is missing from. The left is sure besides stopping people at the border as best as IE can, nothing major besides that is going to happen, until a barrier of some sort is erected, to keep what we throw out, out!
Captured illegals need to be treated like the criminals they are and not hugged and coddled all the way back to their shit-hole.
We need to use them after capture...make them build our wall...say...a 120 day sentence to "the wall" working 16 hours a day, sleeping in tents and fed rice, bread and water.
This is so simple...someone just needs to grab their balls and sack up.

stop wasting time with childish, emotive, nonsense.

There is no minimum wage for illegals...in fact their labor can be FREE!
Simply pick up a truck load at your local Home Depot, have them pull weeds and do brainless work then drop them off at your local INS office. Like this:

Give it a try big mouth

Easy now tuff guy...remember how stupid I made you look before?
I'd suggest you follow someone else around and drop your retarded, desperate one-liners somewhere else.
And remember..it is not a mandatory requirement that you post.

Who you talking to? Me or the one guy I blocked?
How come illegals don't wash cars, do oil changes?

I want to hire an illegal to change my oil and filter for $5

Where do you find one?

THat jives with what I have heard from local law enforcement. ICE just won't lift a finger.

Trump could vastly increase deportations simply by putting a ball buster in charge of ICE.

Agree, but also disagree. We pay to much to deport to many people but the absolute worst, until we devise the method that we are going to use to stop them from coming back in. You do not try and bail water from a boat with a bucket, that 1/2 the bottom is missing from. The left is sure besides stopping people at the border as best as IE can, nothing major besides that is going to happen, until a barrier of some sort is erected, to keep what we throw out, out!
Captured illegals need to be treated like the criminals they are and not hugged and coddled all the way back to their shit-hole.
We need to use them after capture...make them build our wall...say...a 120 day sentence to "the wall" working 16 hours a day, sleeping in tents and fed rice, bread and water.
This is so simple...someone just needs to grab their balls and sack up.

stop wasting time with childish, emotive, nonsense.

There is no minimum wage for illegals...in fact their labor can be FREE!
Simply pick up a truck load at your local Home Depot, have them pull weeds and do brainless work then drop them off at your local INS office. Like this:

Give it a try big mouth

Easy now tuff guy...remember how stupid I made you look before?
I'd suggest you follow someone else around and drop your retarded, desperate one-liners somewhere else.
And remember..it is not a mandatory requirement that you post.

Who you talking to? Me or the one guy I blocked?

I was talking to this clown: Unkotare
THat jives with what I have heard from local law enforcement. ICE just won't lift a finger.

Trump could vastly increase deportations simply by putting a ball buster in charge of ICE.
That costs money and may require a tax increase in red States.

Money well spent.
until it comes time to flip-flop on your, lower taxes, mantra.

Defending the borders is the primary purpose of government.
I don't know why I've been calling you Carroll. Lol. Oops.

No problem. I've mangled peoples names in rl more often then I can remember.
THat jives with what I have heard from local law enforcement. ICE just won't lift a finger.

Trump could vastly increase deportations simply by putting a ball buster in charge of ICE.
That costs money and may require a tax increase in red States.

Money well spent.
until it comes time to flip-flop on your, lower taxes, mantra.

Defending the borders is the primary purpose of government.
civil offenses are not real crimes; it is jaywalking across a State line. only the right wing, is that fantastical.

A common belief system on the left, that does not define reality, nor address the real cost to society of the failure of doing that task.

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