What is the WORST thing in human history?

I don't understand what you're so upset about. I couldn't care less if you're a MAGGot, or not. That's your business - and your loss.

In America we each still have the right to believe what we choose.

But that belief does not equal reality.

Yes, you are free to believe anything you want, that does not mean it is true or real.

This is the difference, I think. A fantasy that so many now believe in, that is a complete lie.

As I said already, the TDS is strong in this thread. And you are a major pusher of it.

But do not feel sad. I also mocked those with ODS, BDS, and CDS before then. I might have even mocked those that had BDS and RDS as well as CDS before then, but we had no public Internet then in which to do so.
who would have ever thunk one of USMBS resident trollboys Mushroom of all people would make that post telling anyone that they suffer TDS,after all this is a dumbfuck who believes in the magic bullet theory of the warren commission and makes up lie after lie defending it. he is a a disinfo agent so i think he is playing both sides.we have those kind of trolls here.
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But that belief does not equal reality.

Yes, you are free to believe anything you want, that does not mean it is true or real.

This is the difference, I think. A fantasy that so many now believe in, that is a complete lie.

As I said already, the TDS is strong in this thread. And you are a major pusher of it.

But do not feel sad. I also mocked those with ODS, BDS, and CDS before then. I might have even mocked those that had BDS and RDS as well as CDS before then, but we had no public Internet then in which to do so.
You're right.

The main problem, imo, is that the extremists on each side seem to believe that only they know the truth about everything related to politics. They are so consumed by their delusions that they instantly attack anyone who dares not to believe exactly as they believe. That's a ridiculous position.

I catch flack from people on both sides because there are things I hate about both political parties.

Biden is a traitorous clown, and I hate most of his political positions and actions.

I also HATE many of Donald trump's political positions. And Trump is a vile, disgusting human being, to boot.

I don't hesitate to state my opinions of either of them. Sadly, that pisses off a lot of morons who seem to believe that ONLY they have all the correct answers, and that anyone who disagrees with them is wrong, and so, an enemy. That's a ridiculous (and childish) position, imo.

We need MORE people who think for themselves, not fewer. And people should'nt be attacked for making their own decisions about the things they care about.
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What is your personal belief of THE WORST thing to happen in history?
Factually REAL, not conspiracies, or made up stuff. REAL historical facts.

Dinosaur extinction?
The Plague/Black Death?
World War?
The Inquisition?
Columbia shuttle?


Fiat "money".

The horrendously catistrophic 20th century of global warfare couldn't have happened without it.
So many bad things..........................all of those already mentioned....were pretty awful.....

plus new ones

like stealing Elections

how bad can you get? stealing the voice of the people.

Hardly it gets worse than that.
What is your personal belief of THE WORST thing to happen in history?
Factually REAL, not conspiracies, or made up stuff. REAL historical facts.

Dinosaur extinction?
The Plague/Black Death?
World War?
The Inquisition?
Columbia shuttle?



Natural: Black Plague

Manmade: Holocaust
What is your personal belief of THE WORST thing to happen in history?
Factually REAL, not conspiracies, or made up stuff. REAL historical facts.

Dinosaur extinction?
The Plague/Black Death?
World War?
The Inquisition?
Columbia shuttle?


Marxism. It makes slavery a state mandate, has caused millions to die in planned famines, and always causes widespread poverty. It inspired the existence of fascism, socialism, Nazism and all other regressive idiocy. When you also consider how Soviet central planners attempted to even control regional environments, which led to utter devastation for huge regions in in the former USSR it's baffling that anyone would consider trying to copy what the Bolsheviks did.

Yet we still have bed wetting regressive window licking jabbering retards who vote democrook anyway. These are the assholes who elect imbeciles like John Kerry, Hank Johnson, Bernie, obozo, the potato and Hitlary. They're the worse disease known to man.

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What is your personal belief of THE WORST thing to happen in history?
Factually REAL, not conspiracies, or made up stuff. REAL historical facts.

Dinosaur extinction?
The Plague/Black Death?
World War?
The Inquisition?
Columbia shuttle?



Adam eating the apple that his Old Lady fed him in the Garden.

Mankind's history went downhill from there, once Almighty God found out about it and got pissed off, evicting the couple out of Eden.
What is your personal belief of THE WORST thing to happen in history?
Factually REAL, not conspiracies, or made up stuff. REAL historical facts.

Dinosaur extinction?
The Plague/Black Death?
World War?
The Inquisition?
Columbia shuttle?


political partys,,
That’s why the guillotine was one of the most humane inventions in human history. Much more humane than the chair or lethal injection.

There are certain crimes people have to die for. But a civilized society does it as painlessly and humanely as possible.
Guillotine is not exactly the best and humane way.

Hanging or firing squad is much more humane.
Guillotine is not exactly the best and humane way.

Hanging or firing squad is much more humane.

Guillotine was better than using an axe man. Executioners had to have good aim to do it with 1 blow.

The guillotine made it more of a technical and engineering problem. Keeping the blade sharp, parts lubricated. A different challenge completely.

Hanging has to be done precisely as well. The placement of the rope, as well as the length of the drop which is determined by the executionee's weight. Too short of a drop, and the person dies by strangulation, too long and you could have a decapitation and quite a mess.
Guillotine was better than using an axe man. Executioners had to have good aim to do it with 1 blow.

The guillotine made it more of a technical and engineering problem. Keeping the blade sharp, parts lubricated. A different challenge completely.

Hanging has to be done precisely as well. The placement of the rope, as well as the length of the drop which is determined by the executionee's weight. Too short of a drop, and the person dies by strangulation, too long and you could have a decapitation and quite a mess.
That's why there was medium drop hanging.

Firing squads work too. Preventing cruel and unusual punishment is in The Constitution.

I sure don't want to see anyone suffer when being killed.
Except time.
Aw man; I had this old uncle, and one day he looks at me and sez: "Ya know, I got this thing that's killin' me."

I'm like "Oh no uncle! What's that?"

He says: "It's this thing called "TMB".

I'm like: "Okay, I never heard of that, what's "TMB"?

He sez: "Too Many Birthdays."

He wasn't lyin'. He also had a great sense of humor. :D
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I don’t necessarily agree with all of this, but I had a history teacher who was convinced the worst thing to happen to humans was the initial development of real agriculture that lead to villages and then towns and then currency and then government, etc.

Prior to that humans only worked just enough to feed and clothe and shelter themselves and their family and it was the closest to real equality we ever had or ever will get.

A true meritocracy, where the only thing placing one man above another was who was the better hunter, better fighter, stronger, better at making tools, wiser.

Ever since then, it’s been an endless cycle of small elites and class struggles and people spending most of their lives working for very little that directly benefits themselves.

The most significant loss for the Western world was the loss of paradise. It was a period of time I called the golden age of the steppes. It was the time just after the domestication and development of horseback riding and the use of chariots. The horse made hunting the extensive wild herds of animals so easy there was an overabundance of food. It was a society with no poverty and much leisure time. The Wild herds provided us with everything we needed, and we only had to work a few weeks a year

The reason I can say this is comparative anthropology. The American Indians of the plains had a very similar culture and an easy life; they only had to work a few weeks in the fall and had everything they needed for the entire year.

But, of course, we messed it up. Since food was so plentiful, we had endless numbers of babies and overpopulated the land. As a result, the herds were overhunted, and war developed when tribes fought each other for the same remaining animals. I call it the golden age of the steppes because, comparatively, we have never been that wealthy since. There were no poor people, no crime, and no war.

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