What issue is most important to you in the election?


Gold Member
Mar 29, 2011
I don't start many threads, but i was hoping to get a better feel for what issue USMB members personally find to be most important in the election cycle and why.

I have three. But I'll stick to the main one, which is the economy. Not just job creation (as govt. creates no jobs, they can merely get out of the way to allow creation) but the entirety of our economy. Monetary policy, fiscal policy, taxation and private sector health. Why? because it affects everyones lives. From top to bottom. To me it's extremely important.

So which is the most important to you an why?
1) Debt - Way out of control
2) Growth of government - Way out of control
3) Liberty - Dying on the vine
Not the only concern for me at the moment but probably top of my list would be jobs. Gee, I wonder why?

Unfortunately, I'm pretty certain regardless of which of the two we elect in November, not much is going to change in the long run. If, Romney is elected, I suspect that between November 7th and probably end of March a window may open up where employers will begin hiring, but once they have a feel for the new President, that window will begin to close. Anyone looking for a job had better find a position in those five months or be prepared for another long haul.

Foreign policy and our war in Afghanistan. The amount of money being spent on this war, as well as mop up operations in Iraq is killing us. I want to know what we are going to do to stop being the world's police. No one is paying us to do this, so why are we?
1) Debt/Deficit
2) Reduction of government
3) Taxes

yes.. it is all interconnected.. so I guess you can say in essence.. fiscal issues
I would say, at present, the economy. Which involves far more than just jobs, or debt. There is the distribution of income, way out of balance towards the already wealthy. There is the rapidly deteriorating infrastructure, without which we cannot build a growing economy. There is the continued importation of energy, transfering wealth to nations that have antipathy toward us. And there is the failure to move on from fossil fuel energy to something that is sustainable.
I would say, at present, the economy. Which involves far more than just jobs, or debt. There is the distribution of income, way out of balance towards the already wealthy. There is the rapidly deteriorating infrastructure, without which we cannot build a growing economy. There is the continued importation of energy, transfering wealth to nations that have antipathy toward us. And there is the failure to move on from fossil fuel energy to something that is sustainable.

Continued tax cuts on the wealthi, err job creators erode our ability to maintain our infrastructure, which in turn inhibit the abilities of corporations to do well in the US. Vicious cycle.
Issue # 1: Send Barry back to Hyde Park in Chicago. Nothing else matters unless he is defeated and sent packing.
1. Revitalize the economy
2. Reduce the National Debt
3. Restrict the size and power of the Federal Government.

In that order.
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1.) What Obama ate as a child
2.) Who's hair Romney cut as a teenager

Lol no the real answer for me is fiscal issues, I share Dave's central issue.
I would say, at present, the economy. Which involves far more than just jobs, or debt. There is the distribution of income, way out of balance towards the already wealthy. There is the rapidly deteriorating infrastructure, without which we cannot build a growing economy. There is the continued importation of energy, transfering wealth to nations that have antipathy toward us. And there is the failure to move on from fossil fuel energy to something that is sustainable.

Continued tax cuts on the wealthi, err job creators erode our ability to maintain our infrastructure, which in turn inhibit the abilities of corporations to do well in the US. Vicious cycle.

is it really the tax cuts, or is it the trillions in over seas imperial adventures that are the problem? i think you had it right in the first post. Tax cuts on wealthier folks can be argued to create more jobs, increasing federal revenue.

I think the problem is more about mismanagement of the revenue instead of the need to have more of it.
I would say, at present, the economy. Which involves far more than just jobs, or debt. There is the distribution of income, way out of balance towards the already wealthy. There is the rapidly deteriorating infrastructure, without which we cannot build a growing economy. There is the continued importation of energy, transfering wealth to nations that have antipathy toward us. And there is the failure to move on from fossil fuel energy to something that is sustainable.

Continued tax cuts on the wealthi, err job creators erode our ability to maintain our infrastructure, which in turn inhibit the abilities of corporations to do well in the US. Vicious cycle.

is it really the tax cuts, or is it the trillions in over seas imperial adventures that are the problem? i think you had it right in the first post. Tax cuts on wealthier folks can be argued to create more jobs, increasing federal revenue.

I think the problem is more about mismanagement of the revenue instead of the need to have more of it.

I agree 100% that spending on ALL things is out of control. However, if we are all honest with each other, we will admit that reigning in this out of control spending simply cannot happen overnight, or even within my lifetime, probably. If this is fact, then cutting taxes on the wealthiest Americans is only worsening our problems, yes?
Economy, national debt, and individual freedoms as guaranteed by what remains of the constitution. Regardless of the victor in November my hope is that both houses of congress are controlled by those committed to facing the reality that yes we are broke!
Continued tax cuts on the wealthi, err job creators erode our ability to maintain our infrastructure, which in turn inhibit the abilities of corporations to do well in the US. Vicious cycle.

is it really the tax cuts, or is it the trillions in over seas imperial adventures that are the problem? i think you had it right in the first post. Tax cuts on wealthier folks can be argued to create more jobs, increasing federal revenue.

I think the problem is more about mismanagement of the revenue instead of the need to have more of it.

I agree 100% that spending on ALL things is out of control. However, if we are all honest with each other, we will admit that reigning in this out of control spending simply cannot happen overnight, or even within my lifetime, probably. If this is fact, then cutting taxes on the wealthiest Americans is only worsening our problems, yes?

I don't see increasing taxes on the super rich as helping anything. They'll just take their money out of the economy, which would be devastating.

It's a spending problem, and you're right it's not going away. Our gov't will never be fixed.
2.Governmental over reach(similiar to growth of government, but happens alot in "small" Dictatorships as well!"
3. The rise of the Bircher-type Republican(no--they are not the tea party members. They are the wierdos that keep talking about Obama birth certificate and things like that as if they are serious! Delusional liars that tend to hurt the right)
I would say, at present, the economy. Which involves far more than just jobs, or debt. There is the distribution of income, way out of balance towards the already wealthy. There is the rapidly deteriorating infrastructure, without which we cannot build a growing economy. There is the continued importation of energy, transfering wealth to nations that have antipathy toward us. And there is the failure to move on from fossil fuel energy to something that is sustainable.

Continued tax cuts on the wealthi, err job creators erode our ability to maintain our infrastructure, which in turn inhibit the abilities of corporations to do well in the US. Vicious cycle.

is it really the tax cuts, or is it the trillions in over seas imperial adventures that are the problem? i think you had it right in the first post. Tax cuts on wealthier folks can be argued to create more jobs, increasing federal revenue.

I think the problem is more about mismanagement of the revenue instead of the need to have more of it.

I did not see these jobs being created when Bush did the tax cut. And I did see jobs created during Clinton's terms when the taxes were increased. Within reason, little corelation there from recent experiance.
When I go to the polls I'll have three issues on my mind..

1. The economy

2. Energy for America

3. The fact that the dummie up there spent four years demonizing half of America.


I'll vote accordingly.


Reduce the military budget only to the amount spent by the combination of Russia and China.

Cut all subsidies to profitable enterprises

Demand efficiency equal to that in other nations from those organizations that recieve government money for Medicare, Mediaid, or other government health programs.


Instead of rewarding enterprises that take vast sums out of the economy without creating a single thing, tax them at a greater rate than you do the people that are creating the items that we use every day.

People that earn in the seven figure bracket should pay as great of a percentage of their income in taxes as those the earn in the mid-five figure range.

Charge importation fees on all products produced in nations that have low environmental and worker safety standards.

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