What Makes Poor People Poor? - Special Segment

It's not about how much you make, it is how much you keep. If you make $50,000 a year and are able to save $5000 a year, you are far better off than the guy making $100,000 a year and spending $120,000 a year.

The rich treat money differently than the poor. That's why the poor are poor.
it also helps when the rich are too big to fail.
worry about yourself and leave he rich alone,,,unless youre just jealous
stop cutting social services for the Poor. unless you are just jealous.
jealousy has nothing to do with it,,,the feds have no legal authority to steal from me a gun point and give it to those that refuse to provide for themselves
Providing for the general welfare is a general power. Congress has the authority to solve the problems of our Republic.
It's not about how much you make, it is how much you keep. If you make $50,000 a year and are able to save $5000 a year, you are far better off than the guy making $100,000 a year and spending $120,000 a year.

The rich treat money differently than the poor. That's why the poor are poor.
it also helps when the rich are too big to fail.

Who are you talking about?
It's not about how much you make, it is how much you keep. If you make $50,000 a year and are able to save $5000 a year, you are far better off than the guy making $100,000 a year and spending $120,000 a year.

The rich treat money differently than the poor. That's why the poor are poor.
it also helps when the rich are too big to fail.

Who are you talking about?
Tax cut economics is merely income redistribution that favors the richest the most.
It's not about how much you make, it is how much you keep. If you make $50,000 a year and are able to save $5000 a year, you are far better off than the guy making $100,000 a year and spending $120,000 a year.

The rich treat money differently than the poor. That's why the poor are poor.
it also helps when the rich are too big to fail.
worry about yourself and leave he rich alone,,,unless youre just jealous
stop cutting social services for the Poor. unless you are just jealous.
jealousy has nothing to do with it,,,the feds have no legal authority to steal from me a gun point and give it to those that refuse to provide for themselves
Providing for the general welfare is a general power. Congress has the authority to solve the problems of our Republic.

thats ''general welfare'' which is not what stealing from the majority and giving to the minority is,,,

and the reality of it after all these yrs is that it has hurt more than it helped

the war on poverty is a complete failure,,,
It's not about how much you make, it is how much you keep. If you make $50,000 a year and are able to save $5000 a year, you are far better off than the guy making $100,000 a year and spending $120,000 a year.

The rich treat money differently than the poor. That's why the poor are poor.
it also helps when the rich are too big to fail.
worry about yourself and leave he rich alone,,,unless youre just jealous
stop cutting social services for the Poor. unless you are just jealous.
jealousy has nothing to do with it,,,the feds have no legal authority to steal from me a gun point and give it to those that refuse to provide for themselves

The rich have a different mindset towards money than most, you can strip their money all away one day and they can build it back up fairly quick. It's tough concept but the mind is tough to master.
It's not about how much you make, it is how much you keep. If you make $50,000 a year and are able to save $5000 a year, you are far better off than the guy making $100,000 a year and spending $120,000 a year.

The rich treat money differently than the poor. That's why the poor are poor.
it also helps when the rich are too big to fail.

Who are you talking about?
Tax cut economics is merely income redistribution that favors the richest the most.
but he rich are he only ones paying taxs,,,so its their money they are keeping
It's not about how much you make, it is how much you keep. If you make $50,000 a year and are able to save $5000 a year, you are far better off than the guy making $100,000 a year and spending $120,000 a year.

The rich treat money differently than the poor. That's why the poor are poor.
it also helps when the rich are too big to fail.

Who are you talking about?
Tax cut economics is merely income redistribution that favors the richest the most.

So, who are you talking about, I am not sure who you are referring to when you say the "rich are too big to fail". I have watched many rich people have ideas, investments and businesses that have failed. Obama made companies that he claimed were to big too fail, but never anyone too rich to fail.
So since you're illegal, that's none. :lol:
i must be more legal than you, I am American and have a better argument at lower cost.
You can barely speak English, let alone be better than anyone already here.
your argument is too inferior. go to the rear and practice some more.
It's not even a proper English sentence. Inferior to what? Go to the rear of what? Practise what some more? C'mon Fidel, spit out the taco and try again.
having a superior argument.
Ya, I do. So what? You looking for another handout?
it also helps when the rich are too big to fail.
worry about yourself and leave he rich alone,,,unless youre just jealous
stop cutting social services for the Poor. unless you are just jealous.
jealousy has nothing to do with it,,,the feds have no legal authority to steal from me a gun point and give it to those that refuse to provide for themselves
Providing for the general welfare is a general power. Congress has the authority to solve the problems of our Republic.

thats ''general welfare'' which is not what stealing from the majority and giving to the minority is,,,

and the reality of it after all these yrs is that it has hurt more than it helped

the war on poverty is a complete failure,,,

The problems with raising taxes on the big businesses is that it gets passed down to the consumers which are the middle class and poor. When taxes are raised, big business still keeps the same profit margin and the price of goods goes up. Just a fact of business.
Big business almost always wins. When taxes increase they raise costs to the consumer, when taxes go down C.E.O.'s get bigger bonuses.
it also helps when the rich are too big to fail.
worry about yourself and leave he rich alone,,,unless youre just jealous
stop cutting social services for the Poor. unless you are just jealous.
jealousy has nothing to do with it,,,the feds have no legal authority to steal from me a gun point and give it to those that refuse to provide for themselves
Providing for the general welfare is a general power. Congress has the authority to solve the problems of our Republic.

thats ''general welfare'' which is not what stealing from the majority and giving to the minority is,,,

and the reality of it after all these yrs is that it has hurt more than it helped

the war on poverty is a complete failure,,,
just lousy public policy. and Congress is delegated the Power to Tax not the right to tax. So, it is not stealing unless you are an immature whiner.
It's not about how much you make, it is how much you keep. If you make $50,000 a year and are able to save $5000 a year, you are far better off than the guy making $100,000 a year and spending $120,000 a year.

The rich treat money differently than the poor. That's why the poor are poor.
it also helps when the rich are too big to fail.

Who are you talking about?
Tax cut economics is merely income redistribution that favors the richest the most.
but he rich are he only ones paying taxs,,,so its their money they are keeping
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
It's not about how much you make, it is how much you keep. If you make $50,000 a year and are able to save $5000 a year, you are far better off than the guy making $100,000 a year and spending $120,000 a year.

The rich treat money differently than the poor. That's why the poor are poor.
it also helps when the rich are too big to fail.

Who are you talking about?
Tax cut economics is merely income redistribution that favors the richest the most.

So, who are you talking about, I am not sure who you are referring to when you say the "rich are too big to fail". I have watched many rich people have ideas, investments and businesses that have failed. Obama made companies that he claimed were to big too fail, but never anyone too rich to fail.
Where Is The Outrage Over Corporate Welfare?
i must be more legal than you, I am American and have a better argument at lower cost.
You can barely speak English, let alone be better than anyone already here.
your argument is too inferior. go to the rear and practice some more.
It's not even a proper English sentence. Inferior to what? Go to the rear of what? Practise what some more? C'mon Fidel, spit out the taco and try again.
having a superior argument.
Ya, I do. So what? You looking for another handout?
not as long as you have nothing but fallacy.

In a nutshell? Liberal Victimhood. If you can stop believing that you are a victim, then you too can use God's gift to lift yourself out of poverty. I did it, Ben Carson did it, even Morgan Freeman(God) did it.

that is absolutely right!

if all Americans just worked harder then all of those low paying jobs would just disappear!

Everyone can be a CEO!

we'll all be fkn rich!

and get poor people to carry our luggage as we travel!


if we are all rich who will carry our bags and bring us our drinks?!?!?!?


Else we'll have to be responsible for ourselves.
It's not about how much you make, it is how much you keep. If you make $50,000 a year and are able to save $5000 a year, you are far better off than the guy making $100,000 a year and spending $120,000 a year.

The rich treat money differently than the poor. That's why the poor are poor.
it also helps when the rich are too big to fail.

Who are you talking about?
Tax cut economics is merely income redistribution that favors the richest the most.

So, who are you talking about, I am not sure who you are referring to when you say the "rich are too big to fail". I have watched many rich people have ideas, investments and businesses that have failed. Obama made companies that he claimed were to big too fail, but never anyone too rich to fail.
Where Is The Outrage Over Corporate Welfare?

thats a democrat and republican thing,,,get rid of them and he problem is solved
Yea....like that is going to happen

The Golden Rule.......He who has the gold makes the rules

As soon as the wealthy get their 25 percent tax rate, they will demand legislation that starts........If you give us this deduction, it will create jobs
It’s the only solution that will make a material difference.
Makes sense to billionaires

Simple math. Give billionaires a significant tax cut, who makes up the difference?
Actually it doesn’t. They fear the loss of the their loopholes and deductions. It makes great sense to poor people who would only pay taxes above the poverty threshold. The government fears this and so do government lackies.
What happened to their loopholes when we slashed their tax rate last year?

Didn’t touch them

I'm all in favor of having a flat tax, with zero deductions.

Until then, we have to fight for every reduction in wasteful taxes we can.

I would love to have our entire national tax system, be reduced to a post card, with "income" X "tax rate" = "Tax due".
No deductions, no special interest.
Works for a working Joe who has all of his income reported to the IRS

But if you own a business or are extremely wealthy, it is easier to distort what your income is
It's not about how much you make, it is how much you keep. If you make $50,000 a year and are able to save $5000 a year, you are far better off than the guy making $100,000 a year and spending $120,000 a year.

The rich treat money differently than the poor. That's why the poor are poor.
it also helps when the rich are too big to fail.

Who are you talking about?
Tax cut economics is merely income redistribution that favors the richest the most.

So, who are you talking about, I am not sure who you are referring to when you say the "rich are too big to fail". I have watched many rich people have ideas, investments and businesses that have failed. Obama made companies that he claimed were to big too fail, but never anyone too rich to fail.
Where Is The Outrage Over Corporate Welfare?

I am against all corporate welfare, always have been. Now who are the rich that are too big to fail? I am not sure why you won't answer the simple questions, you seem to have trouble accounting for your words.
Yes, that is correct. The only deductions will be 25k for individual filings and 50k for joint filings. No exceptions.

But see, when I look at Europe, and the most recently France, this system of attacking the rich, under the theory it helps the poor..... doesn't play out.

This entire time you are chatting back and fourth on how much money can we soak the rich for.... but when has that ever worked throughout all the world, and all history? Never.

France has spent decades now, trying to soak the rich. It hasn't made things better for the poor. That's why the poor have been burning down France.

France Rang In The New Year Under A Cloud Of Heavy Security

You can't tax your country into prosperity. You can only tax your country into poverty. No matter how much you talk about how you'll make the wealthy pay this tax, or that tax, or some other tax, it will never work. It never has. It never will.
I am not suggesting we should. I am suggesting that we should be fiscally responsible. The best way to accomplish that is to set the tax rate to the rate necessary to balance the budget and make all people share the burden proportionately. Overnight there would be a change.

I agree with what you wrote.

Impossible. There is no tax level high enough to fix socialism.

As long as we have a socialized system of health care and pensions in place, taxes will have to increase continually until the country implodes. It is impossible to find the magic tax rate that will balance the budget.

If you doubt that... again just look at Europe. All of Europe. Most of Europe has been protected by the US. Norway, like all European countries, has drastically higher taxes. Most people, even lower-middle class, lose 50% of their income in taxes.

And yet they are running a deficit. France is running a deficit. Japan is running a deficit.

They have nearly double our average tax rate, and are all running a deficit.

So this idea that we just need to increase taxes until we can afford socialism... is never going to work. Soon we'll be paying $8/gallon for gas, like France does. All to pay for the free stuff everyone wants. Then when it destroys the middle class, like in France, people will be burning down the country.

If you want to balance the budget, the solution is to reform entitlements. We need to privatize social security, and eliminate socialized health care. If we do that, the budget will balance without us doing anything with taxes.
County governments set their tax rates equal to the budget. That’s what I propose the federal government do.

I'd have a hard time naming one that succeeding in doing that. Which OECD country would you point to that has a tax rate that matches their budget.
Be sure to provide proof of a balanced budget.
None I’m sure. Maybe that’s the problem.
Of course not. That is one of the stupidest tax plans ever envisioned

Drop a billionaire from 37 percent to 25 percent and call it even?
Raise the rate to 25 percent for someone making $20,000 a year and call it fair?
First of all it’s a sliding scale secondly with all of the loopholes and deductions he probably pays a lower effective rate than a couple earning 300k jointly.
You think those loopholes won’t be there at 25 percent?
Yes, that is correct. The only deductions will be 25k for individual filings and 50k for joint filings. No exceptions.

Yea....like that is going to happen

The Golden Rule.......He who has the gold makes the rules

As soon as the wealthy get their 25 percent tax rate, they will demand legislation that starts........If you give us this deduction, it will create jobs

Then why didn't they demand those deductions prior to FDR? Because FDR is who raised taxes so high, that deductions were required to avoid a total destruction of the economy.

By the way, do you know who was first to lobby government, and get deductions?
Which only distorts what the effective rate really is. It isn’t transparent or a level playing field. Not exactly a paragon of equality.

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