What is unconstitutional about what Trump proposes?

Was it unconstitutional when President Jimmy Carter banned Iranians from entering the USA during the hostage crisis?


Banning citizens of a country from entering- whether its from Iran or Cuba or North Korea is perfectly Constitutional

Banning persons based solely upon their religion is not.

Now- can you tell the difference between an Iranian and a Muslim?

You still are not grasping who Carter banned....hint: religion played a part...so did medical necessity

Feel free to fill me in.

I can see that there is embargo on issuing visa's to Iranians but nothing about religion.

It is the same, the majority of Iranians were Muslim. Call it what it is. If it was okay then, why is it not okay now? At least be consistent.
The government cannot discriminate based on religion. It's in the first amendment.
Not when referring to immigration. Hell, those people aren't even CITIZENS.

Trump said he would include Muslim American
He couldn't do anything about citizens, legally. He, with Congress, can stop immigration if they want. They could stop importing jews and homos if they wanted.

What Trump proposes is to ban ALL Muslims from coming into America, including American citizens.

That is unconstitutional because of the first amendment and answers the OP.

End of thread.

I call EXTREME BULLSHIT, show us! Show us where he wants to prevent Americans. SHOW US!
To me he proposes a temporary ban against a potential threat, until the government creates a foolproof solution. What's unconstitutional about that?

This reminds me of those threads that go "What do you consider rich?" where every answer is wrong. If you think banning a religion is constitutional then you just saved me a bunch of time.

Except nobody is proposing a ban on a religion. Do try and keep up.
Anti-American to consider AMERICAN interests? REALLY?

Shitting your pants in fear is not an "American interest".
Who is shitting in their pants?
AGAIN, how is considering America first, 'anti-american'?

You are, clown. You, and all the other diet Nazis goose stepping behind Herr Drumpf.

And yes - betraying the ideals that made this country what it is is desidedly anti-American.
When do you graduate, bro?

It's funny that you should ask, I'll be receiving my PhD within the next year or so.

When are you going to get your GED, clown?

Bet he is getting it in either journalism, (PROPAGANDA) or liberal arts.
To me he proposes a temporary ban against a potential threat, until the government creates a foolproof solution. What's unconstitutional about that?

See.......there you go telling the truth about what Trump actually said........how are all the lefties and establishment republicans going to lie about trump if people like you keep telling what he actually said....?
Emphasis on what he proposes...not what a bunch of shriek ears say he proposes.

Trump's ban on Muslim entry to the U.S. would be unconstitutional, experts say: Donald Trump in the news

Unconstitutional would be locking up American Muslims only because they are Muslim when the US is at war with Muslims in the Middle East. This is what the celebrated Prog FDR did when he locked up Japanese Americans during WW2. FDR is who Obama worships.

Constitutional would be stopping immigration by non-American refugees who could be enemy combatants because they are immigrating from a region at war with the US. This is what Trump wants to do. Trump is who Obama opposes.

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What I don't get is why righties, in particular, are infinitely more outraged by a Muslim killing an American, as opposed to Latin Americans murdering Americans, or the Russian mafia murdering Americans.

I get why they're not worked up about American citizens murdering Americans.....

But between Al Quada, and ISIS, they have now made American self terrorizing pussies, afraid of their own shadows, and turning on everyone with suspicion.

Another hysterical lie.
Truth hurts Mr Fraidy Cat
Muslims are "everyone".... Moron.
Right, and Muslim extremists have you carrying their water by fulfilling their goals. They want you to create a Christian VS Muslim war, and they want you t take out their sh!t on Muslims who don't want that war. They want you to be scared of them. You are all of those.

You're helping the terrorists
If Muslims are discreet and sensible enough to condemn radical Islamic extremism ( so you Libtards believe) then they are smart enough to determine that Trumps temp ban is the prudent thing fo do. Sorry to stump you with logic.
To me he proposes a temporary ban against a potential threat, until the government creates a foolproof solution. What's unconstitutional about that?

This reminds me of those threads that go "What do you consider rich?" where every answer is wrong. If you think banning a religion is constitutional then you just saved me a bunch of time.

who is "banning a religion"?

Ok, banning the people from practicing their religion unless closing Mosques means opening Mosques

First off, unless a mosque is being used to foment insurrection or mayhem, nobody's going to shut it down. Remember, back in the nineties we invaded and murdered a bunch of crazies hiding in a "church". Now, granted, it was mostly white people... sooooo......
Emphasis on what he proposes...not what a bunch of shriek ears say he proposes.

Trump's ban on Muslim entry to the U.S. would be unconstitutional, experts say: Donald Trump in the news
He implied he would not allow American citizens who happen to be Muslim reentry into the country

That part would be unconstitutional

Stopping any Muslim that is not an American citizen would not be unconstitutional since our constitutional protections do not extend to them

And again, I call EXTREME BULLSHIT! Show us where. You are making it out of thin air. Propagandist extraordinaire!
There is nothing in the Constitution that mandates immigration......

Not according to Progs. According to Progs, immigrants are never illegal. That's because in the twisted drug ridden minds of a Prog, all foreigners have a Constitutional right to be Americans.
Emphasis on what he proposes...not what a bunch of shriek ears say he proposes.

Trump's ban on Muslim entry to the U.S. would be unconstitutional, experts say: Donald Trump in the news

Unconstitutional would be locking up American Muslims only because they are Muslim when the US is at war with Muslims in the Middle East. This is what the celebrated Prog FDR did when he locked up Japanese Americans during WW2

Constitutional would be stopping immigration by non-American refugees who could be enemy combatants because they are immigrating from a region at war with the US. This is what Trump wants to do.


Rush pointed this out today....he mentioned that Trump is the only person who has finally managed to get lefties to disown FDR......over his treatment of the Japanese....till trump they were fine with it...
To me he proposes a temporary ban against a potential threat, until the government creates a foolproof solution. What's unconstitutional about that?

This reminds me of those threads that go "What do you consider rich?" where every answer is wrong. If you think banning a religion is constitutional then you just saved me a bunch of time.
What do you care? You're probably an atheist like most liberals who hate religion anyway, so what's your bleeding heart whining about a god that you probably don't think exist and sick of hearing about? I thought this would make you atheist liberals proud to finally get this phony god shut down once and for all hypocrites.
What I don't get is why righties, in particular, are infinitely more outraged by a Muslim killing an American, as opposed to Latin Americans murdering Americans, or the Russian mafia murdering Americans.

I get why they're not worked up about American citizens murdering Americans.....

But between Al Quada, and ISIS, they have now made American self terrorizing pussies, afraid of their own shadows, and turning on everyone with suspicion.

Another hysterical lie.
Truth hurts Mr Fraidy Cat
Muslims are "everyone".... Moron.
Right, and Muslim extremists have you carrying their water by fulfilling their goals. They want you to create a Christian VS Muslim war, and they want you t take out their sh!t on Muslims who don't want that war. They want you to be scared of them. You are all of those.

You're helping the terrorists
If Muslims are discreet and sensible enough to condemn radical Islamic extremism ( so you Libtards believe) then they are smart enough to determine that Trumps temp ban is the prudent thing fo do. Sorry to stump you with logic.
I'm not a liberal.

You know nothing about Muslims in the countries where they are a problem, and if you did, you'd understand why they shouldn't be asked to endanger their families to protect American interests.

Trump's policies sound good to reactionary and completely removed, mullet wearing, knuckle dragging malcontents who believe the man that's elected will change their lives
Emphasis on what he proposes...not what a bunch of shriek ears say he proposes.

Trump's ban on Muslim entry to the U.S. would be unconstitutional, experts say: Donald Trump in the news

Did you not read the article you posted?

"I believe Trump's unprecedented proposal would violate our Constitution," said Harvard Law Professor Laurence Tribe. "Both the First Amendment's Religion Clauses and the equality dimension of the Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment." Tribe, a constitutional law expert, said Trump's proposal also conflicts with the Constitution's general prohibition on religious tests outside of the immigration context. "It would also conflict with the spirit of the No Religious Test Clause of Article VI," Tribe told MSNBC Monday evening. Beyond the law, Tribe said it was also notable that using religious discrimination for immigration would be "impossible to administer" and "stupidly play into the hands of extreme Islamic terrorists:"
Another hysterical lie.
Truth hurts Mr Fraidy Cat
Muslims are "everyone".... Moron.
Right, and Muslim extremists have you carrying their water by fulfilling their goals. They want you to create a Christian VS Muslim war, and they want you t take out their sh!t on Muslims who don't want that war. They want you to be scared of them. You are all of those.

You're helping the terrorists
If Muslims are discreet and sensible enough to condemn radical Islamic extremism ( so you Libtards believe) then they are smart enough to determine that Trumps temp ban is the prudent thing fo do. Sorry to stump you with logic.
I'm not a liberal.

You know nothing about Muslims in the countries where they are a problem, and if you did, you'd understand why they shouldn't be asked to endanger their families to protect American interests.

Trump's policies sound good to reactionary and completely removed, mullet wearing, knuckle dragging malcontents who believe the man that's elected will change their lives

Unlike the "Hope and Change" voters?

Emphasis on what he proposes...not what a bunch of shriek ears say he proposes.

Trump's ban on Muslim entry to the U.S. would be unconstitutional, experts say: Donald Trump in the news

Did you not read the article you posted?

"I believe Trump's unprecedented proposal would violate our Constitution," said Harvard Law Professor Laurence Tribe. "Both the First Amendment's Religion Clauses and the equality dimension of the Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment." Tribe, a constitutional law expert, said Trump's proposal also conflicts with the Constitution's general prohibition on religious tests outside of the immigration context. "It would also conflict with the spirit of the No Religious Test Clause of Article VI," Tribe told MSNBC Monday evening. Beyond the law, Tribe said it was also notable that using religious discrimination for immigration would be "impossible to administer" and "stupidly play into the hands of extreme Islamic terrorists:"

And another racist far left drone troll shows their true colors as the condemn Trump, but see FDR and Carter as hero's..

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