What Is Up With Willfully Ignorant White People?

You deflected every question I asked. Were you afraid to answer any of them? I dont blame everything on whites fool. I'm just telling you the reality of the situation.

Whites learned to survive here in the states from the NA's. How did you end up owing all the businesses? We know the reason this occurred was because of government sponsored white AA. We know its because of whites penchant for destroying other cultures and pretending they are superior or more civilized because they have to use trickery and murder to accomplish their goals.

You weren't allowed to do anything. You used your guns and disease to accomplish your goals. Everyone knows that.

Those questions are stupid. But I'll play along.

"Take a look at the fortune 500 and tell me who owns those business that hire people?"

Both black and white people own fortune 500 companies.

"Who are the people in congress that make the laws?"

Both black and white people are members of congress that make the laws.

Yes you do blame whites for everything. You are a perpetual victim.

You deny reality.

Whites were surviving long before they met a NA.

Whites own ALL the businesses? Wow that s big ass lie. You sure you don't want to walk that back?

Government has never helped a black business? You might want to research that a little more.

We have a penchant for destroying cultures yet we have created a multi-cultural nation. That makes sense.

I do believe you have gone off the deep end.
I see conveniently forgot to realize I said that whites own the majority. Do you want to try again? This time without deflecting? BTW you didn't create a multicultural society. You needed labor and someone to oppress. Besides short of complete genocide you had no choice.

Whites are the majority, no disagreement there. What's your point?

Yes, whites created or at least allowed for the creation of various cultures in the US.

If you dont get my point you should not have replied to my post. I understand you arent too bright but you should at least have a rudimentary grasp of what you are denying dont you?

Whites didnt create anything. There were people here before you got here. You needed other people to do your work so you were forced to import others. If you simply allowed it then why are there still Blacks here? whites wanted them shipped out of the US.

You first have to make a point before anyone can understand what it is. Hence the question, "what is your point?".

Whites didn't create anything? But you said whites own everything. So we own everything but didn't create anything. Sounds like bullshit to me.

Yes there were people here, illiterate and uncivilized, but present.

Forced to import others? You do know that only a fraction of Americans imported African slaves. The majority of Americans performed their own labor.

Why are blacks still here? Because they chose to stay and we chose to let them. Not only did we let them we gave them the same rights as any white man. They were actually granted the right to vote before white women were.

There may have been some that wanted to ship them out of the US, but I'd argue they were in the minority.
Go back and read my post 3 or 4 times if thats what it takes for you to understand the point. My job is to type. I am not responsible for your lack of comprehension.

Correct whites did not create anything to do with multiculturalism. It happened because they lacked the power to stop it. What does owning anything having to do with the fact that whites are forced to depend on a multicultural society?

Yes forced to import others. You must be a fool if you think the US would be little more than another penal colony of Britains if they didnt import others. They werent up to the task so they had to import people that were hard workers and capable of surviving difficult situations.

Exactly. Blacks are here because they chose to stay. Whites wanted Blacks out of the country. Abe Lincoln even wanted them shipped out. So much for your theory they were allowed to stay.
The massive degree of stupidity in this thread is off the chart!!!!

Congratulations. :thup:
You did that with one post and you are congratulating yourself? :laugh:


Those questions are stupid. But I'll play along.

"Take a look at the fortune 500 and tell me who owns those business that hire people?"

Both black and white people own fortune 500 companies.

"Who are the people in congress that make the laws?"

Both black and white people are members of congress that make the laws.

Yes you do blame whites for everything. You are a perpetual victim.

You deny reality.

Whites were surviving long before they met a NA.

Whites own ALL the businesses? Wow that s big ass lie. You sure you don't want to walk that back?

Government has never helped a black business? You might want to research that a little more.

We have a penchant for destroying cultures yet we have created a multi-cultural nation. That makes sense.

I do believe you have gone off the deep end.
I see conveniently forgot to realize I said that whites own the majority. Do you want to try again? This time without deflecting? BTW you didn't create a multicultural society. You needed labor and someone to oppress. Besides short of complete genocide you had no choice.

Whites are the majority, no disagreement there. What's your point?

Yes, whites created or at least allowed for the creation of various cultures in the US.

If you dont get my point you should not have replied to my post. I understand you arent too bright but you should at least have a rudimentary grasp of what you are denying dont you?

Whites didnt create anything. There were people here before you got here. You needed other people to do your work so you were forced to import others. If you simply allowed it then why are there still Blacks here? whites wanted them shipped out of the US.

You first have to make a point before anyone can understand what it is. Hence the question, "what is your point?".

Whites didn't create anything? But you said whites own everything. So we own everything but didn't create anything. Sounds like bullshit to me.

Yes there were people here, illiterate and uncivilized, but present.

Forced to import others? You do know that only a fraction of Americans imported African slaves. The majority of Americans performed their own labor.

Why are blacks still here? Because they chose to stay and we chose to let them. Not only did we let them we gave them the same rights as any white man. They were actually granted the right to vote before white women were.

There may have been some that wanted to ship them out of the US, but I'd argue they were in the minority.
Go back and read my post 3 or 4 times if thats what it takes for you to understand the point. My job is to type. I am not responsible for your lack of comprehension.

Correct whites did not create anything to do with multiculturalism. It happened because they lacked the power to stop it. What does owning anything having to do with the fact that whites are forced to depend on a multicultural society?

Yes forced to import others. You must be a fool if you think the US would be little more than another penal colony of Britains if they didnt import others. They werent up to the task so they had to import people that were hard workers and capable of surviving difficult situations.

Exactly. Blacks are here because they chose to stay. Whites wanted Blacks out of the country. Abe Lincoln even wanted them shipped out. So much for your theory they were allowed to stay.


You just can't take the fact that white men created this great nation. It must suck to be a perpetual victim. Too bad you can't find any redeeming qualities within your own race.

Yes you were allowed to stay. You should thank us.
White people defending the violence and destruction of our innercities is what I call the real ignorance. Attempting to make these people feel good for this is just wrong! Made even more wrong as 90% of 50% of the murder in this country is black on black.

Not only do we justify this, but we justify blacks remaining Ignorant of reality.
What country do you live in. Where I live, the Black kids and white kids all attend the same schools and share the same teachers. There is no difference in the quality of education. All of it sucks. The schools have about as many Black teachers as white teachers too. That argument won't fly.

Where I'm from they have all black schools and all white schools. My anecdote cancels yours, I guess

Are you from New York - those liberals have created the most racially segregated schools in the nation. Liberals, apparently, are happy to sacrifice the welfare of white children in the South by pushing for desegregation of schools but they're not willing to sacrifice their own children.

Is New York in a different country then?

Bloomberg reports:

New York State’s public schools are the most segregated in the nation, with the most black and Latino students in schools where less than a 10th are white, according to the University of California at Los Angeles.

Almost 30 percent of the state’s schools had fewer than 10 percent white students, and in 11 percent of the schools, fewer than 1 in 100 students are white, according to the report from UCLA’s Civil Rights Project, released today. The study used federal data through 2011.

The uneven distribution of students in New York, which has increased over the past 20 years, is being driven in part by New York City, which has more than a third of the state’s students. More than half of the city’s 32 community school districts are “intensely segregated,” and a majority of charter schools are so-called apartheid schools, with fewer than 1 percent white students, according to the study.​

That's hard to believe. Someone should notify Eric Holder. The government imposed the busing of school kids in Florida. New York should be forced to do the same.

New York is filled with liberals. Their kids never get sacrificed. Only the kids of people in Florida get to enjoy forced diversity.
IF someone is to blame for something liking them or not is irrelevant. My son spilled milk on the table I still love him.

From Savagery. Typically when your weapons are better than anothers and you enslave those people for hundreds of years, that same group that was enslaved, murdered and abused wont do as great as the Slave Masters. I know, weird right?

See point above which is even more confusing...Have white people succeeded over blacks or are they victims of being held back by racist Affirmative Action laws?

Yea what assclaps said is the same as a child spilling a glass of milk.

Blacks aren't victims and once they stop seeing themselves as such the better off they'll be.

Are you talking to me of that guy? He asked questions...if I missed the hate let me know but what I see is you determining that your feelings are valid and that I and Asclepias feelings arent.

Thats the difference between me and you. Both know this is based in feelings the difference is that your feelings are backed up with nothing but more feelings. My feeling of discrimination against blacks is backed up by reality, stats etc.

The only difference is that you dont deny my facts you just determine those facts are for another reason other than discrimination.

I have no idea where you're trying to take this discussion to. Assclaps dislikes whites and it's because he see's us as oppressors and blacks as the victims. It has nothing to do with my feelings. I could care less that he hates or dislikes whites. What I try to illustrate to his dumbass is that he claimed that if it weren't for blacks initially teaching everything to whites, whites would still be in caves. He totally contradicts himself. Saying white man controls everything but the black man taught him everything he knows is about as stupid as it gets and makes no sense.

Slavery is over and has been for a long time. Move on already!

I have no idea why you keep talking to me about Asclepias and what you think his feelings are.

Also I answer this same question last page. They advanced by engaging in savagery. The slave master is ahead of the slave...shocker

I was talking to assclaps when you jumped into the fray.

Blacks were also slave masters.....double shocker.

And a pig flew once but we arent talking about the minority. But then you know that
White people defending the violence and destruction of our innercities is what I call the real ignorance. Attempting to make these people feel good for this is just wrong! Made even more wrong as 90% of 50% of the murder in this country is black on black.

Not only do we justify this, but we justify blacks remaining Ignorant of reality.

You're more worried about black on black crime than white on white....why?
I do not think that white people face more racism than black people, and yes I do feel bad that some black people have experienced that. I just simply don't believe that most white people are racist, and that there always going to be clowns among us. It's best not to let those people get to you and try to victimize you. I also do not believe that police officers generally are racist, like many here and elsewhere would say. I believe that when a police officer pulls his weapons in most instances it IS because he is in fear for his life or the lives of others. Of course all of the instances where police DO shoot and kill an "unarmed black man" are hyped by the media and then you have the Reverend Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton who just love a good opportunity to remind black people that they are victims of white people to keep the hate alive. :cuckoo: It's insanity, IMO.

MOST white people living in America today have never owned a slave, nor are they descended from people who owned slaves. Most white people who live in America today are the products of immigrants who came around the time slavery was ending or just afterwards. Also, it was only super rich people who owned slaves.
Yea what assclaps said is the same as a child spilling a glass of milk.

Blacks aren't victims and once they stop seeing themselves as such the better off they'll be.

Are you talking to me of that guy? He asked questions...if I missed the hate let me know but what I see is you determining that your feelings are valid and that I and Asclepias feelings arent.

Thats the difference between me and you. Both know this is based in feelings the difference is that your feelings are backed up with nothing but more feelings. My feeling of discrimination against blacks is backed up by reality, stats etc.

The only difference is that you dont deny my facts you just determine those facts are for another reason other than discrimination.

I have no idea where you're trying to take this discussion to. Assclaps dislikes whites and it's because he see's us as oppressors and blacks as the victims. It has nothing to do with my feelings. I could care less that he hates or dislikes whites. What I try to illustrate to his dumbass is that he claimed that if it weren't for blacks initially teaching everything to whites, whites would still be in caves. He totally contradicts himself. Saying white man controls everything but the black man taught him everything he knows is about as stupid as it gets and makes no sense.

Slavery is over and has been for a long time. Move on already!

I have no idea why you keep talking to me about Asclepias and what you think his feelings are.

Also I answer this same question last page. They advanced by engaging in savagery. The slave master is ahead of the slave...shocker

I was talking to assclaps when you jumped into the fray.

Blacks were also slave masters.....double shocker.

And a pig flew once but we arent talking about the minority. But then you know that

A pig flew once? You probably believe that.

It's ok to bring up slave masters as long as the color fits your narrative. Got it!
White people defending the violence and destruction of our innercities is what I call the real ignorance. Attempting to make these people feel good for this is just wrong! Made even more wrong as 90% of 50% of the murder in this country is black on black.

Not only do we justify this, but we justify blacks remaining Ignorant of reality.

You're more worried about black on black crime than white on white....why?

Question is, why aren't you worried about it?
I do not think that white people face more racism than black people, and yes I do feel bad that some black people have experienced that. I just simply don't believe that most white people are racist, and that there always going to be clowns among us. It's best not to let those people get to you and try to victimize you. I also do not believe that police officers generally are racist, like many here and elsewhere would say. I believe that when a police officer pulls his weapons in most instances it IS because he is in fear for his life or the lives of others.

Watch this vid start at the 2:30 mark to hear a white persons response and this black guys response. Its perfection.
Watch This Young Black Man Give A Near Perfect Response To A White Male Who s Ignorant About The Systematic Oppression of Black People - Atlanta Blackstar

Of course all of the instances where police DO shoot and kill an "unarmed black man" are hyped by the media and then you have the Reverend Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton who just love a good opportunity to remind black people that they are victims of white people to keep the hate alive. :cuckoo: It's insanity, IMO.

Sorry but you know what reminds me of being victimized by whites. Surprisingly its not Jesse or Al its shooting an unarmed black man. Reality and statistics that remind me. If Jesse and Al never existed do you think those stats would go away? Or do you think that black people would no longer notice reality?

MOST white people living in America today have never owned a slave, nor are they descended from people who owned slaves. Most white people who live in America today are the products of immigrants who came around the time slavery was ending or just afterwards. Also, it was only super rich people who owned slaves.

Again, this is the same the guy in the video was saying. Please watch the response. Its perfect
Watch This Young Black Man Give A Near Perfect Response To A White Male Who s Ignorant About The Systematic Oppression of Black People - Atlanta Blackstar
Are you talking to me of that guy? He asked questions...if I missed the hate let me know but what I see is you determining that your feelings are valid and that I and Asclepias feelings arent.

Thats the difference between me and you. Both know this is based in feelings the difference is that your feelings are backed up with nothing but more feelings. My feeling of discrimination against blacks is backed up by reality, stats etc.

The only difference is that you dont deny my facts you just determine those facts are for another reason other than discrimination.

I have no idea where you're trying to take this discussion to. Assclaps dislikes whites and it's because he see's us as oppressors and blacks as the victims. It has nothing to do with my feelings. I could care less that he hates or dislikes whites. What I try to illustrate to his dumbass is that he claimed that if it weren't for blacks initially teaching everything to whites, whites would still be in caves. He totally contradicts himself. Saying white man controls everything but the black man taught him everything he knows is about as stupid as it gets and makes no sense.

Slavery is over and has been for a long time. Move on already!

I have no idea why you keep talking to me about Asclepias and what you think his feelings are.

Also I answer this same question last page. They advanced by engaging in savagery. The slave master is ahead of the slave...shocker

I was talking to assclaps when you jumped into the fray.

Blacks were also slave masters.....double shocker.

And a pig flew once but we arent talking about the minority. But then you know that

A pig flew once? You probably believe that.

It's ok to bring up slave masters as long as the color fits your narrative. Got it!
Ok there were black slave owners...

Do you think those black slave masters had an head start over their slaves or they were just like the slaves? Please dont go full retard.
White people defending the violence and destruction of our innercities is what I call the real ignorance. Attempting to make these people feel good for this is just wrong! Made even more wrong as 90% of 50% of the murder in this country is black on black.

Not only do we justify this, but we justify blacks remaining Ignorant of reality.

You're more worried about black on black crime than white on white....why?

Question is, why aren't you worried about it?

Because crime to me is bad and skin color doesnt fall into the equation. But for Matthew (and you excusing it apparently) skin color is more important than crime
I do not think that white people face more racism than black people, and yes I do feel bad that some black people have experienced that. I just simply don't believe that most white people are racist, and that there always going to be clowns among us. It's best not to let those people get to you and try to victimize you. I also do not believe that police officers generally are racist, like many here and elsewhere would say. I believe that when a police officer pulls his weapons in most instances it IS because he is in fear for his life or the lives of others.

Watch this vid start at the 2:30 mark to hear a white persons response and this black guys response. Its perfection.
Watch This Young Black Man Give A Near Perfect Response To A White Male Who s Ignorant About The Systematic Oppression of Black People - Atlanta Blackstar

Of course all of the instances where police DO shoot and kill an "unarmed black man" are hyped by the media and then you have the Reverend Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton who just love a good opportunity to remind black people that they are victims of white people to keep the hate alive. :cuckoo: It's insanity, IMO.

Sorry but you know what reminds me of being victimized by whites. Surprisingly its not Jesse or Al its shooting an unarmed black man. Reality and statistics that remind me. If Jesse and Al never existed do you think those stats would go away? Or do you think that black people would no longer notice reality?

MOST white people living in America today have never owned a slave, nor are they descended from people who owned slaves. Most white people who live in America today are the products of immigrants who came around the time slavery was ending or just afterwards. Also, it was only super rich people who owned slaves.

Again, this is the same the guy in the video was saying. Please watch the response. Its perfect
Watch This Young Black Man Give A Near Perfect Response To A White Male Who s Ignorant About The Systematic Oppression of Black People - Atlanta Blackstar

I'll have to watch later. Break time is over. :)
I see conveniently forgot to realize I said that whites own the majority. Do you want to try again? This time without deflecting? BTW you didn't create a multicultural society. You needed labor and someone to oppress. Besides short of complete genocide you had no choice.

Whites are the majority, no disagreement there. What's your point?

Yes, whites created or at least allowed for the creation of various cultures in the US.

If you dont get my point you should not have replied to my post. I understand you arent too bright but you should at least have a rudimentary grasp of what you are denying dont you?

Whites didnt create anything. There were people here before you got here. You needed other people to do your work so you were forced to import others. If you simply allowed it then why are there still Blacks here? whites wanted them shipped out of the US.

You first have to make a point before anyone can understand what it is. Hence the question, "what is your point?".

Whites didn't create anything? But you said whites own everything. So we own everything but didn't create anything. Sounds like bullshit to me.

Yes there were people here, illiterate and uncivilized, but present.

Forced to import others? You do know that only a fraction of Americans imported African slaves. The majority of Americans performed their own labor.

Why are blacks still here? Because they chose to stay and we chose to let them. Not only did we let them we gave them the same rights as any white man. They were actually granted the right to vote before white women were.

There may have been some that wanted to ship them out of the US, but I'd argue they were in the minority.
Go back and read my post 3 or 4 times if thats what it takes for you to understand the point. My job is to type. I am not responsible for your lack of comprehension.

Correct whites did not create anything to do with multiculturalism. It happened because they lacked the power to stop it. What does owning anything having to do with the fact that whites are forced to depend on a multicultural society?

Yes forced to import others. You must be a fool if you think the US would be little more than another penal colony of Britains if they didnt import others. They werent up to the task so they had to import people that were hard workers and capable of surviving difficult situations.

Exactly. Blacks are here because they chose to stay. Whites wanted Blacks out of the country. Abe Lincoln even wanted them shipped out. So much for your theory they were allowed to stay.


You just can't take the fact that white men created this great nation. It must suck to be a perpetual victim. Too bad you can't find any redeeming qualities within your own race.

Yes you were allowed to stay. You should thank us.
Your devolution into retarded madness is amusing. Thanks for playing.
I do not think that white people face more racism than black people, and yes I do feel bad that some black people have experienced that. I just simply don't believe that most white people are racist, and that there always going to be clowns among us. It's best not to let those people get to you and try to victimize you. I also do not believe that police officers generally are racist, like many here and elsewhere would say. I believe that when a police officer pulls his weapons in most instances it IS because he is in fear for his life or the lives of others. Of course all of the instances where police DO shoot and kill an "unarmed black man" are hyped by the media and then you have the Reverend Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton who just love a good opportunity to remind black people that they are victims of white people to keep the hate alive. :cuckoo: It's insanity, IMO.

MOST white people living in America today have never owned a slave, nor are they descended from people who owned slaves. Most white people who live in America today are the products of immigrants who came around the time slavery was ending or just afterwards. Also, it was only super rich people who owned slaves.
Most white people are not racist. You dont have to be racist in order to support racism. You can do that unknowingly which is one of the effects the OP eludes to.

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