What Liberals don't get about MAGA voters

as usual liberals need to be told what to think,,,
Says the Fox/Newsmax watcher.
What's to get about MAGAt voters?

Pampered brats demanding the Free Lunch St. Raygun, Discoverer of the Red Ink Sea, promised them. Let the grandkids pay their credit card bills. Same thing behind their climate science denial: better grandchildren should pay the health and economic bills than they, themselves should be inconvenienced in any way. Think of the tantrums thrown over being asked to wear a few extra ounces of cloth for up to minutes per day.
They are terrified at the concept of "Woke" people asking that people be treated with respect and dignity. They oppose any weakening in the dam that holds back the awesome seductive powers of the gay/trans agenda. They know there is no racial problem in America that cannot be solved by building more prisons. And, we need to send Mexicans and Indians back to where the came from - the part down below the part we stole.
There fears, however absurd, are absolutely understandable. They understand the loss of White Privilege is an existential threat. It goes beyond mariachi music in the grocery store and mandatory huevos rancheros for breakfast ... cho rizo ...No, they know instinctively, actual sentience being a bit above their range, that they cannot survive in a society with a level playing field. They know the very real threat of cranial implosion should an actual thought penetrate that universal vacuum between their ears..

Point is here, remember this the next time you see one of them clinging to some nostril nugget they mined after prolonged breathing in the Newsmax colon, the next time you snicker at how easily they can be suckered, remember they are fragile creatures whose only chance for survival is to seek pity, trying to feed on validation of their infinite Qaren grievances until fascist salvation arrives. Puty was looking good, before Biden fucked that up. Now, they're back to that Hungarian asshole who makes Little Lord Tuck-Tuck moist.
Maher nails it, as he usually does.

Yep: "Yeah, I know I'm being lied to, but it feels good, and I need to feel good". That's the MAGA voter.

A big problem is -- and we all did it, all across the political spectrum -- that many people just laughed and mocked when Trump started running. We didn't take any of this seriously, because surely no one would vote for such a ridiculous buffoon.

We were too busy laughing to pay attention to WHY he was so popular. Trump saw how manipulated they were by Rush and the rest of that media, and he jumped right on it. He became exactly what they have been told they so desperately needed.

As another poster has said, Trump took one look at the Talk Radio crowd and said, "THIS is gonna be EASY". Goddamn. He was right.
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Today's totalitarian liberals or progressives or whatever the hell else they call themselves embarrass Maher. Being a fairly hard-core liberal himself, he does his best to help explain their authoritarian extremism but it's hard to alibi for Commies. Maher and the radical new Democrat party are in denial of their true hatred for our constitutional republic.
What conservatives don't get about the left-
1) Why do you still call yourselves liberals when you stand for the exact opposite of what liberal ideology actually is.

  1. willing to respect or accept behavior or opinions different from one's own; open to new ideas:
  2. relating to or denoting a political and social philosophy that promotes individual rights, civil liberties, democracy, and free enterprise:
Nothing in there matches todays American "liberals" that demand others do as they are told.
Why don't you call yourself illiberals or regressives since they are both much more accurate.

2) No matter how much MSM lies & gets caught, ya'll still pay attention & follow along with whatever BS they tell you like lemmings while spouting the same nonsense like brainless parrots.

3) How can you put up with your totally insane fembots? Your women are psychotic but the men won't say sh!+ to them. I think it's fear.

4) The low-T progponcers could become real men by taking a testosterone supplement but they have no desire in becoming normal or thinking straight. Why is that?

These are just some of the things about the left that make absolutely no sense whatsoever.
Ya'll are a conundrum, wrapped around a riddle inside a turd
What's to get about MAGAt voters?

Pampered brats demanding the Free Lunch St. Raygun, Discoverer of the Red Ink Sea, promised them. Let the grandkids pay their credit card bills. Same thing behind their climate science denial: better grandchildren should pay the health and economic bills than they, themselves should be inconvenienced in any way. Think of the tantrums thrown over being asked to wear a few extra ounces of cloth for up to minutes per day.
They are terrified at the concept of "Woke" people asking that people be treated with respect and dignity. They oppose any weakening in the dam that holds back the awesome seductive powers of the gay/trans agenda. They know there is no racial problem in America that cannot be solved by building more prisons. And, we need to send Mexicans and Indians back to where the came from - the part down below the part we stole.
There fears, however absurd, are absolutely understandable. They understand the loss of White Privilege is an existential threat. It goes beyond mariachi music in the grocery store and mandatory huevos rancheros for breakfast ... cho rizo ...No, they know instinctively, actual sentience being a bit above their range, that they cannot survive in a society with a level playing field. They know the very real threat of cranial implosion should an actual thought penetrate that universal vacuum between their ears..

Point is here, remember this the next time you see one of them clinging to some nostril nugget they mined after prolonged breathing in the Newsmax colon, the next time you snicker at how easily they can be suckered, remember they are fragile creatures whose only chance for survival is to seek pity, trying to feed on validation of their infinite Qaren grievances until fascist salvation arrives. Puty was looking good, before Biden fucked that up. Now, they're back to that Hungarian asshole who makes Little Lord Tuck-Tuck moist.
Woke is just another way of saying brainwashed
A thousand-year-old + gender identity we all accepted ideal suddenly goes out the window in ten minutes because a fleeting group of perverts with mental issues because a corrupt political party says so?

Well, yes because you see.....
"All that is required for evil perverted men to prevail is for good men to do nothing"
(which then begs the question...are they really "good" men after all ?)

You should learn to accept this madness since nothing will be done about it and it is going to get MUCH worse.
Especially once they take away all their guns. (piece of cake)

I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spineless, big mouth pieces of worthless dogshit that ever were.
The Left told them what they could say, how and what to think and they rolled over and complied with a smile. “Conservatives” didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christian males cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christian males.
The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....FUCK traditional Conservatives!
What's to get about MAGAt voters?

Point is here, remember this the next time you see one of them clinging to some nostril nugget they mined after prolonged breathing in the Newsmax colon, the next time you snicker at how easily they can be suckered, remember they are fragile creatures whose only chance for survival is to seek pity, trying to feed on validation of their infinite Qaren grievances until fascist salvation arrives. Puty was looking good, before Biden fucked that up. Now, they're back to that Hungarian asshole who makes Little Lord Tuck-Tuck moist.

Unfortunately THIS is 100% true.
But they sure do act tuff over the internet. While renewing their Netflix subscription and buying tickets to Star Wars.

The Left and Marxism is destined to prevail solely based on the Rights pathetic attitude just as you describe.

I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spineless, big mouth pieces of worthless dogshit that ever were. “Conservatives” didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christian males cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christian males.
The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....FUCK traditional Conservatives!

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