What Is Trump's Problem With DeSantis?

There's been many many times in my life when I wasn't ready for a child, or was doing some hoe. So I made sure I didn't get them pregnant. My first wife and I decided on two kids, and made sure we only had 2 kids.
This ain't rocket science. It's just pure 100% taking responsibility for our bodies, before we created another body.

All men are created equal and are endowed by their creators to certain unalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
One a child is conceived, it also should be afforded that right. Because not it's not just the moms body. It's the moms body and the babies body.
A human being is still a human being, regardless of it's age, shape or size.

The left cares more about the lives of weirdo trannies who like to parade in front of children, and the lives of druggy thugs, than they do an innocent little baby.

Losers having losers. Point taken. But have any of us created great things that made life better for everyone else? Have any of us created any NASA engineers, scientist that's found a cure for anything? 99% of the kids born in the last 4 centuries are just knuckle draggers like everyone else. But we were afforded that right, by people who were responsible & kind enough to give us a shot.

I lack empathy and sympathy for women who kill their children out of convenience. Absolutely, 100%.

Most of these unwanted children will fill out prisons not job vacancies.
Most of these unwanted children will fill out prisons not job vacancies.

I'm not as concerned about the money as I am life and the chance of having one.

When money trumps life, we're done for.

Why the left doesn't understand this, is a mystery.
I'm not as concerned about the money as I am life and the chance of having one.

When money trumps life, we're done for.

Why the left doesn't understand this, is a mystery.
Because that's the situation you put us in. Back when my parents were young a guy could quit highschool and go find a job that would support a family of 5. Today can Americans do that? Hell, even us college educated people can't afford kids. Kids are expensive!

You create a society that has the majority of middle class people struggling to pay rent and you don't understand money trumps life? FUCK!!!

You arrogant, ignorant, no empathy mother fuckers. Try walking a mile in their shoes then tell us how things look when you aren't on your high horse huh?
I'm not as concerned about the money as I am life and the chance of having one.

When money trumps life, we're done for.

Why the left doesn't understand this, is a mystery.
Joe's trying to fix the middle class

In a statement, Biden called the document “a blue-collar blueprint to rebuild America in a fiscally responsible way that leaves no one behind.”

Republicans have suggested they would balance the federal budget in a decade entirely by slashing spending, without raising taxes or touching popular programs such as Social Security and Medicare — something budget experts consider virtually impossible without draconian cuts to just about every other federal program.

The White House budget would reduce federal deficits by $3 trillion over a decade by raising the marginal tax rate on top earners, pushing the corporate tax rate from 21% to 28%, imposing higher taxes on investment income and stock buybacks, not to mention a new levy on the accumulated wealth of billionaires.
In addition to cutting deficits, the new revenue would afford more spending on families, such as by continuing a subsidy for private health insurance coverage, reinstating a monthly child benefit that Congress put in place during the second half of 2021, and establishing paid family and medical leave for all workers.

epublicans are likely to attack Biden’s proposed tax increases, but an array of public polling testifies to the popularity of Biden’s proposals: A Data for Progress survey found 58% of voters support increasing the tax on stock buybacks, and with just 24% opposed. And a YouGov poll found three-fifths of Americans support a minimum tax on billionaires.

Biden’s budget would shore up Medicare’s finances by raising taxes on the highest earners while giving the program more leverage to lower prescription drug prices. It’s a starkly different approach than one previously offered by Republicans, which involves mostly cuts to benefits.
Even before its release, Republicans panned Biden’s budget document as a partisan exercise, urging the president to negotiate in a bipartisan way to lower the nation’s deficits and help make programs like Medicare and Social Security solvent into the next decade.

Joe's trying to fix the middle class

In a statement, Biden called the document “a blue-collar blueprint to rebuild America in a fiscally responsible way that leaves no one behind.”

Republicans have suggested they would balance the federal budget in a decade entirely by slashing spending, without raising taxes or touching popular programs such as Social Security and Medicare — something budget experts consider virtually impossible without draconian cuts to just about every other federal program.

The White House budget would reduce federal deficits by $3 trillion over a decade by raising the marginal tax rate on top earners, pushing the corporate tax rate from 21% to 28%, imposing higher taxes on investment income and stock buybacks, not to mention a new levy on the accumulated wealth of billionaires.
In addition to cutting deficits, the new revenue would afford more spending on families, such as by continuing a subsidy for private health insurance coverage, reinstating a monthly child benefit that Congress put in place during the second half of 2021, and establishing paid family and medical leave for all workers.

epublicans are likely to attack Biden’s proposed tax increases, but an array of public polling testifies to the popularity of Biden’s proposals: A Data for Progress survey found 58% of voters support increasing the tax on stock buybacks, and with just 24% opposed. And a YouGov poll found three-fifths of Americans support a minimum tax on billionaires.

Biden’s budget would shore up Medicare’s finances by raising taxes on the highest earners while giving the program more leverage to lower prescription drug prices. It’s a starkly different approach than one previously offered by Republicans, which involves mostly cuts to benefits.
Even before its release, Republicans panned Biden’s budget document as a partisan exercise, urging the president to negotiate in a bipartisan way to lower the nation’s deficits and help make programs like Medicare and Social Security solvent into the next decade.

Biden, Trump and the rest of them are just presidents. They don't have the authority to fix the middle class. They don't create jobs, they don't fix economies. They don't dictate to banks or oil companies. They can't lower drug prices. All they can do is write checks to drug companies who then have to reduce the cost to the public.
But we end up paying for those reduced prices when they devalue the currency (inflation) by borrowing the money to pay the drug companies.
This is the part that R & D party loyalist don't understand. They can tinker with the tax code, create or eliminate a few regulations here and there. But they don't control anything.
So in a Trump / DeSantis ticket...

Which would change their residence to another state or forgo the EC votes for Florida? (30 EC votes)

Biden, Trump and the rest of them are just presidents. They don't have the authority to fix the middle class. They don't create jobs, they don't fix economies. They don't dictate to banks or oil companies. They can't lower drug prices. All they can do is write checks to drug companies who then have to reduce the cost to the public.
But we end up paying for those reduced prices when they devalue the currency (inflation) by borrowing the money to pay the drug companies.
This is the part that R & D party loyalist don't understand. They can tinker with the tax code, create or eliminate a few regulations here and there. But they don't control anything.
so what is your solution?
I'm not as concerned about the money as I am life and the chance of having one.

When money trumps life, we're done for.

Why the left doesn't understand this, is a mystery.
This is america. It's capitalism. It's all about and only about having lots n lots of money first and foremost.
Biden, Trump and the rest of them are just presidents. They don't have the authority to fix the middle class. They don't create jobs, they don't fix economies. They don't dictate to banks or oil companies. They can't lower drug prices. All they can do is write checks to drug companies who then have to reduce the cost to the public.
But we end up paying for those reduced prices when they devalue the currency (inflation) by borrowing the money to pay the drug companies.
This is the part that R & D party loyalist don't understand. They can tinker with the tax code, create or eliminate a few regulations here and there. But they don't control anything.
You're blind. Biden has done so much. He knows how to lead in good and bad times.

Boy, you Trumpsters sure do believe Trump, the con man, cares about the middle class. But in office Biden has proven he is for the middle class. Not by building a wall. Fuck we need more immigrants not less today. Tons of jobs going unfilled. You Trumpsters sure do love capitalism until you don't. Sorry but yes President's matter. The only good capitalistic society is a well regulated one. Not a less regulated one. Less regulated means middle class gets fucked and the rich get richer. Are you part of the investor class?

Republicans are either too religious, too hung up on racist bullshit, or so dumb they've fallen for a reality star/con man like Trump.

Jesus christ we even know Fox things you guys are idiots. They've been lying to you for 23 years now. Wake up!

Yes, good governments regulate commerce if things are out of wack. Corporations and the rich have gotten too greedy and labor has no power. Biden gives labor some power. He implements policies that if corporate America is going to be greedy, then maybe corporate America has to pay higher taxes to fund our social security. If you're going to fuck us for our work lives, at least let us retire at 65. But you mother fuckers argue to raise the retirement age. Raise it on yourselves you dumb fucks! That's a huge tax hike on me if you make me work till I'm 70. Mother fucker!

Sorry you got me worked up.

Trump doubled the number of corporations who now pay zero federal taxes. Yes President's matter.
You're blind. Biden has done so much. He knows how to lead in good and bad times.

Boy, you Trumpsters sure do believe Trump, the con man, cares about the middle class. But in office Biden has proven he is for the middle class. Not by building a wall. Fuck we need more immigrants not less today. Tons of jobs going unfilled. You Trumpsters sure do love capitalism until you don't. Sorry but yes President's matter. The only good capitalistic society is a well regulated one. Not a less regulated one. Less regulated means middle class gets fucked and the rich get richer. Are you part of the investor class?

Republicans are either too religious, too hung up on racist bullshit, or so dumb they've fallen for a reality star/con man like Trump.

Jesus christ we even know Fox things you guys are idiots. They've been lying to you for 23 years now. Wake up!

Yes, good governments regulate commerce if things are out of wack. Corporations and the rich have gotten too greedy and labor has no power. Biden gives labor some power. He implements policies that if corporate America is going to be greedy, then maybe corporate America has to pay higher taxes to fund our social security. If you're going to fuck us for our work lives, at least let us retire at 65. But you mother fuckers argue to raise the retirement age. Raise it on yourselves you dumb fucks! That's a huge tax hike on me if you make me work till I'm 70. Mother fucker!

Sorry you got me worked up.

Trump doubled the number of corporations who now pay zero federal taxes. Yes President's matter.

For the 1,000th time, I'm not a republican and don't like Trump. He's too liberal for me.
so what is your solution?

Who said there is a solution?

Things are where they are and the way they are because those with the money, influence and authority want it to be this way.
For those people, things are exactly the way they're supposed to be.

And all we can do is write about it online and cast some arbitrary vote every 2 years.
If voting worked, they wouldn't let us do it.
And I bet you tell us you didn't like Bush either. You're an honest liar.

You can make the claim that I'm a ___________ supporter all you want. But you're not going to find many posts where I praise Trump, or support him. Because I don't.
If it makes you feel better to lie to yourself, go for it.

P.S. Who TF supports Trump and says they don't, moron? Every Trumpbot I know would wash his balls.

That's the problem with you lefties, y'all as retarded as the Trumpbots.
Same lies, same failed arguments, same bragging about their president. Claiming they're doing or have done so many great things in areas and issues that the president doesn't even have the authority to do anything with.
Like creating jobs or bringing the fuel prices down. No president does either of those things.
Neither Trump or Biden are worth a bucket of piss.

Y'all just brainwashed loyalist.
Who said there is a solution?

Things are where they are and the way they are because those with the money, influence and authority want it to be this way.
For those people, things are exactly the way they're supposed to be.

And all we can do is write about it online and cast some arbitrary vote every 2 years.
If voting worked, they wouldn't let us do it.
so you have given up?????????????????
trump is afraid of "Fair" competition.
trump sees a threat he knows he can't beat, and he will start his misinformation smearing tours.
Hold Rallies full of KKKult members and attack ANY competition.
Get lots of cheers and feel good moments. Trump eats that stuff up.

It's a sign of weakness, except with his base.
trump will most likely always have his base.
And Hillary Clinton handled Barack Obama and Bernie Sanders; how?
You can make the claim that I'm a ___________ supporter all you want. But you're not going to find many posts where I praise Trump, or support him. Because I don't.
If it makes you feel better to lie to yourself, go for it.

P.S. Who TF supports Trump and says they don't, moron? Every Trumpbot I know would wash his balls.

That's the problem with you lefties, y'all as retarded as the Trumpbots.
Same lies, same failed arguments, same bragging about their president. Claiming they're doing or have done so many great things in areas and issues that the president doesn't even have the authority to do anything with.
Like creating jobs or bringing the fuel prices down. No president does either of those things.
Neither Trump or Biden are worth a bucket of piss.

Y'all just brainwashed loyalist.
If you don't vote Republican or Democrat you may as well not vote so you don't matter to me. Your opinions support the right. So I lump you in with them. I don't care if you are a libetarian who's ashamed to admit you vote for Republicans straight up and down the ticket. Don't lie.

Who do you vote for Senate?
State Reps?

Who is this third party who gets all your votes you fucking retarded fool!!!
Give up on what? Something that none of us actually have any control over?

It's their game and their rules.

Rule #1 is "they win."
the founders of our nation had different ideas on that, they were right. We should not cave in to "them" whoever that is. Not all of DC is part of the cabal, we need to support those that are challenging the "game" as you call it.
If you don't vote Republican or Democrat you may as well not vote so you don't matter to me. Your opinions support the right. So I lump you in with them. I don't care if you are a libetarian who's ashamed to admit you vote for Republicans straight up and down the ticket. Don't lie.

Who do you vote for Senate?
State Reps?

Who is this third party who gets all your votes you fucking retarded fool!!!

I'm not a libertarian. I belong to no party. I'm a fiscal conservative. I will vote for fiscal conservatives. I'm not going to vote for these liberals or liberal republicans that we keep getting force fed. It's retarded to think voting is someone's civic duty, when the only choices we have are put forth by party leaders and overly influenced in the MSM.

We are force fed who THEY want. Not who WE want. So I'm simply not playing their game.

When the GOP get's off it's Trump horse and decides to run a fiscal conservative, they'll get my support.

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