What is with this new word the right likes to use? Snowflakes?

But lets say a woman does cover her face. It isn't illegal and no one has a right to snatch it off. She would have a right to be pissed off if someone snatched an article of her clothing off.

Oh, but it is illegal.

You try walking in a bank with a ski mask covering your face.

Yeah it is banned in banks. But the poster I quoted mentioned malls and grocery stores where it isn't banned.
covering your face so you can't be identified should be illegal everywhere.

That's fine. But until that happens people cannot rip it off of someone.
Right wingers call people snowflakes because they lack empathy for others. If they cannot understand why someone is offended or hurt then they quickly dismiss them as a snowflake.

Muslim woman gets hijab pulled off and she's upset about it , they will call her a snowflake. Hispanic kid gets called a wet back at school and his hurt, he's a snowflake. A woman's boss makes a lewd comment and she sues for sexual harassment, you guessed it she's a snowflake.

Basically if call anyone out on their bigotry you're a snowflake. You should just suck it up and don't speak out against bigotry because otherwise you're snowflake.

Muslim woman gets hijab pulled off and she's upset about it ,

This story was a hoax....you need to catch up....that is why we call you twits snowflakes......you melt at the first sigh of discomfort and melt when faced with the truth.

Louisiana student ‘fabricated’ story of hijab attack, police say

A student at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette fabricated a story that she was attacked and had her hijab rippped off, police said Thursday.

The attack was one of several reported in the wake of Donald Trump’s election victory.

In a press release Thursday afternoon, the Lafayette Police Department said that during the course of their investigation into the woman’s complaint, she “admitted that she fabricated the story about her physical attack as well as the removal of her hijab and wallet by two white males.

You are talking about one incident where some idiot decided to make a story up. Even if 10 Muslim women lie about it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. I have friends who have had hijab pulled off by those basket of deplorables before.

Muslim women getting hijab pulled off isn't something new but it has been increasing over the last few years. It wasn't even this bad after 9/11. But I guess if you never interacted with a Muslim before you wouldn't know this.

Sell it to bob craemer and scott foval...they will like your ingenuity in making up hoaxes....they might even hire you to work for the Democrat national committee....
Cute, but wrong. Snowflakes are college students who can't get their fragile little asses to class and need quite time in their safe space because the election didn't go they wanted.

Colleges delay classes and exams, offer stress-healing therapies after Trump victory

Dems have gotten just what they wanted; a nation of emotionally fragile patsies on various stabilizers/tranquilizers like xanax dependent upon the national dem party for everything. Thankfully there is no war right now; russia or china could walk right over this generation - aptly called "snowflakes" - like they weren't even there.
They've run out of ways to dismiss people and what they say by calling them chicken, pussies, girls, butter cup etc and in recent days it must've been a message put out to call everyone you disagree with a terrorist lover....sorry that was pre 2008.....Oh the new one is "snowflake". Was there a memo? And if there was what compelled you guys to insert a new word into your toolkit all at once?
Trump won, snowflake.....
I haven't heard that word. Why does the left enjoy it's victim status so much?

I think they learned if from the fakestinians, who despite starting every war since like 1908 still manage to garner sympathy from the world media and various low IQ, uneducated portions of the population in the West, no matter how badly they act. I call this the "arafat method," start a war then come running to the UN/West for help sympathy when your enemy starts fighting back.
The PC zealots are fine with safe spaces, trigger warnings and the shutting down of opposing speech, all in an effort to create echo chambers for eager young minds.

This, at a time in the lives of these young people that should be full of stimulating intellectual curiosity, the open debate of ideas, and a constant exposure to opposing thought.

What a terrible, cynical, cowardly, shameless, destructive thing to do to our young people, all in the cause of political advantage.
The PC zealots are fine with safe spaces, trigger warnings and the shutting down of opposing speech, all in an effort to create echo chambers for eager young minds.

This, at a time in the lives of these young people that should be full of intellectual curiosity, the open debate of ideas, and a constant exposure to opposing thought.

What a terrible, cynical, destructive thing to do to our young people, all in the cause of political advantage.
First thing we are going to do is end your tyranny against school children....what you liberals did to them is reprehensible......
The PC zealots are fine with safe spaces, trigger warnings and the shutting down of opposing speech, all in an effort to create echo chambers for eager young minds.

This, at a time in the lives of these young people that should be full of intellectual curiosity, the open debate of ideas, and a constant exposure to opposing thought.

What a terrible, cynical, destructive thing to do to our young people, all in the cause of political advantage.
First thing we are going to do is end your tyranny against school children....what you liberals did to them is reprehensible......
Good gawd, my point went right over your head, completely.
The PC zealots are fine with safe spaces, trigger warnings and the shutting down of opposing speech, all in an effort to create echo chambers for eager young minds.

This, at a time in the lives of these young people that should be full of intellectual curiosity, the open debate of ideas, and a constant exposure to opposing thought.

What a terrible, cynical, destructive thing to do to our young people, all in the cause of political advantage.
First thing we are going to do is end your tyranny against school children....what you liberals did to them is reprehensible......
Good gawd, my point went right over your head, completely.
I saw your safety pin.....:lol:
They've run out of ways to dismiss people and what they say by calling them chicken, pussies, girls, butter cup etc and in recent days it must've been a message put out to call everyone you disagree with a terrorist lover....sorry that was pre 2008.....Oh the new one is "snowflake". Was there a memo? And if there was what compelled you guys to insert a new word into your toolkit all at once?
You're looking for ground zero? I believe it started here in this commentary about OWS. It's the first time I've heard it and it was immediately followed by an explosive resounding among conservatives.

They've run out of ways to dismiss people and what they say by calling them chicken, pussies, girls, butter cup etc and in recent days it must've been a message put out to call everyone you disagree with a terrorist lover....sorry that was pre 2008.....Oh the new one is "snowflake". Was there a memo? And if there was what compelled you guys to insert a new word into your toolkit all at once?
They are essentially men who are anxious about their masculinity. They try to offset that by feminizing [they think this is the greatest put down ] and or using "snowflake" to liken their adversary to something fragile and crystalline that melts easily etc
"I am the kind of Snowflake that is build to last they fuck with me I put my foot up their ass" woooo hooo
Some folks look at Right wingers and see danger .... I look at the wing nuts and I see Barbecue Chicken ...signed "snowflake"
They've run out of ways to dismiss people and what they say by calling them chicken, pussies, girls, butter cup etc and in recent days it must've been a message put out to call everyone you disagree with a terrorist lover....sorry that was pre 2008.....Oh the new one is "snowflake". Was there a memo? And if there was what compelled you guys to insert a new word into your toolkit all at once?

You're better described as a window licker
And you a nazi
Right wingers call people snowflakes because they lack empathy for others. If they cannot understand why someone is offended or hurt then they quickly dismiss them as a snowflake.....
Nice spin, but disagreed. IMO, it's another example of RW "cultural appropriation" from black Americans since it's a common term used by racists to describe white people: The Racial Slur Database
Used in the movie "Bones" for a black man's white woman.

But in this case I think it's short for Snowflake Generation: emotionally weak young people.

Generation Snowflake - Wikipedia
Generation Snowflake, or Snowflake Generation, is a term that refers to young people, typically university or college students, who seek to avoid emotionally charged topics or dissenting ideas and opinions. This may involve support of safe spaces and trigger warnings in the university setting. It has also been used by The Daily Telegraph and GQ writers to refer to Millennials.

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