What kind of horrible, dangerous places do these people live that hey have to go out armed?

What do you think, that the biggest gun wins or something? The person that wins is the one that can plant a bullet in the other person with any size gun.

I'm not exactly an expert on all the mechanical stats of semi-automatic weapons. How fast do AR-15s fire in comparison to various handguns? I realize leftist pussifists like Kit are under the mistaken impression that AR-15s are some sort of crazed machine gun, but since we both know better, can you shed some light on this?

Here we go again. The AR shoots no faster per load than any other gun with the same capacity mag. Where it excels is the fact it can carry many times the amount per mag as the handgun and can reload in a matter of a couple of seconds. Plus, it's killing power and penetration power is equal at 400 yds to a 357 mag at the muzzle. It's designed for one thing and one thing only. It's designed for a scared shitless 18 year old kid with minimal training to fire, reload, fire, reload, fire, reload, repeat as necessary. Just because it can do other things doesn't mean that it's not designed for war. For everything it can otherwise do, there are better rifles available that cost less. The other difference is, the AR in stock form, is hard to conceal on your person. These are the reasons it's the number one pick for the well dressed mass shooter. And the reason it's the easiest to stop before it gets onto the scene by methods being put into our schools today.

As for is the AR-15 capable of war? Using the Military Version of the M-4, the M-4 has three settings on it's selector; safe, semi and 3 shot burst while the AR-15 has two; safe, single. The normal usage of the M-4 in battle is single shot. Using the 3 shot burst wastes ammo and you are only on target with the first round. So the AR and the M-4 are exactly equal in a combat situation.

For home defense for a man and most women, the handgun is still more useful and less dangerous to the outside neighbors than the AR is. Second comes the Shotgun. The AR is pretty well at the bottom of the list as most Rifles will be. Let's face it, a 95 pound woman hitting the slide on a 870 Remington makes even a 6 foot 8 inch intruder freeze in his tracks.

And, of course, we need to follow the advice of the current democrat front runner for 2020, who says we should fire the shotgun through the door.

Let me ask you this. If a 12 gauge even firing a 3 in mag with bird shot rips a hole about a foot wide through a door are YOU going to open it up? Not me. Better to go after the house down the street, don't you think? Even a stupid criminal will have more than a second thought at that point.

When you don't know who is on the other side of the door, you shouldn't be shooting through it. If they force their way through, that's a different matter. If they just need help, you don't want to kill them.

Your Goal Posts must have some mighty powerful rocket engines. Contact NASA, they may be interested in those engines.
I'm not exactly an expert on all the mechanical stats of semi-automatic weapons. How fast do AR-15s fire in comparison to various handguns? I realize leftist pussifists like Kit are under the mistaken impression that AR-15s are some sort of crazed machine gun, but since we both know better, can you shed some light on this?

Here we go again. The AR shoots no faster per load than any other gun with the same capacity mag. Where it excels is the fact it can carry many times the amount per mag as the handgun and can reload in a matter of a couple of seconds. Plus, it's killing power and penetration power is equal at 400 yds to a 357 mag at the muzzle. It's designed for one thing and one thing only. It's designed for a scared shitless 18 year old kid with minimal training to fire, reload, fire, reload, fire, reload, repeat as necessary. Just because it can do other things doesn't mean that it's not designed for war. For everything it can otherwise do, there are better rifles available that cost less. The other difference is, the AR in stock form, is hard to conceal on your person. These are the reasons it's the number one pick for the well dressed mass shooter. And the reason it's the easiest to stop before it gets onto the scene by methods being put into our schools today.

As for is the AR-15 capable of war? Using the Military Version of the M-4, the M-4 has three settings on it's selector; safe, semi and 3 shot burst while the AR-15 has two; safe, single. The normal usage of the M-4 in battle is single shot. Using the 3 shot burst wastes ammo and you are only on target with the first round. So the AR and the M-4 are exactly equal in a combat situation.

For home defense for a man and most women, the handgun is still more useful and less dangerous to the outside neighbors than the AR is. Second comes the Shotgun. The AR is pretty well at the bottom of the list as most Rifles will be. Let's face it, a 95 pound woman hitting the slide on a 870 Remington makes even a 6 foot 8 inch intruder freeze in his tracks.

And, of course, we need to follow the advice of the current democrat front runner for 2020, who says we should fire the shotgun through the door.

Let me ask you this. If a 12 gauge even firing a 3 in mag with bird shot rips a hole about a foot wide through a door are YOU going to open it up? Not me. Better to go after the house down the street, don't you think? Even a stupid criminal will have more than a second thought at that point.

When you don't know who is on the other side of the door, you shouldn't be shooting through it. If they force their way through, that's a different matter. If they just need help, you don't want to kill them.

Your Goal Posts must have some mighty powerful rocket engines. Contact NASA, they may be interested in those engines.
That's Joe Biden's standard, not mine. I don't want to blindly shoot through doors, do you?
Odds of dying from gunfire assault, 1 in 306.

The Odds on How You Will Die

Odds of dying in a fire or explosion, 10.9 per million.

U.S. fire deaths, fire death rates, and risk of dying in a fire

Your figure for dying of a gunfire assault is wrong. The figure for is much lower. Let's take a look at the figure for armed robbery. It's 1 out of 167. That sounds pretty high. But it's pretty accurate. Now, consider that many of those are the same people being robbed multiple times because they are stupid. It's like burglars hitting the same home many times because the house is easy to rob. Stupid people squew the average. You can be stupid and be murdered, robbed, beaten, raped, etc. and keep those figures high or you can not be stupid and not be part of the statistics. I choose not to be part of the statistics, myself. If you keep going into those areas that are high in the statistics, guess what, you are being stupid. Just go somewhere else and not bve stupid.

Not always possible. For instance my job takes me in high crime areas at times. It's work and nothing I can do about it. My hospital is also in a high crime area, but thousands of people go there every single day.

As for where I live, it was once one of the nicest suburbs in the city until the blacks moved in. It's not a high-crime area, but we have enough shootings for it to be a concern. So I stay armed especially if I have to go to the store or bank after dark.

Your work may have to stay that way until YOU decide to change it by either working with the community and authorities to clean it up or by taking another job elsewhere. It's a choice.

As for your home, that's strictly a choice on your part. You stay or leave, your choice. If the crime is that high then you can leave. Or you can work with the community and the Authorities to clean it up.

But just complaining about it and not working with the community and authorities to clean it up just took you to the (cue the music) "The Stupid Zone".

Haha...what fantasy world do you live in?
Liberal shithole cities never clean up, they only further degrade as more and more degenerates gravitate toward said liberal shithole. Politicians, Mayors and Police Chiefs simply decriminalize shit or stop making arrests to improve their spreadsheets. Don’t be a fool.

NYC went from the Murder Capital of the Word to the safest metro city in the world by the methods I mentioned. The citizens just got tired of stupid. You want to give credit to any one mayor but until the Citizens get tired and decide to do something about it, you can't fix stupid.

You have made the cut; cue the music for the"Stupid Zone"

Negative...a Republican Mayor, Rudy Giuliani turned the Democrat run shithole around.
Why buy life insurance when you're young? The vast majority will never use it.

Target shooting is fun. Skeet shooting is fun. Collecting is fun. There are a lot of reasons why people own guns. Self defense is an important, but far from the only, reason.
The only reason to buy life insurance when you're young is that you can get it at a much lower premium

Or you have a family you want to protect and you realize even young people die. But just like life insurance for the young is rarely needed, a gun for self defense will probably not be needed. But if it is, you're glad it's there.
A young person is better off buying disability insurance as he is more likely to be injured than die

I'm well aware of that, but that's deflecting from the point. The vast majority of young people will never use a life insurance policy, but the families of the few who do are very grateful they have it. Likewise, the vast majority of gun owners who carry weapons for self defense will never shoot another human being, but on the rare occasions when they need to, they're glad they had the option. Even most LEO will never shoot another human being, but we don't question their need to be armed.
False comparison fallacy.

What's false about it?
Odds of dying from gunfire assault, 1 in 306.

The Odds on How You Will Die

Odds of dying in a fire or explosion, 10.9 per million.

U.S. fire deaths, fire death rates, and risk of dying in a fire

Your figure for dying of a gunfire assault is wrong. The figure for is much lower. Let's take a look at the figure for armed robbery. It's 1 out of 167. That sounds pretty high. But it's pretty accurate. Now, consider that many of those are the same people being robbed multiple times because they are stupid. It's like burglars hitting the same home many times because the house is easy to rob. Stupid people squew the average. You can be stupid and be murdered, robbed, beaten, raped, etc. and keep those figures high or you can not be stupid and not be part of the statistics. I choose not to be part of the statistics, myself. If you keep going into those areas that are high in the statistics, guess what, you are being stupid. Just go somewhere else and not bve stupid.

Not always possible. For instance my job takes me in high crime areas at times. It's work and nothing I can do about it. My hospital is also in a high crime area, but thousands of people go there every single day.

As for where I live, it was once one of the nicest suburbs in the city until the blacks moved in. It's not a high-crime area, but we have enough shootings for it to be a concern. So I stay armed especially if I have to go to the store or bank after dark.

Your work may have to stay that way until YOU decide to change it by either working with the community and authorities to clean it up or by taking another job elsewhere. It's a choice.

As for your home, that's strictly a choice on your part. You stay or leave, your choice. If the crime is that high then you can leave. Or you can work with the community and the Authorities to clean it up.

But just complaining about it and not working with the community and authorities to clean it up just took you to the (cue the music) "The Stupid Zone".

Haha...what fantasy world do you live in?
Liberal shithole cities never clean up, they only further degrade as more and more degenerates gravitate toward said liberal shithole. Politicians, Mayors and Police Chiefs simply decriminalize shit or stop making arrests to improve their spreadsheets. Don’t be a fool.

NYC went from the Murder Capital of the Word to the safest metro city in the world by the methods I mentioned. The citizens just got tired of stupid. You want to give credit to any one mayor but until the Citizens get tired and decide to do something about it, you can't fix stupid.

You have made the cut; cue the music for the"Stupid Zone"
----------------------------------- NEW YORK City eh ??? yeah , and it'd be taxpayer paid yahoos like you doing 'stop and frisk' which has gotta be UNAmerican as all heck eh . And 'REGULAR new yorkers' can't get guns no matter how bad the need a GUN for Self Defense . Course the ELITES get guns , have Armed Security and even Concealed Carry Permits and all at taxpayer expense 'mrguncontrol' Daryl .
Here we go again. The AR shoots no faster per load than any other gun with the same capacity mag. Where it excels is the fact it can carry many times the amount per mag as the handgun and can reload in a matter of a couple of seconds. Plus, it's killing power and penetration power is equal at 400 yds to a 357 mag at the muzzle. It's designed for one thing and one thing only. It's designed for a scared shitless 18 year old kid with minimal training to fire, reload, fire, reload, fire, reload, repeat as necessary. Just because it can do other things doesn't mean that it's not designed for war. For everything it can otherwise do, there are better rifles available that cost less. The other difference is, the AR in stock form, is hard to conceal on your person. These are the reasons it's the number one pick for the well dressed mass shooter. And the reason it's the easiest to stop before it gets onto the scene by methods being put into our schools today.

As for is the AR-15 capable of war? Using the Military Version of the M-4, the M-4 has three settings on it's selector; safe, semi and 3 shot burst while the AR-15 has two; safe, single. The normal usage of the M-4 in battle is single shot. Using the 3 shot burst wastes ammo and you are only on target with the first round. So the AR and the M-4 are exactly equal in a combat situation.

For home defense for a man and most women, the handgun is still more useful and less dangerous to the outside neighbors than the AR is. Second comes the Shotgun. The AR is pretty well at the bottom of the list as most Rifles will be. Let's face it, a 95 pound woman hitting the slide on a 870 Remington makes even a 6 foot 8 inch intruder freeze in his tracks.

And, of course, we need to follow the advice of the current democrat front runner for 2020, who says we should fire the shotgun through the door.

Let me ask you this. If a 12 gauge even firing a 3 in mag with bird shot rips a hole about a foot wide through a door are YOU going to open it up? Not me. Better to go after the house down the street, don't you think? Even a stupid criminal will have more than a second thought at that point.

When you don't know who is on the other side of the door, you shouldn't be shooting through it. If they force their way through, that's a different matter. If they just need help, you don't want to kill them.

Your Goal Posts must have some mighty powerful rocket engines. Contact NASA, they may be interested in those engines.
That's Joe Biden's standard, not mine. I don't want to blindly shoot through doors, do you?
----------------------------------------------------- yeah , 'joe biden' eh ??? -------- --- More advice from Joe Biden: 'Just fire the shotgun through the door' --- probably where old 'mrguncontrol' Daryl gets all his gun advice .
And they have a hand gun which is a real defense against an AR-15, huh? And so far, how many of those armed teachers have had to be in an actual shoot out with someone with an AR-15, which seems to be the weapon of choice for mass shooters.

ETA: Very few, if any would face that kind of gunman if the truth be known. And neither would any of you here either no matter how much you puff yourselves up and imagine yourselves as the hero who goes in and saves the day. You'd be as dead as a door nail when the shooter saw the gun in your hand.

What do you think, that the biggest gun wins or something? The person that wins is the one that can plant a bullet in the other person with any size gun.

I'm not exactly an expert on all the mechanical stats of semi-automatic weapons. How fast do AR-15s fire in comparison to various handguns? I realize leftist pussifists like Kit are under the mistaken impression that AR-15s are some sort of crazed machine gun, but since we both know better, can you shed some light on this?

Here we go again. The AR shoots no faster per load than any other gun with the same capacity mag. Where it excels is the fact it can carry many times the amount per mag as the handgun and can reload in a matter of a couple of seconds. Plus, it's killing power and penetration power is equal at 400 yds to a 357 mag at the muzzle. It's designed for one thing and one thing only. It's designed for a scared shitless 18 year old kid with minimal training to fire, reload, fire, reload, fire, reload, repeat as necessary. Just because it can do other things doesn't mean that it's not designed for war. For everything it can otherwise do, there are better rifles available that cost less. The other difference is, the AR in stock form, is hard to conceal on your person. These are the reasons it's the number one pick for the well dressed mass shooter. And the reason it's the easiest to stop before it gets onto the scene by methods being put into our schools today.

As for is the AR-15 capable of war? Using the Military Version of the M-4, the M-4 has three settings on it's selector; safe, semi and 3 shot burst while the AR-15 has two; safe, single. The normal usage of the M-4 in battle is single shot. Using the 3 shot burst wastes ammo and you are only on target with the first round. So the AR and the M-4 are exactly equal in a combat situation.

For home defense for a man and most women, the handgun is still more useful and less dangerous to the outside neighbors than the AR is. Second comes the Shotgun. The AR is pretty well at the bottom of the list as most Rifles will be. Let's face it, a 95 pound woman hitting the slide on a 870 Remington makes even a 6 foot 8 inch intruder freeze in his tracks.

You can load a fresh mag into a handgun just as fast as you can a rifle

The difference is, a 30 round pistol mag is rather out of place. And your 30 round pistol mag can be damaged while in the gun just by bumping it into just about anything. The 30 round AR mag is much harder to damage when seated since it's made for punishment in the field. Once again, you are just justifying bad behavior.

An M-60 machine gun has a l00-round "magazine." I still don't see the need for having any riflemen at all, especially since the enemy concentrates on the sole machine-gun team and wipes them out within minutes.
Odds of dying from gunfire assault, 1 in 306.

The Odds on How You Will Die

Odds of dying in a fire or explosion, 10.9 per million.

U.S. fire deaths, fire death rates, and risk of dying in a fire

Plenty of suffering short of death caused by fires. Billions per year lost as well as countless people who are seriously injured. A fire department responds to a fire every 24 seconds in the US. You are much more likely to need a fire extinguisher than a gun.

Not according to the statistics I provided. Nobody ever stuck a fire extinguisher in my face and stole my wallet.

What ever you posted only addressed deaths.

Another reason why I wouldn't care if you had a fire extinguisher 24/7.

Then why would you care if I carried my gun?

After you read the truth you came up with all kinds of other ramifications of fires. Well......we could do the same with CCW carriers. After all, how many deaths have we stopped including our own?

Because gun nuts rarely have more training than that 3 or 4 hour course, and your lack of training could make me dead.

Your assertion is laughable at best. True gun enthusiasts are far more competent with firearms than cops are. That is shown whenever there is a competition. The cops with very few exceptions, almost always lose.
And they have a hand gun which is a real defense against an AR-15, huh? And so far, how many of those armed teachers have had to be in an actual shoot out with someone with an AR-15, which seems to be the weapon of choice for mass shooters.

ETA: Very few, if any would face that kind of gunman if the truth be known. And neither would any of you here either no matter how much you puff yourselves up and imagine yourselves as the hero who goes in and saves the day. You'd be as dead as a door nail when the shooter saw the gun in your hand.

What do you think, that the biggest gun wins or something? The person that wins is the one that can plant a bullet in the other person with any size gun.

I'm not exactly an expert on all the mechanical stats of semi-automatic weapons. How fast do AR-15s fire in comparison to various handguns? I realize leftist pussifists like Kit are under the mistaken impression that AR-15s are some sort of crazed machine gun, but since we both know better, can you shed some light on this?

Here we go again. The AR shoots no faster per load than any other gun with the same capacity mag. Where it excels is the fact it can carry many times the amount per mag as the handgun and can reload in a matter of a couple of seconds. Plus, it's killing power and penetration power is equal at 400 yds to a 357 mag at the muzzle. It's designed for one thing and one thing only. It's designed for a scared shitless 18 year old kid with minimal training to fire, reload, fire, reload, fire, reload, repeat as necessary. Just because it can do other things doesn't mean that it's not designed for war. For everything it can otherwise do, there are better rifles available that cost less. The other difference is, the AR in stock form, is hard to conceal on your person. These are the reasons it's the number one pick for the well dressed mass shooter. And the reason it's the easiest to stop before it gets onto the scene by methods being put into our schools today.

As for is the AR-15 capable of war? Using the Military Version of the M-4, the M-4 has three settings on it's selector; safe, semi and 3 shot burst while the AR-15 has two; safe, single. The normal usage of the M-4 in battle is single shot. Using the 3 shot burst wastes ammo and you are only on target with the first round. So the AR and the M-4 are exactly equal in a combat situation.

For home defense for a man and most women, the handgun is still more useful and less dangerous to the outside neighbors than the AR is. Second comes the Shotgun. The AR is pretty well at the bottom of the list as most Rifles will be. Let's face it, a 95 pound woman hitting the slide on a 870 Remington makes even a 6 foot 8 inch intruder freeze in his tracks.

You can load a fresh mag into a handgun just as fast as you can a rifle

The difference is, a 30 round pistol mag is rather out of place. And your 30 round pistol mag can be damaged while in the gun just by bumping it into just about anything. The 30 round AR mag is much harder to damage when seated since it's made for punishment in the field. Once again, you are just justifying bad behavior.

Owning an Ar 15 is not bad behavior

Neither is owning a 30 round magazine
Odds of dying from gunfire assault, 1 in 306.

The Odds on How You Will Die

Odds of dying in a fire or explosion, 10.9 per million.

U.S. fire deaths, fire death rates, and risk of dying in a fire

Your figure for dying of a gunfire assault is wrong. The figure for is much lower. Let's take a look at the figure for armed robbery. It's 1 out of 167. That sounds pretty high. But it's pretty accurate. Now, consider that many of those are the same people being robbed multiple times because they are stupid. It's like burglars hitting the same home many times because the house is easy to rob. Stupid people squew the average. You can be stupid and be murdered, robbed, beaten, raped, etc. and keep those figures high or you can not be stupid and not be part of the statistics. I choose not to be part of the statistics, myself. If you keep going into those areas that are high in the statistics, guess what, you are being stupid. Just go somewhere else and not bve stupid.

Not always possible. For instance my job takes me in high crime areas at times. It's work and nothing I can do about it. My hospital is also in a high crime area, but thousands of people go there every single day.

As for where I live, it was once one of the nicest suburbs in the city until the blacks moved in. It's not a high-crime area, but we have enough shootings for it to be a concern. So I stay armed especially if I have to go to the store or bank after dark.

Your work may have to stay that way until YOU decide to change it by either working with the community and authorities to clean it up or by taking another job elsewhere. It's a choice.

As for your home, that's strictly a choice on your part. You stay or leave, your choice. If the crime is that high then you can leave. Or you can work with the community and the Authorities to clean it up.

But just complaining about it and not working with the community and authorities to clean it up just took you to the (cue the music) "The Stupid Zone".

Haha...what fantasy world do you live in?
Liberal shithole cities never clean up, they only further degrade as more and more degenerates gravitate toward said liberal shithole. Politicians, Mayors and Police Chiefs simply decriminalize shit or stop making arrests to improve their spreadsheets. Don’t be a fool.

NYC went from the Murder Capital of the Word to the safest metro city in the world by the methods I mentioned. The citizens just got tired of stupid. You want to give credit to any one mayor but until the Citizens get tired and decide to do something about it, you can't fix stupid.

You have made the cut; cue the music for the"Stupid Zone"
When exactly was NYC the murder capital of the entire world?
Plenty of suffering short of death caused by fires. Billions per year lost as well as countless people who are seriously injured. A fire department responds to a fire every 24 seconds in the US. You are much more likely to need a fire extinguisher than a gun.

Not according to the statistics I provided. Nobody ever stuck a fire extinguisher in my face and stole my wallet.

What ever you posted only addressed deaths.

Another reason why I wouldn't care if you had a fire extinguisher 24/7.

Then why would you care if I carried my gun?

After you read the truth you came up with all kinds of other ramifications of fires. Well......we could do the same with CCW carriers. After all, how many deaths have we stopped including our own?

Because gun nuts rarely have more training than that 3 or 4 hour course, and your lack of training could make me dead.

Your assertion is laughable at best. True gun enthusiasts are far more competent with firearms than cops are. That is shown whenever there is a competition. The cops with very few exceptions, almost always lose.

The results of any competition have no bearing on the comparative skills of the average gun nut or the average cop. Preparation for competition makes them different from the average.
Not according to the statistics I provided. Nobody ever stuck a fire extinguisher in my face and stole my wallet.

What ever you posted only addressed deaths.

Another reason why I wouldn't care if you had a fire extinguisher 24/7.

Then why would you care if I carried my gun?

After you read the truth you came up with all kinds of other ramifications of fires. Well......we could do the same with CCW carriers. After all, how many deaths have we stopped including our own?

Because gun nuts rarely have more training than that 3 or 4 hour course, and your lack of training could make me dead.

Your assertion is laughable at best. True gun enthusiasts are far more competent with firearms than cops are. That is shown whenever there is a competition. The cops with very few exceptions, almost always lose.

The results of any competition have no bearing on the comparative skills of the average gun nut or the average cop. Preparation for competition makes them different from the average.

Incorrect. One of the oldest adages in the military is "you fight the way you train".
Your figure for dying of a gunfire assault is wrong. The figure for is much lower. Let's take a look at the figure for armed robbery. It's 1 out of 167. That sounds pretty high. But it's pretty accurate. Now, consider that many of those are the same people being robbed multiple times because they are stupid. It's like burglars hitting the same home many times because the house is easy to rob. Stupid people squew the average. You can be stupid and be murdered, robbed, beaten, raped, etc. and keep those figures high or you can not be stupid and not be part of the statistics. I choose not to be part of the statistics, myself. If you keep going into those areas that are high in the statistics, guess what, you are being stupid. Just go somewhere else and not bve stupid.

Not always possible. For instance my job takes me in high crime areas at times. It's work and nothing I can do about it. My hospital is also in a high crime area, but thousands of people go there every single day.

As for where I live, it was once one of the nicest suburbs in the city until the blacks moved in. It's not a high-crime area, but we have enough shootings for it to be a concern. So I stay armed especially if I have to go to the store or bank after dark.

Your work may have to stay that way until YOU decide to change it by either working with the community and authorities to clean it up or by taking another job elsewhere. It's a choice.

As for your home, that's strictly a choice on your part. You stay or leave, your choice. If the crime is that high then you can leave. Or you can work with the community and the Authorities to clean it up.

But just complaining about it and not working with the community and authorities to clean it up just took you to the (cue the music) "The Stupid Zone".

Haha...what fantasy world do you live in?
Liberal shithole cities never clean up, they only further degrade as more and more degenerates gravitate toward said liberal shithole. Politicians, Mayors and Police Chiefs simply decriminalize shit or stop making arrests to improve their spreadsheets. Don’t be a fool.

NYC went from the Murder Capital of the Word to the safest metro city in the world by the methods I mentioned. The citizens just got tired of stupid. You want to give credit to any one mayor but until the Citizens get tired and decide to do something about it, you can't fix stupid.

You have made the cut; cue the music for the"Stupid Zone"

Negative...a Republican Mayor, Rudy Giuliani turned the Democrat run shithole around.

Yah, right. He donned his armor, mounted his white horse and galloped into battle all by himself. Newflash, one of the worst things Guiliani did was to do stop and search. When that was stopped, the Cops and the Communities started to work towards making things a safer place. Then the Companies started to come into NYC bringing in Jobs. then the Feds sent money in to increase all these programs. Giuliani's step and search was one of the worst ideas that ever came down the pike and the Courts agreed that it was against the Constutional Rights as well. You remember that little document that you keep hammering that it should apply to you. Well, cupcake, it is supposed to apply to everyone.

You just made the grade to:

Your figure for dying of a gunfire assault is wrong. The figure for is much lower. Let's take a look at the figure for armed robbery. It's 1 out of 167. That sounds pretty high. But it's pretty accurate. Now, consider that many of those are the same people being robbed multiple times because they are stupid. It's like burglars hitting the same home many times because the house is easy to rob. Stupid people squew the average. You can be stupid and be murdered, robbed, beaten, raped, etc. and keep those figures high or you can not be stupid and not be part of the statistics. I choose not to be part of the statistics, myself. If you keep going into those areas that are high in the statistics, guess what, you are being stupid. Just go somewhere else and not bve stupid.

Not always possible. For instance my job takes me in high crime areas at times. It's work and nothing I can do about it. My hospital is also in a high crime area, but thousands of people go there every single day.

As for where I live, it was once one of the nicest suburbs in the city until the blacks moved in. It's not a high-crime area, but we have enough shootings for it to be a concern. So I stay armed especially if I have to go to the store or bank after dark.

Your work may have to stay that way until YOU decide to change it by either working with the community and authorities to clean it up or by taking another job elsewhere. It's a choice.

As for your home, that's strictly a choice on your part. You stay or leave, your choice. If the crime is that high then you can leave. Or you can work with the community and the Authorities to clean it up.

But just complaining about it and not working with the community and authorities to clean it up just took you to the (cue the music) "The Stupid Zone".

Haha...what fantasy world do you live in?
Liberal shithole cities never clean up, they only further degrade as more and more degenerates gravitate toward said liberal shithole. Politicians, Mayors and Police Chiefs simply decriminalize shit or stop making arrests to improve their spreadsheets. Don’t be a fool.

NYC went from the Murder Capital of the Word to the safest metro city in the world by the methods I mentioned. The citizens just got tired of stupid. You want to give credit to any one mayor but until the Citizens get tired and decide to do something about it, you can't fix stupid.

You have made the cut; cue the music for the"Stupid Zone"
----------------------------------- NEW YORK City eh ??? yeah , and it'd be taxpayer paid yahoos like you doing 'stop and frisk' which has gotta be UNAmerican as all heck eh . And 'REGULAR new yorkers' can't get guns no matter how bad the need a GUN for Self Defense . Course the ELITES get guns , have Armed Security and even Concealed Carry Permits and all at taxpayer expense 'mrguncontrol' Daryl .

Guiliani started the Stop and Frisk. A Federal Judge stopped it. You just can't stand it when some place actually has a good side that doesn't involve a bunch of Rexall Ranger running around with guns. The need for every citizen to be armed to the teeth has gone down without arming every citizen to the teeth. And so has the crime, murder rate, etc.. They found the way. Too bad Chicago and others don't do the same. Go rag on them.
Plenty of suffering short of death caused by fires. Billions per year lost as well as countless people who are seriously injured. A fire department responds to a fire every 24 seconds in the US. You are much more likely to need a fire extinguisher than a gun.

Not according to the statistics I provided. Nobody ever stuck a fire extinguisher in my face and stole my wallet.

Since I am not being stupid in where I go with my wallet, I haven't had anyone stick a fire extinguisher nor a gun in my face and steal my wallet either. We all hear about stores being robbed 3 times a year and they just clean up the mess and reopen each time even when someone gets killed in the process. This is the height of stupid. Move the store to a less likely area for violence. No, it's better to just be stupid. And we can't fix stupid.

Exactly. Where would America be today if we didn't run every time there was trouble?

I bet you are the type that smokes while refueling your car, right? Or runs with scissors just because you can. I can choose to not be stupid but I can see that you can't. We can't cure stupid.

The Feral Creatures' Wish Is Death to Whitey

For the security of a free state, we need a lot of concealed-carry White people to go out into the junglized ghettos late at night, and invite attack. Wearing a body camera may be unnecessary to prove self-defense. By using silencers, no one will find out and press charges.

You got the award of:
Not according to the statistics I provided. Nobody ever stuck a fire extinguisher in my face and stole my wallet.

Since I am not being stupid in where I go with my wallet, I haven't had anyone stick a fire extinguisher nor a gun in my face and steal my wallet either. We all hear about stores being robbed 3 times a year and they just clean up the mess and reopen each time even when someone gets killed in the process. This is the height of stupid. Move the store to a less likely area for violence. No, it's better to just be stupid. And we can't fix stupid.

Exactly. Where would America be today if we didn't run every time there was trouble?

I bet you are the type that smokes while refueling your car, right? Or runs with scissors just because you can. I can choose to not be stupid but I can see that you can't. We can't cure stupid.

The Feral Creatures' Wish Is Death to Whitey

For the security of a free state, we need a lot of concealed-carry White people to go out into the junglized ghettos late at night, and invite attack. Wearing a body camera may be unnecessary to prove self-defense. By using silencers, no one will find out and press charges.

You got the award of:
View attachment 249506
What do you think, that the biggest gun wins or something? The person that wins is the one that can plant a bullet in the other person with any size gun.

I'm not exactly an expert on all the mechanical stats of semi-automatic weapons. How fast do AR-15s fire in comparison to various handguns? I realize leftist pussifists like Kit are under the mistaken impression that AR-15s are some sort of crazed machine gun, but since we both know better, can you shed some light on this?

Here we go again. The AR shoots no faster per load than any other gun with the same capacity mag. Where it excels is the fact it can carry many times the amount per mag as the handgun and can reload in a matter of a couple of seconds. Plus, it's killing power and penetration power is equal at 400 yds to a 357 mag at the muzzle. It's designed for one thing and one thing only. It's designed for a scared shitless 18 year old kid with minimal training to fire, reload, fire, reload, fire, reload, repeat as necessary. Just because it can do other things doesn't mean that it's not designed for war. For everything it can otherwise do, there are better rifles available that cost less. The other difference is, the AR in stock form, is hard to conceal on your person. These are the reasons it's the number one pick for the well dressed mass shooter. And the reason it's the easiest to stop before it gets onto the scene by methods being put into our schools today.

As for is the AR-15 capable of war? Using the Military Version of the M-4, the M-4 has three settings on it's selector; safe, semi and 3 shot burst while the AR-15 has two; safe, single. The normal usage of the M-4 in battle is single shot. Using the 3 shot burst wastes ammo and you are only on target with the first round. So the AR and the M-4 are exactly equal in a combat situation.

For home defense for a man and most women, the handgun is still more useful and less dangerous to the outside neighbors than the AR is. Second comes the Shotgun. The AR is pretty well at the bottom of the list as most Rifles will be. Let's face it, a 95 pound woman hitting the slide on a 870 Remington makes even a 6 foot 8 inch intruder freeze in his tracks.

You can load a fresh mag into a handgun just as fast as you can a rifle

The difference is, a 30 round pistol mag is rather out of place. And your 30 round pistol mag can be damaged while in the gun just by bumping it into just about anything. The 30 round AR mag is much harder to damage when seated since it's made for punishment in the field. Once again, you are just justifying bad behavior.

Owning an Ar 15 is not bad behavior

Neither is owning a 30 round magazine

As long as it's within the law. In this state, the AR would be legal but the 30 round mag would not be while in other states, you could have a 100 round mag.
Not always possible. For instance my job takes me in high crime areas at times. It's work and nothing I can do about it. My hospital is also in a high crime area, but thousands of people go there every single day.

As for where I live, it was once one of the nicest suburbs in the city until the blacks moved in. It's not a high-crime area, but we have enough shootings for it to be a concern. So I stay armed especially if I have to go to the store or bank after dark.

Your work may have to stay that way until YOU decide to change it by either working with the community and authorities to clean it up or by taking another job elsewhere. It's a choice.

As for your home, that's strictly a choice on your part. You stay or leave, your choice. If the crime is that high then you can leave. Or you can work with the community and the Authorities to clean it up.

But just complaining about it and not working with the community and authorities to clean it up just took you to the (cue the music) "The Stupid Zone".

Haha...what fantasy world do you live in?
Liberal shithole cities never clean up, they only further degrade as more and more degenerates gravitate toward said liberal shithole. Politicians, Mayors and Police Chiefs simply decriminalize shit or stop making arrests to improve their spreadsheets. Don’t be a fool.

NYC went from the Murder Capital of the Word to the safest metro city in the world by the methods I mentioned. The citizens just got tired of stupid. You want to give credit to any one mayor but until the Citizens get tired and decide to do something about it, you can't fix stupid.

You have made the cut; cue the music for the"Stupid Zone"

Negative...a Republican Mayor, Rudy Giuliani turned the Democrat run shithole around.

Yah, right. He donned his armor, mounted his white horse and galloped into battle all by himself. Newflash, one of the worst things Guiliani did was to do stop and search. When that was stopped, the Cops and the Communities started to work towards making things a safer place. Then the Companies started to come into NYC bringing in Jobs. then the Feds sent money in to increase all these programs. Giuliani's step and search was one of the worst ideas that ever came down the pike and the Courts agreed that it was against the Constutional Rights as well. You remember that little document that you keep hammering that it should apply to you. Well, cupcake, it is supposed to apply to everyone.

You just made the grade to:

View attachment 249496

The problem is stop and frisk worked. Violent crime went way down. Even after it was rescinded, crime continued to be at a lower rate until word got out.

Murder rate rises 55 percent in New York City, NYPD statistics say
Your figure for dying of a gunfire assault is wrong. The figure for is much lower. Let's take a look at the figure for armed robbery. It's 1 out of 167. That sounds pretty high. But it's pretty accurate. Now, consider that many of those are the same people being robbed multiple times because they are stupid. It's like burglars hitting the same home many times because the house is easy to rob. Stupid people squew the average. You can be stupid and be murdered, robbed, beaten, raped, etc. and keep those figures high or you can not be stupid and not be part of the statistics. I choose not to be part of the statistics, myself. If you keep going into those areas that are high in the statistics, guess what, you are being stupid. Just go somewhere else and not bve stupid.

Not always possible. For instance my job takes me in high crime areas at times. It's work and nothing I can do about it. My hospital is also in a high crime area, but thousands of people go there every single day.

As for where I live, it was once one of the nicest suburbs in the city until the blacks moved in. It's not a high-crime area, but we have enough shootings for it to be a concern. So I stay armed especially if I have to go to the store or bank after dark.

Your work may have to stay that way until YOU decide to change it by either working with the community and authorities to clean it up or by taking another job elsewhere. It's a choice.

As for your home, that's strictly a choice on your part. You stay or leave, your choice. If the crime is that high then you can leave. Or you can work with the community and the Authorities to clean it up.

But just complaining about it and not working with the community and authorities to clean it up just took you to the (cue the music) "The Stupid Zone".

Haha...what fantasy world do you live in?
Liberal shithole cities never clean up, they only further degrade as more and more degenerates gravitate toward said liberal shithole. Politicians, Mayors and Police Chiefs simply decriminalize shit or stop making arrests to improve their spreadsheets. Don’t be a fool.

NYC went from the Murder Capital of the Word to the safest metro city in the world by the methods I mentioned. The citizens just got tired of stupid. You want to give credit to any one mayor but until the Citizens get tired and decide to do something about it, you can't fix stupid.

You have made the cut; cue the music for the"Stupid Zone"
When exactly was NYC the murder capital of the entire world?

In the 1960s and 70s.

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