What Is The Purpose For These People Showing Up

At Obama events strapped with semi-automatic rifles?

If not for some sort of intimidation?

Yes its legal, but it would also be legal to put feces on your face and walk backwards in public too.

Isn't this getting dangerously ridiculous now?

Hmm.. Maybe they're trying to one up the Philly Black Panthers?

I think Marc forgot all about the Black Panthers standing at the voting booths with night sticks. Either that, or they were just exercising their rights.
guns rule dude! if everyone had a gun, there would be less crime, cuz really, who wants to screw with someone who's armed?

I thought we solved that MYTH during the lawless days of the Wild, Wild, West.

More guns = more problems.

Think McFly, Think!!
At Obama events strapped with semi-automatic rifles?

If not for some sort of intimidation?

Yes its legal, but it would also be legal to put feces on your face and walk backwards in public too.

Isn't this getting dangerously ridiculous now?

Drama Queen alert! provided at no cost by your friendly fashionable "mobette" :lol:
Another gun thread?

Ok, let's backtrack. Just because it's legal doesn't mean it's morally right. that's exactly my thoughts on abortion

Wars have been fought by countries who kept arms at each others' borders just because increased frequency of possibility of harm ups the chances of actual harm.

So you want to make the point that guns are our 2nd amendment right. That's great. I'm certainly not someone who wants to take them away. As I said in the other thread I've got 12 guns (at least, I've literally lost count) and have taught my wife to use a handgun as well.

But there's a difference in exercising a right to defend it and exercising it under the premise of defending it, when your real goal is to provocatively bait people at the expense of upping the risk to the president. what was the bait?

Yes, this is baiting. You know bringing the gun will stir people up. You do it anyway just to show you can and perhaps to bring out the crazy in the other side. Is this really how you treat the office of the president? Wow.
it's your choice to get stirred up,, get stirred up or ignore the gun toting man, noboby forces you to get stirred up..how close was the man to your chosen one? does the report say? if he was a threat what did the secret service do about it.. Is the FBI called?? What analysis has been made of the threat and by whom?
Another gun thread?

Ok, let's backtrack. Just because it's legal doesn't mean it's morally right.

Wars have been fought by countries who kept arms at each others' borders just because increased frequency of possibility of harm ups the chances of actual harm.

So you want to make the point that guns are our 2nd amendment right. That's great. I'm certainly not someone who wants to take them away. As I said in the other thread I've got 12 guns (at least, I've literally lost count) and have taught my wife to use a handgun as well.

But there's a difference in exercising a right to defend it and exercising it under the premise of defending it, when your real goal is to provocatively bait people at the expense of upping the risk to the president.

Yes, this is baiting. You know bringing the gun will stir people up. You do it anyway just to show you can and perhaps to bring out the crazy in the other side. Is this really how you treat the office of the president? Wow.

There is nothing morally wrong with gun ownership or even carrying a gun. Morality comes into play only when you misuse that weapon. Carrying a weapon at a demonstration is not morally wrong. Stupid maybe, but morality has nothing to do with it.

Are you being purposefully obtuse or just dense by nature?

I never said owing a gun was morally wrong. I said I had guns. Guess you like skipping that part.

What I said was that increasing the risk to the president simply to make your point that gun ownership is legal, is morally repugnant.

Don't mischaracterize me. You'll lose every time.
There is the right to own a gun in America. There is the right to have an abortion in America.

They are both rights.

Just because it is a right does not mean you have to do it. Thank goodness.

While everything you said is true it doesn't add up to any meaningful conclusion. If you're trying to make a point I think you missed.
At Obama events strapped with semi-automatic rifles?

If not for some sort of intimidation?

Yes its legal, but it would also be legal to put feces on your face and walk backwards in public too.

Isn't this getting dangerously ridiculous now?

Do you have a link for this story?
Very articulate and thoughtful response.


Do you have a link for this story?
What...you don't believe me?

You don't think there has been an increasing amount of "protesters" for a lack of a better word that have come to events where the President is at armed with guns strapped to their legs?
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I think Marc forgot all about the Black Panthers standing at the voting booths with night sticks. Either that, or they were just exercising their rights.
And what was your and/or the general conservative/right-wing response to that story?

It sure wasn't "they are simply exercising their rights" BS you are coming back with now.

Just like in the 60s. It was legal back in CA to walk around with a loaded rifle/gun/firearm and the minute the Black Panters started doing it they started arrested them and changing the laws. Look it up...this is what happens.

Lets see what happens whenever there is a Republican in Office next and you have armed blacks attending his/her events peacefully.
guns rule dude! if everyone had a gun, there would be less crime, cuz really, who wants to screw with someone who's armed?

I thought we solved that MYTH during the lawless days of the Wild, Wild, West.

More guns = more problems.

Think McFly, Think!!

Remember the cries from the anti-gun lobbies about murder and mayhem in the streets whenever open carry and/or concealed carry laws were enacted. They claimed Florida would become the "Gunshine" state. In every single instance they were wrong, not some what or partially, but completely and totally wrong. Check out the FBI study compiled last year, kinda blows you argument completely out of the water.
Look in the mirror, you'll see McFly staring back at you.
Drama Queen alert! provided at no cost by your friendly fashionable "mobette" :lol:
Look who's talking...


I'd be too embarrassed to use the term "Drama Queen" if I were you.
Um... could you show me 1 you think is credible?

I ask because the 1's I think are credible say things like "near" while others that I don't think are without obvious bias say "at". I think the distinction may be important.
I'm not gonna do this dance with you.

I'm not arguing how near or far they are...my argument is that they are. Period.
Um... could you show me 1 you think is credible?

I ask because the 1's I think are credible say things like "near" while others that I don't think are without obvious bias say "at". I think the distinction may be important.
I'm not gonna do this dance with you.

I'm not arguing how near or far they are...my argument is that they are. Period.

How typical of you... Punting on 1st down...
Um... could you show me 1 you think is credible?

I ask because the 1's I think are credible say things like "near" while others that I don't think are without obvious bias say "at". I think the distinction may be important.
I'm not gonna do this dance with you.

I'm not arguing how near or far they are...my argument is that they are. Period.

Then I guess I'm a threat to the president right now because, while I'm not even remotely close to him, I have a gun within reach.

The more I read of your posts the more convinced I become that you don't want to have discussion you're just trolling. Good luck with that.
Neil Boortz, the conservative talk-show host broadcast on my local station today that people bringing guns to healthcare townhalls was thuggery. Thug = his word verbatim. He said it was like the Iraqis outside of Saddam's villas.

Nice to see cooler heads are prevailing.

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