What Is The Republican Alternative To ObamaCare

My insurance was just fine. Now that I have maternity coverage, my rates increased 76% or $168 a month to pay for it.

My insurance was just fine. Now that I have maternity coverage, my rates increased 76% or $168 a month to pay for it.


Only if you keep that plan? Why do you people only tell part of any story? What are you hiding or ignorant of?

Why should I give up my plan? Where do I get an equal plan for less? Is my current Doctor available? How about my local hospital down the street? Where do I go to get this information?

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I am sure those in the Moocher Class like Jamie Dimon, Donald Trump and Dick Fuld love traveling to Britain on your dime..in first class!


If you think those folks are "moocher" class, dude how about sending some of your cash my way? You can send me a pay pal anytime you want.

If you were that rich?

You wouldn't be asking.

Your lobbyist in Washington would already be funneling it to you.

Oh look..there's one now!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZ-70rQD19M]CSPAN Sep 29 08 Boehner on TARP Bill - YouTube[/ame]

Doesn't that make you weep for joy??


You mean like the funneling Obama's handing out? No one comes close to giving out American tax payer funds like the democrats. Those guys are epic.
What Is The Republican Alternative To ObamaCare

It's always been "Let him die". The difference is they say it out loud now.
What Is The Republican Alternative To ObamaCare

It's always been "Let him die". The difference is they say it out loud now.

We don't need an alternative. Wait we do, that is for the losers to get a job and pay for their own health care

I think our bigger issue is the out of control federal spending which is now over 110% of our GDP. There are only 9 other countries that have a larger debt compared to their GDP than us. If we dont' get our spending under control, we won't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of.

As the economy improves, we'll tackle it. Now is not the time. You want punishment, go join a church,:eusa_whistle:

It doesn't matter if the economy improves or not. The increase in spending over the last 8 years has got to be reduced. According to the congressional budget office, we will continue to increase our deficit even after bringing in record level tax revenues the past two years. NOW IS THE TIME!!
What Is The Republican Alternative To ObamaCare

It's always been "Let him die". The difference is they say it out loud now.

Let ObamaCare die

Progs always lie and say Conservatives want to bring us back to the 1950's, well ObamaCare just brought us back to the Pony Express.

Send in a letter to sign up for ObamaCare

Let ObamaCare die
Your opinion is duly noted.

The fact that the PPACA was ruled constitutional stands.

The Obama admin had multiple arguments in the court, not unusual at all, and one of those arguments were what Roberts ruled on....the penalty as a tax.

Roberts did NOT make it up out of thin air as whacky wingnut world would have you believe

True story

Dumb ass I'm not Chief Justice Roberts nor am I obama neither link or the video did I have anything to do with, except posting them. They are not my opinion they are fact.

OBAMACARE mandate was ruled unconstitutional the tax was not. obama said it wasn't a tax.


4. The majority did not address the serverability question after concluding that the Individual Mandate was constitutional.

Justices Scalia, Kennedy, Thomas, and Alito argued that the Individual Mandate and Medicaid expansion are inserverable, and that the entirety of the ACA is therefore unconstitutional. The provisions of the Act, they argue, are "closely interrelated," with the two unconstitutional provisions serving as "pillars." - The Affordable Care Act Cases | The Oyez Project at IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law

Get it yet, loser?

Idiot you don't seem to comprehend it. obamacare mandate was ruled UNCONSTITUTIONAL. obamacare as a tax was ruled constitutional that isn't opinion that is fact supported by the media.
Fact number two obama said it wasn't a tax so shut the fuck up.
My insurance was just fine. Now that I have maternity coverage, my rates increased 76% or $168 a month to pay for it.


Only if you keep that plan? Why do you people only tell part of any story? What are you hiding or ignorant of?

Why are you a POS? What's the rest of your story?
Dante will admit to being a POS and in return demand you admit to being an old fool upset that the world is moving on without you
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My insurance was just fine. Now that I have maternity coverage, my rates increased 76% or $168 a month to pay for it.


Only if you keep that plan? Why do you people only tell part of any story? What are you hiding or ignorant of?

Why should I give up my plan? Where do I get an equal plan for less? Is my current Doctor available? How about my local hospital down the street? Where do I go to get this information?


I really don't know and I really don't care. I don't think it's unreasonable to ask you to find the answers yourself.

The truth is out there
I think our bigger issue is the out of control federal spending which is now over 110% of our GDP. There are only 9 other countries that have a larger debt compared to their GDP than us. If we dont' get our spending under control, we won't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of.

As the economy improves, we'll tackle it. Now is not the time. You want punishment, go join a church,:eusa_whistle:

It doesn't matter if the economy improves or not. The increase in spending over the last 8 years has got to be reduced. According to the congressional budget office, we will continue to increase our deficit even after bringing in record level tax revenues the past two years. NOW IS THE TIME!!

What matters is you focus and start on 8 years. You ignore reality. You are positing a partisan piece of shit

You also misread congressional budget office stats. They are static...they exist in your mind as predictions of a future where nothing changes. Stop looking at forecasts as future facts.

Dante's style of posting aside, I admit you are an intelligent poster with promise

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My insurance was just fine. Now that I have maternity coverage, my rates increased 76% or $168 a month to pay for it.


Only if you keep that plan? Why do you people only tell part of any story? What are you hiding or ignorant of?

You have got to be the most ignorant fucking oduma sheep I've encountered on these boards!!!
Taking my last reply to you into consideration, this is high praise indeed

Dumb ass I'm not Chief Justice Roberts nor am I obama neither link or the video did I have anything to do with, except posting them. They are not my opinion they are fact.

OBAMACARE mandate was ruled unconstitutional the tax was not. obama said it wasn't a tax.


4. The majority did not address the serverability question after concluding that the Individual Mandate was constitutional.

Justices Scalia, Kennedy, Thomas, and Alito argued that the Individual Mandate and Medicaid expansion are inserverable, and that the entirety of the ACA is therefore unconstitutional. The provisions of the Act, they argue, are "closely interrelated," with the two unconstitutional provisions serving as "pillars." - The Affordable Care Act Cases | The Oyez Project at IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law

Get it yet, loser?

Idiot you don't seem to comprehend it. obamacare mandate was ruled UNCONSTITUTIONAL. obamacare as a tax was ruled constitutional that isn't opinion that is fact supported by the media.

Fact number two obama said it wasn't a tax so shut the fuck up.

You truly are demented.....how about linking and quoting the exact phrase by the majority and/or CJ Roberts that you are claiming exist

It should be simple even for the likes of you

A challenge for the Bull Ring?
What Is The Republican Alternative To ObamaCare

It's always been "Let him die". The difference is they say it out loud now.

Let ObamaCare die

Progs always lie and say Conservatives want to bring us back to the 1950's, well ObamaCare just brought us back to the Pony Express.

Send in a letter to sign up for ObamaCare

Let ObamaCare die

let obamacare play out this is the only way to fix America failure is the only way people will wake up.


4. The majority did not address the serverability question after concluding that the Individual Mandate was constitutional.

Justices Scalia, Kennedy, Thomas, and Alito argued that the Individual Mandate and Medicaid expansion are inserverable, and that the entirety of the ACA is therefore unconstitutional. The provisions of the Act, they argue, are "closely interrelated," with the two unconstitutional provisions serving as "pillars." - The Affordable Care Act Cases | The Oyez Project at IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law

Get it yet, loser?

Idiot you don't seem to comprehend it. obamacare mandate was ruled UNCONSTITUTIONAL. obamacare as a tax was ruled constitutional that isn't opinion that is fact supported by the media.

Fact number two obama said it wasn't a tax so shut the fuck up.

You truly are demented.....how about linking and quoting the exact phrase by the majority and/or CJ Roberts that you are claiming exist

It should be simple even for the likes of you

A challenge for the Bull Ring?
I did link it dumb ass
Idiot you don't seem to comprehend it. obamacare mandate was ruled UNCONSTITUTIONAL. obamacare as a tax was ruled constitutional that isn't opinion that is fact supported by the media.

Fact number two obama said it wasn't a tax so shut the fuck up.

You truly are demented.....how about linking and quoting the exact phrase by the majority and/or CJ Roberts that you are claiming exist

It should be simple even for the likes of you

A challenge for the Bull Ring?
I did link it dumb ass

Link and post a quote

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