What kind of horrible, dangerous places do these people live that hey have to go out armed?

Sorry, but if you think you need to be armed at a little girl's soft ball game, you're nuts.

If one of those little girls is yours and you feel responsible for her safety then why is it "nuts" to carry a concealed weapon? Let me guess, Bulldog...you're one of those naïve people who thinks that the Police will protect you from the crazies?

I'm one of those people who think the craziest among us shouldn't be allowed to have guns, and certainly shouldn't be allowed to prance around with one just to make a fashion statement.

What does that have to do with someone who's completely sane and completely law abiding having the right to carry a firearm to protect themselves and their loved ones?

Go back and read the posts by gun nuts here, especially that galt nut, and tell me they aren't too crazy and hoping for a confrontation to be armed

Why wouldn't I hope for a confrontation to be armed? I'm a better shot and better armed than most all of the shithead liberal criminals.

I'd love nothing better than to shoot some criminal liberal in the face for trying to break into my house. It would be a great story to tell my grand kids.

Now, now. Lets keep this realistic. There are people who are poor and desperate. They might try to commit some sort of nonviolent property crime, and it does not mean they deserve to die.
Its never good to kill anyone.
Everyone has a mother, and lots people might also have kids.
There is no need to made the world a colder place, just over some minor property.
I have lived nearly 70 years and not once ever have I thought that having a gun would have made my situation better or safer.

You men who are out shooting every week. How many times have you used that gun in self defence?

I have used my gun in self defense three times. Once with a rifle, and the other two times with my handgun. Both times with my handgun were when I was younger, and I didn't need to shoot the guys, they figured out that it would be real bad for them to continue, so they stopped.

Similar with me.
Never needed to ever fire a shot in 45 years.
But if not carrying, I would not have taken the risk of stopping half a dozen crimes.
So they would have succeeded if not for the concealed weapon.
I have lived nearly 70 years and not once ever have I thought that having a gun would have made my situation better or safer.

You men who are out shooting every week. How many times have you used that gun in self defence?

I have used my gun in self defense three times. Once with a rifle, and the other two times with my handgun. Both times with my handgun were when I was younger, and I didn't need to shoot the guys, they figured out that it would be real bad for them to continue, so they stopped.

Similar with me.
Never needed to ever fire a shot in 45 years.
But if not carrying, I would not have taken the risk of stopping half a dozen crimes.
So they would have succeeded if not for the concealed weapon.

I usually don't carry during the daytime. If I take my gun with me, it's because I'll be traveling at night from a party or something.

A few years back my father called me stating my sisters car had a bad alternator and they were trying to get it home. They were in downtown Cleveland at night and thankfully I talked him into getting a tow truck and have them bring the car to his house so he could work on it. If he didn't listen to me and decided to take a chance, the car might have stopped in a really bad part of town, and I would have had to go there and rescue them.

Without a doubt I would have taken my gun, but a good chance I might have had to use it.
So you think people in the military wouldn't rebel against the government for any reason?

You've watched too many movies.

No not really

It's a serious question

Could the government overstep its authority to such a degree that the people will rebel and if that happens will the military support the people or the government?

There is more of a chance where the Government does so little that it threatens the livelihoods of the citizens (Depressions and Recessions) that could cause something like that. There are just too many safeguards built in to prevent the Government from doing too much to cause an armed revolt. If that were the case, we are closer to that today than ever before. If you are depending on the US Military to back your hands, don't. Even a President has his hands tied trying to use the Federal Military for his own ends. The most that can happen is that Military will do exactly nothing unless you attack a federal agency, on federal lands, the US Military can and will defend it. The US Military (and me) swears to uphold and protect the United States Constitution above all things. The Armed Ressurection you keep bringing up is something out of a B movie scifi flix that the US Military would never allow to happen.

You have more faith in government than I do. I for one will never say it's impossible for any government to become the enemy of the people

Right now, I would say it's become more of an enemy to the people than it's been for the last 100 years. But we have a revolution every 2 and 4 years. I look for more corrections to happen.

90% of all incumbents stay in office
I have lived nearly 70 years and not once ever have I thought that having a gun would have made my situation better or safer.

You men who are out shooting every week. How many times have you used that gun in self defence?

It doesn't matter.

How many times have you used your life insurance policy?

I go to the range a few times a month because I like to shoot. And no one ever plans on being the victim if a crime where they may have to defend themselves but isn't always better to be prepared?

I carry and I sincerely hope I never am in a situation where I have to draw my weapon and just because you have been fortunate enough not to be the victim of a crime there are millions of people who have
If one of those little girls is yours and you feel responsible for her safety then why is it "nuts" to carry a concealed weapon? Let me guess, Bulldog...you're one of those naïve people who thinks that the Police will protect you from the crazies?

I'm one of those people who think the craziest among us shouldn't be allowed to have guns, and certainly shouldn't be allowed to prance around with one just to make a fashion statement.

What does that have to do with someone who's completely sane and completely law abiding having the right to carry a firearm to protect themselves and their loved ones?

Go back and read the posts by gun nuts here, especially that galt nut, and tell me they aren't too crazy and hoping for a confrontation to be armed

Why wouldn't I hope for a confrontation to be armed? I'm a better shot and better armed than most all of the shithead liberal criminals.

I'd love nothing better than to shoot some criminal liberal in the face for trying to break into my house. It would be a great story to tell my grand kids.

That's kinda my point idiot. You would love nothing better than shooting someone. You are the crazy who shouldn't be allowed near guns, and you are the reason gun nuts are called gun nuts.

No, hillbilly. These are gun nuts..

You've watched too many movies.

No not really

It's a serious question

Could the government overstep its authority to such a degree that the people will rebel and if that happens will the military support the people or the government?

There is more of a chance where the Government does so little that it threatens the livelihoods of the citizens (Depressions and Recessions) that could cause something like that. There are just too many safeguards built in to prevent the Government from doing too much to cause an armed revolt. If that were the case, we are closer to that today than ever before. If you are depending on the US Military to back your hands, don't. Even a President has his hands tied trying to use the Federal Military for his own ends. The most that can happen is that Military will do exactly nothing unless you attack a federal agency, on federal lands, the US Military can and will defend it. The US Military (and me) swears to uphold and protect the United States Constitution above all things. The Armed Ressurection you keep bringing up is something out of a B movie scifi flix that the US Military would never allow to happen.

You have more faith in government than I do. I for one will never say it's impossible for any government to become the enemy of the people

Right now, I would say it's become more of an enemy to the people than it's been for the last 100 years. But we have a revolution every 2 and 4 years. I look for more corrections to happen.

90% of all incumbents stay in office

And who's fault is that?
I have lived nearly 70 years and not once ever have I thought that having a gun would have made my situation better or safer.

You men who are out shooting every week. How many times have you used that gun in self defence?

I have used my gun in self defense three times. Once with a rifle, and the other two times with my handgun. Both times with my handgun were when I was younger, and I didn't need to shoot the guys, they figured out that it would be real bad for them to continue, so they stopped.

Do not count Military nor Professional Security. Most of these people can relate to either no matter what they claim.
No not really

It's a serious question

Could the government overstep its authority to such a degree that the people will rebel and if that happens will the military support the people or the government?

There is more of a chance where the Government does so little that it threatens the livelihoods of the citizens (Depressions and Recessions) that could cause something like that. There are just too many safeguards built in to prevent the Government from doing too much to cause an armed revolt. If that were the case, we are closer to that today than ever before. If you are depending on the US Military to back your hands, don't. Even a President has his hands tied trying to use the Federal Military for his own ends. The most that can happen is that Military will do exactly nothing unless you attack a federal agency, on federal lands, the US Military can and will defend it. The US Military (and me) swears to uphold and protect the United States Constitution above all things. The Armed Ressurection you keep bringing up is something out of a B movie scifi flix that the US Military would never allow to happen.

You have more faith in government than I do. I for one will never say it's impossible for any government to become the enemy of the people

Right now, I would say it's become more of an enemy to the people than it's been for the last 100 years. But we have a revolution every 2 and 4 years. I look for more corrections to happen.

90% of all incumbents stay in office

And who's fault is that?
There is more of a chance where the Government does so little that it threatens the livelihoods of the citizens (Depressions and Recessions) that could cause something like that. There are just too many safeguards built in to prevent the Government from doing too much to cause an armed revolt. If that were the case, we are closer to that today than ever before. If you are depending on the US Military to back your hands, don't. Even a President has his hands tied trying to use the Federal Military for his own ends. The most that can happen is that Military will do exactly nothing unless you attack a federal agency, on federal lands, the US Military can and will defend it. The US Military (and me) swears to uphold and protect the United States Constitution above all things. The Armed Ressurection you keep bringing up is something out of a B movie scifi flix that the US Military would never allow to happen.

You have more faith in government than I do. I for one will never say it's impossible for any government to become the enemy of the people

Right now, I would say it's become more of an enemy to the people than it's been for the last 100 years. But we have a revolution every 2 and 4 years. I look for more corrections to happen.

90% of all incumbents stay in office

And who's fault is that?

I see you are still unable to admit to any responsibility. It's every citizens fault. So stand up here with me, shoulder to shoulder and accept the blame like a Man or a Woman.
You have more faith in government than I do. I for one will never say it's impossible for any government to become the enemy of the people

Right now, I would say it's become more of an enemy to the people than it's been for the last 100 years. But we have a revolution every 2 and 4 years. I look for more corrections to happen.

90% of all incumbents stay in office

And who's fault is that?

I see you are still unable to admit to any responsibility. It's every citizens fault. So stand up here with me, shoulder to shoulder and accept the blame like a Man or a Woman.

You are so fucking clueless as to how things really work and you believe your puny little vote matters as it pertains to the corporate construct that is USA.INC. On top of that, you believe that Americans should be restricted on what they can have to defend themselves. You sicken and disgust me beyond belief, you commie loving cowardly fuck.
You have more faith in government than I do. I for one will never say it's impossible for any government to become the enemy of the people

Right now, I would say it's become more of an enemy to the people than it's been for the last 100 years. But we have a revolution every 2 and 4 years. I look for more corrections to happen.

90% of all incumbents stay in office

And who's fault is that?

I see you are still unable to admit to any responsibility. It's every citizens fault. So stand up here with me, shoulder to shoulder and accept the blame like a Man or a Woman.
No it's not my fault I haven't voted anything but 3rd party for 20 years
Right now, I would say it's become more of an enemy to the people than it's been for the last 100 years. But we have a revolution every 2 and 4 years. I look for more corrections to happen.

90% of all incumbents stay in office

And who's fault is that?

I see you are still unable to admit to any responsibility. It's every citizens fault. So stand up here with me, shoulder to shoulder and accept the blame like a Man or a Woman.

You are so fucking clueless as to how things really work and you believe your puny little vote matters as it pertains to the corporate construct that is USA.INC. On top of that, you believe that Americans should be restricted on what they can have to defend themselves. You sicken and disgust me beyond belief, you commie loving cowardly fuck.

You keep telling me what you think I believe. That's just silly on your part. Unless you have a better fortune teller than I have.
Right now, I would say it's become more of an enemy to the people than it's been for the last 100 years. But we have a revolution every 2 and 4 years. I look for more corrections to happen.

90% of all incumbents stay in office

And who's fault is that?

I see you are still unable to admit to any responsibility. It's every citizens fault. So stand up here with me, shoulder to shoulder and accept the blame like a Man or a Woman.
No it's not my fault I haven't voted anything but 3rd party for 20 years

Doing a throwaway vote is worse than not voting at all.

90% of all incumbents stay in office

And who's fault is that?

I see you are still unable to admit to any responsibility. It's every citizens fault. So stand up here with me, shoulder to shoulder and accept the blame like a Man or a Woman.
No it's not my fault I haven't voted anything but 3rd party for 20 years

Doing a throwaway vote is worse than not voting at all.

So it's the old catch 22.

If I vote for incumbents or anyone from the two major established parties I'm not doing anything to change the system and if I vote for a third party I'm throwing away a vote and doing nothing to change the system

So tell me why I should vote at all

90% of all incumbents stay in office

And who's fault is that?

I see you are still unable to admit to any responsibility. It's every citizens fault. So stand up here with me, shoulder to shoulder and accept the blame like a Man or a Woman.

You are so fucking clueless as to how things really work and you believe your puny little vote matters as it pertains to the corporate construct that is USA.INC. On top of that, you believe that Americans should be now restricted on what they can have to defend themselves. You sicken and disgust me beyond belief, you commie loving cowardly fuck.

You keep telling me what you think I believe. That's just silly on your part. Unless you have a better fortune teller than I have.

I exactly what you are , what you represent here and what you stand for. It is my hope to tell you that to your face some day. Wanna bet you wouldn't do diddly squat?
I have lived nearly 70 years and not once ever have I thought that having a gun would have made my situation better or safer.

You men who are out shooting every week. How many times have you used that gun in self defence?

I have used my gun in self defense three times. Once with a rifle, and the other two times with my handgun. Both times with my handgun were when I was younger, and I didn't need to shoot the guys, they figured out that it would be real bad for them to continue, so they stopped.

Do not count Military nor Professional Security. Most of these people can relate to either no matter what they claim.

I am neither. I am a private citizen and have always been. I just was also a serious firearms competitor, and fencer, and that introduced me to many people in the Spec Ops community. Earnest Emerson, Bill Bagwell and i are on a first name basis, and have been for decades. It was through my friendship with Bagwell that I got the gig to train the Green Berets.
I have lived nearly 70 years and not once ever have I thought that having a gun would have made my situation better or safer.

You men who are out shooting every week. How many times have you used that gun in self defence?

I have used my gun in self defense three times. Once with a rifle, and the other two times with my handgun. Both times with my handgun were when I was younger, and I didn't need to shoot the guys, they figured out that it would be real bad for them to continue, so they stopped.

Do not count Military nor Professional Security. Most of these people can relate to either no matter what they claim.

I am neither. I am a private citizen and have always been. I just was also a serious firearms competitor, and fencer, and that introduced me to many people in the Spec Ops community. Earnest Emerson, Bill Bagwell and i are on a first name basis, and have been for decades. It was through my friendship with Bagwell that I got the gig to train the Green Berets.

Have you used your gun in an actual self defence situation?
I have lived nearly 70 years and not once ever have I thought that having a gun would have made my situation better or safer.

You men who are out shooting every week. How many times have you used that gun in self defence?

I have used my gun in self defense three times. Once with a rifle, and the other two times with my handgun. Both times with my handgun were when I was younger, and I didn't need to shoot the guys, they figured out that it would be real bad for them to continue, so they stopped.

Do not count Military nor Professional Security. Most of these people can relate to either no matter what they claim.

I am neither. I am a private citizen and have always been. I just was also a serious firearms competitor, and fencer, and that introduced me to many people in the Spec Ops community. Earnest Emerson, Bill Bagwell and i are on a first name basis, and have been for decades. It was through my friendship with Bagwell that I got the gig to train the Green Berets.

Have you used your gun in an actual self defence situation?

Yes, one time I used a rifle when bandits tried to rob us in Morocco. And here in the States I used my handgun to prevent an assault by a drunken fool who thought i was someone else, and was going to bash my head in with a shovel, then another time I had a guy trying to break down the door to the motel room i was staying in (in Phoenix AZ back in 1999) for what reason I have no idea because as soon as I showed him the gun he was gone.
I'm one of those people who think the craziest among us shouldn't be allowed to have guns, and certainly shouldn't be allowed to prance around with one just to make a fashion statement.

What does that have to do with someone who's completely sane and completely law abiding having the right to carry a firearm to protect themselves and their loved ones?

Go back and read the posts by gun nuts here, especially that galt nut, and tell me they aren't too crazy and hoping for a confrontation to be armed

Why wouldn't I hope for a confrontation to be armed? I'm a better shot and better armed than most all of the shithead liberal criminals.

I'd love nothing better than to shoot some criminal liberal in the face for trying to break into my house. It would be a great story to tell my grand kids.

That's kinda my point idiot. You would love nothing better than shooting someone. You are the crazy who shouldn't be allowed near guns, and you are the reason gun nuts are called gun nuts.

No, hillbilly. These are gun nuts..


Exactly. You think of guns as a way to compensate for your lack of masculinity. Most gun nuts do.

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