What Is Trump's Problem With DeSantis?

It was a republican judge that said the ACA was constitutional (after he allowed the dems to change the word "tax" to penalty. And the GOP, even when they had the majority, still funded the ACA. So when you're whining about the GOP, remember, they could've ended it, but didn't.
Exactly. The entire concept of ACA, as a corporate feeding trough, was first implemented by Romney in Massachusetts. The Democrats merely stole a page from the Republican playbook and beat them to the punch.

Doesn't really matter to me - it was a sellout from the beginning, regardless of which side of the duopoly was calling the shots.
It was a republican judge that said the ACA was constitutional (after he allowed the dems to change the word "tax" to penalty. And the GOP, even when they had the majority, still funded the ACA. So when you're whining about the GOP, remember, they could've ended it, but didn't.

Obama didn't end any wars. Iraq ended the war there on their own. But let's not forget Obama getting us into Syria, thanks to the Hitlery.

That's the problem with you loyalist. Y'all will spin and ignore things that puts the blame on both sides. Cause you only want to blame the other side.
I'm not a republican. I understand the health insurance companies fraud and abuses. They're POS scum suckers, who come between patients and their doctors more than the government ever imagined. BUT every single time they went before congress (before the ACA and after) to get increases to this plans and premiums, both the GOP and the dems approved it.

The left wing and the right wing are connected to the same corrupt bird.
When you make up shit, you make up shit. Republicans voted against the ACA. So the scumsuckers who want the middle class unimployed to be without healthcare, are bag lappers republicans, the same ones who want to cut SS and Medicare now. Btw, where is the gop plan to have better healthcare ? Where ? Still waiting. Everything else is down right stupid. So, you support the invasion of Iraq ? Amazing.
Exactly. The entire concept of ACA, as a corporate feeding trough, was first implemented by Romney in Massachusetts. The Democrats merely stole a page from the Republican playbook and beat them to the punch.

Doesn't really matter to me - it was a sellout from the beginning, regardless of which side of the duopoly was calling the shots.
So what was the gop solution to millions of uninsured ? Die early ? They have NEVER proposed legislation for any healthcare other then, die early.
So what was the gop solution to millions of uninsured ? Die early ? They have NEVER proposed legislation for any healthcare other then, die early.
Hey liar, how does insurance keep you from dying? And, liar, if you have no insurance the hospitals will see you. So...

So what was the gop solution to millions of uninsured ? Die early ? They have NEVER proposed legislation for any healthcare other then, die early.
Right. The Dems beat them to it. If they had, it would have likely looked the same. What's your point?
Right. The Dems beat them to it. If they had, it would have likely looked the same. What's your point?
You heard it. Give us one proposal that repugnants have ever made to give everyone affordable healthcare. One, just one.
They had the presidency and both houses under both Bush and Trump. Guess what they did about affordable healthcare ? Think now.
You heard it. Give us one proposal that repugnants have ever made to give everyone affordable healthcare. One, just one.
What? Why should I do that? Are you assuming I'm a Republican cheerleader or something?
Obama didn't end any wars. Iraq ended the war there on their own. But let's not forget Obama getting us into Syria, thanks to the Hitlery.

Bush did nothing to stop Bin Laden but allow 9/11, create more terrorism then declare getting Bin Laden wasn’t important. What a typical chicken Hawk.
“Shortly after U.S. forces located and killed Osama bin Laden in 2011, Obama announced that the primary objectives of the war had been achieved and that the United States would begin withdrawing its troops from Afghanistan.”
His ego and the fact that he keeps bashing him. Trump OR DeSantis would be a great choice for our country. That's why I'm more pro-DeSantis than pro-Trump any more. DeSantis doesn't have Trump's immaturity.
I'm goin' for the fuddy duddy old guy on this one.
I think DeSantis is younger than me.
Bush did nothing to stop Bin Laden but allow 9/11, create more terrorism then declare getting Bin Laden wasn’t important. What a typical chicken Hawk.
“Shortly after U.S. forces located and killed Osama bin Laden in 2011, Obama announced that the primary objectives of the war had been achieved and that the United States would begin withdrawing its troops from Afghanistan.”

LMAO.. You're actually thinking I'm a W fan? That I'm ever going to side with W? Or Trump? Or 99% of the GOP?
You've lost your party loyalist mind, dude.
LMAO.. You're actually thinking I'm a W fan? That I'm ever going to side with W? Or Trump? Or 99% of the GOP?
You've lost your party loyalist mind, dude.
Most of them have. Partisans are just sports fans. No ideology. No principle. No consistent values. Just their precious "sides".

This country is so fucked.
Hey liar, how does insurance keep you from dying? And, liar, if you have no insurance the hospitals will see you. So...

You aren’t very bright are you ? You are really ignorant aren’t you ? Hospitals are a obliged to give you EMERGENCY care only, then still bill you and then attach your wages if you can’t pay. Look up “emergency care”. ONLY. Your medical illiteracy is staggering.
Who knows what you are.

I know what I am. A fiscal and constitutional conservative. Something that, before Reagan, was admired in this country. Now a days, the loyalist on the left and right, don't have a fucking clue as to what it is. Especially the Trumpbots. And the left label us as Trump supporters, when we don't support Trump or 90% of our elected officials.

You're just brainwashed. Just like the Trumpbots are.
Most of them have. Partisans are just sports fans. No ideology. No principle. No consistent values. Just their precious "sides".

This country is so fucked.
The country is only fucked when it values ideology over facts. Florida repugnant legislation is on the verge of passing eliminating mandatory gun permits so anyone can carry a concealed weapon. . 77% of the people are against it. But that means nothing. They’ll still vote for anyone who says they don’t have to pay state income taxes.
Everyone gets all the shit they deserve when they value ideology over facts.
I know what I am. A fiscal and constitutional conservative. Something that, before Reagan, was admired in this country. Now a days, the loyalist on the left and right, don't have a fucking clue as to what it is. Especially the Trumpbots. And the left label us as Trump supporters, when we don't support Trump or 90% of our elected officials.

You're just brainwashed. Just like the Trumpbots are.
Ha ha
Everyone rides the coattails of Reagan who started the country on the road to fiscal irresponsibility and accepted criminality in government. You‘re exactly who you think you are. Now, some even hide behind calling themselves a libertarian, which is nothing more then a Republican who likes sushi. You’ll still vote for any candidate with an R on his lapel when the general comes around regardless of his criminality. Geesus, you’d vote for Reagan again.
His ego and the fact that he keeps bashing him. Trump OR DeSantis would be a great choice for our country. That's why I'm more pro-DeSantis than pro-Trump any more. DeSantis doesn't have Trump's immaturity.
Does the idiot Loser Trump know he’s losing support ? He really doesn’t plan on winning. He’s just running now to confuse the DOJ in the Fed and all the states he’s tried to fk,over. DeSantes ? Wow.

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