What Is Trump's Problem With DeSantis?

Most of that debt was the bailing out Bush for an unfunded war, lowering taxes and then bailing out banks who went bankrupt under his deregulation policies. It’s hilarious. Bush had 8 years to recover from Clinton’s booming economy and turn things around into a disaster, including 9/11. The only reason he isn’t the worse president ever, is the Trump admin of the imbecile revolving door of incompetents.
you are an uniformed brainwashed idiot, your posts here are a waste of time.
Talking points ? You have nothing to dispute facts. Republicans are horrible on the economy. Name one repugnant admin since Eisenhower who didn’t have at least one recession. Name one who didn’t INCREASE the yearly deficit over the previous admin. Name one in recent history other then George Bush Sr who didn’t have criminal indictments and prosecutions. They keep getting worse. Trump is looking at an orange jump suit himself.

The repugnants are trying to have congressional investigations and are failing miserably. Trump is a loser; YOU and all the other MAGAs are a losers.
your left wing indoctrination is complete, all you can do is parrot the talking point lies put in your tiny head by your masters, you are worse than a slave, you are a useful idiot.
you are an uniformed brainwashed idiot, your posts here are a waste of time.
We know you’re brainwashed. It came out in court Fox has been knowingly lying to you. And you’ve been repeating their lies for years. Did you lie knowingly or are you brainwashed?
your left wing indoctrination is complete, all you can do is parrot the talking point lies put in your tiny head by your masters, you are worse than a slave, you are a useful idiot.
You sir are either a liar or the idiot who the liars lie to.
AND the ACA, the wars he kept us is and started.
Wow. The ACA was a DIRECT response to the recession and lost employer based healthcare. More then 80%:eek:f the job loss was the MIDDLE class, not the poor. Dufus repugnants sat on their asses while Obama who without their help at all, passed the ACA to provide insurance for those who lost it as a result of the gop led recession.

The people he helped included REPUBLICANS, MOST of which are from red states. The gop has done NOTHING but try to cut healthcare benefits which mostly serve their own voters. Repugnants were and are still trying to cut it, the a-holes.

The wars ? You mean the ones Bush started and Obama pulled out and replaced with anti terrorist covert and drone selective warfare which save thousands of American lives….yup….Bush and repugnants were no more untested in supporting Clinton or Obama in getting Bin Laden. THEY had to do it on their own. Clinton tried and kept him in the run, as did Obama until he finally got him. Repugs did nothing…the Fking incompetents. 9/11 and recessions are their legacies.
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your left wing indoctrination is complete, all you can do is parrot the talking point lies put in your tiny head by your masters, you are worse than a slave, you are a useful idiot.
Can’t dispute anything troll, can you ?
You know I honestly don't get it. I know that they both love America but Trump seems to be putting Trump first lately and ignoring his signature line of putting America first and DeSantis definitely could get the job done just as well.
Hmmm...I don't think a winning strategy for POTUS would include "My opponent is a great guy, you should vote for him".....:cool:
We know you’re brainwashed. It came out in court Fox has been knowingly lying to you. And you’ve been repeating their lies for years. Did you lie knowingly or are you brainwashed?
Fix News, the institution of lies. They are presently being called up for testimony now, admitting to telling lies for profit. It’s hilarious if it wasn’t so sad how ignorant their listeners ARE.
Fix News, the institution of lies. They are presently being called up for testimony now, admitting to telling lies for profit. It’s hilarious if it wasn’t so sad how ignorant their listeners ARE.
Also this probably means newsmax, rush and all the other con media’s are lying too. They can’t pretend to believe these lies. Let us see their text messages we would find they all coordinate with each other.

Bush also coordinated his lies with Fox propaganda
Also this probably means newsmax, rush and all the other con media’s are lying too. They can’t pretend to believe these lies. Let us see their text messages we would find they all coordinate with each other.

Bush also coordinated his lies with Fox propaganda
Yup, since Fix News came on the scene and decided ideology wasn’t more important then facts.
Fox used to present facts and give both sides equal time. lately they seem to be trying to mimic CNN.
Really ? Fox had a long history of making up shit. The only difference now is, keeping up with Trump and not losing MAGA viewership required more lies at record levels of absurdity. Imagine as incompetent Bush was how many times he would have publicly denounced medical science or his own intel over Russia or denounced a legal election. Never !

But Fix News supported both. Now, you MAGA heads will support DeSantes in all probability. So the incompetence will drop back to Bush levels and absurdity won’t be quite so obvious. Besides, nearly every fking normal republican who is only interested in lining their own pockets, will denounce Trump as many of you are already doing. His lies are breathtakingly unreal.

They all are secretly hoping that democrats will do the job for them and arrest this bullshit, criminal crime lord and regular republicans can get back to destroying the economy and selling guns to criminals and then complain about gun crime. You twerps are so predictable.
every piece of your bullshit has been disputed many times, but its all you have, pathetic little troll
Not by you or anyother repugnant. ….you guys have neither the gonads or the intellect to do anything but troll.
always the same with you libs, you accuse others of doing what you do. hypocrites, every one of you.
Nope. Totally different. You have idols who are criminals, ideas without facts and racism as a fall back. .
Wow. The ACA was a DIRECT response to the recession and lost employer based healthcare. More then 80%:eek:f the job loss was the MIDDLE class, not the poor. Dufus repugnants sat on their asses while Obama who without their help at all, passed the ACA to provide insurance for those who lost it as a result of the gop led recession.

The people he helped included REPUBLICANS, MOST of which are from red states. The gop has done NOTHING but try to cut healthcare benefits which mostly serve their own voters. Repugnants were and are still trying to cut it, the a-holes.

The wars ? You mean the ones Bush started and Obama pulled out and replaced with anti terrorist covert and drone selective warfare which save thousands of American lives….yup….Bush and repugnants were no more untested in supporting Clinton or Obama in getting Bin Laden. THEY had to do it on their own. Clinton tried and kept him in the run, as did Obama until he finally got him. Repugs did nothing…the Fking incompetents. 9/11 and recessions are their legacies.

It was a republican judge that said the ACA was constitutional (after he allowed the dems to change the word "tax" to penalty. And the GOP, even when they had the majority, still funded the ACA. So when you're whining about the GOP, remember, they could've ended it, but didn't.

Obama didn't end any wars. Iraq ended the war there on their own. But let's not forget Obama getting us into Syria, thanks to the Hitlery.

That's the problem with you loyalist. Y'all will spin and ignore things that puts the blame on both sides. Cause you only want to blame the other side.
I'm not a republican. I understand the health insurance companies fraud and abuses. They're POS scum suckers, who come between patients and their doctors more than the government ever imagined. BUT every single time they went before congress (before the ACA and after) to get increases to this plans and premiums, both the GOP and the dems approved it.

The left wing and the right wing are connected to the same corrupt bird.
Uncle Joe got us out and you didn’t like how he did it.

But he did it.

Joe got us out. And because Trump left so few soldiers in Afghanistan, it was tough on the ones he did leave to accomplish that mission.
So you got me all wrong.

I don't think Biden has done everything wrong, just like I don't think Trump did everything wrong. I just disagree with a lot of things both of them did.

Why? Because I'm not a party loyalist. I'm not owned by either side.

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