What Isael can do to save itself -?

Well there are the Samaritans, considered to be Jews by both Palestine and Israel, who number about 800. I have heard of some who did not live in settlements and escaped getting the boot during the wars like some Palestinians in Israel. Some just live there to work like Amira Hass who has lived in Gaza and the West Bank for decades. Then there are Jews who marry Palestinians and are not allowed to live in Israel.

Is there a good number? No.

"Then there are Jews who marry Palestinians and are not allowed to live in Israel."
What are you talking about ? :cuckoo:
Ahemd Tibi is a Palestinian who can live in Israel and married to a Palestinian.
You mean to say that Israel treats Jews worse than it treats Palestinians ?

" I have heard of some who did not live in settlements and escaped getting the boot during the wars like some Palestinians in Israel."

You see this is the problem ... from whom did you hear this ? And how do you know this person is credible ?

Amira Hass is one person ...

Wiki says about the number of Samaritans(You said there are 800 living in the West bank , but it would seem that there's not even 800 Samaritans alive on earth.) :
Israel - approximately 350
Palestinian territories - approximately 350
Samaritan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So from 2000 we are down to about 350 Samaritans and let's say 200 Jews who work there (The number 200 seems extremely inflated.) We have 550 , lets say there are even 1000 , not even close to what you originally said ...

"Is there a good number? No."
There is a good number : it's 3000 and it's what you originally claimed, the facts clearly show that it's simply isn't true , but instead of admitting your mistake you choose to pointlessly argue.

I never gave any hard numbers. You are arguing over nothing.
Yeah but Tinnie Palestinians and Jews do marry in Israel and their is no recrimination(apart from some of the nutters)to them or their children,sometimes the Arab partner converts to the Jewish faith sometimes not.I have to be fair to Wolvie on this,yes by some Israeli Jews there is some discrimination against Palestinians but on the whole Palestinians live peacefully enough and happily.
This makes the conflict even more stupid in view that both peoples get on well in Israel......it is all politics and vested interest.....I wonder how many Palestinians would leave Israel to move to Palestine,I wonder if you or Wolvie know that statistic.......I doubt very few Christian Palestinians would if the truth be know ??????? steve.
"Then there are Jews who marry Palestinians and are not allowed to live in Israel."
What are you talking about ? :cuckoo:
Ahemd Tibi is a Palestinian who can live in Israel and married to a Palestinian.
You mean to say that Israel treats Jews worse than it treats Palestinians ?

" I have heard of some who did not live in settlements and escaped getting the boot during the wars like some Palestinians in Israel."

You see this is the problem ... from whom did you hear this ? And how do you know this person is credible ?

Amira Hass is one person ...

Wiki says about the number of Samaritans(You said there are 800 living in the West bank , but it would seem that there's not even 800 Samaritans alive on earth.) :
Samaritan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So from 2000 we are down to about 350 Samaritans and let's say 200 Jews who work there (The number 200 seems extremely inflated.) We have 550 , lets say there are even 1000 , not even close to what you originally said ...

"Is there a good number? No."
There is a good number : it's 3000 and it's what you originally claimed, the facts clearly show that it's simply isn't true , but instead of admitting your mistake you choose to pointlessly argue.

I never gave any hard numbers. You are arguing over nothing.
Yeah but Tinnie Palestinians and Jews do marry in Israel and their is no recrimination(apart from some of the nutters)to them or their children,sometimes the Arab partner converts to the Jewish faith sometimes not.I have to be fair to Wolvie on this,yes by some Israeli Jews there is some discrimination against Palestinians but on the whole Palestinians live peacefully enough and happily.
This makes the conflict even more stupid in view that both peoples get on well in Israel......it is all politics and vested interest.....I wonder how many Palestinians would leave Israel to move to Palestine,I wonder if you or Wolvie know that statistic.......I doubt very few Christian Palestinians would if the truth be know ??????? steve.

What I meant was that if an Israeli married a Palestinian from Gaza or the West Bank it is very unlikely that they would be allowed to live in Israel.
I never gave any hard numbers. You are arguing over nothing.
Yeah but Tinnie Palestinians and Jews do marry in Israel and their is no recrimination(apart from some of the nutters)to them or their children,sometimes the Arab partner converts to the Jewish faith sometimes not.I have to be fair to Wolvie on this,yes by some Israeli Jews there is some discrimination against Palestinians but on the whole Palestinians live peacefully enough and happily.
This makes the conflict even more stupid in view that both peoples get on well in Israel......it is all politics and vested interest.....I wonder how many Palestinians would leave Israel to move to Palestine,I wonder if you or Wolvie know that statistic.......I doubt very few Christian Palestinians would if the truth be know ??????? steve.

What I meant was that if an Israeli married a Palestinian from Gaza or the West Bank it is very unlikely that they would be allowed to live in Israel.
Sorry Tinnie,I got the wrong end of the stick,well I don't know if you are right or wrong on that to be honest,the Israelis would do due dilegence on the Palestinian and the Jewish partner for that matter.......but if they were OK they may let them live in Israel.I'm sure this has happened but you or Wolvie would know that better than I.
Keep up the fight my friend,some of the comments against you are banal to say the least.
I think Wolvie,although somewhat condersending is educated in his responses.steve
The only thing that'll save Israel is if they surrender soon.

That's what the Arabs were saying in 1947.

Sure, that was 1947, but sooner or later, I'm thinking that the arabs are going to get their shit together, there are a lot of them, they have camel loads of money, now they have a lot of American military hardware... And now it looks like the most nasty of them all might get a nuke. If I were in Israel, I'd be just a tad worried.
The only thing that'll save Israel is if they surrender soon.

That's what the Arabs were saying in 1947.

Sure, that was 1947, but sooner or later, I'm thinking that the arabs are going to get their shit together, there are a lot of them, they have camel loads of money, now they have a lot of American military hardware... And now it looks like the most nasty of them all might get a nuke. If I were in Israel, I'd be just a tad worried.

Yes , but destroying Israel would not change anything for them ... they would still be failed countries living by barbaric laws of the past.

Jordan in my opinion is the most western Arab country in the area , and even there honor killings are still happening ...
That's what the Arabs were saying in 1947.

Sure, that was 1947, but sooner or later, I'm thinking that the arabs are going to get their shit together, there are a lot of them, they have camel loads of money, now they have a lot of American military hardware... And now it looks like the most nasty of them all might get a nuke. If I were in Israel, I'd be just a tad worried.

Yes , but destroying Israel would not change anything for them ... they would still be failed countries living by barbaric laws of the past.

Jordan in my opinion is the most western Arab country in the area , and even there honor killings are still happening ...
But Jordon have a Palestinian QUEEN.....VERY HIGHLY RESPECTED WORLD WIDE.....just thought I'd mention that.steve very beautiful and clever in a smart way:clap2:
Sure, that was 1947, but sooner or later, I'm thinking that the arabs are going to get their shit together, there are a lot of them, they have camel loads of money, now they have a lot of American military hardware... And now it looks like the most nasty of them all might get a nuke. If I were in Israel, I'd be just a tad worried.

Yes , but destroying Israel would not change anything for them ... they would still be failed countries living by barbaric laws of the past.

Jordan in my opinion is the most western Arab country in the area , and even there honor killings are still happening ...
But Jordon have a Palestinian QUEEN.....VERY HIGHLY RESPECTED WORLD WIDE.....just thought I'd mention that.steve very beautiful and clever in a smart way:clap2:
Yes I know ... That's how I know about the honor killings , the queen talked about it ...
She is pro western in many aspects ,
If she were the leader of the Palestinians we would have peace a long time ago ...
The only thing that'll save Israel is if they surrender soon.

That's what the Arabs were saying in 1947.

Sure, that was 1947, but sooner or later, I'm thinking that the arabs are going to get their shit together, there are a lot of them, they have camel loads of money, now they have a lot of American military hardware... And now it looks like the most nasty of them all might get a nuke. If I were in Israel, I'd be just a tad worried.

That was the story in 1947 and again in 1956 and 1967 and 1973, and in all these wars the Arabs not only vastly outnumbered the Israelis, but also had much better military equipment and much more of it. In each case the Israelis won decisive victories. For two generations now, there has been no indication that any of the Arab states has any taste for another conflict with Israel.

If the Arabs ever get their shit together, they will realize they have nothing to gain by going to war with Israel.
That's what the Arabs were saying in 1947.

Sure, that was 1947, but sooner or later, I'm thinking that the arabs are going to get their shit together, there are a lot of them, they have camel loads of money, now they have a lot of American military hardware... And now it looks like the most nasty of them all might get a nuke. If I were in Israel, I'd be just a tad worried.

That was the story in 1947 and again in 1956 and 1967 and 1973, and in all these wars the Arabs not only vastly outnumbered the Israelis, but also had much better military equipment and much more of it. In each case the Israelis won decisive victories. For two generations now, there has been no indication that any of the Arab states has any taste for another conflict with Israel.

If the Arabs ever get their shit together, they will realize they have nothing to gain by going to war with Israel.

Nobody is talking about starting a war with Israel.
Sure, that was 1947, but sooner or later, I'm thinking that the arabs are going to get their shit together, there are a lot of them, they have camel loads of money, now they have a lot of American military hardware... And now it looks like the most nasty of them all might get a nuke. If I were in Israel, I'd be just a tad worried.

That was the story in 1947 and again in 1956 and 1967 and 1973, and in all these wars the Arabs not only vastly outnumbered the Israelis, but also had much better military equipment and much more of it. In each case the Israelis won decisive victories. For two generations now, there has been no indication that any of the Arab states has any taste for another conflict with Israel.

If the Arabs ever get their shit together, they will realize they have nothing to gain by going to war with Israel.

Nobody is talking about starting a war with Israel.

If you had a functioning brain, you would have seen the post I was responding to was.
Yes , but destroying Israel would not change anything for them ... they would still be failed countries living by barbaric laws of the past.

Jordan in my opinion is the most western Arab country in the area , and even there honor killings are still happening ...
But Jordon have a Palestinian QUEEN.....VERY HIGHLY RESPECTED WORLD WIDE.....just thought I'd mention that.steve very beautiful and clever in a smart way:clap2:
Yes I know ... That's how I know about the honor killings , the queen talked about it ...
She is pro western in many aspects ,
If she were the leader of the Palestinians we would have peace a long time ago ...
Wolvie.......this is a watershed moment,in as much that I fully agree with you.

I know in Israel that women are much respected and of much influence:clap2::clap2:

I read with dismay that the young Morroccan girl who was raped and made to marry her rapist(TO RESTORE HER HONOUR(WHAT A FUCKING CROCK OF SHIT) committed suicide after being tormented,abused and assulted by the court system, her husband,husbands mother and sisters.

But there is a meeting today by the formidible womens lobby(Morrocco being one of the slightly more progressive Islamic nations)...to move to have this law changed and the perpertrators brought to justice.

These stories are indemic throughout the Islamic world,and frankly are a disgrace by my eyes but that is the problem when women are regarded as merely a chattle.......This is a generalization as I know full well the majority of Arabic women are contented........but here you are dealing with ingnorant,uneducated peasants.......who give Arabs a bad name.steve
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I don't think it has anything to do with race, it has to do with brainwashing by Islam.
It's just so happens that the majority of Arabs are Muslim.
You can see very successful and modern Arabs in western countries where Islam does not rule.

The best thing that can happen to Islamic countries is for them to stop be Islamic.
Religion and state should be separated.
That's what the Arabs were saying in 1947.

Sure, that was 1947, but sooner or later, I'm thinking that the arabs are going to get their shit together, there are a lot of them, they have camel loads of money, now they have a lot of American military hardware... And now it looks like the most nasty of them all might get a nuke. If I were in Israel, I'd be just a tad worried.

Yes , but destroying Israel would not change anything for them ... they would still be failed countries living by barbaric laws of the past.

Jordan in my opinion is the most western Arab country in the area , and even there honor killings are still happening ...

They don't care about being failed countries, they just care about beating their women and wiping Israel off of the map.

Jordan is a total waste of sand, the Israelis should take it over (the 6 hour war) and give it to the Palestinians. Or even take it over and give the Pallies their land back. Who's going to care?
I don't think it has anything to do with race, it has to do with brainwashing by Islam.
It's just so happens that the majority of Arabs are Muslim.
You can see very successful and modern Arabs in western countries where Islam does not rule.

The best thing that can happen to Islamic countries is for them to stop be Islamic.
Religion and state should be separated.

I agree completely...but you could say the same about America to a degree.....compared to a country like Australia where there is total separation,just saying.steve
Sure, that was 1947, but sooner or later, I'm thinking that the arabs are going to get their shit together, there are a lot of them, they have camel loads of money, now they have a lot of American military hardware... And now it looks like the most nasty of them all might get a nuke. If I were in Israel, I'd be just a tad worried.

Yes , but destroying Israel would not change anything for them ... they would still be failed countries living by barbaric laws of the past.

Jordan in my opinion is the most western Arab country in the area , and even there honor killings are still happening ...

They don't care about being failed countries, they just care about beating their women and wiping Israel off of the map.

Jordan is a total waste of sand, the Israelis should take it over (the 6 hour war) and give it to the Palestinians. Or even take it over and give the Pallies their land back. Who's going to care?

Really your comments defy reason......spouting all this rubbish,when you live in a country.....where women and children are raped,assulted and murdered daily,and for a fact .... honour killings(murder)happen throughout the world

You, with your raping,mutilation and daily murder of women and children are hardly in a position of moralizing to others.......I think you need to put your house in order too as really
your are no better than those who you demean :badgrin::badgrin:theliq You to could be seen as a failed people and country.......who are so much in debt that you can never pay back and have been living off others loans,you really are a pack of beggars,yet you rant on and on but you are and have nothing.
You live in a glass house and are full of shit
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Yes , but destroying Israel would not change anything for them ... they would still be failed countries living by barbaric laws of the past.

Jordan in my opinion is the most western Arab country in the area , and even there honor killings are still happening ...

They don't care about being failed countries, they just care about beating their women and wiping Israel off of the map.

Jordan is a total waste of sand, the Israelis should take it over (the 6 hour war) and give it to the Palestinians. Or even take it over and give the Pallies their land back. Who's going to care?

Really your comments defy reason......spouting all this rubbish,when you live in a country.....where women and children are raped,assulted and murdered daily,and for a fact .... honour killings(murder)happen throughout the world

You, with your raping,mutilation and daily murder of women and children are hardly in a position of moralizing to others.......I think you need to put your house in order too as really
your are no better than those who you demean :badgrin::badgrin:theliq You to could be seen as a failed people and country.......who are so much in debt that you can never pay back and have been living off others loans,you really are a pack of beggars,yet you rant on and on but you are and have nothing.
You live in a glass house and are full of shit

I "live in a country.....where women and children are raped,assulted and murdered daily"? Where the fuck do you think I live? LOL!

Tell us more about your fascinating views on Isael.

You illiterate fuckwit.

Genesis 47:29 When the time drew near for Israel to die, he called for his son Joseph and said to him, "If I have found favor in your eyes, put your hand under my thigh and promise that you will show me kindness and faithfulness. Do not bury me in Egypt,
Genesis 47:30 [ Israel speaks ] but when I rest with my fathers, carry me out of Egypt and bury me where they are buried.I will do as you say," he said.
Genesis 50:5 My father made me swear an oath and said, "I am about to die; bury me in the tomb I dug for myself in the land of Canaan." Now let me go up and bury my father; then I will return.'"
Genesis 50:7 So Joseph went up to bury his father. All Pharaoh's officials accompanied him--the dignitaries of his court and all the dignitaries of Egypt--
Genesis 50:10 When they reached the threshing floor of Atad, near the Jordan, they lamented loudly and bitterly; and there Joseph observed a seven-day period of mourning for his father.
Genesis 50:11 When the Canaanites who lived there saw the mourning at the threshing floor of Atad, they said, "The Egyptians are holding a solemn ceremony of mourning." That is why that place near the Jordan is called Abel Mizraim.
Genesis 50:13 They carried him to the land of Canaan and buried him in the cave in the field of Machpelah, near Mamre, which Abraham had bought as a burial place from Ephron the Hittite, along with the field.
Genesis 23:17 So Ephron's field in Machpelah near Mamre--both the field and the cave in it, and all the trees within the borders of the field--was deeded
Genesis 25:9 His sons Isaac and Ishmael buried him in the cave of Machpelah near Mamre, in the field of Ephron son of Zohar the Hittite,
Genesis 49:31 There Abraham and his wife Sarah were buried, there Isaac and his wife Rebekah were buried, and there I buried Leah.
Genesis 50:10 And they came to the threshingfloor of Atad, which is beyond Jordan, and there they mourned with a great and very sore lamentation:
Genesis 50:14 For his sons carried him [ Israel ] into the land of Canaan, and buried him in the cave of the field of Machpelah, which Abraham bought with the field for a possession of a buryingplace of Ephron the Hittite, before Mamre.
Genesis 50:14 After burying his father, Joseph returned to Egypt, together with his brothers and all the others who had gone with him to bury his father.

The “Jewish homeland” cannot be in Palestine because Palestine is west of the Jordan river and the The founding fathers of Judaism were buried “beyond Jordan” which places their true homeland in Jordan.
No actually it does not even do that. The grave site was purchased from the locals. The Jews of old had no “country”, they were nomads. No wait that is not totally true either they lived for 430 years in Egypt before immigrating to Palestine, which I might add already existed before them.

Israel God's forbidden place

read it yourself
I add this:
(Exo 1:7 KJV) And the children of Israel were fruitful, and increased abundantly, and multiplied, and waxed exceeding mighty; and the land was filled with them.

(Exo 12:40 KJV) Now the sojourning of the children of Israel, who dwelt in Egypt, was four hundred and thirty years.
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Ah, it's 2012...


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