What is the WORST thing in human history?

AKA the holocaust, the Armenian killings, Bangladesh genocides, the mass murders in Dafur, the attemt to wipe out Christians by the Romans, the great Purge, the deaths in the Congo, the hanging of the witches in Salem, the Red Scourge, the murders in our streets.
You don't have exclusivity on inhumanity Marc...
I never stated, nor implied, as much. Thank you.
Trail of Tears

The Inhumanity of Mankind Knows No Bounds.

You can read about the Trail of Tears ... And if you keep reading ...
You'll find out it's the same trail the Native Americans used to transport black slaves less than a decade later.

The Native Americans established their own "black codes" ... Expelled all "freedmen" ... Used slave labor to rebuild their Nations ...
And one of their major means of employment was hunting down escaped slaves ... What they referred to as "rescuing" them.

The Cherokee Nation Slave Revolt of 1846 ... Started when 20 slaves escaped the Cherokee ... And joined up with 15 escaped slaves from the Choctaw.
The slaves got the upper hand at one point and killed two Native American slave hunters ... While they were trying to escape to Mexico.

So ... Around 100 Native Americans from the Cherokee and the Choctaw ... Went and "recused" all those escaped slaves ...
Executed eight of them ... And were successful enough at it they established a Company to "prevent more losses".

Crap ... Joseph "Rich Joe" Vann ... The Cherokee Leader at the time of the Indian Removal Act ...
Took more than 200 slaves with him when he had to go to the Cherokee Nation ...
And used them to build his businesses running steamboats along the major waterways in Tennessee, Ohio, Mississippi and Arkansas.
The Choctaw pretty much managed Louisiana at that time.

Perceptions can mean anything ... But the History doesn't lie ... :thup:

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That’s why the guillotine was one of the most humane inventions in human history. Much more humane than the chair or lethal injection.

There are certain crimes people have to die for. But a civilized society does it as painlessly and humanely as possible.
I kind of disagree with that. There are many accounts of people's severed heads actually turning their eyeballs around in disbelief before succumbing in 10 seconds or so. And they also have to think about the gruesomeness of what is going to happen to them and IF they will actually be aware for some time of what has happened.

However, I do believe a convicted cold-blooded murderer should be instantly removed from the courtroom after conviction and shot in the back of the head, right out back with third party witnesses. No lengthy injections. No fiery electric chair. No gruesome guillotine. Just instant death and removal from the gene pool. Not punishment so much as "disinfecting" the rest of us from their toxic presence in this world. And of course in cases of war and strife, there is not always a perfect method and people WILL suffer...but it should not be anyone's goal to make someone suffer unless it is to teach a lesson that actually improves things.
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That’s why the guillotine was one of the most humane inventions in human history. Much more humane than the chair or lethal injection.

There are certain crimes people have to die for. But a civilized society does it as painlessly and humanely as possible.
Medium-drop hanging is fine. Instant neck break.
The birth of Donald J Trump.

He has done more to divide our society and to undermine this, the greatest country in the history of the world, than any, or all, of our historical enemies combined.

Only time will tell if we will be able to overcome the damage this despicable person has brought upon our nation.
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I would say Marxism. That has killed more people than anything else.

As far as the Plagues in Europe, I would actually say the opposite. True it killed over a hundred million people. But it also made labor so valuable that it broke the back of Feudalism in Europe. It spawned advances in agriculture as there were less people to work the fields. And workers were so valuable that they did not need to stay with harsh lords any longer. They could just leave, and there were others that would take them in as there were no longer enough workers to go around.

The Black Death may have looked bad, but it changed forever the landscape of European society, and brought it on the path to equality.
I would say Marxism. That has killed more people than anything else.

As far as the Plagues in Europe, I would actually say the opposite. True it killed over a hundred million people. But it also made labor so valuable that it broke the back of Feudalism in Europe. It spawned advances in agriculture as there were less people to work the fields. And workers were so valuable that they did not need to stay with harsh lords any longer. They could just leave, and there were others that would take them in as there were no longer enough workers to go around.

The Black Death may have looked bad, but it changed forever the landscape of European society, and brought it on the path to equality.
Heard this somewhere, can't find a source, that the Plague might have been a boon to Guttenberg and his printing press. Paper back then contained rags, more dead people meant a lot more rags, more rags, cheaper paper, and Gutenberg had more material to perfect his system.
As a cause of death for humans, socialism.

Malcom X was a hater:

"Why," Malcolm X said, "only 6 million Jews were killed by Hitler." "Don’t let no Jew get up in your face and make you cry for him." "One hundred million of us were kidnapped and brought to this country -- 100 million. Now everybody’s getting wet-eyed over a handful of Jews . . . What about our hundred million?" Besides, he explained, Jews "brought it on themselves."
The birth of Donald J Trump.

He has done more to divide our society and to undermine this, the greatest country in the history of the world, than any, or all, of our historical enemies combined.

Only time will tell if we will be able to overcome the damage this despicable person has brought upon our nation.

Donald Trump didn't divide the country. The country's been divided at least since Vietnam. He gave voice to those who feel they have been screwed ever since Bill Clinton started deporting good-paying factory jobs overseas.
Donald Trump didn't divide the country. The country's been divided at least since Vietnam. He gave voice to those who feel they have been screwed ever since Bill Clinton started deporting good-paying factory jobs overseas.
I disagree.

Trump has been the single most divisive person in this country's history.

It didn't have to be that way. He had a large number of people who looked up to him. He could have done much to pull our people together. Had he done so, history would have seen him in a much more positive way.
I disagree.

Trump has been the single most divisive person in this country's history.

It didn't have to be that way. He had a large number of people who looked up to him. He could have done much to pull our people together. Had he done so, history would have seen him in a much more positive way.
So was Reagan.
So was Bush Sr.
So was Bush Jr.

Any other bullshit you'd care to post?
Heard this somewhere, can't find a source, that the Plague might have been a boon to Guttenberg and his printing press. Paper back then contained rags, more dead people meant a lot more rags, more rags, cheaper paper, and Gutenberg had more material to perfect his system.

Oh, paper had already been around for centuries in Europe. And even before then, there was a large papyrus industry there. That is what was used prior to the introduction of paper, for documents that did not need to be on parchment or vellum. And I have never heard that claim about rags, and would question it because the standard practice was to burn all clothing of plague victims, as well as most other household goods.


1340 etching of clothing being burned during the plague.

Plus, the invention of the Printing Press was over 100 years later. I can't see stacks of clothing just sitting around for a century waiting for that to be invented.

What started to change is that Guttenberg made his press right as literacy rates in Europe started to rise. Before the Black Death, most place it at around 10-15%. By the time Guttenberg was born, that had risen to between 25-30%. And there were many reasons.

One of the biggest was with the end of feudalism, a "middle class" was finally growing. And many peasants moved to other locations, which caused even more business for scribes when they wanted to send letters to family that did not move to other locations. And this caused literacy to be seen as a key step to moving out of the lower classes. Once the area of clerics and scribes, now literacy was increasing among merchants and even laborers.
I disagree.

Trump has been the single most divisive person in this country's history.

It didn't have to be that way. He had a large number of people who looked up to him. He could have done much to pull our people together. Had he done so, history would have seen him in a much more positive way.

Only if you hate America. If you care about the country then he was one of the best presidents ever.

But, you are an America hating globalist.

So, go piss up a rope.
Only if you hate America. If you care about the country then he was one of the best presidents ever.

But, you are an America hating globalist.

So, go piss up a rope.
Goodnight, Gracie.

It's a waste of time reading the endless stream of garbage you post.

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