What is unconstitutional about what Trump proposes?

FDR lied the US into WWII
FDR attacked a country that did not attack the US
FDR locked up Japanese Americans to vet them through a loyal program..

FDR create the welfare state
FDR created the Military Industrial Complex

Best list I've seen of why The Democrat Party so loved Rooseveldt but it does call into question why they're not head-over-heels behind Trump......

Maybe Mrs. Rodham-Clinton/Lewinsky can do it better?

That means we have to terminate all diplomatic relations with all Muslim countries, or with any country that has Muslims in its diplomatic corps.

That would include all of the Muslim countries that are currently fighting ISIS.

No it doesn't. You're an imbecile. Japan doesn't allow Muslims to Immigrate. Does it have diplomatic relations with Muslim countries?
Islam is not only a religion. It is a political system that calls itself a religion. Political ideologies are not constitutionally protected.

If nazism was a religion would we be obligated to import nazis by the thousands?
The DemoRAT Taliban has arrived.....

  • 'Kill Trump': Enraged left calls for assassination
    WND ^ | 8 Dec 2015 | Douglas Ernst
    Donald Trump's online critics have proposed an alternative to his anti-terrorism policies: Assassinate him instead. Secret Service agents assigned to protect Trump since Nov. 11 may be working overtime in the wake of his comments on halting Muslim immigration into the U.S. A slew of death threats against the billionaire were tweeted after a campaign stop in South Carolina on Monday.
The DemoRAT Taliban has arrived.....

  • 'Kill Trump': Enraged left calls for assassination
    WND ^ | 8 Dec 2015 | Douglas Ernst
    Donald Trump's online critics have proposed an alternative to his anti-terrorism policies: Assassinate him instead. Secret Service agents assigned to protect Trump since Nov. 11 may be working overtime in the wake of his comments on halting Muslim immigration into the U.S. A slew of death threats against the billionaire were tweeted after a campaign stop in South Carolina on Monday.

The are so sure that Trump is going to lose that they want to kill him.

Yeah, right.
I'll leave the question of constitutionality to the lawyers, but there's no question Trump's plan, and all of you clowns that support it, are reprehensible and anti-American.
Anti-American to consider AMERICAN interests? REALLY?

Shitting your pants in fear is not an "American interest".
Who is shitting in their pants?
AGAIN, how is considering America first, 'anti-american'?
It's not. The anti-Americans are firmly on the left. They want to transform America into something it's not..which is by definition "anti-American". And they are going to call any movement to stop them from doing that anything they have to in order to shut down the dialogue and force people to give in.

And as usual, the left attacks their opponents by accusing them of the very things they are doing themselves.

That means we have to terminate all diplomatic relations with all Muslim countries, or with any country that has Muslims in its diplomatic corps.

That would include all of the Muslim countries that are currently fighting ISIS.
More hysteria.

Why? How would representatives from Muslim countries get in and out of the US if they were banned?

Immigration would be banned, moron, not diplomats. We allowed Soviet diplomats to enter the country all through the cold war. The only time diplomats are excluded is if we are at war with that country.

That means we have to terminate all diplomatic relations with all Muslim countries, or with any country that has Muslims in its diplomatic corps.

That would include all of the Muslim countries that are currently fighting ISIS.
More hysteria.

That means we have to terminate all diplomatic relations with all Muslim countries, or with any country that has Muslims in its diplomatic corps.

That would include all of the Muslim countries that are currently fighting ISIS.
More hysteria.

Why? How would representatives from Muslim countries get in and out of the US if they were banned?
they're not emigrating...just coming to work....and they've been screened....I hope.

That means we have to terminate all diplomatic relations with all Muslim countries, or with any country that has Muslims in its diplomatic corps.

That would include all of the Muslim countries that are currently fighting ISIS.
More hysteria.

Why? How would representatives from Muslim countries get in and out of the US if they were banned?

Immigration would be banned, moron, not diplomats. We allowed Soviet diplomats to enter the country all through the cold war. The only time diplomats are excluded is if we are at war with that country.

So you've been delegated to walk back Trump's remarks?

lol, another good one.

That means we have to terminate all diplomatic relations with all Muslim countries, or with any country that has Muslims in its diplomatic corps.

That would include all of the Muslim countries that are currently fighting ISIS.
More hysteria.

Why? How would representatives from Muslim countries get in and out of the US if they were banned?

Immigration would be banned, moron, not diplomats. We allowed Soviet diplomats to enter the country all through the cold war. The only time diplomats are excluded is if we are at war with that country.

So you've been delegated to walk back Trump's remarks?

lol, another good one.

I'm not "walking back" anything. I'm pointing out that you're a gigantic ignoramus.

That means we have to terminate all diplomatic relations with all Muslim countries, or with any country that has Muslims in its diplomatic corps.

That would include all of the Muslim countries that are currently fighting ISIS.
More hysteria.

Why? How would representatives from Muslim countries get in and out of the US if they were banned?

Another far left talking point!

Instead of the far left press asking Trump for clarification, they just run their religious narrative..
That means we have to terminate all diplomatic relations with all Muslim countries, or with any country that has Muslims in its diplomatic corps.

That would include all of the Muslim countries that are currently fighting ISIS.
More hysteria.

Why? How would representatives from Muslim countries get in and out of the US if they were banned?

Immigration would be banned, moron, not diplomats. We allowed Soviet diplomats to enter the country all through the cold war. The only time diplomats are excluded is if we are at war with that country.

So you've been delegated to walk back Trump's remarks?

lol, another good one.

I'm not "walking back" anything. I'm pointing out that you're a gigantic ignoramus.

All far left left drones are "a gigantic ignoramus"
    The Marshall Report ^ | Dianne Marshall
    America's Usurper, Obama has been supporting his Muslim brothers and violating The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952. On the USCIS web site. In Section 212 Chapter 2, it Prohibits entry into America Aliens belonging to an organization seeking the unlawful overthrow of the federal government of the United States by force, violence and other unconstitutional means. Islamic immigration would be illegal under this law. Why? The Koran, Sharia Law and the Hadith all require complete submission to Islam. To which are against our values and violate the Constitution as it requires them to kill the infidel, which happens to...
The government cannot discriminate based on religion. It's in the first amendment.

They'll do that pretzel logic thing where they'll say targeting certain people isnt discrimination. Followed by questions like "Whats discriminatory about it?".

Actually... granting illegals special privileges of achieving citizenship, over any other overseas immigrant that must endure the long process of achieving their legal right to become Americans as dictated under Federal Immigration law, would be deemed discriminatory.

Irrelevant to the argument.

Trump said he'd ban all Muslims, including Americans, from entering the country.

That's unconstitutional.

But the uneducated who support Trump don't seem to understand this very simple notion.

As I stated earlier. All that's required is to put the Syrian migrants through the same immigration process that ANY immigrant overseas would be required to do under the Federal Immigration Law. They can undergo the very same waiting oeriod, while allowing the government process time to see what it reveals about the candidate desiring citizenship. There is no descrimination in placing them through the same federal system. I know, the idea we could simply have foreign immigrants follow and obey federal immigration laws is just too darn complex of a concept for the "uneducated" to understand.
The government cannot discriminate based on religion. It's in the first amendment.

They'll do that pretzel logic thing where they'll say targeting certain people isnt discrimination. Followed by questions like "Whats discriminatory about it?".

Actually... granting illegals special privileges of achieving citizenship, over any other overseas immigrant that must endure the long process of achieving their legal right to become Americans as dictated under Federal Immigration law, would be deemed discriminatory.

Irrelevant to the argument.

Trump said he'd ban all Muslims, including Americans, from entering the country.

That's unconstitutional.

But the uneducated who support Trump don't seem to understand this very simple notion.

they are either uneducated or have NO respect for the constitution. They have no respect for the Laws that made this country strong ... so they deem themselves "patriots"

One day they diss Obama for being unconstitutional the next day they laud Trump for being unconstitutional.

Trump can run his campaign any way he chooses. Walking on the constitution should automatically end a campaign.

end of story.


1- In 1949 , in order to grandstand for the powerful zionut lobby, Truman dispossessed or made homeless 1,500,000 Palestinians - who with a stroke of a pen became foreigners in their own land

2- The US has given Israhell over $130 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBillion dollars which have been used to perpetrate the Palestinian Holocaust

3- In order to continue to grandstand for the zionut lobby in 1990 the US invaded Iraq where it slaughtered millions of women and children - and remained in that Country for 18 years

4- In 2015 Obama invaded Syria where it has completely destroyed that country forcing the Syrians to become international refugees.


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