What is your background/interest in the Middle East?

I started a thread in the Feedback section complaining about JStone's endless spamming and abuse - feel free to post a comment there and maybe the Mods will start listening eventually!
Yeah, whatever it takes to stifle free speech, of course. Typical.

Absolutely - the endless spamming of off-topic videos and cartoons, really does stifle free speech - you've nailed it.

Endless whining over your complete inability to debate me due to your total lack of education in Middle East history and current events is not an effective debate technique.

Read and learn: http://www.usmessageboard.com/5286045-post350.html
You know, there's actually a fairly easy way of determining who knows anything about the Middle East - at least if you're honest.

Try this:

Jerusalem aside, think of the 10 towns most associated with the Israel/Palestine conflict: Ramallah, Quneitra, Gilo, Jericho, Amman, Homs, Netanya, Sidon, Nablus and Metullah.

How many could you accurately position on a map?

If the answer is zero - and for s few posters here it would definitely be zero - you have no place telling people anything about this conflict.
Living down here in West by god Virginia, I know a lot of the goings on in the rest of the country without leaving my recliner, believe it or not. And you should remember what I said about the ME connections of a majority of the Jewish/Zionists posters here. They've lost interest in your position. Only took about 3 or 4 of your contributions.
You know, there's actually a fairly easy way of determining who knows anything about the Middle East - at least if you're honest.

Try this:

Jerusalem aside, think of the 10 towns most associated with the Israel/Palestine conflict: Ramallah, Quneitra, Gilo, Jericho, Amman, Homs, Netanya, Sidon, Nablus and Metullah.

How many could you accurately position on a map?

If the answer is zero - and for s few posters here it would definitely be zero - you have no place telling people anything about this conflict.
Living down here in West by god Virginia, I know a lot of the goings on in the rest of the country without leaving my recliner, believe it or not. And you should remember what I said about the ME connections of a majority of the Jewish/Zionists posters here. They've lost interest in your position. Only took about 3 or 4 of your contributions.

Moral of the story: Never bring a pocket knife to a gun fight :Boom2:
I started a thread in the Feedback section complaining about JStone's endless spamming and abuse - feel free to post a comment there and maybe the Mods will start listening eventually!
Yeah, whatever it takes to stifle free speech, of course. Typical.
Absolutely - the endless spamming of off-topic videos and cartoons, really does stifle free speech - you've nailed it.
Damn! Poor mr. P F Tinmore et al.
You know, there's actually a fairly easy way of determining who knows anything about the Middle East - at least if you're honest.

Try this:

Jerusalem aside, think of the 10 towns most associated with the Israel/Palestine conflict: Ramallah, Quneitra, Gilo, Jericho, Amman, Homs, Netanya, Sidon, Nablus and Metullah.

How many could you accurately position on a map?

If the answer is zero - and for s few posters here it would definitely be zero - you have no place telling people anything about this conflict.
Living down here in West by god Virginia, I know a lot of the goings on in the rest of the country without leaving my recliner, believe it or not. And you should remember what I said about the ME connections of a majority of the Jewish/Zionists posters here. They've lost interest in your position. Only took about 3 or 4 of your contributions.

So that's a zero, then.

btw, I think you can get to know the US from your home in the US because you hve access to US media, news, you know people, and you have knowledge from school, but can you get to know Israel from the US? Absolutely not. Understanding this conflict means understanding something of the people, the cultures and places, and that means going there.
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You know, there's actually a fairly easy way of determining who knows anything about the Middle East - at least if you're honest.

Try this:

Jerusalem aside, think of the 10 towns most associated with the Israel/Palestine conflict: Ramallah, Quneitra, Gilo, Jericho, Amman, Homs, Netanya, Sidon, Nablus and Metullah.

How many could you accurately position on a map?

If the answer is zero - and for s few posters here it would definitely be zero - you have no place telling people anything about this conflict.
Living down here in West by god Virginia, I know a lot of the goings on in the rest of the country without leaving my recliner, believe it or not. And you should remember what I said about the ME connections of a majority of the Jewish/Zionists posters here. They've lost interest in your position. Only took about 3 or 4 of your contributions.

So that's a zero, then.

You are a massive zero as demonstrated here: http://www.usmessageboard.com/5286045-post350.html
Unkotare -

I started a thread in the Feedback section complaining about JStone's endless spamming and abuse - feel free to post a comment there and maybe the Mods will start listening eventually!

He is a broken record of bigotry and idiocy.
Unkotare -

I started a thread in the Feedback section complaining about JStone's endless spamming and abuse - feel free to post a comment there and maybe the Mods will start listening eventually!

Reality Check: You whined about being demolished by me over and over and over because you're embarrassingly uneducated on Middle East history and current events in the region. You're an empty vessel.

Go away, troll.
You know, there's actually a fairly easy way of determining who knows anything about the Middle East - at least if you're honest.

Try this:

Jerusalem aside, think of the 10 towns most associated with the Israel/Palestine conflict: Ramallah, Quneitra, Gilo, Jericho, Amman, Homs, Netanya, Sidon, Nablus and Metullah.

How many could you accurately position on a map?

If the answer is zero - and for s few posters here it would definitely be zero - you have no place telling people anything about this conflict.

Dude, Netanya?! NETANYA??

S E R I O U S L Y ?! :lol::lol::lol:
I can read Farsi and Arabic, that doesn't mean I am Iranian or Arab
Bullshit. No way you can read Farsi and not be Iranian (or Afghan). No way you can read Arabic and not be a person of Arabic decent. You're not going to deceive anybody knows enough about that region, and I do, Hezbollah pig boy. I know that it's okay for you guys to lie in the name of Islam to the infidel Kuffar non believers. You made a mistake and disclosed your identity, now live with it Jos the Iranian Mullah kir sucker.
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You know, there's actually a fairly easy way of determining who knows anything about the Middle East - at least if you're honest.

Try this:

Jerusalem aside, think of the 10 towns most associated with the Israel/Palestine conflict: Ramallah, Quneitra, Gilo, Jericho, Amman, Homs, Netanya, Sidon, Nablus and Metullah.

How many could you accurately position on a map?

If the answer is zero - and for s few posters here it would definitely be zero - you have no place telling people anything about this conflict.
Living down here in West by god Virginia, I know a lot of the goings on in the rest of the country without leaving my recliner, believe it or not. And you should remember what I said about the ME connections of a majority of the Jewish/Zionists posters here. They've lost interest in your position. Only took about 3 or 4 of your contributions.

So that's a zero, then.

btw, I think you can get to know the US from your home in the US because you hve access to US media, news, you know people, and you have knowledge from school, but can you get to know Israel from the US? Absolutely not. Understanding this conflict means understanding something of the people, the cultures and places, and that means going there.
I didn't know that! Guess I'll have to book a trip on Christian Tours.I always wanted to see the Pyramids and the covered Bazaar, the Acropolis. I won't be able to sleep tonite. Thanks for the tips!

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