What is the WORST thing in human history?

AKA slavery.

Good call Ram!
AKA the holocaust, the Armenian killings, Bangladesh genocides, the mass murders in Dafur, the attemt to wipe out Christians by the Romans, the great Purge, the deaths in the Congo, the hanging of the witches in Salem, the Red Scourge, the murders in our streets.
You don't have exclusivity on inhumanity Marc...
AKA the holocaust, the Armenian killings, Bangladesh genocides, the mass murders in Dafur, the attemt to wipe out Christians by the Romans, the great Purge, the deaths in the Congo, the hanging of the witches in Salem, the Red Scourge, the murders in our streets.
You don't have exclusivity on inhumanity Marc...
He thinks his skin color gives him priority
For sheer scope, nothing beats the Bubonic Plague. Nothing else mentioned here even comes close.

That, however, is nature; it has no evil motivation, and no desire to do harm to one's fellow man. For that, although there is some competition, for the uncaring cruelty, for the mechanized dispassion, for the vile attempt to erase not just people but an entire culture while cheering the depravity, I have to give it to the Holocaust.
What is your personal belief of THE WORST thing to happen in history?
Factually REAL, not conspiracies, or made up stuff. REAL historical facts.

Dinosaur extinction?
The Plague/Black Death?
World War?
The Inquisition?
Columbia shuttle?


The takeover of the American Democrat party by communo-globalists with no pushback from within.
What is your personal belief of THE WORST thing to happen in history?
Factually REAL, not conspiracies, or made up stuff. REAL historical facts.

Dinosaur extinction?
The Plague/Black Death?
World War?
The Inquisition?
Columbia shuttle?


Socialism. Over 100 million deaths and counting.
I don’t necessarily agree with all of this, but I had a history teacher who was convinced the worst thing to happen to humans was the initial development of real agriculture that lead to villages and then towns and then currency and then government, etc.

Prior to that humans only worked just enough to feed and clothe and shelter themselves and their family and it was the closest to real equality we ever had or ever will get.

A true meritocracy, where the only thing placing one man above another was who was the better hunter, better fighter, stronger, better at making tools, wiser.

Ever since then, it’s been an endless cycle of small elites and class struggles and people spending most of their lives working for very little that directly benefits themselves.
People torturing people is the worst.
I fully support the death penalty (instant!) for serious crimes, including child rape and the senseless torturing of others. But...some of the shit people have done to each other is ridiculous. Drawing and quartering, for instance. And that old trick, shared by both the Native Americans of the Northeast and some of the Nordic visitors who met them: Cutting someone open, pulling out their intestines and tying them to a tree, and making the person walk around the tree until his guts are wrapped around it. Slow, painful, horrible death...all for someone's entertainment. This includes all the sadistic stuff that was done to people by people like Dr.Mengele.

Anyone who would do that to another human being and get joy out of it needs to be shot in the head immediately so they don't waste another ounce of precious oxygen.
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People torturing people is the worst.
I fully support the death penalty (instant!) for serious crimes, including child rape and the senseless torturing of others. But...some of the shit people have done to each other is ridiculous. Drawing and quartering, for instance. And that the old trick, shared by both the Native Americans of the Northeast and some of the Nordic visitors who met them: Cutting someone open, pulling out their intestines and tying them to a tree, and making the person walk around the tree until his guts are wrapped around it. Slow, painful, horrible death...all for someone's entertainment. This includes all the sadistic stuff that was done to people by people like Dr.Mengele.

Anyone who would do that to another human being and get joy out of it needs to be shot in the head immediately so they don't waste another ounce of precious oxygen.
That’s why the guillotine was one of the most humane inventions in human history. Much more humane than the chair or lethal injection.

There are certain crimes people have to die for. But a civilized society does it as painlessly and humanely as possible.

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