What is the solution? Or at least what action should be taken?

I am not looking for "We needs armed good guys!" or "Ban all privately owned guns!".

I am looking for actual, workable things that can be done to prevent the kinds of tragedies we have seen in the last week.

For conservatives, the time for Thoughts & Prayers is over. If you won't come up with solutions, someone else will. If the population is afraid, they will surrender their freedoms for a sense of safety. You have to do something.

For liberals, the knee-jerk reaction of banning guns is not a viable answer. Fuck party lines. This is about a balance of safety and individual freedom (especially the freedom to defend ourselves).

So what are the answer(s)?

Rarely are these shootings done by a respected member of the community, the guy who was most popular in his class, the guy who always smiles and says hello

Comments are usually.......he was freaking crazy, he had wild opinions, he always scared me, he was voted most likely to conduct a mass shooting.

We know who these guys are
We need a way to keep them from walking into the local gun store and buying an AR-15, several large capacity magazines and hundreds of rounds of ammo
OP...kill the active shooter ASAP. Not much can be done otherwise. Call in all the guns and the criminals will still have guns.

Stress is breaking people at a high rate. Really, surprised there are not 1 or 2 mass shootings daily.

Internet photo

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We just had a mass shooting in Texas. I'm sure there were plenty of guns around and he still killed plenty. Do we need to call in the military and have them everywhere?

Meanwhile in countries with strong gun control they don't have this problem....

Those countries didn't have mass shootings before they banned guns...guns aren't the issue, culture and society are the issue....and Europe is now raising their generation of killers......just wait.
Yes because they never had high rates of ownership. They were smart enough to fix the problems before they had regular mass shootings.
I am not looking for "We needs armed good guys!" or "Ban all privately owned guns!".

I am looking for actual, workable things that can be done to prevent the kinds of tragedies we have seen in the last week.

For conservatives, the time for Thoughts & Prayers is over. If you won't come up with solutions, someone else will. If the population is afraid, they will surrender their freedoms for a sense of safety. You have to do something.

For liberals, the knee-jerk reaction of banning guns is not a viable answer. Fuck party lines. This is about a balance of safety and individual freedom (especially the freedom to defend ourselves).

So what are the answer(s)?

We have pointed out the solutions...The jab about "Thoughts and Prayers..." is a cheap shot, because at each of these attacks we actually name things that work......every single time...but because it doesn't include banning all guns, it is ignored........

1) ask news stations to end 24/7 coverage of the shooting....report the facts, quickly, and move on....

2) allow normal people to carry their guns with them into public places.....we know from actual mass shooters, captured and from their notes, including the El Paso shooter, that they look for gun free areas. This is because they want the freedom to kill without being shot at...it takes the police 6 minutes to get there.....
We just had a mass shooting in Texas. The shooter had to know there were plenty of "good" guys around with guns. It made no difference.
Shit happens
And political correctness has never been and will never be the answer to anything, Political correctness makes people fucking retarded
I am not looking for "We needs armed good guys!" or "Ban all privately owned guns!".

I am looking for actual, workable things that can be done to prevent the kinds of tragedies we have seen in the last week.

For conservatives, the time for Thoughts & Prayers is over. If you won't come up with solutions, someone else will. If the population is afraid, they will surrender their freedoms for a sense of safety. You have to do something.

For liberals, the knee-jerk reaction of banning guns is not a viable answer. Fuck party lines. This is about a balance of safety and individual freedom (especially the freedom to defend ourselves).

So what are the answer(s)?

Since you are rejecting regulating guns, then apparently the solution is to defeat your party.

Did I say I was rejecting regulating guns? No. It is the wholesale ban on guns that I am rejecting.

Guns are already regulated....you know as a gun owner that these rifles used are not different from any other rifle ..... they are not military weapons.....or weapons of war...

A shooter in Russia used a 5 shot, pump action shotgun to murder 20 people..the same as El Paso, and injure 40....more than El Paso......

So if you think they will stop at just regulating scary looking rifles, that is just silly....

We have background checks...mass shooters can pass background checks because they have clean records......they will pass any universal background check for a private sale.....but most buy their guns legally from stores...

There are no further regulations that will stop this...this is a mental health, and police intelligence issue....
"What is the solution?"

It's quite simple really, but nobody wants to admit it: The USA needs to balkanize. Countries and borders exist for a reason - to keep people with specific beliefs and values isolated from others who have different beliefs and values. When you mix opposing ideologies under the farce ideal of "diversity" and "multiculturalism" you get conflict. The USA is at this point now with several factions competing for dominance. Every time, EVERY SINGLE TIME, this multicultural nonsense has been attempted in history it has failed miserably - and there is only one outcome: War.

So we either split up now, or we fight it out and split up after. Either way, it's coming.
It's about access:
The problem isn't mental health—it's access to guns, new research suggests

America doesn't have a gun problem; it has a mental health problem: a post-mass shooting slogan trotted out time and again. Like many other slogans, it suffers from a major flaw: it isn't true.

That's the consensus of a recent study published in the journal, Preventive Medicine, by two University of Texas Medical Branch researchers. Yu Lu and Jeff Temple investigated three potential links to gun violence—gun access and ownership; mental illness; and personality traits—and discovered only one actually predicted gun violence.

It's all about access.

"Counter to public beliefs, the majority of mental health symptoms examined were not related to gun violence. Instead, access to firearms was the primary culprit."

Mental illness is the issue.....we have 600 million guns, millions of gun owners.....a total of 12 mass shootings in 2018......out of a country of 320 million people and about 120 million gun owners....
I am not looking for "We needs armed good guys!" or "Ban all privately owned guns!".

I am looking for actual, workable things that can be done to prevent the kinds of tragedies we have seen in the last week.

For conservatives, the time for Thoughts & Prayers is over. If you won't come up with solutions, someone else will. If the population is afraid, they will surrender their freedoms for a sense of safety. You have to do something.

For liberals, the knee-jerk reaction of banning guns is not a viable answer. Fuck party lines. This is about a balance of safety and individual freedom (especially the freedom to defend ourselves).

So what are the answer(s)?

Since you are rejecting regulating guns, then apparently the solution is to defeat your party.

Did I say I was rejecting regulating guns? No. It is the wholesale ban on guns that I am rejecting.

Guns are already regulated....you know as a gun owner that these rifles used are not different from any other rifle ..... they are not military weapons.....or weapons of war...

A shooter in Russia used a 5 shot, pump action shotgun to murder 20 people..the same as El Paso, and injure 40....more than El Paso......

So if you think they will stop at just regulating scary looking rifles, that is just silly....

We have background checks...mass shooters can pass background checks because they have clean records......they will pass any universal background check for a private sale.....but most buy their guns legally from stores...

There are no further regulations that will stop this...this is a mental health, and police intelligence issue....
We sure see the results of easy access to mass killing weapons.
Meanwhile in countries with strong gun control they don't have this problem....

Are those countries really free?
Yes and they have homicide rates a fraction of ours. How much value do you put on the freedom to quickly become a mass killer?

1.1 million Americans who use their legal guns to stop rape, robbery and murder would say you are wrong....

1,100,000 vs. 12 mass public shootings

Can you tell which number is bigger?
It's about access:
The problem isn't mental health—it's access to guns, new research suggests

America doesn't have a gun problem; it has a mental health problem: a post-mass shooting slogan trotted out time and again. Like many other slogans, it suffers from a major flaw: it isn't true.

That's the consensus of a recent study published in the journal, Preventive Medicine, by two University of Texas Medical Branch researchers. Yu Lu and Jeff Temple investigated three potential links to gun violence—gun access and ownership; mental illness; and personality traits—and discovered only one actually predicted gun violence.

It's all about access.

"Counter to public beliefs, the majority of mental health symptoms examined were not related to gun violence. Instead, access to firearms was the primary culprit."

Mental illness is the issue.....we have 600 million guns, millions of gun owners.....a total of 12 mass shootings in 2018......out of a country of 320 million people and about 120 million gun owners....
You must have quite the definition for mass shootings. We have had like 4 in a week now.
I am not looking for "We needs armed good guys!" or "Ban all privately owned guns!".

I am looking for actual, workable things that can be done to prevent the kinds of tragedies we have seen in the last week.

For conservatives, the time for Thoughts & Prayers is over. If you won't come up with solutions, someone else will. If the population is afraid, they will surrender their freedoms for a sense of safety. You have to do something.

For liberals, the knee-jerk reaction of banning guns is not a viable answer. Fuck party lines. This is about a balance of safety and individual freedom (especially the freedom to defend ourselves).

So what are the answer(s)?

Since you are rejecting regulating guns, then apparently the solution is to defeat your party.

Did I say I was rejecting regulating guns? No. It is the wholesale ban on guns that I am rejecting.

Guns are already regulated....you know as a gun owner that these rifles used are not different from any other rifle ..... they are not military weapons.....or weapons of war...

A shooter in Russia used a 5 shot, pump action shotgun to murder 20 people..the same as El Paso, and injure 40....more than El Paso......

So if you think they will stop at just regulating scary looking rifles, that is just silly....

We have background checks...mass shooters can pass background checks because they have clean records......they will pass any universal background check for a private sale.....but most buy their guns legally from stores...

There are no further regulations that will stop this...this is a mental health, and police intelligence issue....
We sure see the results of easy access to mass killing weapons.

93 people killed by mass shooters in 2018....

38,000 by car,

1,500 by knife

3,500 by pool

Yeah......you are a troll.....
Meanwhile in countries with strong gun control they don't have this problem....

Are those countries really free?
Yes and they have homicide rates a fraction of ours. How much value do you put on the freedom to quickly become a mass killer?

1.1 million Americans who use their legal guns to stop rape, robbery and murder would say you are wrong....

1,100,000 vs. 12 mass public shootings

Can you tell which number is bigger?
That an interesting imaginary number. But the dead people are REALLY dead and you speak fantasy.
It's about access:
The problem isn't mental health—it's access to guns, new research suggests

America doesn't have a gun problem; it has a mental health problem: a post-mass shooting slogan trotted out time and again. Like many other slogans, it suffers from a major flaw: it isn't true.

That's the consensus of a recent study published in the journal, Preventive Medicine, by two University of Texas Medical Branch researchers. Yu Lu and Jeff Temple investigated three potential links to gun violence—gun access and ownership; mental illness; and personality traits—and discovered only one actually predicted gun violence.

It's all about access.

"Counter to public beliefs, the majority of mental health symptoms examined were not related to gun violence. Instead, access to firearms was the primary culprit."

Mental illness is the issue.....we have 600 million guns, millions of gun owners.....a total of 12 mass shootings in 2018......out of a country of 320 million people and about 120 million gun owners....
You must have quite the definition for mass shootings. We have had like 4 in a week now.

the new definition is 3 or more killed in a public place unattached to another underlying crime.....moron.
I am not looking for "We needs armed good guys!" or "Ban all privately owned guns!".

I am looking for actual, workable things that can be done to prevent the kinds of tragedies we have seen in the last week.

For conservatives, the time for Thoughts & Prayers is over. If you won't come up with solutions, someone else will. If the population is afraid, they will surrender their freedoms for a sense of safety. You have to do something.

For liberals, the knee-jerk reaction of banning guns is not a viable answer. Fuck party lines. This is about a balance of safety and individual freedom (especially the freedom to defend ourselves).

So what are the answer(s)?

Since you are rejecting regulating guns, then apparently the solution is to defeat your party.

Did I say I was rejecting regulating guns? No. It is the wholesale ban on guns that I am rejecting.

Guns are already regulated....you know as a gun owner that these rifles used are not different from any other rifle ..... they are not military weapons.....or weapons of war...

A shooter in Russia used a 5 shot, pump action shotgun to murder 20 people..the same as El Paso, and injure 40....more than El Paso......

So if you think they will stop at just regulating scary looking rifles, that is just silly....

We have background checks...mass shooters can pass background checks because they have clean records......they will pass any universal background check for a private sale.....but most buy their guns legally from stores...

There are no further regulations that will stop this...this is a mental health, and police intelligence issue....
We sure see the results of easy access to mass killing weapons.

93 people killed by mass shooters in 2018....

38,000 by car,

1,500 by knife

3,500 by pool

Yeah......you are a troll.....
You sure love death. If there is a way to kill people you want it readily available.
It's about access:
The problem isn't mental health—it's access to guns, new research suggests

America doesn't have a gun problem; it has a mental health problem: a post-mass shooting slogan trotted out time and again. Like many other slogans, it suffers from a major flaw: it isn't true.

That's the consensus of a recent study published in the journal, Preventive Medicine, by two University of Texas Medical Branch researchers. Yu Lu and Jeff Temple investigated three potential links to gun violence—gun access and ownership; mental illness; and personality traits—and discovered only one actually predicted gun violence.

It's all about access.

"Counter to public beliefs, the majority of mental health symptoms examined were not related to gun violence. Instead, access to firearms was the primary culprit."

Mental illness is the issue.....we have 600 million guns, millions of gun owners.....a total of 12 mass shootings in 2018......out of a country of 320 million people and about 120 million gun owners....
You must have quite the definition for mass shootings. We have had like 4 in a week now.

the new definition is 3 or more killed in a public place unattached to another underlying crime.....moron.
So you can shoot 10 but it doesn't count as a mass shooting unless at least 3 die? Heck of a definition....
I am not looking for "We needs armed good guys!" or "Ban all privately owned guns!".

I am looking for actual, workable things that can be done to prevent the kinds of tragedies we have seen in the last week.

For conservatives, the time for Thoughts & Prayers is over. If you won't come up with solutions, someone else will. If the population is afraid, they will surrender their freedoms for a sense of safety. You have to do something.

For liberals, the knee-jerk reaction of banning guns is not a viable answer. Fuck party lines. This is about a balance of safety and individual freedom (especially the freedom to defend ourselves).

So what are the answer(s)?
We have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our free States.

Should have no security problems? You are an idiot. Go back to offering free full body massages to unsuspecting girls.
i can't be the idiot; i have the valid arguments.
many here have read your posts danny....try something different.........
Just checked and countries with strong gun control aren't regularly suffering from mass shootings. I wonder why....
Since you are rejecting regulating guns, then apparently the solution is to defeat your party.

Did I say I was rejecting regulating guns? No. It is the wholesale ban on guns that I am rejecting.

Guns are already regulated....you know as a gun owner that these rifles used are not different from any other rifle ..... they are not military weapons.....or weapons of war...

A shooter in Russia used a 5 shot, pump action shotgun to murder 20 people..the same as El Paso, and injure 40....more than El Paso......

So if you think they will stop at just regulating scary looking rifles, that is just silly....

We have background checks...mass shooters can pass background checks because they have clean records......they will pass any universal background check for a private sale.....but most buy their guns legally from stores...

There are no further regulations that will stop this...this is a mental health, and police intelligence issue....
We sure see the results of easy access to mass killing weapons.

93 people killed by mass shooters in 2018....

38,000 by car,

1,500 by knife

3,500 by pool

Yeah......you are a troll.....
You sure love death. If there is a way to kill people you want it readily available.

250,000 people/year die from medical malpractice. Where are your calls to ban doctors?

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