What Liberals don't get about MAGA voters

Yep: "Yeah, I know I'm being lied to, but it feels good, and I need to feel good". That's the MAGA voter.

A big problem is -- and we all did it, all across the political spectrum -- that many people just laughed and mocked when Trump started running. We didn't take any of this seriously, because surely no one would vote for such a ridiculous buffoon.

We were too busy laughing to pay attention to WHY he was so popular. Trump saw how manipulated they were by Rush and the rest of that media, and he jumped right on it. He became exactly what they have been told they so desperately needed.

As another poster has said, Trump took one look at the Talk Radio crowd and said, "THIS is gonna be EASY". Goddamn. He was right.
Thing about the MAGA lot:
They spend all day being Anti-Woke and Anti-LGBTQ...

To the normal people on the left, they don't talk about it all day everyday... We realise that there are groups that have and some times continue to be discriminated against. We are aware of that. The opposite to woke is to remain ignorant of history.

As for LGBTQ, that is about just not being an asshole... I guy a couple thousand years ago saif 'Love thy Neighbour'. It is about one sense being Christian but also being moral..
Thing about the MAGA lot:
They spend all day being Anti-Woke and Anti-LGBTQ...

To the normal people on the left, they don't talk about it all day everyday... We realise that there are groups that have and some times continue to be discriminated against. We are aware of that. The opposite to woke is to remain ignorant of history.

As for LGBTQ, that is about just not being an asshole... I guy a couple thousand years ago saif 'Love thy Neighbour'. It is about one sense being Christian but also being moral..
Well, we're a big and diverse country. Diversity also means people like that. So I just think it would be helpful if we concentrated more on listening and trying to solve problems than on beating the other tribe.

I don't see a lot of listening going on. Only screaming. Is that really supposed to work?
So what is Maher saying?

That the Maga crowd doesn't care that they've been lied to? They know it and it doesn't matter?

That they don't care about "the policies" and they don't even like Trump?

OK. But I never got what they DO like about him. I never did. None of the above is new to me
Trump hates the same people that they hate: everyone who isn't White, straight, and Christian.
Maher seems to make a valid point that many Trump supporters really don't like him. Trump has always been easy to paint as a pompous, juvenile jackass. That being said, IMHO Trump's power resides mainly in the notion that it is time.... to put American interests above foreign interest. Simple as that... "America first". For now, he seems to be the only politician that understands that Americans are fed up with Uncle Sam becoming Uncle Sucker. And many have come to the conclusion that our comfortable lifestyle is being purposefully destroyed, and that the incompetence we are witnessing is just a cover for that effort. Our government purposefully allowed our border to be overrun. Our government purposefully relinquished our energy independence. Our government purposefully uses our wealth to enrich other counties. Homeless vets sleep on the sidewalk just outside of the hotel rooms we pay for for illegals. Trump sees these things, and knows that he is the one person that is promising to put our citizen's well-being above all else.
That being said, IMHO Trump's power resides mainly in the notion that it is time.... to put American interests above foreign interest. Simple as that... "America first".
Trumpers don't understand that helping Ukraine defeat Russia IS putting America first. Having the former Soviet union once again bordering NATO, and Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, and Romania is dangerous to U.S. interests and security. And once they are there it's going to cost us a hell of a lot more money keeping them in check than it's costing to arm Ukraine.

Plus, when have Republicans ever wanted to deprive defense contractors of additional money? Republicans bitch about solar and alternative fuels because they believe it will hurt their oil stocks. Same argument with defense stocks - that spending less hurts the stock market, hurting the U.S. economy.

You can't have it both ways.
Troll boy seems lost again


typical Democrats
Maybe if the left weren't such perverted anti Americans we might find some common ground at least once in a while

But right now it would be a long shot

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