What is your opinion on Alex Jones


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Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Yes he made horrible comments about Sandy Hook and even offered to pay 55 million in damages!! They want 1.4 billion?

Clearly this is highly politically motivated and un American??

if he was a leftist who accused T of Russian collision he would not pay a penny
Yes he made horrible comments about Sandy Hook and even offered to pay 55 million in damages!! They want 1.4 billion?

Clearly this is highly politically motivated and un American??

if he was a leftist who accused T of Russian collision he would not pay a penny
What is my opinion of him?

I dunno, how is he at bookkeeping?

Is it a rogue criminal bookkeeper like Trump?
Clearly this is highly politically motivated and un American??

Mocking families who had lost their six year old child in a massacre is un American

Families begged him to stop, they endured harassment and threats by Alex Jones followers
You didn’t lose a child, you are a crisis actor
He kept doing it because it got him ratings
Yes he made horrible comments about Sandy Hook and even offered to pay 55 million in damages!! They want 1.4 billion?

Clearly this is highly politically motivated and un American??

if he was a leftist who accused T of Russian collision he would not pay a penny
A provocateur, opportunist and quack. Respectfully.
Yes he made horrible comments about Sandy Hook and even offered to pay 55 million in damages!! They want 1.4 billion?

Clearly this is highly politically motivated and un American??

if he was a leftist who accused T of Russian collision he would not pay a penny
You are absolutely right that if he was a Democrat or left wing looney, the lawsuit would have been thrown out of court which it should have been anyway. I doubt any of the Sandy Hook people who filed that lawsuit had even heard of Alex Jones much less ever listened to him. It isn't as if he is mainstream. These kinds of 'hurt feelings' lawsuits need to stop just as much as the weaponization of government against its citizens needs to stop.

And I don't know that I have an opinion on him per se as I have never ever listened to his radio program. I'm not sure we even got it here. But to declare Sandy Hook a hoax on air was not cool, even really dumb. I would not trust anybody doing that kind of reporting. That it materially harmed anybody in any way warranting compensation and/or punitive damages is ridiculous unless individual people were singled out for defamation.
I started listening to Alex Jones in the late 1990's when I lived in Austin, Texas and he had a local radio show there.
He told people about the globalists and the Deep state running our government.
Jones was the first guy I'd ever heard talking about this subject.
And the things he said turned out to be true.
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These kinds of 'hurt feelings' lawsuits need to stop

Hurt feelings?
You don’t think having a six year old brutally slaughtered hurts?
You don’t think having Alex Jones followers tell you that you are just a crisis actor and didn’t really lose a child hurts?
You don’t think harassing phone calls, emails and posts hurts?
You don’t think an Alex Jones follower telling you that he urinated on your child’s grave hurts?

I think I watched hm once or twice and was not impressed enough to watch him again.

But Foxfyre's post a couple posts above says something really important.

I learned a lot more from another of his network's hosts, who is no longer on the air.

I started listening to Alex Jones in the late 1990's when I lived in Austin, Texas and he had a local radio show there.

Did you like Austin and how long were you there ?? It’s gotten very expensive.

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