What made United States great ?

a better question is how did Britain become the superpower of the 19th century as she did not have much resources/room/etc ??--culture/spirit/willpower--
..a culture that produced people to go out and do better
Its Constitution.
Putting God first, and including him in spirit into the Constitution. We couldn't have written a Constitution such as we have without him being added into the mix.

The reason we are claiming that we need to MAGA now, is because over the years there has been a negative force that has been attempting to remove God from everywhere in this nation.

It has been a relentless game of attrition that has been conducted by this negative force against us, yet it has been pushed back, and it is losing ground lately.

Hopefully the trend continues in the right direction which is to keep God in our midst always, and to continue to pray that he accepts our invitation to dwell amongst us always.
Britain was the powerhouse/superpower in the 19th century --did they put god in ''their constitution''? or Japan? god has nothing to do with it
.Good grief... Another uneducated ignorant person. One doesn't have to place in words these beliefs or things, but only that their actions speak louder than their words. When we are to pray, it is a personal thing between us and God, wherefore boasting is not present nor is it needed. In cases where unity of such things are agreed upon by a majority (as found within our nation's history and past), then to show that unity we have had words that were written down, and actions that were taken in order to teach the uneducated in the ties that bind us together.

Those ties are being unwound by those who have an agenda to change this nation into a nation that accommodates all manor of foolishness now, but it isn't being done as so the nation doesn't know the agenda that is underway.

We shall see where it all goes, and it will go the way of our understanding, yet we are not to get caught up in it.
What made us great

Abundant national resources
Check between the power of capitalism and the rights of the people
All men are created equal
Only surviving economy afterWWII
..I have to disagree somewhat --Britain did not have much resources and definitely not much room--but they were a superpower/powerhouse that ruled ''the world''....they went out and took/produced/wanted resources
..Japan also
I never said exclusively...I was talking about us

Our access to fuel, minerals, energy, food, pelts, agriculture drove our economy
Immigration provided a steady stream of cheap labor
“It is now very probable that the English Government (I do not mean the nation) is unfriendly to the French Revolution. Whatever serves to expose the intrigue and lessen the influence of courts, by lessening taxation, will be unwelcome to those who feed upon the spoil. Whilst the clamour of French intrigue, arbitrary power, popery, and wooden shoes could be kept up, the nation was easily allured and alarmed into taxes. Those days are now past: deception, it is to be hoped, has reaped its last harvest, and better times are in prospect for both countries, and for the world.”
— Thomas Paine (The Rights of Man, 1791)
Its Constitution.
Putting God first, and including him in spirit into the Constitution. We couldn't have written a Constitution such as we have without him being added into the mix.

The reason we are claiming that we need to MAGA now, is because over the years there has been a negative force that has been attempting to remove God from everywhere in this nation.

It has been a relentless game of attrition that has been conducted by this negative force against us, yet it has been pushed back, and it is losing ground lately.

Hopefully the trend continues in the right direction which is to keep God in our midst always, and to continue to pray that he accepts our invitation to dwell amongst us always.
Our founders intentionally kept God out

wrong, they kept any specific religion out. but kept God in. "endowed by their creator" "In God we trust" etc. No state religion but a strong belief in God.
Its Constitution.
Putting God first, and including him in spirit into the Constitution. We couldn't have written a Constitution such as we have without him being added into the mix.

The reason we are claiming that we need to MAGA now, is because over the years there has been a negative force that has been attempting to remove God from everywhere in this nation.

It has been a relentless game of attrition that has been conducted by this negative force against us, yet it has been pushed back, and it is losing ground lately.

Hopefully the trend continues in the right direction which is to keep God in our midst always, and to continue to pray that he accepts our invitation to dwell amongst us always.
Britain was the powerhouse/superpower in the 19th century --did they put god in ''their constitution''? or Japan? god has nothing to do with it
.Good grief... Another uneducated ignorant person. One doesn't have to place in words these beliefs or things, but only that their actions speak louder than their words. When we are to pray, it is a personal thing between us and God, wherefore boasting is not present nor is it needed. In cases where unity of such things are agreed upon by a majority (as found within our nation's history and past), then to show that unity we have had words that were written down, and actions that were taken in order to teach the uneducated in the ties that bind us together.

Those ties are being unwound by those who have an agenda to change this nation into a nation that accommodates all manor of foolishness now, but it isn't being done as so the nation doesn't know the agenda that is underway.

We shall see where it all goes, and it will go the way of our understanding, yet we are not to get caught up in it.
please compare the superpower of the 19th century Britain's constitution with god and America's [ I rate Britain possibly above America as being great because of their lack of resources/room/etc ]
..China is a superpower--do they have god and constitution?
aren't there millionaire/billionaires/etc that shape the country that do not believe in god?
professors/teachers that don't believe in god?
wasn't Albert Einstein agnostic?? etc etc
What made us great

Abundant national resources
Check between the power of capitalism and the rights of the people
All men are created equal
Only surviving economy afterWWII
..I have to disagree somewhat --Britain did not have much resources and definitely not much room--but they were a superpower/powerhouse that ruled ''the world''....they went out and took/produced/wanted resources
..Japan also
I never said exclusively...I was talking about us

Our access to fuel, minerals, energy, food, pelts, agriculture drove our economy
Immigration provided a steady stream of cheap labor

your implication is that the "cheap labor" was exploited by those who ran the industries. That is simply wrong, many immigrants (legal) started as cheap labor and rose to be owners and entrepreneurs on their own. That could only occur in this country, and it still can although it is harder now than then due to an oppressive federal government.
Its Constitution.
Putting God first, and including him in spirit into the Constitution. We couldn't have written a Constitution such as we have without him being added into the mix.

The reason we are claiming that we need to MAGA now, is because over the years there has been a negative force that has been attempting to remove God from everywhere in this nation.

It has been a relentless game of attrition that has been conducted by this negative force against us, yet it has been pushed back, and it is losing ground lately.

Hopefully the trend continues in the right direction which is to keep God in our midst always, and to continue to pray that he accepts our invitation to dwell amongst us always.
Britain was the powerhouse/superpower in the 19th century --did they put god in ''their constitution''? or Japan? god has nothing to do with it
.Good grief... Another uneducated ignorant person. One doesn't have to place in words these beliefs or things, but only that their actions speak louder than their words. When we are to pray, it is a personal thing between us and God, wherefore boasting is not present nor is it needed. In cases where unity of such things are agreed upon by a majority (as found within our nation's history and past), then to show that unity we have had words that were written down, and actions that were taken in order to teach the uneducated in the ties that bind us together.

Those ties are being unwound by those who have an agenda to change this nation into a nation that accommodates all manor of foolishness now, but it isn't being done as so the nation doesn't know the agenda that is underway.

We shall see where it all goes, and it will go the way of our understanding, yet we are not to get caught up in it.
please compare the superpower of the 19th century Britain's constitution with god and America's [ I rate Britain possibly above America as being great because of their lack of resources/room/etc ]
..China is a superpower--do they have god and constitution?
aren't there millionaire/billionaires/etc that shape the country that do not believe in god?
professors/teachers that don't believe in god?
wasn't Albert Einstein agnostic?? etc etc

none of those countries accomplished what the USA has accomplished. Whether a belief in God made the difference can be debated for centuries.
The country is no less unified today than its strongest point. Its just that the far fringes from both sides make the most noise. Most are near the center.
We are divided because different localities want to impose their beliefs on all citizens of the country through a large Central Gov't...............

That is WHY the founding fathers believed in Enumerated Powers and local governing themselves...........

Democrats control most population centers and big cities in the United States.........who push their beliefs on more Rural areas who tend to be Republican.................and visa versa................

What is right in the belief system of New York City isn't what a Rural community in Oklahoma believes in.........So each side through Temporary power IMPOSES their BELIEF SYSTEM on others..................and is exactly why we are at each others throats so much and are so Divided Now.................

What is happening today is EXACTLY why the Founding Fathers didn't want a PURE DEMOCRACY................where 50% plus 1 decides all the laws for the 50% minus 1...............then it turns to who has the plus 1.......they counter the will of the ones with a temporary majority...........then it repeats...............wash, rinse, spin and dry...........over and over again.

And will not go away until we get the corrupt career politicians out of the system who use the system for personal gain.........as they get paid by lobbyist to do their bidding for personal wealth and power. A gov't that decides the winners and losers in business for greed.................and self serving reasons.............

We will continue to be this way.............as long as a plus 1 tries to impose it's will on the minus 1.............Never have relations been this bad in this country than since before the Civil War.
a better question is how did Britain become the superpower of the 19th century as she did not have much resources/room/etc ??--culture/spirit/willpower--
..a culture that produced people to go out and do better

by exploiting its "colonies". It was doing that to this country until our founders fought to stop them.
The Failure of the Founders of The US Constitution

In a Republic, as the people delegate their sovereign authority to their representatives the less they retain awareness of the decisions made on their behalf and the less they feel empowered; therefore, the closer these powers remain to the people, while harmony exists among the diverse societies, the more the people stay informed, involved and retain their mind-set of being empowered. Conversely, when conflict cannot be resolved locally, it is advanced to higher echelons of government, where calmer minds prevail, pending a solution. The founders recognized the inevitability of population growth and an increase in the numbers of diverse societies. The Constitution's intentional distribution of power from the people to local authority then to the States and lastly the Federal Government permits the citizenry to more closely monitor the activities of government and the restrictions it might impose on them. The Founders believed, the inherent role of central government to protect the security and freedoms of society should not alter with the changing needs of society and that the States or local authorities would resolve most of the civil conflicts.

I believe we can agree the Founders designed the Constitution including the Bill of Rights on basic principles of good government which has been previously discussed. Also built into the Constitution are many checks and balances to limit power allocated to the central authority, without endangering the autonomy of the states; and the Separation of Powers between the branches.
And these things of course we're inspired by God in which guided man's heart's in order to do what was right within these documents as we're produced. We cannot seperate the men from the documents nor can we separate God from the men who inturn created, and then wrote the documents.
What made us great

Abundant national resources
Check between the power of capitalism and the rights of the people
All men are created equal
Only surviving economy afterWWII
..I have to disagree somewhat --Britain did not have much resources and definitely not much room--but they were a superpower/powerhouse that ruled ''the world''....they went out and took/produced/wanted resources
..Japan also
I never said exclusively...I was talking about us

Our access to fuel, minerals, energy, food, pelts, agriculture drove our economy
Immigration provided a steady stream of cheap labor

your implication is that the "cheap labor" was exploited by those who ran the industries. That is simply wrong, many immigrants (legal) started as cheap labor and rose to be owners and entrepreneurs on their own. That could only occur in this country, and it still can although it is harder now than then due to an oppressive federal government.
but that was only a few compared to the total workforce??
a better question is how did Britain become the superpower of the 19th century as she did not have much resources/room/etc ??--culture/spirit/willpower--
..a culture that produced people to go out and do better

by exploiting its "colonies". It was doing that to this country until our founders fought to stop them.
Britain went on to ''exploit'' many countries well after 1776
they were still exploiting Iran in the 50s
The country is no less unified today than its strongest point. Its just that the far fringes from both sides make the most noise. Most are near the center.
We are divided because different localities want to impose their beliefs on all citizens of the country through a large Central Gov't...............

That is WHY the founding fathers believed in Enumerated Powers and local governing themselves...........

Democrats control most population centers and big cities in the United States.........who push their beliefs on more Rural areas who tend to be Republican.................and visa versa................

What is right in the belief system of New York City isn't what a Rural community in Oklahoma believes in.........So each side through Temporary power IMPOSES their BELIEF SYSTEM on others..................and is exactly why we are at each others throats so much and are so Divided Now.................

What is happening today is EXACTLY why the Founding Fathers didn't want a PURE DEMOCRACY................where 50% plus 1 decides all the laws for the 50% minus 1...............then it turns to who has the plus 1.......they counter the will of the ones with a temporary majority...........then it repeats...............wash, rinse, spin and dry...........over and over again.

And will not go away until we get the corrupt career politicians out of the system who use the system for personal gain.........as they get paid by lobbyist to do their bidding for personal wealth and power. A gov't that decides the winners and losers in business for greed.................and self serving reasons.............

We will continue to be this way.............as long as a plus 1 tries to impose it's will on the minus 1.............Never have relations been this bad in this country than since before the Civil War.
good summary. Serving the government was intended to be a short term sacrifice, then you returned home to the farm or whatever. It was never intended to be a career choice whereby a person could make millions by doing virtually nothing.
a better question is how did Britain become the superpower of the 19th century as she did not have much resources/room/etc ??--culture/spirit/willpower--
..a culture that produced people to go out and do better
Their military was second to none................they grew via a better military than others..............They gained power through military might..................until they over reached........spread themselves to thin..............and were taken down slowly all over the world...........

Same as Rome and other powers..................

The entire map of the world is written by War..............on who won or lost............and that has basically never changed.
What made us great

Abundant national resources
Check between the power of capitalism and the rights of the people
All men are created equal
Only surviving economy afterWWII
..I have to disagree somewhat --Britain did not have much resources and definitely not much room--but they were a superpower/powerhouse that ruled ''the world''....they went out and took/produced/wanted resources
..Japan also
I never said exclusively...I was talking about us

Our access to fuel, minerals, energy, food, pelts, agriculture drove our economy
Immigration provided a steady stream of cheap labor

your implication is that the "cheap labor" was exploited by those who ran the industries. That is simply wrong, many immigrants (legal) started as cheap labor and rose to be owners and entrepreneurs on their own. That could only occur in this country, and it still can although it is harder now than then due to an oppressive federal government.
but that was only a few compared to the total workforce??

true, there is no rule that everyone has to achieve equal success.
The country is no less unified today than its strongest point. Its just that the far fringes from both sides make the most noise. Most are near the center.
We are divided because different localities want to impose their beliefs on all citizens of the country through a large Central Gov't...............

That is WHY the founding fathers believed in Enumerated Powers and local governing themselves...........

Democrats control most population centers and big cities in the United States.........who push their beliefs on more Rural areas who tend to be Republican.................and visa versa................

What is right in the belief system of New York City isn't what a Rural community in Oklahoma believes in.........So each side through Temporary power IMPOSES their BELIEF SYSTEM on others..................and is exactly why we are at each others throats so much and are so Divided Now.................

What is happening today is EXACTLY why the Founding Fathers didn't want a PURE DEMOCRACY................where 50% plus 1 decides all the laws for the 50% minus 1...............then it turns to who has the plus 1.......they counter the will of the ones with a temporary majority...........then it repeats...............wash, rinse, spin and dry...........over and over again.

And will not go away until we get the corrupt career politicians out of the system who use the system for personal gain.........as they get paid by lobbyist to do their bidding for personal wealth and power. A gov't that decides the winners and losers in business for greed.................and self serving reasons.............

We will continue to be this way.............as long as a plus 1 tries to impose it's will on the minus 1.............Never have relations been this bad in this country than since before the Civil War.
This you wrote has produced the very phrase we see today, "Drain the Swamps".
Its Constitution.
Putting God first, and including him in spirit into the Constitution. We couldn't have written a Constitution such as we have without him being added into the mix.

The reason we are claiming that we need to MAGA now, is because over the years there has been a negative force that has been attempting to remove God from everywhere in this nation.

It has been a relentless game of attrition that has been conducted by this negative force against us, yet it has been pushed back, and it is losing ground lately.

Hopefully the trend continues in the right direction which is to keep God in our midst always, and to continue to pray that he accepts our invitation to dwell amongst us always.
And for those of us who don't believe in fairy tales?
That's easy, quit passing bills before you read them... Books have beautiful covers, but if scared to read there contents then you are unlearned of that content, and therefore you make inaccurate statements regarding the content of any book or bill you are to scared, manipulated or ignorant to read.
I have no idea what you are even babbling about.
The entire map of the world is written by War..............on who won or lost............and that has basically never changed.

Gawd yes....AND the victors got to write the history! ~S~
a better question is how did Britain become the superpower of the 19th century as she did not have much resources/room/etc ??--culture/spirit/willpower--
..a culture that produced people to go out and do better

by exploiting its "colonies". It was doing that to this country until our founders fought to stop them.
Britain went on to ''exploit'' many countries well after 1776
they were still exploiting Iran in the 50s

I only said that we stopped it here.

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