What kind of horrible, dangerous places do these people live that hey have to go out armed?

I carry because the laws of my country and state say I have the right to.

I have the legal right to go topless in public, but I don't do that either. I have the legal right to get an abortion, but I've never done that either. There are all kinds of legal rights that I have, but I have chosen not to exercise. Why do you feel the need to exercise this right?

Because when the asshole is attacking you the cops are at least 5 minutes away. I am old, and i can no longer fight. I get broken, I stay broken. So, if a asshole tries to play the knockout game with me he gets a nice lead enema.

I have a different problem. I am old and can't put someone down gently anymore. If a person physically goes for it, I have to put them down hard. And I still get 6 months in the county lockup. It's more humane to just pull the weapon and tell them to stand down rather than cripple them if there is time to render the weapon. If it's more than one then I agree with your initial action.

Watch the videos, the assholes playing the knockout game are subtle, they get close before they launch their attack. I can draw and shoot them far faster than I can try and talk them out of attacking me. So i will. Not because I want to, but because i have to. They leave themselves no time to be talked to.

Then they are crippled or dead depending. Or I am dead.
I was married to an ex cop who still had his police 38 revolver. He took me to the shooting range to teach me how to shoot and I was about knocked on my butt firing the first shot. It was too powerful for me....I'm only 5'2" and 110 pounds. He then got me a snub 22 which I still have today but don't have any bullets for it any longer. He also told me that if I made the commitment to shoot, to aim for the chest and empty the gun.

I now have a good friend who owns a gun shop and she told me to get a pump action shot gun because the pumping sound alone should be enough to deter the intruder and if it didn't, the spray of the rounds would likely do the trick.

I have a couple of friends who have concealed permits and I know that anywhere we go, they have their guns with them. I don't want one and don't care if others have them. I really don't want to see any open carry because I feel that it is only done to either show off or is done to intimidate people, or both.

Finally, about the teachers, let me ask some of you this........how many of you would face a spray of bullets to try and take down the shooter? The shooter has the element of surprise on his side whereas the teacher would have to go and retrieve the gun from it's secured place, then, unless they were behind the shooter, would place themselves in the immediate path of the shooter. and who do you think the shooter would shoot next when he saw the teacher with the gun? Would any of you face a shooter with an AK-15 and try to take him down while he was firing? You'd be dead before you hit the floor.

If a shooter gets that close, the whole system at the school has failed. There are methods used in schools today that isolate the students and the teachers behind steel doors and concrete walls. The shooter has to go in far enough that there is enough time for the Teacher to react to get their students to the safe places. If the Teacher is in a shootout, the whole system failed. What good does it do a shooter to roam the empty hallways with nothing to shoot at while the Cops storm the place.

The only thing I can see wrong with your assessment is your AK-15, It's going to be either an AK-47 or an AR-15. But otherwise good writeup.
AR-15 is what I meant.....sorry. And as you've probably already seen, someone here would expect a teacher to face a spray of bullets to protect their child while being killed themselves because the shooter would kill them immediately and making their own children orphans. If this is expected of teachers, then those who expect it should home school their kids and keep them isolated in their own personal fortress. Oh, and not let them go to any malls as teens either, or anywhere else where the public gathers.

And, who do they think the shooter is going to take out first knowing there's an armed guard on duty. Like I said before, the shooter had the element of surprise on his side. And where was it that there was an actual armed guard on duty but he was too chicken to go into the building during the shooting?

One of the methods is to have a single entrance point with a trained security guard and at least one other trained security guard roaming. With an entrance that has X number of yards that the trained security guard can make a determination if there is a possible threat, he can alert the school and the other trained security guard can come post haste to his defense.

Notice, I said, Trained. An Armed Guard is just an armed guard which is like everyone else carrying a weapon. But a trained Security Guard will have stress training and have to go through at least a 1 day stress course every month which is a pass or fail. If he fails he finds alternative employment. Most of these Rexall Rangers would fail that Stress Course big time.

I sincerely doubt that any of those mall-cop "security guards" who are being paid $15 per hour, could even tell the difference between an AK and an AR if they heard the shots down the hall.

There are plenty of those with current recent experience who could, though.
I have the legal right to go topless in public, but I don't do that either. I have the legal right to get an abortion, but I've never done that either. There are all kinds of legal rights that I have, but I have chosen not to exercise. Why do you feel the need to exercise this right?

Because when the asshole is attacking you the cops are at least 5 minutes away. I am old, and i can no longer fight. I get broken, I stay broken. So, if a asshole tries to play the knockout game with me he gets a nice lead enema.

I have a different problem. I am old and can't put someone down gently anymore. If a person physically goes for it, I have to put them down hard. And I still get 6 months in the county lockup. It's more humane to just pull the weapon and tell them to stand down rather than cripple them if there is time to render the weapon. If it's more than one then I agree with your initial action.

Watch the videos, the assholes playing the knockout game are subtle, they get close before they launch their attack. I can draw and shoot them far faster than I can try and talk them out of attacking me. So i will. Not because I want to, but because i have to. They leave themselves no time to be talked to.
Ah. This is precisely what I am talking about.

Fox News plays some doom music, then shows you a video installment of Black Behaving Badly, and the next thing you know, you are shitting your pants.


Typical progressive moronic response. i don't watch Fox news for one, nimrod. Where did i mention the color of the assailant? You fools always run to the race card because your arguments are shit, and you know it. I don't care what color the asshole is, moron, I care that I can no longer afford to get hit. If the asshole swinging away is white, yellow, black, brown, or green, doesn't matter one bit, what matters is he is trying to harm me for no reason but his personal entertainment.

I'm not a side show attraction.

At times you entertain the hell out of me, buckaroo :abgg2q.jpg:
I was married to an ex cop who still had his police 38 revolver. He took me to the shooting range to teach me how to shoot and I was about knocked on my butt firing the first shot. It was too powerful for me....I'm only 5'2" and 110 pounds. He then got me a snub 22 which I still have today but don't have any bullets for it any longer. He also told me that if I made the commitment to shoot, to aim for the chest and empty the gun.

I now have a good friend who owns a gun shop and she told me to get a pump action shot gun because the pumping sound alone should be enough to deter the intruder and if it didn't, the spray of the rounds would likely do the trick.

I have a couple of friends who have concealed permits and I know that anywhere we go, they have their guns with them. I don't want one and don't care if others have them. I really don't want to see any open carry because I feel that it is only done to either show off or is done to intimidate people, or both.

Finally, about the teachers, let me ask some of you this........how many of you would face a spray of bullets to try and take down the shooter? The shooter has the element of surprise on his side whereas the teacher would have to go and retrieve the gun from it's secured place, then, unless they were behind the shooter, would place themselves in the immediate path of the shooter. and who do you think the shooter would shoot next when he saw the teacher with the gun? Would any of you face a shooter with an AK-15 and try to take him down while he was firing? You'd be dead before you hit the floor.

If a shooter gets that close, the whole system at the school has failed. There are methods used in schools today that isolate the students and the teachers behind steel doors and concrete walls. The shooter has to go in far enough that there is enough time for the Teacher to react to get their students to the safe places. If the Teacher is in a shootout, the whole system failed. What good does it do a shooter to roam the empty hallways with nothing to shoot at while the Cops storm the place.

The only thing I can see wrong with your assessment is your AK-15, It's going to be either an AK-47 or an AR-15. But otherwise good writeup.
AR-15 is what I meant.....sorry. And as you've probably already seen, someone here would expect a teacher to face a spray of bullets to protect their child while being killed themselves because the shooter would kill them immediately and making their own children orphans. If this is expected of teachers, then those who expect it should home school their kids and keep them isolated in their own personal fortress. Oh, and not let them go to any malls as teens either, or anywhere else where the public gathers.

And, who do they think the shooter is going to take out first knowing there's an armed guard on duty. Like I said before, the shooter had the element of surprise on his side. And where was it that there was an actual armed guard on duty but he was too chicken to go into the building during the shooting?

One of the methods is to have a single entrance point with a trained security guard and at least one other trained security guard roaming. With an entrance that has X number of yards that the trained security guard can make a determination if there is a possible threat, he can alert the school and the other trained security guard can come post haste to his defense.

Notice, I said, Trained. An Armed Guard is just an armed guard which is like everyone else carrying a weapon. But a trained Security Guard will have stress training and have to go through at least a 1 day stress course every month which is a pass or fail. If he fails he finds alternative employment. Most of these Rexall Rangers would fail that Stress Course big time.

I sincerely doubt that any of those mall-cop "security guards" who are being paid $15 per hour, could even tell the difference between an AK and an AR if they heard the shots down the hall.

There are plenty of those with current recent experience who could, though.

If you don't keep up with the stress training, you lose that the ability to react properly. That's why top armed Security Personnel get that 1 day refresher course each month. If they don't, they start to revert back to every one else. Combat Troops get that on a daily basis but when you separate from service, you start losing that ability which is probably a good thing for normal civilian life. Most Mall Cops may think that they can perform like the Movie Mall Cop but they would be more danger to the customers if they tried.
Thanks for the advice. I'll start carrying an AR-15 from now on, instead.

Gonna need to get a longer coat though.
That won't make your dick get any bigger, so don't waste your money.

My dick is plenty big enough and I'm not "compensating" by carrying a firearm. If I could reach out to a hundred yards and smack some idiot criminal upside the head with my dick, I wouldn't need a gun. So I carry one because..

1. Because I can.

2. Because I do.

3. Because I will.

4 Because there isn't one single thing you have to say about it.

5. Because there isn't a single thing you can do about it.

6. Because GFY.
I don't give two shits if you carry a gun or not, trust me. Or, if you have pepper spray or a knife. What I do find funny is how you think you need to arm yourself so much in your paranoid mind. If you ever came up against a 6'4" black man who was hell bent on harming you, all of that would be useless because he would snap you in two before you even knew what was happening. and if you ever came up on an actual shooter, you'd probably pee in your pants while trying to find a place to hide. False bravado is just that...false here on the internet, and much different in real life. People like you fancy themselves as heroes and concoct all kinds of scenarios in their minds as to what they would do, but if the actual situation arose, would react so totally different. But keep up your fantasy if that's what gets you though the day and night.

You'll pee your pants a lot harder knowing you're going to die and are totally defenseless.

Yeah, keep telling yourself that fantasy. If someone was firing a rapid firearm at you, your little gun would really take them down, huh? SURRRE!

Um, yeah, it would. Unlike you I actually know what I am talking about. An asshole, shooting his gun very fast, is usually not very accurate. A single shot in the forehead stops that rapid fire, instantly. You should actually educate yourself on the subject matter instead of spewing out the uniformed, idiotic opinion you seem so enamored of.
I was married to an ex cop who still had his police 38 revolver. He took me to the shooting range to teach me how to shoot and I was about knocked on my butt firing the first shot. It was too powerful for me....I'm only 5'2" and 110 pounds. He then got me a snub 22 which I still have today but don't have any bullets for it any longer. He also told me that if I made the commitment to shoot, to aim for the chest and empty the gun.

I now have a good friend who owns a gun shop and she told me to get a pump action shot gun because the pumping sound alone should be enough to deter the intruder and if it didn't, the spray of the rounds would likely do the trick.

I have a couple of friends who have concealed permits and I know that anywhere we go, they have their guns with them. I don't want one and don't care if others have them. I really don't want to see any open carry because I feel that it is only done to either show off or is done to intimidate people, or both.

Finally, about the teachers, let me ask some of you this........how many of you would face a spray of bullets to try and take down the shooter? The shooter has the element of surprise on his side whereas the teacher would have to go and retrieve the gun from it's secured place, then, unless they were behind the shooter, would place themselves in the immediate path of the shooter. and who do you think the shooter would shoot next when he saw the teacher with the gun? Would any of you face a shooter with an AK-15 and try to take him down while he was firing? You'd be dead before you hit the floor.

If a shooter gets that close, the whole system at the school has failed. There are methods used in schools today that isolate the students and the teachers behind steel doors and concrete walls. The shooter has to go in far enough that there is enough time for the Teacher to react to get their students to the safe places. If the Teacher is in a shootout, the whole system failed. What good does it do a shooter to roam the empty hallways with nothing to shoot at while the Cops storm the place.

The only thing I can see wrong with your assessment is your AK-15, It's going to be either an AK-47 or an AR-15. But otherwise good writeup.
AR-15 is what I meant.....sorry. And as you've probably already seen, someone here would expect a teacher to face a spray of bullets to protect their child while being killed themselves because the shooter would kill them immediately and making their own children orphans. If this is expected of teachers, then those who expect it should home school their kids and keep them isolated in their own personal fortress. Oh, and not let them go to any malls as teens either, or anywhere else where the public gathers.

And, who do they think the shooter is going to take out first knowing there's an armed guard on duty. Like I said before, the shooter had the element of surprise on his side. And where was it that there was an actual armed guard on duty but he was too chicken to go into the building during the shooting?

One of the methods is to have a single entrance point with a trained security guard and at least one other trained security guard roaming. With an entrance that has X number of yards that the trained security guard can make a determination if there is a possible threat, he can alert the school and the other trained security guard can come post haste to his defense.

Notice, I said, Trained. An Armed Guard is just an armed guard which is like everyone else carrying a weapon. But a trained Security Guard will have stress training and have to go through at least a 1 day stress course every month which is a pass or fail. If he fails he finds alternative employment. Most of these Rexall Rangers would fail that Stress Course big time.

I sincerely doubt that any of those mall-cop "security guards" who are being paid $15 per hour, could even tell the difference between an AK and an AR if they heard the shots down the hall.

There are plenty of those with current recent experience who could, though.

If you don't keep up with the stress training, you lose that the ability to react properly. That's why top armed Security Personnel get that 1 day refresher course each month. If they don't, they start to revert back to every one else. Combat Troops get that on a daily basis but when you separate from service, you start losing that ability which is probably a good thing for normal civilian life. Most Mall Cops may think that they can perform like the Movie Mall Cop but they would be more danger to the customers if they tried.

Once a month is not enough. The real operators are out training at least three times a WEEK. I train once a week, and shoot for fun at least twice a week, weather permitting.
Because when the asshole is attacking you the cops are at least 5 minutes away. I am old, and i can no longer fight. I get broken, I stay broken. So, if a asshole tries to play the knockout game with me he gets a nice lead enema.

I have a different problem. I am old and can't put someone down gently anymore. If a person physically goes for it, I have to put them down hard. And I still get 6 months in the county lockup. It's more humane to just pull the weapon and tell them to stand down rather than cripple them if there is time to render the weapon. If it's more than one then I agree with your initial action.

Watch the videos, the assholes playing the knockout game are subtle, they get close before they launch their attack. I can draw and shoot them far faster than I can try and talk them out of attacking me. So i will. Not because I want to, but because i have to. They leave themselves no time to be talked to.
Ah. This is precisely what I am talking about.

Fox News plays some doom music, then shows you a video installment of Black Behaving Badly, and the next thing you know, you are shitting your pants.


Typical progressive moronic response. i don't watch Fox news for one, nimrod. Where did i mention the color of the assailant? You fools always run to the race card because your arguments are shit, and you know it. I don't care what color the asshole is, moron, I care that I can no longer afford to get hit. If the asshole swinging away is white, yellow, black, brown, or green, doesn't matter one bit, what matters is he is trying to harm me for no reason but his personal entertainment.

I'm not a side show attraction.
"Watch the videos".

Your words. You feed your disease.

I can guarantee every knock out game video you have seen is a video installment of Blacks Behaving Badly. Whether its Fox News, or Breitbart, or whatever pseudocon propagandist to which you subscribe.

I run across tards like you at every gun show. You have mental fantasies of being able to blast some negroes or homos or Mexicans. You don't fool me. I know your type.

Bullpoo, silly person. There are plenty of white and asian assholes who play the knockout game, idiot. Like I said, being an asshole is a way of life, not based on color, not that a bigot, like you, would ever admit to that reality.

You're like every other progressive bigot, you think you are superior but deep down you're scared shitless that your little socialist utopia will never happen.
That won't make your dick get any bigger, so don't waste your money.

My dick is plenty big enough and I'm not "compensating" by carrying a firearm. If I could reach out to a hundred yards and smack some idiot criminal upside the head with my dick, I wouldn't need a gun. So I carry one because..

1. Because I can.

2. Because I do.

3. Because I will.

4 Because there isn't one single thing you have to say about it.

5. Because there isn't a single thing you can do about it.

6. Because GFY.
I don't give two shits if you carry a gun or not, trust me. Or, if you have pepper spray or a knife. What I do find funny is how you think you need to arm yourself so much in your paranoid mind. If you ever came up against a 6'4" black man who was hell bent on harming you, all of that would be useless because he would snap you in two before you even knew what was happening. and if you ever came up on an actual shooter, you'd probably pee in your pants while trying to find a place to hide. False bravado is just that...false here on the internet, and much different in real life. People like you fancy themselves as heroes and concoct all kinds of scenarios in their minds as to what they would do, but if the actual situation arose, would react so totally different. But keep up your fantasy if that's what gets you though the day and night.

You'll pee your pants a lot harder knowing you're going to die and are totally defenseless.

Yeah, keep telling yourself that fantasy. If someone was firing a rapid firearm at you, your little gun would really take them down, huh? SURRRE!

Um, yeah, it would. Unlike you I actually know what I am talking about. An asshole, shooting his gun very fast, is usually not very accurate. A single shot in the forehead stops that rapid fire, instantly. You should actually educate yourself on the subject matter instead of spewing out the uniformed, idiotic opinion you seem so enamored of.

I learned to double and triple tap. I would go to the range for normal qualifying and was unaware that I was doing this. The Range Masters were driven nuts because I would never have enough rounds to finish like the rest. I wasn't even aware I was doing it. Even today, I will at least double tap. On a double tap, the forehead is not the target, ever. On a triple tap, it's the middle shot if the enemy is wearing body armor. The only calibers that I would be trying for the forehead would be if I were shooting a 22 or 25 and I would empty the gun at the forehead banking that at least one will hit.
If a shooter gets that close, the whole system at the school has failed. There are methods used in schools today that isolate the students and the teachers behind steel doors and concrete walls. The shooter has to go in far enough that there is enough time for the Teacher to react to get their students to the safe places. If the Teacher is in a shootout, the whole system failed. What good does it do a shooter to roam the empty hallways with nothing to shoot at while the Cops storm the place.

The only thing I can see wrong with your assessment is your AK-15, It's going to be either an AK-47 or an AR-15. But otherwise good writeup.
AR-15 is what I meant.....sorry. And as you've probably already seen, someone here would expect a teacher to face a spray of bullets to protect their child while being killed themselves because the shooter would kill them immediately and making their own children orphans. If this is expected of teachers, then those who expect it should home school their kids and keep them isolated in their own personal fortress. Oh, and not let them go to any malls as teens either, or anywhere else where the public gathers.

And, who do they think the shooter is going to take out first knowing there's an armed guard on duty. Like I said before, the shooter had the element of surprise on his side. And where was it that there was an actual armed guard on duty but he was too chicken to go into the building during the shooting?

One of the methods is to have a single entrance point with a trained security guard and at least one other trained security guard roaming. With an entrance that has X number of yards that the trained security guard can make a determination if there is a possible threat, he can alert the school and the other trained security guard can come post haste to his defense.

Notice, I said, Trained. An Armed Guard is just an armed guard which is like everyone else carrying a weapon. But a trained Security Guard will have stress training and have to go through at least a 1 day stress course every month which is a pass or fail. If he fails he finds alternative employment. Most of these Rexall Rangers would fail that Stress Course big time.

I sincerely doubt that any of those mall-cop "security guards" who are being paid $15 per hour, could even tell the difference between an AK and an AR if they heard the shots down the hall.

There are plenty of those with current recent experience who could, though.

If you don't keep up with the stress training, you lose that the ability to react properly. That's why top armed Security Personnel get that 1 day refresher course each month. If they don't, they start to revert back to every one else. Combat Troops get that on a daily basis but when you separate from service, you start losing that ability which is probably a good thing for normal civilian life. Most Mall Cops may think that they can perform like the Movie Mall Cop but they would be more danger to the customers if they tried.

Once a month is not enough. The real operators are out training at least three times a WEEK. I train once a week, and shoot for fun at least twice a week, weather permitting.

And what job do you have that requires you to be a "Real Operator"?
I have lived nearly 70 years and not once ever have I thought that having a gun would have made my situation better or safer.

You men who are out shooting every week. How many times have you used that gun in self defence?
I have lived nearly 70 years and not once ever have I thought that having a gun would have made my situation better or safer.

You men who are out shooting every week. How many times have you used that gun in self defence?

How many times have you had to file an insurance claim because your house burned down? How many times have you needed to change a flat tire out in the middle of nowhere, because you ran over a nail? Maybe it's a good thing that you carry insurance and a spare tire, no?

But I will confide in you: Having a firearm is probably not a good thing in your case. You don't seem to be emotionally stable or mature enough to understand just how powerful they are.
I carry because the laws of my country and state say I have the right to.

Sorry, but if you think you need to be armed at a little girl's soft ball game, you're nuts.

If one of those little girls is yours and you feel responsible for her safety then why is it "nuts" to carry a concealed weapon? Let me guess, Bulldog...you're one of those naïve people who thinks that the Police will protect you from the crazies?

I'm one of those people who think the craziest among us shouldn't be allowed to have guns, and certainly shouldn't be allowed to prance around with one just to make a fashion statement.

What does that have to do with someone who's completely sane and completely law abiding having the right to carry a firearm to protect themselves and their loved ones?
I carry because the laws of my country and state say I have the right to.

Sorry, but if you think you need to be armed at a little girl's soft ball game, you're nuts.

If one of those little girls is yours and you feel responsible for her safety then why is it "nuts" to carry a concealed weapon? Let me guess, Bulldog...you're one of those naïve people who thinks that the Police will protect you from the crazies?

I'm one of those people who think the craziest among us shouldn't be allowed to have guns, and certainly shouldn't be allowed to prance around with one just to make a fashion statement.

What does that have to do with someone who's completely sane and completely law abiding having the right to carry a firearm to protect themselves and their loved ones?

The OP is merely "projecting." No sane gun-owner "prances around" with a gun. The OP on the other hand likes to dress up like a girl, hence the "prancing around" comment. I would suspect that he also does quite a lot of mincing and preening, all while standing in front of a mirror.
I carry because the laws of my country and state say I have the right to.

Sorry, but if you think you need to be armed at a little girl's soft ball game, you're nuts.

If one of those little girls is yours and you feel responsible for her safety then why is it "nuts" to carry a concealed weapon? Let me guess, Bulldog...you're one of those naïve people who thinks that the Police will protect you from the crazies?

I'm one of those people who think the craziest among us shouldn't be allowed to have guns, and certainly shouldn't be allowed to prance around with one just to make a fashion statement.

What does that have to do with someone who's completely sane and completely law abiding having the right to carry a firearm to protect themselves and their loved ones?

Go back and read the posts by gun nuts here, especially that galt nut, and tell me they aren't too crazy and hoping for a confrontation to be armed
I have lived nearly 70 years and not once ever have I thought that having a gun would have made my situation better or safer.

You men who are out shooting every week. How many times have you used that gun in self defence?

Irrelevant actually.

When my state was considering adopting CCW laws, I belonged to a local blog where of course, the subject was being discussed.

A member against the law asked me why I wanted to see it passed? To that I replied, because my mother is an elderly frail lady who never drove a car in her life, so she walks everywhere she goes in the neighborhood. That's why I would like to see it passed.

He wrote back asking if my elderly mother would carry a firearm if the law passed? I said of course not, but the bad guys don't know that.
I carry because the laws of my country and state say I have the right to.

Sorry, but if you think you need to be armed at a little girl's soft ball game, you're nuts.

If one of those little girls is yours and you feel responsible for her safety then why is it "nuts" to carry a concealed weapon? Let me guess, Bulldog...you're one of those naïve people who thinks that the Police will protect you from the crazies?

I'm one of those people who think the craziest among us shouldn't be allowed to have guns, and certainly shouldn't be allowed to prance around with one just to make a fashion statement.

What does that have to do with someone who's completely sane and completely law abiding having the right to carry a firearm to protect themselves and their loved ones?

Go back and read the posts by gun nuts here, especially that galt nut, and tell me they aren't too crazy and hoping for a confrontation to be armed

Why wouldn't I hope for a confrontation to be armed? I'm a better shot and better armed than most all of the shithead liberal criminals.

I'd love nothing better than to shoot some criminal liberal in the face for trying to break into my house. It would be a great story to tell my grand kids.
AR-15 is what I meant.....sorry. And as you've probably already seen, someone here would expect a teacher to face a spray of bullets to protect their child while being killed themselves because the shooter would kill them immediately and making their own children orphans. If this is expected of teachers, then those who expect it should home school their kids and keep them isolated in their own personal fortress. Oh, and not let them go to any malls as teens either, or anywhere else where the public gathers.

And, who do they think the shooter is going to take out first knowing there's an armed guard on duty. Like I said before, the shooter had the element of surprise on his side. And where was it that there was an actual armed guard on duty but he was too chicken to go into the building during the shooting?

One of the methods is to have a single entrance point with a trained security guard and at least one other trained security guard roaming. With an entrance that has X number of yards that the trained security guard can make a determination if there is a possible threat, he can alert the school and the other trained security guard can come post haste to his defense.

Notice, I said, Trained. An Armed Guard is just an armed guard which is like everyone else carrying a weapon. But a trained Security Guard will have stress training and have to go through at least a 1 day stress course every month which is a pass or fail. If he fails he finds alternative employment. Most of these Rexall Rangers would fail that Stress Course big time.

I sincerely doubt that any of those mall-cop "security guards" who are being paid $15 per hour, could even tell the difference between an AK and an AR if they heard the shots down the hall.

There are plenty of those with current recent experience who could, though.

If you don't keep up with the stress training, you lose that the ability to react properly. That's why top armed Security Personnel get that 1 day refresher course each month. If they don't, they start to revert back to every one else. Combat Troops get that on a daily basis but when you separate from service, you start losing that ability which is probably a good thing for normal civilian life. Most Mall Cops may think that they can perform like the Movie Mall Cop but they would be more danger to the customers if they tried.

Once a month is not enough. The real operators are out training at least three times a WEEK. I train once a week, and shoot for fun at least twice a week, weather permitting.

And what job do you have that requires you to be a "Real Operator"?

I help a friend of mine out who owns a school that trains operators. Thus, I must maintain proficiency. You know the old adage, "those who can, do. Those who can't, teach."

I have been instructing for many years as a hobby. I used to teach Green Berets how to knife fight as well. I'm too slow for that now though. But handgun i can still teach.
I have lived nearly 70 years and not once ever have I thought that having a gun would have made my situation better or safer.

You men who are out shooting every week. How many times have you used that gun in self defence?

I have used my gun in self defense three times. Once with a rifle, and the other two times with my handgun. Both times with my handgun were when I was younger, and I didn't need to shoot the guys, they figured out that it would be real bad for them to continue, so they stopped.
Sorry, but if you think you need to be armed at a little girl's soft ball game, you're nuts.

If one of those little girls is yours and you feel responsible for her safety then why is it "nuts" to carry a concealed weapon? Let me guess, Bulldog...you're one of those naïve people who thinks that the Police will protect you from the crazies?

I'm one of those people who think the craziest among us shouldn't be allowed to have guns, and certainly shouldn't be allowed to prance around with one just to make a fashion statement.

What does that have to do with someone who's completely sane and completely law abiding having the right to carry a firearm to protect themselves and their loved ones?

Go back and read the posts by gun nuts here, especially that galt nut, and tell me they aren't too crazy and hoping for a confrontation to be armed

Why wouldn't I hope for a confrontation to be armed? I'm a better shot and better armed than most all of the shithead liberal criminals.

I'd love nothing better than to shoot some criminal liberal in the face for trying to break into my house. It would be a great story to tell my grand kids.

That's kinda my point idiot. You would love nothing better than shooting someone. You are the crazy who shouldn't be allowed near guns, and you are the reason gun nuts are called gun nuts.

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