Zone1 What is "woke?"

Those on the left ban books by Charles Murray, Jared Taylor, and Professor's J. Philippe Rushton and Arthur Jensen. They try to keep Charles Murray and Jared Taylor from speaking on college campuses.
It is true liberals and conservatives have banned books. However, liberal efforts are typically individualized and localized, unlike conservative groups that have expanded into a nationwide movement against many books.

For example Texas Governor Abbott and the republican legislation are working on a bill that will remove 850 books rom all school libraries. Governor DeSantis backed by a republican Florida legislation banned the discussion of any transgender issues in lower grade levels throughout the state.

Consider typical democrat banning. California's response to parent request to ban certain books have resulted in banning those books at a single particular school. In schools in New York requests to ban books have resulted in removing some books from the required or recommend book lists in certain districts but the books remain on shelf.

In the US Congress last year democrats introduced legislation that oppose local book bans. This year in the US House of Representatives, republicans praised Governor Ron Desantis and the republican legislatures for their work ing banning discussion of transgender issues in schools.

Organizations who’ve long tracked book bans nationwide agree that complaints by liberal groups are not comparable to the large wave of conservative book challenges being seen across the country.

How conservative and liberal book bans differ amid rise in literary restrictions
Select excerpts that give details and examples;

America Wake Up to Woke​

Wokeness was envisioned as a new reboot of the coalition of the oppressed.

Those purportedly victimized by traditional America would find "intersectional" solidarity in their victimhood owing to the supposed sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, and other alleged American sins, past and present.

The so-called white male heterosexual victimizing class was collective to be held responsible for their sinful triad of white "rage," "supremacy," and "privilege."

Class considerations became passe. The Duchess of Sussex, and the billionaires Oprah Winfrey and LeBron James, shared grievances against all whites, whether they hailed from Martha's Vineyard or impoverished East Palestine, Ohio.

A bicoastal elite would draft the woke agenda, and the oppressed would follow as ordered.

That top-down blueprint would embrace massive multibillion-dollar reparations to blacks.

In lockstep, all victims would rally around a Green New Deal that mandated high energy costs to discourage the consumption of fossil fuels.

The new transgender canon mandated three sexes. Sex is socially rather than biologically determined. And there is a large, oppressed, and transgender population, which presents the subsequent great civil rights struggle for America.

Historical wokeism lodged a list of grievances against the supposedly flawed American past. Indicting the dead required statues to be toppled. Names had to be changed. Histories were to be rewritten. Even the foundational date of America was to be reconsidered and altered.

Yet, the rainbow fabric of woke is now fraying - and for a variety of reasons.

For one thing, woke took off after the perfect storm of the COVID-19 pandemic, the devastating lockdowns, the 120 days of violent rioting and looting following the death of George Floyd, and years of endemic Trump Derangement Syndrome. Most of those catalysts are waning. Temporarily unhinged Americans are slowly reviving. Millions of the comatose are waking up to normality - and don't recognize their own country.

Two, woke is retrogressive, reactionary, and anti-civilizational. Decriminalizing the legal code, defunding the police, failing to apply norms to the homeless population, and destroying meritocracy have all hollowed out our major cities.
Three, in modern America, class is now a far more accurate metric of oppression than race or gender.
Four, religions also trump race. Hispanic-American Catholics and Middle-Eastern-American Muslims have more in common with so-called white Christians than they do with an atheist, or agnostic woke elite who pushes the lie that the anti-religion Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence are a mere charity group.
Five, wokeism is cannibalistic. Even the children of woke architects with perfect SAT scores and 4.0 grade point averages are being rejected on the basis of their race at their coveted Ivy League schools.
Six, wokeism is a dangerous diversion of American resources.
Our elite work to ban plentiful natural gas, subsidize transgender activism abroad, and lecture on sexual identities in the military. China's elite builds dozens of coal and nuclear plants, and doubles the size of its navy, while preparing to absorb Taiwan.

Americans are rejecting wokeism because they finally are realizing that if they do not, they will not have a civilization left.
It will be somewhere in between the two, and it will either a milder form of leftist social democracy or a strong form of rightwing fascism.
I see woke people as those who maintain that racial differences in average ability do not exist, that they do not matter, or that "Race is only a social construct." Woke people are optimistic about human nature, and human potential.

These are respectable opinions. However, they need to be debated in a polite environment that respects facts that can be documented, and insights and conclusions that follow from these facts.

Unfortunately, woke people rarely submit their opinions to such an environment. Instead, they do what they can to suppress those with whom they disagree. In doing so, they indicate that they privately doubt the opinions they so loudly assert.
It's what I do when my alarm goes off in the morning.
"woke" seems to be bullying it's way,whether wanted or not. I consider it the opposite of MAGA ~MADA = Make America Deplorable Anyway
Woke clearly includes suppressing the anti woke opinions of Charles Murray, Jared Taylor, and Professor's J. Philippe Rushton and Arthur Jensen.

The slogan "Make America great again," resonates with white blue collar workers, for whom "again" was the decade of the 1950's. The 1950's can be seen as The Golden Era of America's White Working Class.

Back then a white man with only a high school degree could get a job that enabled him to afford a home in the suburbs, a car, and to support a wife who did not need to work, and who could stay home with the children.

When Vice President Nixon has his "Kitchen Debate" with Nikita Khrushchev in July 24, 1959, it was in a realistic replica of a kitchen in a home an American factory worker could afford to buy.

The civil rights movement required white blue collar workers to compete economically with blacks. The women's liberation movement required white blue collar workers to compete economically with women. Both of these lowered the market value of what white men with only high school degrees had to offer to employers. The Immigration Reform Act of 1965, which was unpopular with the electorate, had the same effect.

Other factors benefited America's white working class during the 1950's The Second World War destroyed the factories of our trade rivals while leaving ours intact. Those entering the job market had been born during the Great Depression, when the birth rate was low. The U.S. economy was less technological, so marketable job skills were easier to learn.

American manufacturers enjoyed sellers' markets for natural resources and buyers' markets for what the produced. Nevertheless, white blue collar workers enjoyed seller's markets for their labor, so they could demand high wages.

This is why Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump appealed to nostalgia for the 1950's. Nevertheless, these factors cannot be restored. Two factors can be restored, but Republican politicians do not want them to be restored.

First, one third of the work force belonged to labor unions back then. Second, the marginal top tax rate never got below 88%, and was usually higher.
Woke clearly includes suppressing the anti woke opinions of Charles Murray, Jared Taylor, and Professor's J. Philippe Rushton and Arthur Jensen.

The slogan "Make America great again," resonates with white blue collar workers, for whom "again" was the decade of the 1950's. The 1950's can be seen as The Golden Era of America's White Working Class.

Back then a white man with only a high school degree could get a job that enabled him to afford a home in the suburbs, a car, and to support a wife who did not need to work, and who could stay home with the children.

When Vice President Nixon has his "Kitchen Debate" with Nikita Khrushchev in July 24, 1959, it was in a realistic replica of a kitchen in a home an American factory worker could afford to buy.

The civil rights movement required white blue collar workers to compete economically with blacks. The women's liberation movement required white blue collar workers to compete economically with women. Both of these lowered the market value of what white men with only high school degrees had to offer to employers. The Immigration Reform Act of 1965, which was unpopular with the electorate, had the same effect.

Other factors benefited America's white working class during the 1950's The Second World War destroyed the factories of our trade rivals while leaving ours intact. Those entering the job market had been born during the Great Depression, when the birth rate was low. The U.S. economy was less technological, so marketable job skills were easier to learn.

American manufacturers enjoyed sellers' markets for natural resources and buyers' markets for what the produced. Nevertheless, white blue collar workers enjoyed seller's markets for their labor, so they could demand high wages.

This is why Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump appealed to nostalgia for the 1950's. Nevertheless, these factors cannot be restored. Two factors can be restored, but Republican politicians do not want them to be restored.

First, one third of the work force belonged to labor unions back then. Second, the marginal top tax rate never got below 88%, and was usually higher.
What about the harm with LBJ’s “Great Society,” handing out welfare benefits nilly-Willy to single mothers, thereby making the idea of a husband supporting his family superfluous and turning “Uncle Sam” into the husband? It destroyed the black family unit, in particular, to the point where 72% of black newborns are out-of-wedlock, which in turn leads to poverty, and in turn again to crime.

Restore work requirements for everyone with children over age 6 in order to receive welfare. It would help with the labor shortage while instilling a sense of pride in contributing to one’s own support, and ultimately reducing poverty and the associated high crime rate.
What about the harm with LBJ’s “Great Society,” handing out welfare benefits nilly-Willy to single mothers, thereby making the idea of a husband supporting his family superfluous and turning “Uncle Sam” into the husband? It destroyed the black family unit, in particular, to the point where 72% of black newborns are out-of-wedlock, which in turn leads to poverty, and in turn again to crime.

Restore work requirements for everyone with children over age 6 in order to receive welfare. It would help with the labor shortage while instilling a sense of pride in contributing to one’s own support, and ultimately reducing poverty and the associated high crime rate.
I think single mothers with illegitimate children should receive no support from the government at all.
I think single mothers with illegitimate children should receive no support from the government at all.
Yup, and two things would happen:

1) If single, they would live in homes with their own mother, and get a job to support their kids.

2) There would be a lot less illegitimate children, as more would get married. But still, in order to receive welfare, at least one of the couple would have to get a job if there are kids under 6, and once the kids are school age, BOTH parents work.
Select excerpts that give details and examples;

America Wake Up to Woke​

Wokeness was envisioned as a new reboot of the coalition of the oppressed.

Those purportedly victimized by traditional America would find "intersectional" solidarity in their victimhood owing to the supposed sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, and other alleged American sins, past and present.

The so-called white male heterosexual victimizing class was collective to be held responsible for their sinful triad of white "rage," "supremacy," and "privilege."

Class considerations became passe. The Duchess of Sussex, and the billionaires Oprah Winfrey and LeBron James, shared grievances against all whites, whether they hailed from Martha's Vineyard or impoverished East Palestine, Ohio.

A bicoastal elite would draft the woke agenda, and the oppressed would follow as ordered.

That top-down blueprint would embrace massive multibillion-dollar reparations to blacks.

In lockstep, all victims would rally around a Green New Deal that mandated high energy costs to discourage the consumption of fossil fuels.

The new transgender canon mandated three sexes. Sex is socially rather than biologically determined. And there is a large, oppressed, and transgender population, which presents the subsequent great civil rights struggle for America.

Historical wokeism lodged a list of grievances against the supposedly flawed American past. Indicting the dead required statues to be toppled. Names had to be changed. Histories were to be rewritten. Even the foundational date of America was to be reconsidered and altered.

Yet, the rainbow fabric of woke is now fraying - and for a variety of reasons.

For one thing, woke took off after the perfect storm of the COVID-19 pandemic, the devastating lockdowns, the 120 days of violent rioting and looting following the death of George Floyd, and years of endemic Trump Derangement Syndrome. Most of those catalysts are waning. Temporarily unhinged Americans are slowly reviving. Millions of the comatose are waking up to normality - and don't recognize their own country.

Two, woke is retrogressive, reactionary, and anti-civilizational. Decriminalizing the legal code, defunding the police, failing to apply norms to the homeless population, and destroying meritocracy have all hollowed out our major cities.
Three, in modern America, class is now a far more accurate metric of oppression than race or gender.
Four, religions also trump race. Hispanic-American Catholics and Middle-Eastern-American Muslims have more in common with so-called white Christians than they do with an atheist, or agnostic woke elite who pushes the lie that the anti-religion Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence are a mere charity group.
Five, wokeism is cannibalistic. Even the children of woke architects with perfect SAT scores and 4.0 grade point averages are being rejected on the basis of their race at their coveted Ivy League schools.
Six, wokeism is a dangerous diversion of American resources.
Our elite work to ban plentiful natural gas, subsidize transgender activism abroad, and lecture on sexual identities in the military. China's elite builds dozens of coal and nuclear plants, and doubles the size of its navy, while preparing to absorb Taiwan.

Americans are rejecting wokeism because they finally are realizing that if they do not, they will not have a civilization left.
In other words, it is what conservatives hate about America, tolerance and support of LBGTQ, racial minorities, sexual equality, atheism, environmental causes, evolution, mainstream media, and anything else liberals support.
I have no problem with "woke". But I have a big problem with government trying to force it with laws. If we want a more tolerant society, it will take persuasion. Not force.
In other words, it is what conservatives hate about America, tolerance and support of LBGTQ, racial minorities, sexual equality, atheism, environmental causes, evolution, mainstream media, and anything else liberals support.
Woke people demand tolerance while not practicing it. They are known for trying to prevent speakers they disagree with from speaking.
Yup, and two things would happen:

1) If single, they would live in homes with their own mother, and get a job to support their kids.

2) There would be a lot less illegitimate children, as more would get married. But still, in order to receive welfare, at least one of the couple would have to get a job if there are kids under 6, and once the kids are school age, BOTH parents work.
A child should never be referred to as such. The reason for labeling children as illegitimate was to promote persecutions of the child for acts of the parents thus encouraging sex only after marriage. Today this medieval practice is disappearing as it never really worked. Recent estimates show that about 40 percent of births in the United States occur outside of marriage.
A child should never be referred to as such. The reason for labeling children as illegitimate was to promote persecutions of the child for acts of the parents thus encouraging sex only after marriage. Today this medieval practice is disappearing as it never really worked. Recent estimates show that about 40 percent of births in the United States occur outside of marriage.
1) I didn’t say no sex until marriage. However, one should use birth control consistently, thus preventing 99% of unplanned pregnancies. Nothing medieval about that! In the 1 out of 100 cases where a pregnancy results anyway, then the parents need to get married so that together they can at least partially provide for the child If they also expect help from taxpayers.

2) While the overall OOW rate is 40%, it’s something like 25% for whites and a shameful 72% for blacks. This was an intentional move bt LBJ destroy the black family unit and encourage single motherhood by turning the government into the “financial husband.”

We need to stop rewarding behavior that keeps people dependent.
The irony of "woke" is that it's become the epitome of leftist intolerance.
You ever notice how the intolerant, arrogant leftists come up with such flattering names for themselves, that simultaneously insult others who won’t submit to their beliefs? ”Progressive” is another one that comes to mind.

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