What is the real threat of Fukushima?

Nuclear Power can never be as safe as wind and solar but id does have it's advantages.

Agreed. There's no doubt nuclear power is dangerous. However, it's much less dangerous than fossil fuel power. Like factor-of-a-thousand less dangerous. If there was a Fukushima-scale meltdown every year, it would still do less damage than fossil fuel burning.

If nuclear power could be replaced entirely by wind and solar, I would joyfully support doing that. However, that's a pie-in-the-sky fantasy, and I don't do fantasy. For at least the next 50 years, renewable power can't come close to supporting the entire power grid. Some sort of baseline power is needed, and that means either nuclear or fossil fuels. If we ban nuclear, then by default that promotes the far worse alternative, fossil fuels. The good intentions of the anti-nuclear crowd don't count for much, being how those good intentions cause such destruction.
I've been checking out the latest panic story. There was a steam cloud seen over the #3 reactor building. Hence, the usual. It's a catastrophic total meltdown, end of the world, we're all gonna die. Again.

However, it's far more likely to be cold temps, combined with previous rain and a mildy warm reactor and spent fuel pool. If you see a steaming manhole in the street in winter, it doesn't mean the manhole is gonna blow.
Two things:

A guest/expert on Real Time with Bill Maher, when Bill told him he does his New Years Eve show every year in Hawaii, and asked if it was still safe to swim in the ocean: "You should be OK this year, but I wouldn't swim in it in 2015".

Harry Shearer has a weekly radio show called 'Le Show', and each week he has a segment called 'Safe, Clean, Too Cheap To Meter" in which he reads news about Fukashima that I never hear about anywhere else. It's really good stuff:

Sideshow Network :: Le Show with Harry Shearer

Here's an individual show, where you can jump right to it at 23:48:

Sideshow Network :: Le Show with Harry Shearer

And this:

Radioactive Water From Fukushima Is Systematically Poisoning The Entire Pacific Ocean | TheSleuthJournal


But Mamooth says we'd be cool swimming right off the coast of Fukishima right now!!! Says there is no threat and the whole thing is folklore.
Nuclear Power can never be as safe as wind and solar but id does have it's advantages.

Agreed. There's no doubt nuclear power is dangerous. However, it's much less dangerous than fossil fuel power. Like factor-of-a-thousand less dangerous. .

Is anybody else as fascinated as I am by these people with these strong fringe opinions? Yet so confident!! There might be 179 people who would concur with this touched individual but they are not daunted.:eek:

Absent being run over by a train and ending up with TBI, how do these people end up this way???
Anyone? I keep seeing these articles pop up from time to time and one recently claiming that on 12/28 one of the reactors was in iminent threat of meltdown. You hear other stories of radiation coming to America.

Please no politics here. Just curious.

Radiatio leaking on-site contaminates ground water which then leaks into the ocean which is then carried by tides washing up on US west coast shores. Any radiation leaking into the atmosphere blows here on wind currents.

Radiation isn't a locally contained problem but a global one. It's how they detected the Chernobyl accident in the 80s, radiological monitoring stations starting picking up the radiation in like Norway or something.
But Mamooth says we'd be cool swimming right off the coast of Fukishima right now!!!

Of course you'd be cool. Cold, in fact, given that it's January. Hence swimming is not recommended.

However, you'd get no radiation exposure from swimming there. Drinking the water would give you a bit, but swimming would not give any exposure.

Says there is no threat and the whole thing is folklore.

Which is the case. I have hard data showing that. You have no data, just a collection of idiot conspiracy theories, and meaningless anecdotes where any illness anywhere in the world is magically blamed on Fukushima.

It's time to show some more actual measurements, just to watch people going into contortions trying to create reasons to ignore the data. This doc shows contamination levels in the Fukushima lagoon.


To give something to compare that to, here are drinking water limits for the USA.


Run the math, and the worst spot in the Fukushima lagoon ("in front of shallow draft quay") is within a factor of 10 of USA drinking water standards for allowable radioactive contamination.

Golly, if that drifts to our shores, we're all gonna die.
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Is anybody else as fascinated as I am by these people with these strong fringe opinions? Yet so confident!! There might be 179 people who would concur with this touched individual but they are not daunted.

750,000 dead in China alone each year, from the coal-burning policies you push, and you laugh about it. Stalin would seethe in jealousy of your body count.

And from nuclear power ... zero dead. So actually, I was being a bit harsh on nuclear power by calling it factor-of-a-thousand safer.

I think everyone has noticed that none of the anti-nuke cultists are willing to touch any actual data or numbers. Religions are like that. You're supposed to just have faith, and not use reason.
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Is anybody else as fascinated as I am by these people with these strong fringe opinions? Yet so confident!! There might be 179 people who would concur with this touched individual but they are not daunted.

750,000 dead in China alone each year, from the coal-burning policies you push, and you laugh about it. Stalin would seethe in jealousy of your body count.

And from nuclear power ... zero dead. So actually, I was being a bit harsh on nuclear power by calling it factor-of-a-thousand safer.

I think everyone has noticed that none of the anti-nuke cultists are willing to touch any actual data or numbers. Religions are like that. You're supposed to just have faith, and not use reason.

sweetie.......I think nuclear is gay but the fossil fuel comparison is beyond absurd. What? Think China is going to have a cabinet meeting tomorrow and say, "Shit.....Mamooth there on the message board is pissed. Better stop our coal burning tomorrow!!!":up:
If all radiation damage was cumulative, people living in areas with naturally higher background counts would have to display higher cancer rates.

They don't.

Hence, low levels of radiation are clearly not cumulative in regards to damage. To a certain extent, cells can repair radiation damage. A billion years of evolution under a low-level radiation flux gives us that ability.
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Disaster/Recovery General Information | JNTO - Japan Travel Updates after the 3.11 earthquake

Current radiation monitoring and (thank goodness) chart explaining what the numbers mean relative to other radiological sources.

Although amounts are low now, radiation exposure is cumulative over our lifetime. It doesn't go away so it'll add up. Thus ANY extra dosage is bad.

That link is actually well done.. But like mamooth said , your assertion that any extra dosage is bad just doesnt fly. The yearly suggested limits already take into account the threshhold effects for physio harm.. Folks increase their dose unwittingly.. Just by putting granite counter tops in the kitchen or having a basement near bedrock....

If this long list of stuff being blamed on Fukishima had credibility, we would be seeing more actual science studies being done and less links to organicworld.com.
Seals, Sea Lions, Polar Bears, Bald Eagles, Sea Stars, Turtles, King and Sockeye Salmon, Herring, Anchovies and Sardines In The Western Part of North America All Suffering Mysterious Diseases At the Same Time.........

Of course, it would be completely nutty to assume if might be radiation!!!!

IDK......perhaps it has something to do with Santa's magic dust?:coffee:


Lets remember...........almost invariably, people on the far left unconditionally trust everything the government says. These same people only distrust the corporate world. IDK....maybe the marine life off the coast of North America are just faking their diseases.
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Seals, Sea Lions, Polar Bears, Bald Eagles, Sea Stars, Turtles, King and Sockeye Salmon, Herring, Anchovies and Sardines In The Western Part of North America All Suffering Mysterious Diseases At the Same Time.........

Of course, it would be completely nutty to assume if might be radiation!!!!

IDK......perhaps it has something to do with Santa's magic dust?:coffee:

Japanese Senator: ?The Path That Japan Is Taking Is The Recreation Of A Fascist State? Washington's Blog

Lets remember...........almost invariably, people on the far left unconditionally trust everything the government says. These same people only distrust the corporate world. IDK....maybe the marine life off the coast of North America are just faking their diseases.

Being SKEPTICAL is a requirement for good science to occur.. Being distrustful is useful if you have no facts.. Let's get some of dem facts and SEE whether all those things are related.

What I DO KNOW -- is that we were hearing about sardine anchovy problems WAAAAAY before Japan got slammed or before the radiation possibility existed..

Show me a body.. Give me a body up the food chain with an autopsy reports of accumulated radiation.. Just a couple.. I'll work on this with anyone with FACTS......
Two things:

A guest/expert on Real Time with Bill Maher, when Bill told him he does his New Years Eve show every year in Hawaii, and asked if it was still safe to swim in the ocean: "You should be OK this year, but I wouldn't swim in it in 2015".

Harry Shearer has a weekly radio show called 'Le Show', and each week he has a segment called 'Safe, Clean, Too Cheap To Meter" in which he reads news about Fukashima that I never hear about anywhere else. It's really good stuff:

Sideshow Network :: Le Show with Harry Shearer

Here's an individual show, where you can jump right to it at 23:48:

Sideshow Network :: Le Show with Harry Shearer

And this:

Radioactive Water From Fukushima Is Systematically Poisoning The Entire Pacific Ocean | TheSleuthJournal


But Mamooth says we'd be cool swimming right off the coast of Fukishima right now!!! Says there is no threat and the whole thing is folklore.
That's crazy talk.
If all radiation damage was cumulative, people living in areas with naturally higher background counts would have to display higher cancer rates.

They don't.

Hence, low levels of radiation are clearly not cumulative in regards to damage. To a certain extent, cells can repair radiation damage. A billion years of evolution under a low-level radiation flux gives us that ability.

Of course it's cumulative, otherwise pilots and flight attendants wouldn't be under restrictions.

Only flight crews flying both a large number of hours during pregnancy (for example, 100 hours in a month) and strictly the highest dose-rate routes (typically global routes such as —United States to Buenos Aires or United States to Tokyo) would exceed the NCRP monthly guideline.
Radiation Exposure During Commercial Airline Flights

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