What Is The Republican Alternative To ObamaCare

Which is why Mitt Romney is President.

Oh wait.


(And you should take a look at your numbers. In the oppose ObamaCare camp, the MAJORITY of those folks wanted single payer)
Some idiots believed the prez when he said, "Ïf you like your plan you can keep it." america has truly "dumbed down".
Lemming is a better definition for you than it is for me. You're the one insisting we all just fall in line. And let's not advance the strawman argument that regulation of business must be all or nothing. This however is regulation of business or the constitutional catch all, regulation of interstate commerce. The commerce isn't between states nor is it regulating existing commerce. It's requiring new commerce.

Well according to those on your side, the majority is like you, ill-informed and opposed to Obamacare. :eusa_whistle:

latest polls show that 65% of americans oppose obamacare. when I went to school 65% was more than a majority


They can ignore majorities if they have good intentions.......:eek:

Well according to those on your side, the majority is like you, ill-informed and opposed to Obamacare. :eusa_whistle:

latest polls show that 65% of americans oppose obamacare. when I went to school 65% was more than a majority

Which is why Mitt Romney is President.

Oh wait.


(And you should take a look at your numbers. In the oppose ObamaCare camp, the MAJORITY of those folks wanted single payer)

Enjoy it while you can dirtbag. There are MILLIONS of people out there right now who regret voting for the scumbag-in-chief.

And come November, they're going to do their best to fix that.

dimocraps will be lucky to retain 5 Senate Seats.

You ain't seen nothing yet. Wait.

Got your bunker dug yet? You're gonna need it. You and the rest of the cockroaches will need somewhere to hide for a few years.
latest polls show that 65% of americans oppose obamacare. when I went to school 65% was more than a majority

Which is why Mitt Romney is President.

Oh wait.


(And you should take a look at your numbers. In the oppose ObamaCare camp, the MAJORITY of those folks wanted single payer)

Enjoy it while you can dirtbag. There are MILLIONS of people out there right now who regret voting for the scumbag-in-chief.

And come November, they're going to do their best to fix that.

dimocraps will be lucky to retain 5 Senate Seats.

You ain't seen nothing yet. Wait.

Got your bunker dug yet? You're gonna need it. You and the rest of the cockroaches will need somewhere to hide for a few years.

I couldn't agree more. 5 seats just MIGHT be a stretch……but let the libs go on with their balderdash…at least we know where they stand.
Lemming is a better definition for you than it is for me. You're the one insisting we all just fall in line. And let's not advance the strawman argument that regulation of business must be all or nothing. This however is regulation of business or the constitutional catch all, regulation of interstate commerce. The commerce isn't between states nor is it regulating existing commerce. It's requiring new commerce.

Well according to those on your side, the majority is like you, ill-informed and opposed to Obamacare. :eusa_whistle:

latest polls show that 65% of americans oppose obamacare. when I went to school 65% was more than a majority
Are you a complete moron? Didn't Dante just say that? WTF are you arguing with yourself for?

And polls change day by day...just ask Sarah Palin, Mitt Romney, KArl Rove, et al :lol:
because the "party of fiscal responsibility" knows that single payer medical care would not be "fiscally responsible"

Socialistic policies and programs are never fiscally responsible.

I just provide evidence that your statement isn't true. You've provided?

you post an opinion blog as evidence. :lol:

ask the brits if their NHS is fiscally responsible, ask them if they are happy with the care it provides them.

The British Are Surprisingly Satisfied With Their Controversial Socialized Health Care System

Read more: British Satisfied With NHS - Business Insider

From Gallup:

Well according to those on your side, the majority is like you, ill-informed and opposed to Obamacare. :eusa_whistle:

latest polls show that 65% of americans oppose obamacare. when I went to school 65% was more than a majority


They can ignore majorities if they have good intentions.......:eek:


Majority of voters who voted got to vote on Obamacare. Mitt Romney and the Rightwing spin machine ran against it. In safe gerrymandered districts, Republicans won, but in the national election -- uhm, Democrats won. Democratic races won over GOP when tallied as a whole reflecting the majority win President Obama and his healthcare initiative won with
Lemming is a better definition for you than it is for me. You're the one insisting we all just fall in line. And let's not advance the strawman argument that regulation of business must be all or nothing. This however is regulation of business or the constitutional catch all, regulation of interstate commerce. The commerce isn't between states nor is it regulating existing commerce. It's requiring new commerce.

Well according to those on your side, the majority is like you, ill-informed and opposed to Obamacare. :eusa_whistle:

They are better informed than you. Plus, they are capable of committing logic.

That is why the founding fathers and the framers (who won the arguments of the day) had so much contempt for the majority. :lol: Think they referred to it as a mob. :eek:
Utter horseshit. According to your theory, there was nothing immoral about slavery because society defined black people as property with no rights. Also, gays have no right to marry, so why are all you libturds always whining about it? Gays have all the rights society has decided they are entitled to.

Whenever some goose-stepper says rights are whatever society says, they are trying to justify violating one or more of them.

Your theory is one of the fundamental axioms of fascism.

Slavery: actually it was not immoral in most societies or in early America. In America and most of western society the concept of slavery became immoral as society expanded it's views on inclusiveness and more.

Gays and other minorities (women included) have rights because American society expanded it's concept of who was a citizen and who was equal as a human being.

Fascism is attractive to people like you. To liberals like me, it is abhorrent. It is why the ACLU defends the rights of the likes of the KKK and a Rush Limbaugh

Liberals are fascists, so don't try to pass off that crap on me.

You just didn't get the point. If rights are whatever society says they are, then what justifies anyone complaining that some law is unjust? Right now turds like you are whining about gay marriage and healthcare being rights, but you just said that if society hasn't passed a law making them rights, then they aren't rights. So what have you been whining about for the last 50 years? You just said that no one had a right to healthcare in 2008 before Obamacare passed, yet you and your ilk were constantly whining that healthcare is a right. You're still whining that gay marriage is a right even though it isn't legal in most states of the union.

Do you understand what a contradiction is?

Obviously you don't.

YOU, were actually trying to make a coherent and credible point? :laugh2: :lmao: :lol:


You are waaay too obsessed with gays. just sayin :eusa_whistle:
latest polls show that 65% of americans oppose obamacare. when I went to school 65% was more than a majority


They can ignore majorities if they have good intentions.......:eek:


Majority of voters who voted got to vote on Obamacare. Mitt Romney and the Rightwing spin machine ran against it. In safe gerrymandered districts, Republicans won, but in the national election -- uhm, Democrats won. Democratic races won over GOP when tallied as a whole reflecting the majority win President Obama and his healthcare initiative won with

The majority of voters who voted didn't consider healthcare the most important issue they were voting on.

As to those who voted for Obamacare, what they voted for turned out to be a lie, deliberately told to them by Obama.

If the harsh realities of Obamacare had been exposed before the legislation had been voted on by Congress, it wouldn't have passed.

If the harsh realities of Obamacare had been exposed before 2012, Obama likely wouldn't have been reelected.
latest polls show that 65% of americans oppose obamacare. when I went to school 65% was more than a majority

Which is why Mitt Romney is President.

Oh wait.


(And you should take a look at your numbers. In the oppose ObamaCare camp, the MAJORITY of those folks wanted single payer)

Enjoy it while you can dirtbag. There are MILLIONS of people out there right now who regret voting for the scumbag-in-chief.

And come November, they're going to do their best to fix that.

dimocraps will be lucky to retain 5 Senate Seats.

You ain't seen nothing yet. Wait.

Got your bunker dug yet? You're gonna need it. You and the rest of the cockroaches will need somewhere to hide for a few years.

Sorry little lady.

I don't hide from no one.

I got my ugly mug up in my profile.


Got your armor in your profile.

Who's afraid now, little red riding hood?

You don't know much about our Founding Fathers, do you?

I mean ours..... Madison, Hamilton, Franklin, Adams. Not yours, Marx, Hitler, Stalin.

Ours believed strongly in "Natural Rights"

Here's an opportunity to learn something. I suggest you take advantage

Bill of Rights Institute: Natural Rights | Bill of Rights Institute
The founding fathers?
In actuality Dante knows much more than the average American knows.

"Natural rights" Hmm, the founders believed all sorts of things. The concepts of natural law/natural rights is an interesting one and one that has been discussed at length in other threads.

You do know the founding fathers are NOT deities? You do know they were extremely fallible and most knew it and commented upon that fact?

One thing, the US Constitution was NOT written by the founding fathers, it was written by the 'framers' -- :eek: The constitution that became ours was ratified by a whole nother subset; the ratifiers. Hmm...

looks like you've been spanked and need to go back to class. Now fuck off tweprie :lol:

dante talking in third person is a sign that dante is insane :eusa_whistle:

sorry Dude-essa, covered under pre-existing condition under Obamacare. Now fuck off.
Which is why Mitt Romney is President.

Oh wait.


(And you should take a look at your numbers. In the oppose ObamaCare camp, the MAJORITY of those folks wanted single payer)
Some idiots believed the prez when he said, "Ïf you like your plan you can keep it." america has truly "dumbed down".

And all of Obama's people did keep their plans. Unions kept their plans, they are exempt. Government workers kept their plans, they are exempt. People on medicare kept their plans, they are exempt. People on medicaid kept their plans, they are exempt. The folks between medicaid and 90k a year for a family of 4 get "special" treatment in the form of subsidy checks.

If you are not in one of those groups you must be an evil SOB republican. It's only 5million cancellations "so far" many millions to come. The biggest to come next year when this hits large companies that were exempted this year. This does not count the millions who were forced to 30hrs this year by Obama Care and lost their full time status and benefits.
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What is the Republican alternative to lies and fraud and telling people they're too stupid to understand that you're lying to them for their own good?

I hope it's something much more respectful of both their constituents and the democratic principles of our nation, but if it isn't and if I am made aware of that then I will reject it as strongly as I reject Obamacare.

opening their mouths

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