What Is Trump's Problem With DeSantis?

So you don’t believe our own constitution do you......as in PROVIDE for the common defense and PROMOTE the General WELFARE. Yes SFB, the role of Govt IS to provide and promote what individuals can not do for themselves...dweeb. You seem to have this stupid idea that every thing happens because of benevolence and not regulation. You’re a third world chaos promoter
Keep lying ya pos.
Morning Dagosa,

I’m truly interested in hearing where in the Constitution you read that our Federal Governments job is to provide for the people…
Seriously ? Already posted it….the preamble and all through the constitution. Providing services is the number one task of all govs. It’s not local business. The idea you even have to ask is sad. Dial 911.
Nothing at all, FJB. DeSantis is COMPETITION; let the BEST MAN....or WOMAN.....WIN.

Trump is a baptism of fire that shows Ron to be either a Champ or a Pretender. Like you, I consider BOTH to be top shelf, as I do quite a few Republicans. I say enjoy the battles; the REAL ones will be later with DemoKKKrats.

DeSantes isn’t batshit crazy like Trump. Other than that, he’s just another fact denier pos.
Joe hasn't done anything for any class. Neither did Trump. He's the president. Not the chancellor. The government doesn't control the economy or job. The private sector does. And our main battle is trying to keep things afloat after they devalue the currency by pumping trillions of borrowed money into the economy.

I think a lot of folks are sick of all the lying and bashing. But they just can't help themselves. It's like they don't know what else to do. It's normal to them now.
Bullshit! Watch his interview on the Daily Show last night. Joe will go down as one of the greatest presidents in US history. He sees it like I do!! OMG I've never had a president say the same things I say. Now I know why you racist republicans love Trump because he sounds like you.

Biden said his approach is to help the middle class first. Then the rich do well and the poor have a shot. That's it! But of course the rich are going to fight back. Cause inflation, move jobs overseas. There will be some pain but look at how many jobs he passed.

I don't think you realize how great his climate bill is. Or his infrastructure bill. Or strengthening medicare and social security.

In his office he put up FDR and Lincoln. FDR because of all the social programs and how he was a champion to the middle class. In fact the rich called FDR a traitor to his class. And Lincoln because the country has never been more divided.

God Bless Joe Biden and America.
DeSantes isn’t batshit crazy like Trump. Other than that, he’s just another fact denier pos.
Ron is betting that divisive politics is going to win him the white house. WOKE is his top issue. And it's funny the Daily Show last night showed Fox Propoganda lying again or just making shit up. You know the bank that collapsed in Silicon Valley? They and every other right wing propoganda source is saying WOKE is why they collapsed. What a crock of shit.
Ron is betting that divisive politics is going to win him the white house. WOKE is his top issue. And it's funny the Daily Show last night showed Fox Propoganda lying again or just making shit up. You know the bank that collapsed in Silicon Valley? They and every other right wing propoganda source is saying WOKE is why they collapsed. What a crock of shit.
It didn’t work for Trump in the general. DeSantes has a host of batshit crazy ideas. He’ll keep that solid 32%
, the percent of registered repugnants. But that’s it. The independents are the swing vote. Being a successful gov of a red state didn’t work for Jeb. Now, being a dem gov of a red or purple state or a repo gov of a blue state…..now that’s a star on your cap. DeSantes could easily get the old white guy vote for gov in his own state, but lose Fla in a general. They love their Medicare and SS.
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It didn’t work for Trump in the general. DeSantes has a host of batshit crazy ideas. He’ll keep that solid 32%
, the percent of registered repugnants. But that’s it. The independents are the swing vote. Being a successful gov of a red state didn’t work for Jeb. Now, being a dem gov of a red or purple state or a repo gov of a blue state…..now that’s a star on your cap. DeSantes could easily get the old white guy vote for gov in his own state, but lose Fla in a general. They love their Medicare and SS.

My dad originally said he likes him. Because he's a family man. Eventually my dad will learn what a dick he is.

I agree if he wants to fight the culture war I believe too he will lose. If Trump would have pretended to be a bipartisan type president he would have easily won a second term. Hell, he would have won even being divisive if he wasn't such a criminal. DiSantis is a clean slate. He hasn't robbed, cheated, stole from anyone like Trump has. He doesn't have corrupt charities, companies and universities. So a lot of moderates and independents might go with him over Joe if they've bought into the idea that Biden isn't getting the job done.

But he is! He is getting er done! I'm so proud of Joe. And he is able to work with Republicans. He explained it last night. There are insurrectionist, Trumpies in the House and Senate. There is no working with those guys and gals. But the normal Republicans have and will work with Biden.


When Bulldog said.....
I don't particularly like DeSantis, but at least he wasn't caught masturbating in the lounge of Airforce One.

Rest assured, the exact same slurs, smears lies and attacks waged against Trump will be done against DeSantis...IF they can get away with it. My feeling is that DeSantis (unlike Trump) won't tolerate outright defamation and will make an example of enough of them to curtail that defamation.

You do need to ask yourself WHY Trump never took ANY action against it......think hard.
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My dad originally said he likes him. Because he's a family man. Eventually my dad will learn what a dick he is.

I agree if he wants to fight the culture war I believe too he will lose. If Trump would have pretended to be a bipartisan type president he would have easily won a second term. Hell, he would have won even being divisive if he wasn't such a criminal. DiSantis is a clean slate. He hasn't robbed, cheated, stole from anyone like Trump has. He doesn't have corrupt charities, companies and universities. So a lot of moderates and independents might go with him over Joe if they've bought into the idea that Biden isn't getting the job done.

But he is! He is getting er done! I'm so proud of Joe. And he is able to work with Republicans. He explained it last night. There are insurrectionist, Trumpies in the House and Senate. There is no working with those guys and gals. But the normal Republicans have and will work with Biden.

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And in a close 2nd place.............
You know I honestly don't get it. I know that they both love America but Trump seems to be putting Trump first lately and ignoring his signature line of putting America first and DeSantis definitely could get the job done just as well.

What evidence exists to suggest that Grifty loves America?
Who cares? They're both no fucking good. Both of them have signalled to Putin that it's ok to continue to slaughter civilians in Ukraine in their war campaign on that sovereign nation. Now Putin can bide his time in case one of those motherfuckers are elected.

Trump & DeSantis are both rotten to the core.
I do hope Conservatives reading this (and practically every other thread on this forum) realize that these Marxist trolls are here to try and confuse you, break you down and divide you.

They hate you, your family, your country and likely themselves as well.
I do hope Conservatives reading this (and practically every other thread on this forum) realize that these Marxist trolls are here to try and confuse you, break you down and divide you.

They hate you, your family, your country and likely themselves as well.
Such propaganda. Do you know who you sound like? You sound like the KKK guys in Mississippi burning. Calling us commies, marxists, faggots, n words,

You have it ass backward. The rich use social wedge issues to sucker you into voting against your own financial interests. Just look at how the middle class is doing in places like Kentucky. They don't have healthcare or teeth. The only healthcare they have is from Biden. But do they vote Democratic? Nope. Because Republicans and Fox con them with racism, guns, god, gays, social wedge issues got you confused.

You probably went to a public school right? Because most of you are uneducated. You're welcome for the free school. And when you are burned out at 65, don't have any money but can't work anymore, you're welcome for the social security and medicare.

Don't say if we gave you the money you'd have done better in the stock market. BULLSHIT. You would have spent that money and been BROKE in your mid 60's.

If you are rich, good for you. If not, you're a fool for voting GOP. A god damn fool.
You aren’t very bright are you ? You are really ignorant aren’t you ? Hospitals are a obliged to give you EMERGENCY care only, then still bill you and then attach your wages if you can’t pay. Look up “emergency care”. ONLY. Your medical illiteracy is staggering.
So you want all medical expenses paid by the government (socialized medicine) ask the Brits how that is working out for them, how long they have to wait for treatment and why many of them have joined medical co-ops in order to get timely quality care/
It didn’t work for Trump in the general. DeSantes has a host of batshit crazy ideas. He’ll keep that solid 32%
, the percent of registered repugnants. But that’s it. The independents are the swing vote. Being a successful gov of a red state didn’t work for Jeb. Now, being a dem gov of a red or purple state or a repo gov of a blue state…..now that’s a star on your cap. DeSantes could easily get the old white guy vote for gov in his own state, but lose Fla in a general. They love their Medicare and SS.
Trump won the 2020 election, Biden is only sitting in the white house because of a successful coup of the US government, not an election.

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