What is your background/interest in the Middle East?

Indeed, I am an Israelite.

You're embarrasingly uneducated. No reputation points for you

After the end of the Babylonian exile in the 6th century BCE, Israelites became known as Jews.

Now, even you know :clap2:


And, still no reputation points for the uneducated dunce after 3 years.


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P F Tinmore Rep Power: 0
Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 12,512
"PF Tinmore is off the scale"

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Tinmore,if your local Imam reads your 'amen' yo will have some 'splaining to do.

Not so. Been a baptized Christian for decades.

Baptism is a Jewish ritual that originated in Israel.
Yes, that is correct. I think it has something to do with the "Mikvah" bath Jewish women take after their menustration is complete, to become clean and pure again. It is still practiced by many orthodox and religious Jewish women.
Not so. Been a baptized Christian for decades.

Baptism is a Jewish ritual that originated in Israel.
Yes, that is correct. I think it has something to do with the "Mikvah" bath Jewish women take after their menustration is complete, to become clean and pure again. It is still practiced by many orthodox and religious Jewish women.


After having been "baptised," by the Jewish John The Baptist, Jesus's Jewish beliefs further deepened and set him on his Jewish messianic course.

The Apostle Paul, also a Jew, was instrumental in the eventual split from Judaism that resulted in Christianity establishing its autonomy after his Road To Damascus experience. In many respects, Paul did far more for the advancement of Christianity than Jesus Christ, himself
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