What Is Up With Willfully Ignorant White People?

Are you talking to me of that guy? He asked questions...if I missed the hate let me know but what I see is you determining that your feelings are valid and that I and Asclepias feelings arent.

Thats the difference between me and you. Both know this is based in feelings the difference is that your feelings are backed up with nothing but more feelings. My feeling of discrimination against blacks is backed up by reality, stats etc.

The only difference is that you dont deny my facts you just determine those facts are for another reason other than discrimination.

I have no idea where you're trying to take this discussion to. Assclaps dislikes whites and it's because he see's us as oppressors and blacks as the victims. It has nothing to do with my feelings. I could care less that he hates or dislikes whites. What I try to illustrate to his dumbass is that he claimed that if it weren't for blacks initially teaching everything to whites, whites would still be in caves. He totally contradicts himself. Saying white man controls everything but the black man taught him everything he knows is about as stupid as it gets and makes no sense.

Slavery is over and has been for a long time. Move on already!

I have no idea why you keep talking to me about Asclepias and what you think his feelings are.

Also I answer this same question last page. They advanced by engaging in savagery. The slave master is ahead of the slave...shocker

I was talking to assclaps when you jumped into the fray.

Blacks were also slave masters.....double shocker.

And a pig flew once but we arent talking about the minority. But then you know that

A pig flew once? You probably believe that.

It's ok to bring up slave masters as long as the color fits your narrative. Got it!
The mass majority of slave owners were white. Its probably in the figure of 99.9%
I have no idea where you're trying to take this discussion to. Assclaps dislikes whites and it's because he see's us as oppressors and blacks as the victims. It has nothing to do with my feelings. I could care less that he hates or dislikes whites. What I try to illustrate to his dumbass is that he claimed that if it weren't for blacks initially teaching everything to whites, whites would still be in caves. He totally contradicts himself. Saying white man controls everything but the black man taught him everything he knows is about as stupid as it gets and makes no sense.

Slavery is over and has been for a long time. Move on already!

I have no idea why you keep talking to me about Asclepias and what you think his feelings are.

Also I answer this same question last page. They advanced by engaging in savagery. The slave master is ahead of the slave...shocker

I was talking to assclaps when you jumped into the fray.

Blacks were also slave masters.....double shocker.

And a pig flew once but we arent talking about the minority. But then you know that

A pig flew once? You probably believe that.

It's ok to bring up slave masters as long as the color fits your narrative. Got it!
The mass majority of slave owners were white. Its probably in the figure of 99.9%

Nope. In Egypt they were 100% black slave owners. Remember. Egyptians supposedly invented civilization and with it slavery. It all goes back to evil blacks. Sorry. :(
I have no idea why you keep talking to me about Asclepias and what you think his feelings are.

Also I answer this same question last page. They advanced by engaging in savagery. The slave master is ahead of the slave...shocker

I was talking to assclaps when you jumped into the fray.

Blacks were also slave masters.....double shocker.

And a pig flew once but we arent talking about the minority. But then you know that

A pig flew once? You probably believe that.

It's ok to bring up slave masters as long as the color fits your narrative. Got it!
The mass majority of slave owners were white. Its probably in the figure of 99.9%

Nope. In Egypt they were 100% black slave owners. Remember. Egyptians supposedly invented civilization and with it slavery. It all goes back to evil blacks. Sorry. :(

And also remember that that system of slavery was indeed very different than Chattel Slavery here in the US.

Either way we're talking about blacks in the US not ones in Egypt, right?
I have no idea why you keep talking to me about Asclepias and what you think his feelings are.

Also I answer this same question last page. They advanced by engaging in savagery. The slave master is ahead of the slave...shocker

I was talking to assclaps when you jumped into the fray.

Blacks were also slave masters.....double shocker.

And a pig flew once but we arent talking about the minority. But then you know that

A pig flew once? You probably believe that.

It's ok to bring up slave masters as long as the color fits your narrative. Got it!
The mass majority of slave owners were white. Its probably in the figure of 99.9%

Nope. In Egypt they were 100% black slave owners. Remember. Egyptians supposedly invented civilization and with it slavery. It all goes back to evil blacks. Sorry. :(

We are talking about the US retard. Learn to follow the conversation so you dont appear as stupid as you are.
I have no idea where you're trying to take this discussion to. Assclaps dislikes whites and it's because he see's us as oppressors and blacks as the victims. It has nothing to do with my feelings. I could care less that he hates or dislikes whites. What I try to illustrate to his dumbass is that he claimed that if it weren't for blacks initially teaching everything to whites, whites would still be in caves. He totally contradicts himself. Saying white man controls everything but the black man taught him everything he knows is about as stupid as it gets and makes no sense.

Slavery is over and has been for a long time. Move on already!

I have no idea why you keep talking to me about Asclepias and what you think his feelings are.

Also I answer this same question last page. They advanced by engaging in savagery. The slave master is ahead of the slave...shocker

I was talking to assclaps when you jumped into the fray.

Blacks were also slave masters.....double shocker.

And a pig flew once but we arent talking about the minority. But then you know that

A pig flew once? You probably believe that.

It's ok to bring up slave masters as long as the color fits your narrative. Got it!
Ok there were black slave owners...

Do you think those black slave masters had an head start over their slaves or they were just like the slaves? Please dont go full retard.

It stands to reason they would indeed have a head start. They were landowners and had some degree of wealth whereas a common slave did not. But there were some former slaves that did very well for themselves.
I have no idea why you keep talking to me about Asclepias and what you think his feelings are.

Also I answer this same question last page. They advanced by engaging in savagery. The slave master is ahead of the slave...shocker

I was talking to assclaps when you jumped into the fray.

Blacks were also slave masters.....double shocker.

And a pig flew once but we arent talking about the minority. But then you know that

A pig flew once? You probably believe that.

It's ok to bring up slave masters as long as the color fits your narrative. Got it!
Ok there were black slave owners...

Do you think those black slave masters had an head start over their slaves or they were just like the slaves? Please dont go full retard.

It stands to reason they would indeed have a head start. They were landowners and had some degree of wealth whereas a common slave did not. But there were some former slaves that did very well for themselves.

Ok so why when I say whites generally had a head start do you get defensive? Its the truth but for some reason you believe it you just dislike that I say it.

Whether or not I say it...its still the truth
The OP says whites arent aware of problems blacks face. Responses say I'm wrong then admits thats all people everywhere.

I say whites generally had a head start. Responses say I'm wrong then later admit that thats generally true.
I have no idea where you're trying to take this discussion to. Assclaps dislikes whites and it's because he see's us as oppressors and blacks as the victims. It has nothing to do with my feelings. I could care less that he hates or dislikes whites. What I try to illustrate to his dumbass is that he claimed that if it weren't for blacks initially teaching everything to whites, whites would still be in caves. He totally contradicts himself. Saying white man controls everything but the black man taught him everything he knows is about as stupid as it gets and makes no sense.

Slavery is over and has been for a long time. Move on already!

I have no idea why you keep talking to me about Asclepias and what you think his feelings are.

Also I answer this same question last page. They advanced by engaging in savagery. The slave master is ahead of the slave...shocker

I was talking to assclaps when you jumped into the fray.

Blacks were also slave masters.....double shocker.

And a pig flew once but we arent talking about the minority. But then you know that

A pig flew once? You probably believe that.

It's ok to bring up slave masters as long as the color fits your narrative. Got it!
The mass majority of slave owners were white. Its probably in the figure of 99.9%

Just pull a number out of your ass and go with it.

Of the blacks residing in the South, 261,988 were not slaves. Of this number, 10,689 lived in New Orleans. The country's leading African American historian, Duke University professor John Hope Franklin, records that in New Orleans over 3,000 free Negroes owned slaves, or 28 percent of the free Negroes in that city.

This 28 percent is certainly impressive when compared to less than 1.4 percent of all American whites and less than 4.8 percent of southern whites who owned slaves. The statistics show that, when free, blacks disproportionately became slave masters.

Black Slave Owners Civil War Article by Robert M Grooms
White people defending the violence and destruction of our innercities is what I call the real ignorance. Attempting to make these people feel good for this is just wrong! Made even more wrong as 90% of 50% of the murder in this country is black on black.

Not only do we justify this, but we justify blacks remaining Ignorant of reality.

You're more worried about black on black crime than white on white....why?

Question is, why aren't you worried about it?

Because crime to me is bad and skin color doesnt fall into the equation. But for Matthew (and you excusing it apparently) skin color is more important than crime

It's not skin color as much as it is a culture.
I was talking to assclaps when you jumped into the fray.

Blacks were also slave masters.....double shocker.

And a pig flew once but we arent talking about the minority. But then you know that

A pig flew once? You probably believe that.

It's ok to bring up slave masters as long as the color fits your narrative. Got it!
Ok there were black slave owners...

Do you think those black slave masters had an head start over their slaves or they were just like the slaves? Please dont go full retard.

It stands to reason they would indeed have a head start. They were landowners and had some degree of wealth whereas a common slave did not. But there were some former slaves that did very well for themselves.

Ok so why when I say whites generally had a head start do you get defensive? Its the truth but for some reason you believe it you just dislike that I say it.

Whether or not I say it...its still the truth

Your comparing apples to oranges.

It's true that every free man whether he's black or white had a head start over those enslaved. It's true that those of wealth had an edge over those that were poor regardless of skin tone.

What I fail to understand is how the events that happened 150 years ago can be attributed to what is happening today. My theory is that for whatever reason blacks refuse to move on from the past. They seem to think they way Assclapius does and that is that the plight of the black man today is connected to the events of the past and the evil white man.. Forgetting it was the white man that ultimately freed the slaves from bondage.
I have no idea why you keep talking to me about Asclepias and what you think his feelings are.

Also I answer this same question last page. They advanced by engaging in savagery. The slave master is ahead of the slave...shocker

I was talking to assclaps when you jumped into the fray.

Blacks were also slave masters.....double shocker.

And a pig flew once but we arent talking about the minority. But then you know that

A pig flew once? You probably believe that.

It's ok to bring up slave masters as long as the color fits your narrative. Got it!
The mass majority of slave owners were white. Its probably in the figure of 99.9%

Just pull a number out of your ass and go with it.

Of the blacks residing in the South, 261,988 were not slaves. Of this number, 10,689 lived in New Orleans. The country's leading African American historian, Duke University professor John Hope Franklin, records that in New Orleans over 3,000 free Negroes owned slaves, or 28 percent of the free Negroes in that city.

This 28 percent is certainly impressive when compared to less than 1.4 percent of all American whites and less than 4.8 percent of southern whites who owned slaves. The statistics show that, when free, blacks disproportionately became slave masters.

Black Slave Owners Civil War Article by Robert M Grooms
Just pull a deflection out of you ass and hope no one notices. What does that have to do with the 99.9% of slave owners being white?
And a pig flew once but we arent talking about the minority. But then you know that

A pig flew once? You probably believe that.

It's ok to bring up slave masters as long as the color fits your narrative. Got it!
Ok there were black slave owners...

Do you think those black slave masters had an head start over their slaves or they were just like the slaves? Please dont go full retard.

It stands to reason they would indeed have a head start. They were landowners and had some degree of wealth whereas a common slave did not. But there were some former slaves that did very well for themselves.

Ok so why when I say whites generally had a head start do you get defensive? Its the truth but for some reason you believe it you just dislike that I say it.

Whether or not I say it...its still the truth

Your comparing apples to oranges.

It's true that every free man whether he's black or white had a head start over those enslaved. It's true that those of wealth had an edge over those that were poor regardless of skin tone.

What I fail to understand is how the events that happened 150 years ago can be attributed to what is happening today. My theory is that for whatever reason blacks refuse to move on from the past. They seem to think they way Assclapius does and that is that the plight of the black man today is connected to the events of the past and the evil white man.. Forgetting it was the white man that ultimately freed the slaves from bondage.

Build on that understanding displayed in your second paragraph. Take the next step in logical thinking. If the majority of the wealthy an non enslaved had a head start what does that do for their descendants? Now take that a step further. Those descendants have it even better and the descendants of those enlsaved and poor have it the same or worse. Add in that the descendants of the enslaved and poor are still being repressed. Is this making sense to you?
I was talking to assclaps when you jumped into the fray.

Blacks were also slave masters.....double shocker.

And a pig flew once but we arent talking about the minority. But then you know that

A pig flew once? You probably believe that.

It's ok to bring up slave masters as long as the color fits your narrative. Got it!
The mass majority of slave owners were white. Its probably in the figure of 99.9%

Just pull a number out of your ass and go with it.

Of the blacks residing in the South, 261,988 were not slaves. Of this number, 10,689 lived in New Orleans. The country's leading African American historian, Duke University professor John Hope Franklin, records that in New Orleans over 3,000 free Negroes owned slaves, or 28 percent of the free Negroes in that city.

This 28 percent is certainly impressive when compared to less than 1.4 percent of all American whites and less than 4.8 percent of southern whites who owned slaves. The statistics show that, when free, blacks disproportionately became slave masters.

Black Slave Owners Civil War Article by Robert M Grooms
Just pull a deflection out of you ass and hope no one notices. What does that have to do with the 99.9% of slave owners being white?

Nothing. But your 99.9% number means nothing also.
And a pig flew once but we arent talking about the minority. But then you know that

A pig flew once? You probably believe that.

It's ok to bring up slave masters as long as the color fits your narrative. Got it!
The mass majority of slave owners were white. Its probably in the figure of 99.9%

Just pull a number out of your ass and go with it.

Of the blacks residing in the South, 261,988 were not slaves. Of this number, 10,689 lived in New Orleans. The country's leading African American historian, Duke University professor John Hope Franklin, records that in New Orleans over 3,000 free Negroes owned slaves, or 28 percent of the free Negroes in that city.

This 28 percent is certainly impressive when compared to less than 1.4 percent of all American whites and less than 4.8 percent of southern whites who owned slaves. The statistics show that, when free, blacks disproportionately became slave masters.

Black Slave Owners Civil War Article by Robert M Grooms
Just pull a deflection out of you ass and hope no one notices. What does that have to do with the 99.9% of slave owners being white?

Nothing. But your 99.9% number means nothing also.
If it meant nothing why did you deflect then?
A pig flew once? You probably believe that.

It's ok to bring up slave masters as long as the color fits your narrative. Got it!
Ok there were black slave owners...

Do you think those black slave masters had an head start over their slaves or they were just like the slaves? Please dont go full retard.

It stands to reason they would indeed have a head start. They were landowners and had some degree of wealth whereas a common slave did not. But there were some former slaves that did very well for themselves.

Ok so why when I say whites generally had a head start do you get defensive? Its the truth but for some reason you believe it you just dislike that I say it.

Whether or not I say it...its still the truth

Your comparing apples to oranges.

It's true that every free man whether he's black or white had a head start over those enslaved. It's true that those of wealth had an edge over those that were poor regardless of skin tone.

What I fail to understand is how the events that happened 150 years ago can be attributed to what is happening today. My theory is that for whatever reason blacks refuse to move on from the past. They seem to think they way Assclapius does and that is that the plight of the black man today is connected to the events of the past and the evil white man.. Forgetting it was the white man that ultimately freed the slaves from bondage.

Build on that understanding displayed in your second paragraph. Take the next step in logical thinking. If the majority of the wealthy an non enslaved had a head start what does that do for their descendants? Now take that a step further. Those descendants have it even better and the descendants of those enlsaved and poor have it the same or worse. Add in that the descendants of the enslaved and poor are still being repressed. Is this making sense to you?

It does nothing unless they allow it to be a crutch. Which is what most, like yourself has chose to do.

Your argument is silly to begin with.

By the way, if the US was so bad then why didn't the majority of blacks go back to Africa when given the opportunity? The fact that so few availed themselves of the opportunity or heeded the exhortations of Marcus Garvey reflects the reality that descendants of slaves were better off remaining in the US.
A pig flew once? You probably believe that.

It's ok to bring up slave masters as long as the color fits your narrative. Got it!
The mass majority of slave owners were white. Its probably in the figure of 99.9%

Just pull a number out of your ass and go with it.

Of the blacks residing in the South, 261,988 were not slaves. Of this number, 10,689 lived in New Orleans. The country's leading African American historian, Duke University professor John Hope Franklin, records that in New Orleans over 3,000 free Negroes owned slaves, or 28 percent of the free Negroes in that city.

This 28 percent is certainly impressive when compared to less than 1.4 percent of all American whites and less than 4.8 percent of southern whites who owned slaves. The statistics show that, when free, blacks disproportionately became slave masters.

Black Slave Owners Civil War Article by Robert M Grooms
Just pull a deflection out of you ass and hope no one notices. What does that have to do with the 99.9% of slave owners being white?

Nothing. But your 99.9% number means nothing also.
If it meant nothing why did you deflect then?

Dude I called you number bullshit from the start. I showed you verifiable stats that wasn't pulled out of thin air hoping you would do likewise. But I see you're going to stick with your fabricated number regardless.

Stay stuck on stupid.
The mass majority of slave owners were white. Its probably in the figure of 99.9%

Just pull a number out of your ass and go with it.

Of the blacks residing in the South, 261,988 were not slaves. Of this number, 10,689 lived in New Orleans. The country's leading African American historian, Duke University professor John Hope Franklin, records that in New Orleans over 3,000 free Negroes owned slaves, or 28 percent of the free Negroes in that city.

This 28 percent is certainly impressive when compared to less than 1.4 percent of all American whites and less than 4.8 percent of southern whites who owned slaves. The statistics show that, when free, blacks disproportionately became slave masters.

Black Slave Owners Civil War Article by Robert M Grooms
Just pull a deflection out of you ass and hope no one notices. What does that have to do with the 99.9% of slave owners being white?

Nothing. But your 99.9% number means nothing also.
If it meant nothing why did you deflect then?

Dude I called you number bullshit from the start. I showed you verifiable stats that wasn't pulled out of thin air hoping you would do likewise. But I see you're going to stick with your fabricated number regardless.

Stay stuck on stupid.

You showed me a diversion. You showed me Black slave owners in New Orleans which had nada to do with the fact that slave owners were by the vast majority white people here in the states. Your admission that you deflected is telling. .
Ok there were black slave owners...

Do you think those black slave masters had an head start over their slaves or they were just like the slaves? Please dont go full retard.

It stands to reason they would indeed have a head start. They were landowners and had some degree of wealth whereas a common slave did not. But there were some former slaves that did very well for themselves.

Ok so why when I say whites generally had a head start do you get defensive? Its the truth but for some reason you believe it you just dislike that I say it.

Whether or not I say it...its still the truth

Your comparing apples to oranges.

It's true that every free man whether he's black or white had a head start over those enslaved. It's true that those of wealth had an edge over those that were poor regardless of skin tone.

What I fail to understand is how the events that happened 150 years ago can be attributed to what is happening today. My theory is that for whatever reason blacks refuse to move on from the past. They seem to think they way Assclapius does and that is that the plight of the black man today is connected to the events of the past and the evil white man.. Forgetting it was the white man that ultimately freed the slaves from bondage.

Build on that understanding displayed in your second paragraph. Take the next step in logical thinking. If the majority of the wealthy an non enslaved had a head start what does that do for their descendants? Now take that a step further. Those descendants have it even better and the descendants of those enlsaved and poor have it the same or worse. Add in that the descendants of the enslaved and poor are still being repressed. Is this making sense to you?

It does nothing unless they allow it to be a crutch. Which is what most, like yourself has chose to do.

Your argument is silly to begin with.

By the way, if the US was so bad then why didn't the majority of blacks go back to Africa when given the opportunity? The fact that so few availed themselves of the opportunity or heeded the exhortations of Marcus Garvey reflects the reality that descendants of slaves were better off remaining in the US.
So willful ignorance is again your response and you also tacked on a diversion again?

The majority of Blacks didnt go back to Africa for a couple of reasons ranging from being brainwashed into believing they would be going back to a jungle all the way up to people staying because they felt that they rightfully were owed the privilege of being a US citizen considering they are the ones that built the US into an economic power.
The mass majority of slave owners were white. Its probably in the figure of 99.9%

The first slave owner in the 13 colonies was a black man - sploogy. He started the whole thing.
Hugh Gwyn was not Black. Get your fact straight son or risk being embarrassed. Even if that were true what does that have to do with the majority of slave owners being white?

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