What Isael can do to save itself -?

Since there is no conflict it is not something you would see in the news. It will only be mentioned in passing in other stories.

Hear what is said in 5:00.

86 a Sleepless Gaza Jerusalem.divx - YouTube

There were nothing said about 3000 Jews in 5:00 ...
He blames Israel for attacking the city because Arabs and Jews live in peace there ?
Are you joking ? That's Israel's reason for attacking ? Arabs and Jews getting along ?

Anyway there is no mentioning of the amount of Jews living there ... Nor any proof that this guy is telling the truth ... It's an opinion of a person who not only has a dog in the fight , he as a kennel.

This is from "Demographics of the Palestinian territories":

Ethnic groups

Including Israeli settlements and East Jerusalem: Arab and other (Kurd, Circassian, Armenian) 83%, Jewish 17%, Samaritan (few hundreds). All of the Jews in the Palestinian territories are Israeli citizens.
Demographics of the Palestinian territories - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It would seem that Wikipidia directly contradicts your claim.
??????? Well Jews and Arabs get on well in Israel.

When we go back to Moorish Spain we find Arabs and Jews got on very well,it was only after the Christians invaded and took over did ALL JEWS GET KICK OUT as the christians were of the belief that Jews crucified Jesus,this obnoxious stance was used by Europeans up until after hitler including the Russian pograms to vilify and banish as well as murder Jews.

Out of all the peoples of the world some if not most Arabs lived in harmony with Jews,Wolvie I know that there were times when there were attacks on both sides but in general Arabs treated Jews well in comparision to Christians,this would be a fair analysis I feel.

What is argued so hotly is when the Jews,Zionist inspired,started to come to Palestine in the early 20's and it is from then on that things started to breakdown.steve

liq what you are talking about is not relevant to the discussion.
Tinmore claimed that there are 3000 Jews living in the West Bank and that they are treated like any other Palestinian.
There is no proof to that claim, and Wiki claims it's false.
I don't like when someone makes a statement without a shred of evidence ,and that is what it's about.
There were nothing said about 3000 Jews in 5:00 ...
He blames Israel for attacking the city because Arabs and Jews live in peace there ?
Are you joking ? That's Israel's reason for attacking ? Arabs and Jews getting along ?

Anyway there is no mentioning of the amount of Jews living there ... Nor any proof that this guy is telling the truth ... It's an opinion of a person who not only has a dog in the fight , he as a kennel.

This is from "Demographics of the Palestinian territories":

Demographics of the Palestinian territories - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It would seem that Wikipidia directly contradicts your claim.
??????? Well Jews and Arabs get on well in Israel.

When we go back to Moorish Spain we find Arabs and Jews got on very well,it was only after the Christians invaded and took over did ALL JEWS GET KICK OUT as the christians were of the belief that Jews crucified Jesus,this obnoxious stance was used by Europeans up until after hitler including the Russian pograms to vilify and banish as well as murder Jews.

Out of all the peoples of the world some if not most Arabs lived in harmony with Jews,Wolvie I know that there were times when there were attacks on both sides but in general Arabs treated Jews well in comparision to Christians,this would be a fair analysis I feel.

What is argued so hotly is when the Jews,Zionist inspired,started to come to Palestine in the early 20's and it is from then on that things started to breakdown.steve

liq what you are talking about is not relevant to the discussion.
Tinmore claimed that there are 3000 Jews living in the West Bank and that they are treated like any other Palestinian.
There is no proof to that claim, and Wiki claims it's false.
I don't like when someone makes a statement without a shred of evidence ,and that is what it's about.
Well I don't know what Tinnie means regarding 2000 let alone 3000 Jews living in Palestine either Gaza or West Bank......I'm sure some Jewish business and government people must go into the West Bank but it would be very few I should imagine.

Obviously if there was a peace agreement this would change.....Tinnie WHAT DID YOU MEAN.

Wolvie look forward and make the difficult choice for peace......this plea to all sides....these two fine people deserve better....I think the fundimentalists on both sides are the core problem.steve
??????? Well Jews and Arabs get on well in Israel.

When we go back to Moorish Spain we find Arabs and Jews got on very well,it was only after the Christians invaded and took over did ALL JEWS GET KICK OUT as the christians were of the belief that Jews crucified Jesus,this obnoxious stance was used by Europeans up until after hitler including the Russian pograms to vilify and banish as well as murder Jews.

Out of all the peoples of the world some if not most Arabs lived in harmony with Jews,Wolvie I know that there were times when there were attacks on both sides but in general Arabs treated Jews well in comparision to Christians,this would be a fair analysis I feel.

What is argued so hotly is when the Jews,Zionist inspired,started to come to Palestine in the early 20's and it is from then on that things started to breakdown.steve

liq what you are talking about is not relevant to the discussion.
Tinmore claimed that there are 3000 Jews living in the West Bank and that they are treated like any other Palestinian.
There is no proof to that claim, and Wiki claims it's false.
I don't like when someone makes a statement without a shred of evidence ,and that is what it's about.
Well I don't know what Tinnie means regarding 2000 let alone 3000 Jews living in Palestine either Gaza or West Bank......I'm sure some Jewish business and government people must go into the West Bank but it would be very few I should imagine.

Obviously if there was a peace agreement this would change.....Tinnie WHAT DID YOU MEAN.

Wolvie look forward and make the difficult choice for peace......this plea to all sides....these two fine people deserve better....I think the fundimentalists on both sides are the core problem.steve

Well there are the Samaritans, considered to be Jews by both Palestine and Israel, who number about 800. I have heard of some who did not live in settlements and escaped getting the boot during the wars like some Palestinians in Israel. Some just live there to work like Amira Hass who has lived in Gaza and the West Bank for decades. Then there are Jews who marry Palestinians and are not allowed to live in Israel.

Is there a good number? No.
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liq what you are talking about is not relevant to the discussion.
Tinmore claimed that there are 3000 Jews living in the West Bank and that they are treated like any other Palestinian.
There is no proof to that claim, and Wiki claims it's false.
I don't like when someone makes a statement without a shred of evidence ,and that is what it's about.
Well I don't know what Tinnie means regarding 2000 let alone 3000 Jews living in Palestine either Gaza or West Bank......I'm sure some Jewish business and government people must go into the West Bank but it would be very few I should imagine.

Obviously if there was a peace agreement this would change <- I agree.....Tinnie WHAT DID YOU MEAN.

Wolvie look forward and make the difficult choice for peace......this plea to all sides....these two fine people deserve better....I think the fundimentalists on both sides are the core problem.steve

Well there are the Samaritans, considered to be Jews by both Palestine and Israel, who number about 800. I have heard of some who did not live in settlements and escaped getting the boot during the wars like some Palestinians in Israel. Some just live there to work like Amira Hass who has lived in Gaza and the West Bank for decades. Then there are Jews who marry Palestinians and are not allowed to live in Israel.

Is there a good number? No.

"Then there are Jews who marry Palestinians and are not allowed to live in Israel."
What are you talking about ? :cuckoo:
Ahemd Tibi is a Palestinian who can live in Israel and married to a Palestinian.
You mean to say that Israel treats Jews worse than it treats Palestinians ?

" I have heard of some who did not live in settlements and escaped getting the boot during the wars like some Palestinians in Israel."

You see this is the problem ... from whom did you hear this ? And how do you know this person is credible ?

Amira Hass is one person ...

Wiki says about the number of Samaritans(You said there are 800 living in the West bank , but it would seem that there's not even 800 Samaritans alive on earth.) :
Israel - approximately 350
Palestinian territories - approximately 350
Samaritan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So from 2000 we are down to about 350 Samaritans and let's say 200 Jews who work there (The number 200 seems extremely inflated.) We have 550 , lets say there are even 1000 , not even close to what you originally said ...

"Is there a good number? No."
There is a good number : it's 3000 and it's what you originally claimed, the facts clearly show that it's simply isn't true , but instead of admitting your mistake you choose to pointlessly argue.
Well I don't know what Tinnie means regarding 2000 let alone 3000 Jews living in Palestine either Gaza or West Bank......I'm sure some Jewish business and government people must go into the West Bank but it would be very few I should imagine.

Obviously if there was a peace agreement this would change <- I agree.....Tinnie WHAT DID YOU MEAN.

Wolvie look forward and make the difficult choice for peace......this plea to all sides....these two fine people deserve better....I think the fundimentalists on both sides are the core problem.steve

Well there are the Samaritans, considered to be Jews by both Palestine and Israel, who number about 800. I have heard of some who did not live in settlements and escaped getting the boot during the wars like some Palestinians in Israel. Some just live there to work like Amira Hass who has lived in Gaza and the West Bank for decades. Then there are Jews who marry Palestinians and are not allowed to live in Israel.

Is there a good number? No.

"Then there are Jews who marry Palestinians and are not allowed to live in Israel."
What are you talking about ? :cuckoo:
Ahemd Tibi is a Palestinian who can live in Israel and married to a Palestinian.
You mean to say that Israel treats Jews worse than it treats Palestinians ?

" I have heard of some who did not live in settlements and escaped getting the boot during the wars like some Palestinians in Israel."

You see this is the problem ... from whom did you hear this ? And how do you know this person is credible ?

Amira Hass is one person ...

Wiki says about the number of Samaritans(You said there are 800 living in the West bank , but it would seem that there's not even 800 Samaritans alive on earth.) :
Israel - approximately 350
Palestinian territories - approximately 350
Samaritan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So from 2000 we are down to about 350 Samaritans and let's say 200 Jews who work there (The number 200 seems extremely inflated.) We have 550 , lets say there are even 1000 , not even close to what you originally said ...

"Is there a good number? No."
There is a good number : it's 3000 and it's what you originally claimed, the facts clearly show that it's simply isn't true , but instead of admitting your mistake you choose to pointlessly argue.

I never gave any hard numbers. You are arguing over nothing.
This is your original statement:
Is this statement true or false ?
Tinmore I'm still waiting for an answer ...
Is this statement true or false ?

It is true, that is what I heard.
So anything you hear is automatically true ?
How do you know that what's you heard is true ? (BTW didn't you say you heard about 2000 ? 800 out of them Samaritans )
Wikipida is far more reliable source then your hearing sense and it says your statement is false ... what you think about that ? Could you be wrong ?
Tinmore I'm still waiting for an answer ...
Is this statement true or false ?

It is true, that is what I heard.
So anything you hear is automatically true ?
How do you know that what's you heard is true ? (BTW didn't you say you heard about 2000 ? 800 out of them Samaritans )
Wikipida is far more reliable source then your hearing sense and it says your statement is false ... what you think about that ? Could you be wrong ?

No, it is only true that I heard it. I never claimed otherwise.
It is true, that is what I heard.
So anything you hear is automatically true ?
How do you know that what's you heard is true ? (BTW didn't you say you heard about 2000 ? 800 out of them Samaritans )
Wikipida is far more reliable source then your hearing sense and it says your statement is false ... what you think about that ? Could you be wrong ?

No, it is only true that I heard it. I never claimed otherwise.
So what you heard possibly isn't true ?
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The only thing that'll save Israel is if they surrender soon.

That's what the Arabs were saying in 1947.

Abdul Rahman Azzam, Secretary General of the Arab League:

"I personally wish that the Jews do not drive us to this war, as this will be a war of extermination and momentous massacre which will be spoken of like the Tartar massacre[10] or the Crusader wars. I believe that the number of volunteers from outside Palestine will be larger than Palestine's Arab population, for I know that volunteers will be arriving to us from [as far as] India, Afghanistan, and China to win the honor of martyrdom for the sake of Palestine … You might be surprised to learn that hundreds of Englishmen expressed their wish to volunteer in the Arab armies to fight the Jews.

"This war will be distinguished by three serious matters. First—faith: as each fighter deems his death on behalf of Palestine as the shortest road to paradise; second, [the war] will be an opportunity for vast plunder. Third, it will be impossible to contain the zealous volunteers arriving from all corners of the world to avenge the martyrdom of the Palestine Arabs, and viewing the war as dignifying every Arab and every Muslim throughout the world …

"The Arab is superior to the Jew in that he accepts defeat with a smile: Should the Jews defeat us in the first battle, we will defeat them in the second or the third battle … or the final one… whereas one defeat will shatter the Jew's morale! Most desert Arabians take pleasure in fighting. I recall being tasked with mediating a truce in a desert war (in which I participated) that lasted for nine months…While en route to sign the truce, I was approached by some of my comrades in arms who told me: 'Shame on you! You are a man of the people, so how could you wish to end the war … How can we live without war?' This is because war gives the Bedouin a sense of happiness, bliss, and security that peace does not provide! …

"I warned the Jewish leaders I met in London to desist from their policy,[11] telling them that the Arab was the mightiest of soldiers and the day he draws his weapon, he will not lay it down until firing the last bullet in the battle, and we will fire the last shot …"

He [Azzam] ended his conversation with me by saying: "I foresee the consequences of this bloody war. I see before me its horrible battles. I can picture its dead, injured, and victims … But my conscience is clear … For we are not attacking but defending ourselves, and we are not aggressors but defenders against an aggression! …"

Azzam's Genocidal Threat :: Middle East Quarterly
People this thread is an attempt to solve the Israel/Palestinian conflict. And since these Jews chose to call their new country “Israel” which is a biblical reference and then settle in Palestine claiming it is their eternal homeland they must also live up to or not God’s warning to them.

The Old Testament is actually a repeating cycle of God telling his chosen ones to obey his commandments, covenants and laws and if they do so he will treat them as a peculiar treasure above all people.

* (Exo 19:5 KJV) Now therefore if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant
, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people : for all the earth is mine:
* (Deu 7:6 KJV) For thou art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself , above all people that are upon the face of the earth.
* (Deu 7:14 KJV) Thou shalt be blessed above all people : there shall not be male or female barren among you, or among your cattle.

The laws that God sets before them is mercy, forgiveness, kindness and understanding .,.,.,among other things.

* (Lev 19:33 KJV) And if a stranger sojourn with thee in your land, ye shall not vex him.
* (Deu 10:19 KJV) Love ye therefore the stranger: for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt.
* (Lev 19:34 KJV) But the stranger that dwelleth with you shall be unto you as one born among you, and thou shalt love him as thyself ; for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the LORD your God.

But should they fail to do the above God spells out what will happen next

(Deu 28:37 KJV)
And thou shalt become an astonishment, a proverb, and a byword , among all nations whither the LORD shall lead thee.

Folks, we know what happened. They failed in a big way. Their impersonations of a richious people fell short, very short indeed and this is what happened to them. And you now know why.

(also spelled anti-semitism or anti-Semitism) is suspicion of, hatred toward, or discrimination against Jews for reasons connected to their Jewish heritage. In a 2005 U.S. governmental report, antisemitism is defined as "hatred toward Jews—individually and as a group—that can be attributed to the Jewish religion and/or ethnicity."A person who holds such views is called an "antisemite".

Antisemitism may be manifested in many ways, ranging from expressions of hatred of or discrimination against individual Jews to organized violent attacks by mobs, or even state police, or military attacks on entire Jewish communities. Extreme instances of persecution include the pogroms which preceded the First Crusade in 1096, the expulsion from England in 1290, the massacres of Spanish Jews in 1391, the persecutions of the Spanish Inquisition, the expulsion from Spain in 1492, the expulsion from Portugal in 1497, various Russian pogroms, the Dreyfus Affair, and the Final Solution by Hitler's Germany and official Soviet anti-Jewish policies.

The only thing that surprises me is people not seeing this coming or the reasons for it. The blind leading the blind into a rat hole.

ps Does anyone know how these attitudes could be turned around and peace return to the Holly Lands -? btw I did not create the above I am just reporting it.

Tell me what is the solution- ?


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2g2KkPhb7I]Lucinda Williams Get Right With God - YouTube[/ame]

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