What is your background/interest in the Middle East?

You know, there's actually a fairly easy way of determining who knows anything about the Middle East - at least if you're honest.

Try this:

Jerusalem aside, think of the 10 towns most associated with the Israel/Palestine conflict: Ramallah, Quneitra, Gilo, Jericho, Amman, Homs, Netanya, Sidon, Nablus and Metullah.

How many could you accurately position on a map?

If the answer is zero - and for s few posters here it would definitely be zero - you have no place telling people anything about this conflict.
It is more than obvious to those who do know about the Middle East, that you Saigon are totally ignorant about it. But here's a novel idea for you to chew on: What makes you think anybody with even an ounce of self respect would share their personal background info and life history with an anonymous, ignorant, Islamo terrorist worshipping mentally ill moron called "Saigon"?

Stick the hyphens in there for me, will you, looser?
Its true, once one Pro-Israeli nutcase gets a ban, another one springs up
Its true, once one Pro-Israeli nutcase gets a ban, another one springs up

Why is there a need to ban someone who think otherwise then you, hua?

Or are you one of those Islamo-fascists people who are against freedom of speech?
Its true, once one Pro-Israeli nutcase gets a ban, another one springs up

Why is there a need to ban someone who think otherwise then you, hua?

Or are you one of those Islamo-fascists people who are against freedom of speech?
He thinks this is Iran or some other Islamist shithole where they kill or torture those who have different opinions. You can take a dog out of the circus but you can never take the circus out of the Islamist dog.
Its true, once one Pro-Israeli nutcase gets a ban, another one springs up
What's true, you lying coward, that you can't even admit you're an Iranian Islamist pro Hezbollah piece of Shi'ite? How much whining did you engage in to get Jstone banned?
Unkotare -

I started a thread in the Feedback section complaining about JStone's endless spamming and abuse - feel free to post a comment there and maybe the Mods will start listening eventually!
Well done Saigoon! Stoney's banned (he'll be back) as is Tweezerman.The rest of the Zionists are at your mercy. Soon you'll have nobody to talk to except Jos, Del and Tinmore (snicker)
In my case I promise to be a good boy so please don't hit me no mo' boss. I promise I will be good, Cap'n. Just please don't hit me no mo'. You knows I don't know nuthin' 'bout no middleast.I never heard nuthin' 'bout no midlleast and I don't keer nuthin' 'bout no middleast. The plain fack is I never herd of no middleast til you brought it up. I jes like to talk like I know things to impress the Joos. I'm on your side Cap'n. I gotta go now. Bye,Cap'n.
Unkotare -

I started a thread in the Feedback section complaining about JStone's endless spamming and abuse - feel free to post a comment there and maybe the Mods will start listening eventually!
Well done Saigoon! Stoney's banned (he'll be back) as is Tweezerman.The rest of the Zionists are at your mercy. Soon you'll have nobody to talk to except Jos, Del and Tinmore (snicker)
In my case I promise to be a good boy so please don't hit me no mo' boss. I promise I will be good, Cap'n. Just please don't hit me no mo'. You knows I don't know nuthin' 'bout no middleast.I never heard nuthin' 'bout no midlleast and I don't keer nuthin' 'bout no middleast. The plain fack is I never herd of no middleast til you brought it up. I jes like to talk like I know things to impress the Joos. I'm on your side Cap'n. I gotta go now. Bye,Cap'n.

Unkotare -

I started a thread in the Feedback section complaining about JStone's endless spamming and abuse - feel free to post a comment there and maybe the Mods will start listening eventually!
Well done Saigoon! Stoney's banned (he'll be back) as is Tweezerman.The rest of the Zionists are at your mercy. Soon you'll have nobody to talk to except Jos, Del and Tinmore (snicker)
In my case I promise to be a good boy so please don't hit me no mo' boss. I promise I will be good, Cap'n. Just please don't hit me no mo'. You knows I don't know nuthin' 'bout no middleast.I never heard nuthin' 'bout no midlleast and I don't keer nuthin' 'bout no middleast. The plain fack is I never herd of no middleast til you brought it up. I jes like to talk like I know things to impress the Joos. I'm on your side Cap'n. I gotta go now. Bye,Cap'n.
P.S. Iffen you need any help boss just give ol' Hoss a call. He knows where the bones are berried.
Its true, once one Pro-Israeli nutcase gets a ban, another one springs up

Why is there a need to ban someone who think otherwise then you, hua?

Or are you one of those Islamo-fascists people who are against freedom of speech?
Freedom of speech is fine.

Freedom to spam like JStone did is bad.

Big difference. :cool:
Its true, once one Pro-Israeli nutcase gets a ban, another one springs up

Why is there a need to ban someone who think otherwise then you, hua?

Or are you one of those Islamo-fascists people who are against freedom of speech?
Freedom of speech is fine.

Freedom to spam like JStone did is bad.

Big difference. :cool:

I am all for stop spamming. However, that's not the way Jos' has put things.
Unkotare -

I started a thread in the Feedback section complaining about JStone's endless spamming and abuse - feel free to post a comment there and maybe the Mods will start listening eventually!
Well done Saigoon! Stoney's banned (he'll be back) as is Tweezerman.The rest of the Zionists are at your mercy. Soon you'll have nobody to talk to except Jos, Del and Tinmore (snicker)

I think you are a little smarter than that, Hoss. Do you see anyone here suggesting that you, Roudy, MJB or any other poster be banned?

I don't.

I didn't ask for Tweezerman to be banned - although it was so obviously Mark32/JStone he Mods obviously decided to take all of his handles out for good.

I have nothing against the guy posting here - but without spamming threads.
It is more than obvious to those who do know about the Middle East, that you Saigon are totally ignorant about it. But here's a novel idea for you to chew on: What makes you think anybody with even an ounce of self respect would share their personal background info and life history with an anonymous, ignorant, Islamo terrorist worshipping mentally ill moron called "Saigon"?

Stick the hyphens in there for me, will you, looser?

Firstly, because if you could prove me wrong about anything - you'd definitely want to.

Secondly, because anyone with any self-respect would probably also be able to figure out that someone who has lived and worked in Israel and supports Israel's right to exist is probably not pro-Islamic.

Honestly - at the point where your knowledge of the conflict is so poor that you can't even figure out what side your fellow posters are on, it may be worth giving up lecturing, and starting to ask more questions.
Unkotare -

I started a thread in the Feedback section complaining about JStone's endless spamming and abuse - feel free to post a comment there and maybe the Mods will start listening eventually!
Well done Saigoon! Stoney's banned (he'll be back) as is Tweezerman.The rest of the Zionists are at your mercy. Soon you'll have nobody to talk to except Jos, Del and Tinmore (snicker)

I think you are a little smarter than that, Hoss. Do you see anyone here suggesting that you, Roudy, MJB or any other poster be banned?

I don't.

I didn't ask for Tweezerman to be banned - although it was so obviously Mark32/JStone he Mods obviously decided to take all of his handles out for good.

I have nothing against the guy posting here - but without spamming threads.
Why don't you go back and read your own words, liar. You admitted to reporting both Jstone and myself because you're a whiney little terrorist loving beatch, on this thread http://www.usmessageboard.com/israel-and-palestine/223214-what-is-your-background-interest-in-the-middle-east-4.html#post5270578. Liars have bad memories.

You guys just don't like it when somebody tells the truth about Islam and Muslim culture, so whining is all you have.
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It is more than obvious to those who do know about the Middle East, that you Saigon are totally ignorant about it. But here's a novel idea for you to chew on: What makes you think anybody with even an ounce of self respect would share their personal background info and life history with an anonymous, ignorant, Islamo terrorist worshipping mentally ill moron called "Saigon"?

Stick the hyphens in there for me, will you, looser?

Firstly, because if you could prove me wrong about anything - you'd definitely want to.

Secondly, because anyone with any self-respect would probably also be able to figure out that someone who has lived and worked in Israel and supports Israel's right to exist is probably not pro-Islamic.

Honestly - at the point where your knowledge of the conflict is so poor that you can't even figure out what side your fellow posters are on, it may be worth giving up lecturing, and starting to ask more questions.
Stuff it up your Mohammad, slimeball. Nobody's falling for it. With friends like you Jews and Isael don't need any enemies. Run along now. Yallah. Heh heh.
Why is there a need to ban someone who think otherwise then you, hua?

Or are you one of those Islamo-fascists people who are against freedom of speech?
Freedom of speech is fine.

Freedom to spam like JStone did is bad.

Big difference. :cool:

I am all for stop spamming. However, that's not the way Jos' has put things.
Jos is an incompetent Iranian Islamist Hezbollah slimeball that lurks around all day reviewing every word you post, to report infractions or violations of those who's opinions are not in line with a toilet brained Mullah sucker like himself. That game can only last for a while, and then it starts working against him, because other than than whining and bitching, they really have nothing else to do or say, but to embarass themselves on this board constantly. Check out some of his posts and see how he gets bitch slapped and exposed for being a retard in public.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcwQ5sKUmEY]A Jewish woman cries - Leave Israel alone to kill! - YouTube[/ame]
Nice one Eots, it would have actually be interesting if you didn't post the same thing 1000 times. Is it the second Jstone?

Since this thread is about background and self excperience, and if people don't mind me sharing.

The first one was of the closest friend of mine, when she was about 15. She lives in a town near Jerusalem. On the way home, the father of the family saw that the vihicle who drove ahead of them, suddenly disappeard from eyesight. Few minutes afterwars the noise of samthing being fired was heard, and they saw the spoken car nearby the road. my friend told me that all she could remember was hearing screams.

The Palestinians stood on the hills, waited for the passingby cars, and the snipers took their shots, and like that were gone.

A baby died that day.

Second experience was mine. I don't remember the date, But I do remember, it was a Sunday, about 10 am. I just got released from the army, few days before the incident, i was about to meet with a friend of mine few hours afterwards, but in the meantime I drove to the city's largest shopping mall, to buy some new cloths and enjoy the free time I have. I suddenly felt hungry, so I got down to the mall's first floor, to have a sandwich and a cup of coffee. I sat in the western corner of the floor, right nearby the stairs. On the other side there was the joystick corner, where the kids will play while adults eat. It was a Sunday, so obviously the shopping mall was full. looking around, I remmber a beduin family, a mother, two small children. On the otherside, two female soldiers, who were next to me in the line, sat in the farer table, joking about boys. I opened the book I brought with me, and pulling the cellphone out, I called my mom, to ask if she felt well this morning, if she needed me to buy something for her.

While we were talking, I suddenly heard 3 or 4 boom-like sounds; I got pissed, and thought to myself, "Stupid kids, what the hell do they think they're doing, throwing detonators in an overcrowded shopping mall??' But then, for half a second, there was complete silence, and then it all happened extemely fast. I saw the bedouin mother yelling something to her children in Arabic, then taking one in his hand, one in her arms, and starts running. towards the exist. two young boys in the area did the same. the two female soldiers, unarmed, got up quickly and ran towards the exist. all in a matter of seconds, then I heard another "boom" sound. I saw the people behind the coffee-shop trying to hide behind the counter. not wasting another second, I started running muself. the book and the food, together with my bad, were left behind. I simply remember feeling my heartbeat much faster, yelling to my mother on the phone, "Ima, Mechabel, Mechabel! ("Mom, a terrorist, a terrorist!"). Took me a second to realize someone just nearly shot me, I saw one of the two female soldiers burst out crying, the mother running outside trying to calm her wailing child, that must have figured something bad happened, and I couldn't stop shaking. The guard in the entrance simply looked confused.

The city of Be'er Sheva knew in the last 18 years about 5 terror attacks, a very low number compared to Jerusalem or Tel Aviv. If any terror comes, it's through rockets or Missiles, not through an armed man, not in the way it happened that day. I remember that at some point we realized someone was hurt, tried to hurry to help the guy, I remember seeing him bleeding, there was nothing we could have done. some other people were slightly hurt, but not to bad, not like that young man, in his twenties. the shopping mall was closed after security forces arrived. nearly 10 Ambulances, cops on motorcycles, I simply ran outside and nearly threw up remembering the bleeding man. I couldn't stop shaking. the people who came to the shopping mall were locked outside, they figured what happened because sudden harsh movement of ambulances and police forces is not something that the citizen of Be'er Sheva is used to see. After the incident, that was immediately on the news, I calmed my mom over and over by the phone, that all my body parts are intact, but that I was coming back home, I had no desire staying in that area longer than a few minutes more.

since that morning, I don't approach the first floor in that shopping mall.
When will our leaders step up to the plate and end this madness. When I look at all the losers we have now I can only see more war.
Nice one Eots, it would have actually be interesting if you didn't post the same thing 1000 times. Is it the second Jstone?

Since this thread is about background and self excperience, and if people don't mind me sharing.

The first one was of the closest friend of mine, when she was about 15. She lives in a town near Jerusalem. On the way home, the father of the family saw that the vihicle who drove ahead of them, suddenly disappeard from eyesight. Few minutes afterwars the noise of samthing being fired was heard, and they saw the spoken car nearby the road. my friend told me that all she could remember was hearing screams.

The Palestinians stood on the hills, waited for the passingby cars, and the snipers took their shots, and like that were gone.

A baby died that day.

Second experience was mine. I don't remember the date, But I do remember, it was a Sunday, about 10 am. I just got released from the army, few days before the incident, i was about to meet with a friend of mine few hours afterwards, but in the meantime I drove to the city's largest shopping mall, to buy some new cloths and enjoy the free time I have. I suddenly felt hungry, so I got down to the mall's first floor, to have a sandwich and a cup of coffee. I sat in the western corner of the floor, right nearby the stairs. On the other side there was the joystick corner, where the kids will play while adults eat. It was a Sunday, so obviously the shopping mall was full. looking around, I remmber a beduin family, a mother, two small children. On the otherside, two female soldiers, who were next to me in the line, sat in the farer table, joking about boys. I opened the book I brought with me, and pulling the cellphone out, I called my mom, to ask if she felt well this morning, if she needed me to buy something for her.

While we were talking, I suddenly heard 3 or 4 boom-like sounds; I got pissed, and thought to myself, "Stupid kids, what the hell do they think they're doing, throwing detonators in an overcrowded shopping mall??' But then, for half a second, there was complete silence, and then it all happened extemely fast. I saw the bedouin mother yelling something to her children in Arabic, then taking one in his hand, one in her arms, and starts running. towards the exist. two young boys in the area did the same. the two female soldiers, unarmed, got up quickly and ran towards the exist. all in a matter of seconds, then I heard another "boom" sound. I saw the people behind the coffee-shop trying to hide behind the counter. not wasting another second, I started running muself. the book and the food, together with my bad, were left behind. I simply remember feeling my heartbeat much faster, yelling to my mother on the phone, "Ima, Mechabel, Mechabel! ("Mom, a terrorist, a terrorist!"). Took me a second to realize someone just nearly shot me, I saw one of the two female soldiers burst out crying, the mother running outside trying to calm her wailing child, that must have figured something bad happened, and I couldn't stop shaking. The guard in the entrance simply looked confused.

The city of Be'er Sheva knew in the last 18 years about 5 terror attacks, a very low number compared to Jerusalem or Tel Aviv. If any terror comes, it's through rockets or Missiles, not through an armed man, not in the way it happened that day. I remember that at some point we realized someone was hurt, tried to hurry to help the guy, I remember seeing him bleeding, there was nothing we could have done. some other people were slightly hurt, but not to bad, not like that young man, in his twenties. the shopping mall was closed after security forces arrived. nearly 10 Ambulances, cops on motorcycles, I simply ran outside and nearly threw up remembering the bleeding man. I couldn't stop shaking. the people who came to the shopping mall were locked outside, they figured what happened because sudden harsh movement of ambulances and police forces is not something that the citizen of Be'er Sheva is used to see. After the incident, that was immediately on the news, I calmed my mom over and over by the phone, that all my body parts are intact, but that I was coming back home, I had no desire staying in that area longer than a few minutes more.

since that morning, I don't approach the first floor in that shopping mall.
Like I said, for every missile shot Israel needs to carpet bomb a two mile radius of where the missile was shot from. You'll see the missiles cease quickly. Israel is too nice to these animals.
Like I said, for every missile shot Israel needs to carpet bomb a two mile radius of where the missile was shot from. You'll see the missiles cease quickly. Israel is too nice to these animals.

And yet when Gaza has tried this in Gaza it has not worked - how do you explain that?

Obviously you are aware that during Operation Peace for Galilee, membership of Hezbollah rose more than 400%, despite utilizing the practices you suggest - how do you explain that?

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