What is unconstitutional about what Trump proposes?

To me he proposes a temporary ban against a potential threat, until the government creates a foolproof solution. What's unconstitutional about that?

This reminds me of those threads that go "What do you consider rich?" where every answer is wrong. If you think banning a religion is constitutional then you just saved me a bunch of time.

who is "banning a religion"?

Ok, banning the people from practicing their religion unless closing Mosques means opening Mosques

closing mosques which have been implicated in the support of terrorism is----
ENTIRELY LEGAL ------- in fact the property can be confiscated

He didnt say "implicated in the support" of anything. But go ahead...this, like the Patriot Act will come back to bite your scared asses. Gave it all up because you want govt to protect you.

protection of the population is the prime function of the government. The Patriot Act does not sare me-------
The government cannot discriminate based on religion. It's in the first amendment.

They'll do that pretzel logic thing where they'll say targeting certain people isnt discrimination. Followed by questions like "Whats discriminatory about it?".
So if someone wants to kill you. You can't target them?

No, if someone wants to kill you, you can't arbitrarily "target" everyone who shares their religion just because you're pissing your pants in fear.
This reminds me of those threads that go "What do you consider rich?" where every answer is wrong. If you think banning a religion is constitutional then you just saved me a bunch of time.

who is "banning a religion"?

Ok, banning the people from practicing their religion unless closing Mosques means opening Mosques

closing mosques which have been implicated in the support of terrorism is----
ENTIRELY LEGAL ------- in fact the property can be confiscated

He didnt say "implicated in the support" of anything. But go ahead...this, like the Patriot Act will come back to bite your scared asses. Gave it all up because you want govt to protect you.

protection of the population is the prime function of the government. The Patriot Act does not sare me-------

Well, its hard to scare the stupid anyway
What I don't get is why righties, in particular, are infinitely more outraged by a Muslim killing an American, as opposed to Latin Americans murdering Americans, or the Russian mafia murdering Americans.

I get why they're not worked up about American citizens murdering Americans.....

But between Al Quada, and ISIS, they have now made American self terrorizing pussies, afraid of their own shadows, and turning on everyone with suspicion.

I'll leave the question of constitutionality to the lawyers, but there's no question Trump's plan, and all of you clowns that support it, are reprehensible and anti-American.
Anti-American to consider AMERICAN interests? REALLY?

Shitting your pants in fear is not an "American interest".
What I don't get is why righties, in particular, are infinitely more outraged by a Muslim killing an American, as opposed to Latin Americans murdering Americans, or the Russian mafia murdering Americans.

I get why they're not worked up about American citizens murdering Americans.....

But between Al Quada, and ISIS, they have now made American self terrorizing pussies, afraid of their own shadows, and turning on everyone with suspicion.

Another hysterical lie.
Look at them....using twisted logic to determine the Constitution is eeehhh, a suggestion.

Only when they are scared tho.....Sounds like the story 1984 all over again
The government cannot discriminate based on religion. It's in the first amendment.

They'll do that pretzel logic thing where they'll say targeting certain people isnt discrimination. Followed by questions like "Whats discriminatory about it?".
So if someone wants to kill you. You can't target them?

No, if someone wants to kill you, you can't arbitrarily "target" everyone who shares their religion just because you're pissing your pants in fear.
More hysteria.
The government cannot discriminate based on religion. It's in the first amendment.
Not when referring to immigration. Hell, those people aren't even CITIZENS.

Trump said he would include Muslim American
He couldn't do anything about citizens, legally. He, with Congress, can stop immigration if they want. They could stop importing jews and homos if they wanted.
What I don't get is why righties, in particular, are infinitely more outraged by a Muslim killing an American, as opposed to Latin Americans murdering Americans, or the Russian mafia murdering Americans.

I get why they're not worked up about American citizens murdering Americans.....

But between Al Quada, and ISIS, they have now made American self terrorizing pussies, afraid of their own shadows, and turning on everyone with suspicion.


FYI, I have been against Third World Immigration well before this particular incident.

We don't need more semi or unskilled workers.

As to being "Afraid" tell it to the dead.

Fear is the rational response to random death.
The government cannot discriminate based on religion. It's in the first amendment.

They'll do that pretzel logic thing where they'll say targeting certain people isnt discrimination. Followed by questions like "Whats discriminatory about it?".
So if someone wants to kill you. You can't target them?

No, if someone wants to kill you, you can't arbitrarily "target" everyone who shares their religion just because you're pissing your pants in fear.

the issue is not "somebody"----the issue is an IDEOLOGY associated with
a policy of terrorism---------just as the ideology of communism was RELATIVELY
banned-----the ideology of ISLAMISM can be banned during the war on Islamic
terrorism. I have yet to encounter anyone supporting a BAN ON ISLAM. The USA is not a shariah cesspit
I'll leave the question of constitutionality to the lawyers, but there's no question Trump's plan, and all of you clowns that support it, are reprehensible and anti-American.
Anti-American to consider AMERICAN interests? REALLY?

Shitting your pants in fear is not an "American interest".
Who is shitting in their pants?
AGAIN, how is considering America first, 'anti-american'?

You are, clown. You, and all the other diet Nazis goose stepping behind Herr Drumpf.

And yes - betraying the ideals that made this country what it is is desidedly anti-American.
Anti-American = people that think about America first
I know you limp wrists like to change meanings of words and phrases but good lord!
The government cannot discriminate based on religion. It's in the first amendment.
Not when referring to immigration. Hell, those people aren't even CITIZENS.

Trump said he would include Muslim American
He couldn't do anything about citizens, legally. He, with Congress, can stop immigration if they want. They could stop importing jews and homos if they wanted.

What Trump proposes is to ban ALL Muslims from coming into America, including American citizens.

That is unconstitutional because of the first amendment and answers the OP.

End of thread.
The government cannot discriminate based on religion. It's in the first amendment.

They'll do that pretzel logic thing where they'll say targeting certain people isnt discrimination. Followed by questions like "Whats discriminatory about it?".
So if someone wants to kill you. You can't target them?

No, if someone wants to kill you, you can't arbitrarily "target" everyone who shares their religion just because you're pissing your pants in fear.
Religion is not the reason they are targeted...radical application of religion is.
The government cannot discriminate based on religion. It's in the first amendment.
Not when referring to immigration. Hell, those people aren't even CITIZENS.

Trump said he would include Muslim American
He couldn't do anything about citizens, legally. He, with Congress, can stop immigration if they want. They could stop importing jews and homos if they wanted.

What Trump proposes to ban ALL Muslims from coming into America, including American citizens.

That is unconstitutional because of the first amendment and answers the OP.

End of thread.
Link or GFY.

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