What Isael can do to save itself -?

Really your comments defy reason......spouting all this rubbish,when you live in a country.....where women and children are raped,assulted and murdered daily,and for a fact .... honour killings(murder)happen throughout the world You, with your raping,mutilation and daily murder of women and children are hardly in a position of moralizing to others.......I think you need to put your house in order too as really
your are no better than those who you demean theliq You to could be seen as a failed people and country.......who are so much in debt that you can never pay back and have been living off others loans,you really are a pack of beggars,yet you rant on and on but you are and have nothing. You live in a glass house and are full of shit
Funny drivel!
You mean letting the arabs who used to own land in what is now Israel return?

You mean like the 1.5 million Israeli Rabs, Dunce?

Is that everyone who was kicked off of their lands? And all these people got their original land back?

Then yes.

Dunce, last I checked, Israel was a Hebrew name and the Jewish homeland dating back 3000 years.

Your fakestinians are merely rebranded Arab illegal aliens from Saudi Arabia who invaded a few decades ago.

Only Arabs kick off Arabs from their land, like when Kuwait expelled 400,000 Pallies.

Now, you know, dunce.
Resettling arabs in their respective homelands is a good start, of course.

You mean letting the arabs who used to own land in what is now Israel return?
How do you figure it's their lands ?

How come the Americans didn't leave and gave the land back to the Indians ?

99% of "Palestine" was state-owned by the Turks under 400 years of Ottoman rule. Few Arabs owned land and those who did were wealthy absentee landlords in Syria and elsewhere.

Pallies who claim to own any land are delusional.
Really your comments defy reason......spouting all this rubbish,when you live in a country.....where women and children are raped,assulted and murdered daily,and for a fact .... honour killings(murder)happen throughout the world You, with your raping,mutilation and daily murder of women and children are hardly in a position of moralizing to others.......I think you need to put your house in order too as really
your are no better than those who you demean theliq You to could be seen as a failed people and country.......who are so much in debt that you can never pay back and have been living off others loans,you really are a pack of beggars,yet you rant on and on but you are and have nothing. You live in a glass house and are full of shit
Funny drivel!
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You mean letting the arabs who used to own land in what is now Israel return?
How do you figure it's their lands ?

How come the Americans didn't leave and gave the land back to the Indians ?

99% of "Palestine" was state-owned by the Turks under 400 years of Ottoman rule. Few Arabs owned land and those who did were wealthy absentee landlords in Syria and elsewhere.

Pallies who claim to own any land are delusional.
Neither did Jews,
They don't care about being failed countries, they just care about beating their women and wiping Israel off of the map.

Jordan is a total waste of sand, the Israelis should take it over (the 6 hour war) and give it to the Palestinians. Or even take it over and give the Pallies their land back. Who's going to care?

Really your comments defy reason......spouting all this rubbish,when you live in a country.....where women and children are raped,assulted and murdered daily,and for a fact .... honour killings(murder)happen throughout the world

You, with your raping,mutilation and daily murder of women and children are hardly in a position of moralizing to others.......I think you need to put your house in order too as really
your are no better than those who you demean :badgrin::badgrin:theliq You to could be seen as a failed people and country.......who are so much in debt that you can never pay back and have been living off others loans,you really are a pack of beggars,yet you rant on and on but you are and have nothing.
You live in a glass house and are full of shit

I "live in a country.....where women and children are raped,assulted and murdered daily"? Where the fuck do you think I live? LOL!
The USA you fool.theliq
99% of "Palestine" was state-owned by the Turks under 400 years of Ottoman rule. Few Arabs owned land and those who did were wealthy absentee landlords in Syria and elsewhere.

Pallies who claim to own any land are delusional.
Neither did Jews,

They own it now.
AND in that you are correct Todd.steve by they way Todd that must be the worse photo of the WHO frontsman.......come on you can do better than that.
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Jews have prior possession of Israel dating back 3000 years verified by the archaeological record. First rule of property law: first in time is first in right.

Pallies are merely rebranded Arabs from Saudi Arabia.

Tashbih Sayyed, Muslim Pakistani Scholar, Journalist, Author and Former Editor in Chief of Our Times, Pakistan Today, and The Muslim World Today
Blinded by their anti-Semitism, Arabs ignore the fact that neither are they an indigenous group nor is the Jewish nationhood a new phenomenon in Palestine; the Jewish nation was born during 40 years of wandering in the Sinai more than five thousand years ago and has remained connected with Palestine ever since. “Even after the destruction of the last Jewish commonwealth in the first century, the Jewish people maintained their own autonomous political and legal institutions: the Davidic dynasty was preserved in Baghdad until the thirteenth century through the rule of the Exilarch (Resh Galuta), while the return to Zion was incorporated into the most widely practiced Jewish traditions, including the end of the Yom Kippur service and the Passover Seder, as well as in everyday prayers. Thus, Jewish historic rights were kept alive in Jewish historical consciousness.

It is a matter of record that the Arabs owe their presence in Palestine to the Ottomans who settled Muslim populations as a buffer against Bedouin attacks and Ibrahim Pasha, the Egyptian ruler who brought Egyptian colonists with his army in the 1830s. And during all those times when Arabs lived under the Ottoman rule, they never showed any desire for national independence.

Jerusalem has always remained a Jewish majority – a symbol of Jewish yearning to be an independent nation as they thrived in communities in many of Palestine’s towns. “By 1864, a clear-cut Jewish majority emerged in Jerusalem - more than half a century before the arrival of the British Empire and the League of Nations Mandate. During the years that the Jewish presence in Eretz Israel was restored, a huge Arab population influx transpired as Arab immigrants sought to take advantage of higher wages and economic opportunities that resulted from Jewish settlement in the land. President Roosevelt concluded in 1939 that "Arab immigration into Palestine since 1921 has vastly exceeded the total Jewish immigration during the whole period."

The present Arab declaration challenging the Jewish character of Israel cannot be ignored because it is not just an expression of dissatisfaction by a minority about their socio-economic situation but a reminder that Islamist radicalism and fundamentalism has now decided to challenge openly the legitimacy of the Jewish state.
Global Politician - Israel?s Arab Citizens And The Jewish State

2,000 Year Old Jewish Dead Sea Scrolls
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rYj_0foJYA]The Dead Sea Scrolls Online - YouTube[/ame]

Google Official Google Blog: From the desert to the web: bringing the Dead Sea Scrolls online
It’s taken 24 centuries, the work of archaeologists, scholars and historians, and the advent of the Internet to make the Dead Sea Scrolls accessible to anyone in the world. Today, as the new year approaches on the Hebrew calendar, we’re celebrating the launch of the Dead Sea Scrolls online; a project of The Israel Museum, Jerusalem, powered by Google technology.

Written between the third and first centuries BCE, the Dead Sea Scrolls include the oldest known biblical manuscripts in existence. In 68 BCE, they were hidden in 11 caves in the Judean desert on the shores of the Dead Sea to protect them from the approaching Roman armies. Since 1965, the scrolls have been on exhibit at the Shrine of the Book at The Israel Museum, Jerusalem. Among other topics, the scrolls offer critical insights into life and religion in ancient Jerusalem, including the birth of Christianity

Now, anyone around the world can view, read and interact with five digitized Dead Sea Scrolls. The high resolution photographs are up to 1,200 megapixels, almost 200 times more than the average consumer camera, so viewers can see even the most minute details in the parchment. For example, zoom in on the Temple Scroll to get a feel for the animal skin it's written on—only one-tenth of a millimeter thick.
What Isael can do to save itself -?
Resettling arabs in their respective homelands is a good start, of course.
You mean letting the arabs who used to own land in what is now Israel return?
Oh, not that palistanian littérature ordurière about land again. But, as luck would have it I'm here to set the facts straight:
  • 7% of the land of the west palestine was owned by jews.
  • 7-8% was owned by absentee landowners - arab efendi clans.
  • 16% was owned by churches and other foreign entities.
  • The remainder - what?! 70%! - was state lands, owned first by the sultan and later by the Govt of Palestine.
So, illegal arab immigrants had to have some land to cry land, first, and we aren't buying their bridges, of course.
Resettling arabs in their respective homelands is a good start, of course.
You mean letting the arabs who used to own land in what is now Israel return?
Oh, not that palistanian littérature ordurière about land again. But, as luck would have it I'm here to set the facts straight:
  • 7% of the land of the west palestine was owned by jews.
  • 7-8% was owned by absentee landowners - arab efendi clans.
  • 16% was owned by churches and other foreign entities.
  • The remainder - what?! 70%! - was state lands, owned first by the sultan and later by the Govt of Palestine.
So, illegal arab immigrants had to have some land to cry land, first, and we aren't buying their bridges, of course.

ima , how do you figure Arab owned the lands if those lands were never under their sovereignty ?

Besides , if you start a war you must consider the cost of failure , and that is exactly what happened to the Palestinian Arabs.

Back in 1948 ,They were offered a sovereign state in the borders of what they claim they want not , instead of accepting the offer they choose to fight and try to kick the Jews out, this choice cost them dearly and instead of a sovereign state , they were left with nothing .
You mean letting the arabs who used to own land in what is now Israel return?
Oh, not that palistanian littérature ordurière about land again. But, as luck would have it I'm here to set the facts straight:
  • 7% of the land of the west palestine was owned by jews.
  • 7-8% was owned by absentee landowners - arab efendi clans.
  • 16% was owned by churches and other foreign entities.
  • The remainder - what?! 70%! - was state lands, owned first by the sultan and later by the Govt of Palestine.
So, illegal arab immigrants had to have some land to cry land, first, and we aren't buying their bridges, of course.

ima , how do you figure Arab owned the lands if those lands were never under their sovereignty ?

Besides , if you start a war you must consider the cost of failure , and that is exactly what happened to the Palestinian Arabs.

Back in 1948 ,They were offered a sovereign state in the borders of what they claim they want not , instead of accepting the offer they choose to fight and try to kick the Jews out, this choice cost them dearly and instead of a sovereign state , they were left with nothing .

The Palestinians did not start that war and they did not lose that war. Israel has won nothing.
You mean letting the arabs who used to own land in what is now Israel return?
Oh, not that palistanian littérature ordurière about land again. But, as luck would have it I'm here to set the facts straight:
  • 7% of the land of the west palestine was owned by jews.
  • 7-8% was owned by absentee landowners - arab efendi clans.
  • 16% was owned by churches and other foreign entities.
  • The remainder - what?! 70%! - was state lands, owned first by the sultan and later by the Govt of Palestine.
So, illegal arab immigrants had to have some land to cry land, first, and we aren't buying their bridges, of course.

ima , how do you figure Arab owned the lands if those lands were never under their sovereignty ?

Besides , if you start a war you must consider the cost of failure , and that is exactly what happened to the Palestinian Arabs.

Back in 1948 ,They were offered a sovereign state in the borders of what they claim they want not , instead of accepting the offer they choose to fight and try to kick the Jews out, this choice cost them dearly and instead of a sovereign state , they were left with nothing .

Whomever's sovereignty that land was under matters little, people were forced to leave their land/houses under threat of getting killed and were never allowed to return.

I agree about the cost of war, but in their minds, the war's not over, and in this new version of a world war, the new Hitler's about to develop nukes and bring the ovens to Israel. I'd be worried if I was anywhere in Israel, very worried. (and don't get me wrong, this isn't even a personal opinion, it's just observing facts).
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In retrospect Eisenhower pointed the Israeli's to the wrong part of the earth, oh i know the theological implications precluded him any other choice, but....

we should rethink it, maybe send them all to Mars. They could colonize the whole planet, and not piss anyone off. And hey, if they're hung up on the holy land thing, we could just dig a foot or so down , and ship all that Israeli sand there too

I figure something like 800,000 trillion dollars (US) would pull it off, sounds expensive, but you amortize our support of their conflict out the next few millenia, and the #'s start lookin' like a winner in the long run....~S~
Oh, not that palistanian littérature ordurière about land again. But, as luck would have it I'm here to set the facts straight:
  • 7% of the land of the west palestine was owned by jews.
  • 7-8% was owned by absentee landowners - arab efendi clans.
  • 16% was owned by churches and other foreign entities.
  • The remainder - what?! 70%! - was state lands, owned first by the sultan and later by the Govt of Palestine.
So, illegal arab immigrants had to have some land to cry land, first, and we aren't buying their bridges, of course.

ima , how do you figure Arab owned the lands if those lands were never under their sovereignty ?

Besides , if you start a war you must consider the cost of failure , and that is exactly what happened to the Palestinian Arabs.

Back in 1948 ,They were offered a sovereign state in the borders of what they claim they want not , instead of accepting the offer they choose to fight and try to kick the Jews out, this choice cost them dearly and instead of a sovereign state , they were left with nothing .

Whomever's sovereignty that land was under matters little, people were forced to leave their land/houses under threat of getting killed and were never allowed to return.

I agree about the cost of war, but in their minds, the war's not over, and in this new version of a world war, the new Hitler's about to develop nukes and bring the ovens to Israel. I'd be worried if I was anywhere in Israel, very worried. (and don't get me wrong, this isn't even a personal opinion, it's just observing facts).

Whomever's sovereignty that land was under matters little, people were forced to leave their land/houses under threat of getting killed and were never allowed to return.

Many left voluntarily as I stated before and in other posts.

War is ugly, if there never was a war there never would be casualties and the world would be beautiful.
When Arabs attacked Israel they didn't take in account the possibility of defeat, it was their mistake , and they are suffering the consequences.

I agree about the cost of war, but in their minds, the war's not over, and in this new version of a world war, the new Hitler's about to develop nukes and bring the ovens to Israel. I'd be worried if I was anywhere in Israel, very worried. (and don't get me wrong, this isn't even a personal opinion, it's just observing facts).

Two points , first as long as in their minds the war is not over , and they choose to continue fighting in order to destroy Israel instead of building their own future I don't see how their life could get better.

Second , If the new Hitlers about to develop nukes , Israel is not the only one that should be worried.
As you remember ,genocide of Jews was only part of Hitlers plan , the other part was conquering everyone else.
I don't think that the plan of fundamental Islam is much different , so if fundamental Islam get nukes everyone who is not Muslim should be worried.
You mean letting the arabs who used to own land in what is now Israel return?
Oh, not that palistanian littérature ordurière about land again. But, as luck would have it I'm here to set the facts straight:
  • 7% of the land of the west palestine was owned by jews.
  • 7-8% was owned by absentee landowners - arab efendi clans.
  • 16% was owned by churches and other foreign entities.
  • The remainder - what?! 70%! - was state lands, owned first by the sultan and later by the Govt of Palestine.
So, illegal arab immigrants had to have some land to cry land, first, and we aren't buying their bridges, of course.

ima , how do you figure Arab owned the lands if those lands were never under their sovereignty ?

Besides , if you start a war you must consider the cost of failure , and that is exactly what happened to the Palestinian Arabs.

Back in 1948 ,They were offered a sovereign state in the borders of what they claim they want not , instead of accepting the offer they choose to fight and try to kick the Jews out, this choice cost them dearly and instead of a sovereign state , they were left with nothing .

When the Ottoman Empire took over Palestine one of the things they did was to grab all the land from the owners. These former owners then had "land rights." These rights could be bought, sold, or inherited. Of course they had to pay lease to the empire to keep these rights. It was similar to a property tax. Keep paying or lose your land.

At the fall of the empire these lands were ceded to the government of Palestine and ownership was being restored to those who owned the rights.

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