What Is Trump's Problem With DeSantis?

I just did. Trump said that DeSantis would be disloyal to him if he decided to run next year. What happened to may the best man win since they're in the same party?
Nothing at all, FJB. DeSantis is COMPETITION; let the BEST MAN....or WOMAN.....WIN.

Trump is a baptism of fire that shows Ron to be either a Champ or a Pretender. Like you, I consider BOTH to be top shelf, as I do quite a few Republicans. I say enjoy the battles; the REAL ones will be later with DemoKKKrats.

I just did. Trump said that DeSantis would be disloyal to him if he decided to run next year. What happened to may the best man win since they're in the same party?
It’s comical watchin* all the former Trump Humpers jump ship.
Hmmm...I don't think a winning strategy for POTUS would include "My opponent is a great guy, you should vote for him".....:cool:

No, but he doesn't have to verbally attack him either.
Joe got us out. And because Trump left so few soldiers in Afghanistan, it was tough on the ones he did leave to accomplish that mission.
So you got me all wrong.

I don't think Biden has done everything wrong, just like I don't think Trump did everything wrong. I just disagree with a lot of things both of them did.

Why? Because I'm not a party loyalist. I'm not owned by either side.
I see what Joe is doing I’m not accepting the republicans narrative neither should you. He’s done a lot for the middle class.

And anything I agree with trump I disagree in his methods and style.

Plus I don’t think he truly cared as long as you believe he’s trying. Like the wall. He wanted Mexico to lie and say they’d pay for the wall.
You aren’t very bright are you ? You are really ignorant aren’t you ? Hospitals are a obliged to give you EMERGENCY care only, then still bill you and then attach your wages if you can’t pay. Look up “emergency care”. ONLY. Your medical illiteracy is staggering.
You're full of shit as usual. They have no legal authority to take your wages themselves. Damn you scum are liars.
You heard it. Give us one proposal that repugnants have ever made to give everyone affordable healthcare. One, just one.
They had the presidency and both houses under both Bush and Trump. Guess what they did about affordable healthcare ? Think now.
It's not the governments job to provide for the people, communist liar.
You know I honestly don't get it. I know that they both love America but Trump seems to be putting Trump first lately and ignoring his signature line of putting America first and DeSantis definitely could get the job done just as well.
Trump see DeSantis as an opponent and his tactic against an opponent is to find a nickname for him and slowly destroy any chances of his winning.. Once Trump wins he often changes his views of the Republicans he has insulted.

Does Trump put Trump first? That is like asking if a bear shits in the woods.
I see what Joe is doing I’m not accepting the republicans narrative neither should you. He’s done a lot for the middle class.

And anything I agree with trump I disagree in his methods and style.

Plus I don’t think he truly cared as long as you believe he’s trying. Like the wall. He wanted Mexico to lie and say they’d pay for the wall.

Joe hasn't done anything for any class. Neither did Trump. He's the president. Not the chancellor. The government doesn't control the economy or job. The private sector does. And our main battle is trying to keep things afloat after they devalue the currency by pumping trillions of borrowed money into the economy.

I think a lot of folks are sick of all the lying and bashing. But they just can't help themselves. It's like they don't know what else to do. It's normal to them now.
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Trump see DeSantis as an opponent and his tactic against an opponent is to find a nickname for him and slowly destroy any chances of his winning.. Once Trump wins he often changes his views of the Republicans he has insulted.

Does Trump put Trump first? That is like asking if a bear shits in the woods.

And most of us are getting damn tired of Trumps childishness. If he spent half as much time working as he did golfing and tweeting, he might've gotten something done.
Ha ha
Everyone rides the coattails of Reagan who started the country on the road to fiscal irresponsibility and accepted criminality in government. You‘re exactly who you think you are. Now, some even hide behind calling themselves a libertarian, which is nothing more then a Republican who likes sushi. You’ll still vote for any candidate with an R on his lapel when the general comes around regardless of his criminality. Geesus, you’d vote for Reagan again.

LMAO.. What a moron. You seen the word Reagan and just assumed i'm a Reagan supporter.
Reagan was the FIRST president to spend more than $1 trillion in a term. He increased the debt ceiling 17 times. He gave us 1 tax cut with 4 tax increases. That is not something I support.
You're as bad as the Trumpbot when it comes to defining "fiscal and constitutional conservatism and us actual conservatives. I haven't voted for a republican in the general election since 2012. And that was a write in. In fact I don't remember ever voting for a republican or a democrat in the general election. Except for write in's.

As far as the libertarians go, you're completely off base. Since Bernie Sanders was swindled by the DNC and Hitlery, the LP has been nothing but a bunch of leftist losers, who were more concerned with weirdo trannies, druggies and those on death row. They used to be for fiscal conservatism, but all those Bernie morons infiltrated the LP and screwed it all up.

In short, you don't know what TF you're even talking about. Talking to you, is like talking to a MSM anchor person, who only has conspiracies and propaganda to spew into talking points.

You sir, are brainwashed.
And most of us are getting damn tired of Trumps childishness. If he spent half as much time working as he did golfing and tweeting, he might've gotten something done.
DeSantis is a worker. He does get things accomplished. He’s my governor and he is one damn good governor.
LMAO.. What a moron. You seen the word Reagan and just assumed i'm a Reagan supporter.
Reagan was the FIRST president to spend more than $1 trillion in a term. He increased the debt ceiling 17 times. He gave us 1 tax cut with 4 tax increases. That is not something I support.
You're as bad as the Trumpbot when it comes to defining "fiscal and constitutional conservatism and us actual conservatives. I haven't voted for a republican in the general election since 2012. And that was a write in. In fact I don't remember ever voting for a republican or a democrat in the general election. Except for write in's.

As far as the libertarians go, you're completely off base. Since Bernie Sanders was swindled by the DNC and Hitlery, the LP has been nothing but a bunch of leftist losers, who were more concerned with weirdo trannies, druggies and those on death row. They used to be for fiscal conservatism, but all those Bernie morons infiltrated the LP and screwed it all up.

In short, you don't know what TF you're even talking about. Talking to you, is like talking to a MSM anchor person, who only has conspiracies and propaganda to spew into talking points.

You sir, are brainwashed.
So you like sushi. You’re all over the place trying to find a niche that makes you blameless. Amazing.
LMAO.. What a moron. You seen the word Reagan and just assumed i'm a Reagan supporter.
Reagan was the FIRST president to spend more than $1 trillion in a term. He increased the debt ceiling 17 times. He gave us 1 tax cut with 4 tax increases. That is not something I support.
You're as bad as the Trumpbot when it comes to defining "fiscal and constitutional conservatism and us actual conservatives. I haven't voted for a republican in the general election since 2012. And that was a write in. In fact I don't remember ever voting for a republican or a democrat in the general election. Except for write in's.

As far as the libertarians go, you're completely off base. Since Bernie Sanders was swindled by the DNC and Hitlery, the LP has been nothing but a bunch of leftist losers, who were more concerned with weirdo trannies, druggies and those on death row. They used to be for fiscal conservatism, but all those Bernie morons infiltrated the LP and screwed it all up.

In short, you don't know what TF you're even talking about. Talking to you, is like talking to a MSM anchor person, who only has conspiracies and propaganda to spew into talking points.

You sir, are brainwashed.
It's not the governments job to provide for the people, communist liar.
So you don’t believe our own constitution do you......as in PROVIDE for the common defense and PROMOTE the General WELFARE. Yes SFB, the role of Govt IS to provide and promote what individuals can not do for themselves...dweeb. You seem to have this stupid idea that every thing happens because of benevolence and not regulation. You’re a third world chaos promoter
Really ? So the job of the govt is what ? You need to read the constitution.
Morning Dagosa,

I’m truly interested in hearing where in the Constitution you read that our Federal Governments job is to provide for the people…
“General Welfare Clause
The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States;
Article I, Section 8, Clause 1
There are several phrases in the Constitution that are regularly misrepresented. One of the most common is Congress’s power to provide for the “general welfare” of the United States. So let’s break down that phrase so we can understand it.
GEN’ERAL: Public; common; relating to or comprehending the whole community; as the general interest or safety of a nation.
WELFARE: Exemption from any unusual evil or calamity; the enjoyment of peace and prosperity, or the ordinary blessings of society and civil government; applied to states.
Websters 1828 Dictionary
So, general welfare, when applied to the states, means the exemption from unusual evil or calamity and the enjoyment of peace, prosperity, and blessings of society for the community as a whole. The next logical question should be, “What community?”
Notice the Constitution does not say the general welfare of the people of the United States, nor the general welfare of the States, but of the United States. Today, when we think of the United States, we usually think of a nation broken into 50 subdivisions we call states, but when the Constitution was ratified, we had 13 independent states who joined together and delegated some of their powers to a central government called the United States. This distinction may seem trivial, but it is actually quite important. If the United States is a single government subdivided into smaller units we call states, then Washington rules and your states are really colonies of Washington, not much different than their condition in 1776 under British rule. If, however, we are 50 sovereign states who have delegated some of their power to the union, and if the term United States refers to the union and its central government, then the meaning of the phrase, “The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States” means something different. It means that Congress can collect taxes to pay the debts of the federal government, not those of the states. It means Congress can collect taxes to pay for the defense of the nation as a whole, not the defense of individual states. And most importantly, it means Congress can collect taxes to pay for the general welfare of the United States, not the people or the individual states..


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