What Liberals don't get about MAGA voters

Unwoke is just another way of saying brain dead..... :)

As utterly ignorant as your side is, your side is still winning because as stupid as your side is, the Right is mostly just as stupid and indoctrinated as you are.

The difference is....
Your side does more than run their mouths and make stupid claims of what they "should/need/ought" to do.
Your side gets it done and takes no names.
Trumpettes do nothing more than fantasize and run their mouths thinking they are big "men" because they hold a gun (they will never use), all the while your side is in fact systematically taking them. Their response? McCauley Caulkin faces.
BIG difference and why you are winning bigly and will rule over the collective Right and determine their fates.
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Actually. It is easy. First. The Trump Voter views themselves as a Patriot. I say views themselves. They aren’t the traditional or historic definition of Patriot. But they believe they are.

Belief. They is the core. They believe that they are in the majority and they represent the traditional values. This belief is what allows them to promote the stolen election lie. They refuse to even consider the idea that a majority in any state would not get behind these purported patriotic ideals.

They demand a return to American Greatness. But they can’t define what it was. They point to the Moon Landing. When you point out that the Administration and the participants were all Democrats and technically Liberal for the era, you are denounced.

I say Liberal for the era because they employed Blacks in positions of importance.

They point to World War II. But again. Democrats were in charge. The hated Socialist FDR was President for nearly an entire generation. The socialist works programs that were created including the Tennessee Valley Authority which created hydro power was vital to development of the Bomb. They needed that power to separate the Uranium 235 from raw ore.

That’s the funny thing. The times that the MAGA folks claim were great were the liberalization of the social settings. In War II you saw Blacks going into combat for the first time as Pilots. And the record of those units was as admirable in reality as any in history. After the war, Desegregation of the military became the law of the land. A Liberal ideal that has paid dividends beyond imagination.

One military for one people, one nation.

The MAGA voter wants the nation to return to a fictional time. A time before the Pentagon Papers. A time before we learned what our Government was doing.

I was talking to the wife just last night. If you think about it. The Scientists who were most directly involved in the creation of the Bomb were Jews from Europe who fled the spread of Nazi’s. Most Physicists were educated and worked in Europe. Many of them in Germany.

Without liberal immigration policies, we would not have had the people we needed to build the first Bomb. We could not have done it.

This nation becomes loved by these immigrants because we welcomed the refuse of the other nations. The Jews who were subhuman trash to the Europeans for millennia. They came here and became fiercely loyal because we didn’t care if they were Jewish.

Liberalizing policies and attitudes of the era has been the hallmark of each generation of Americans since before the Revolution.

Now of course, the MAGA voters want to eliminate liberals. They want Liberals erased from History.

The MAGA voter is easy to understand. They want a return to a fictional time in history that the decry as great but run by awful people.
Unfortunately THIS is 100% true.
But they sure do act tuff over the internet. While renewing their Netflix subscription and buying tickets to Star Wars.

The Left and Marxism is destined to prevail solely based on the Rights pathetic attitude just as you describe.

I would disagree with the ideas of Marxism. First the entire premise is built on a flawed philosophy. All value is not determined by the number of man hours that goes into it. Second. All labor is not equal.
As utterly ignorant as your side is, your side is still winning because as stupid as your side is, the Right is mostly just as stupid and indoctrinated as you are.

The difference is....
Your side does more than run their mouths and make stupid claims of what they "should/need/ought" to do.
Your side gets it done and takes no names.
Trumpettes do nothing more than fantasize and run their mouths thinking they are big "men" because they hold a gun (they will never use), all the while your side is in fact systematically taking them. Their response? McCauley Caulkin faces.
BIG difference and why you are winning bigly and will rule over the collective Right and determine their fates.
Rule over the collective right, in what way, BasicHuman?

Why can't it be we all just give and take... in our land of the free, and we respectfully get along, differences and all?
Actually. It is easy. First. The Trump Voter views themselves as a Patriot. I say views themselves. They aren’t the traditional or historic definition of Patriot. But they believe they are.

Belief. They is the core. They believe that they are in the majority and they represent the traditional values. This belief is what allows them to promote the stolen election lie. They refuse to even consider the idea that a majority in any state would not get behind these purported patriotic ideals.

They demand a return to American Greatness. But they can’t define what it was. They point to the Moon Landing. When you point out that the Administration and the participants were all Democrats and technically Liberal for the era, you are denounced.

I say Liberal for the era because they employed Blacks in positions of importance.

They point to World War II. But again. Democrats were in charge. The hated Socialist FDR was President for nearly an entire generation. The socialist works programs that were created including the Tennessee Valley Authority which created hydro power was vital to development of the Bomb. They needed that power to separate the Uranium 235 from raw ore.

That’s the funny thing. The times that the MAGA folks claim were great were the liberalization of the social settings. In War II you saw Blacks going into combat for the first time as Pilots. And the record of those units was as admirable in reality as any in history. After the war, Desegregation of the military became the law of the land. A Liberal ideal that has paid dividends beyond imagination.

One military for one people, one nation.

The MAGA voter wants the nation to return to a fictional time. A time before the Pentagon Papers. A time before we learned what our Government was doing.

I was talking to the wife just last night. If you think about it. The Scientists who were most directly involved in the creation of the Bomb were Jews from Europe who fled the spread of Nazi’s. Most Physicists were educated and worked in Europe. Many of them in Germany.

Without liberal immigration policies, we would not have had the people we needed to build the first Bomb. We could not have done it.

This nation becomes loved by these immigrants because we welcomed the refuse of the other nations. The Jews who were subhuman trash to the Europeans for millennia. They came here and became fiercely loyal because we didn’t care if they were Jewish.

Liberalizing policies and attitudes of the era has been the hallmark of each generation of Americans since before the Revolution.

Now of course, the MAGA voters want to eliminate liberals. They want Liberals erased from History.

The MAGA voter is easy to understand. They want a return to a fictional time in history that the decry as great but run by awful people.

Says the Fox/Newsmax watcher.
Irony is lost on these folks.
Actually. It is easy. First. The Trump Voter views themselves as a Patriot. I say views themselves. They aren’t the traditional or historic definition of Patriot. But they believe they are.

Belief. They is the core. They believe that they are in the majority and they represent the traditional values. This belief is what allows them to promote the stolen election lie. They refuse to even consider the idea that a majority in any state would not get behind these purported patriotic ideals.

They demand a return to American Greatness. But they can’t define what it was. They point to the Moon Landing. When you point out that the Administration and the participants were all Democrats and technically Liberal for the era, you are denounced.

I say Liberal for the era because they employed Blacks in positions of importance.

They point to World War II. But again. Democrats were in charge. The hated Socialist FDR was President for nearly an entire generation. The socialist works programs that were created including the Tennessee Valley Authority which created hydro power was vital to development of the Bomb. They needed that power to separate the Uranium 235 from raw ore.

That’s the funny thing. The times that the MAGA folks claim were great were the liberalization of the social settings. In War II you saw Blacks going into combat for the first time as Pilots. And the record of those units was as admirable in reality as any in history. After the war, Desegregation of the military became the law of the land. A Liberal ideal that has paid dividends beyond imagination.

One military for one people, one nation.

The MAGA voter wants the nation to return to a fictional time. A time before the Pentagon Papers. A time before we learned what our Government was doing.

I was talking to the wife just last night. If you think about it. The Scientists who were most directly involved in the creation of the Bomb were Jews from Europe who fled the spread of Nazi’s. Most Physicists were educated and worked in Europe. Many of them in Germany.

Without liberal immigration policies, we would not have had the people we needed to build the first Bomb. We could not have done it.

This nation becomes loved by these immigrants because we welcomed the refuse of the other nations. The Jews who were subhuman trash to the Europeans for millennia. They came here and became fiercely loyal because we didn’t care if they were Jewish.

Liberalizing policies and attitudes of the era has been the hallmark of each generation of Americans since before the Revolution.

Now of course, the MAGA voters want to eliminate liberals. They want Liberals erased from History.

The MAGA voter is easy to understand. They want a return to a fictional time in history that the decry as great but run by awful people.
Holy shit thats a-lot of irrelevant mumbo-jumbo.
Today’s “liberals” ARE NOT the liberals of old…..todays “immigrants“ ARE NOT the immigrants of old.
Sorry you wasted all that time on that wordy non-sensical post….back to the drawing-board you go.
Actually. It is easy. First. The Trump Voter views themselves as a Patriot. I say views themselves. They aren’t the traditional or historic definition of Patriot. But they believe they are.

Belief. They is the core. They believe that they are in the majority and they represent the traditional values. This belief is what allows them to promote the stolen election lie. They refuse to even consider the idea that a majority in any state would not get behind these purported patriotic ideals.

They demand a return to American Greatness. But they can’t define what it was. They point to the Moon Landing. When you point out that the Administration and the participants were all Democrats and technically Liberal for the era, you are denounced.

I say Liberal for the era because they employed Blacks in positions of importance.

They point to World War II. But again. Democrats were in charge. The hated Socialist FDR was President for nearly an entire generation. The socialist works programs that were created including the Tennessee Valley Authority which created hydro power was vital to development of the Bomb. They needed that power to separate the Uranium 235 from raw ore.

That’s the funny thing. The times that the MAGA folks claim were great were the liberalization of the social settings. In War II you saw Blacks going into combat for the first time as Pilots. And the record of those units was as admirable in reality as any in history. After the war, Desegregation of the military became the law of the land. A Liberal ideal that has paid dividends beyond imagination.

One military for one people, one nation.

The MAGA voter wants the nation to return to a fictional time. A time before the Pentagon Papers. A time before we learned what our Government was doing.

I was talking to the wife just last night. If you think about it. The Scientists who were most directly involved in the creation of the Bomb were Jews from Europe who fled the spread of Nazi’s. Most Physicists were educated and worked in Europe. Many of them in Germany.

Without liberal immigration policies, we would not have had the people we needed to build the first Bomb. We could not have done it.

This nation becomes loved by these immigrants because we welcomed the refuse of the other nations. The Jews who were subhuman trash to the Europeans for millennia. They came here and became fiercely loyal because we didn’t care if they were Jewish.

Liberalizing policies and attitudes of the era has been the hallmark of each generation of Americans since before the Revolution.

Now of course, the MAGA voters want to eliminate liberals. They want Liberals erased from History.

The MAGA voter is easy to understand. They want a return to a fictional time in history that the decry as great but run by awful people.
They really want to return to the antebellum south. They just know they can't say that out loud.
As utterly ignorant as your side is, your side is still winning because as stupid as your side is, the Right is mostly just as stupid and indoctrinated as you are.

The difference is....
Your side does more than run their mouths and make stupid claims of what they "should/need/ought" to do.
Your side gets it done and takes no names.
Trumpettes do nothing more than fantasize and run their mouths thinking they are big "men" because they hold a gun (they will never use), all the while your side is in fact systematically taking them. Their response? McCauley Caulkin faces.
BIG difference and why you are winning bigly and will rule over the collective Right and determine their fates.
What’s stupid is the lie that ‘both sides’ are ‘the same.’

They’re not.
Rule over the collective right, in what way, BasicHuman?

Why can't it be we all just give and take... in our land of the free, and we respectfully get along, differences and all?

Again, this is your pure ignorance talking and Utopian Leftist fantasies of those NOT in power.
HISTORY PROVES that most men will live under the iron rule of another.

Sorry, that's just reality, history and human nature.
Up until the 20th entury, Kings, Queens, emporors and the like were common. There has been a VERY brief blip in time when the West has experimented with freedom and it is coming to an end.

Freedom is an experiment and look around...it always fails....at least with humans.

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