What Nationalities Can You Talk About in America?

Sure, you can talk about any nationality you wish, in public or private. If you are going to do so in public, while running for office, it might be wise to not come off as sounding like a total fucking moron.

If you can back up your statement, and it's true, should be no problem.

You cannot speak about any nationality in public or private? Where do you live?

I'm saying you should be able to say what you want if it's true and not catch a load of crap about it.
Nothing he said was true. In his defense, given how fucking stupid he is, I doubt he knew or cared about the truth.

Lol, yeah right Trump is an idiot because he dared to disagree with PC Nazis on the left like you.

Hahahahahahahah, and he made his $9 BILLION because people are just so nice to idiots.

Dude, don't you have a street to go play in?
Sure, you can talk about any nationality you wish, in public or private. If you are going to do so in public, while running for office, it might be wise to not come off as sounding like a total fucking moron.

Like you do every fucking day?

That some of the CRIMINAL ILLEGAL ALIENS are rapists is no surprise to anyone int eh real world, except for you Nazi libtads.

God, you people need to stop snorting the Draino soon.

Trump spoke in idiotic broad brushes and by doing so made a fool of himself. Pretty much exactly what you doing here with your post.

Oh by the way, I am not a 'libtard' but I know nuance isn't one of your strong suits.

Bulshit in context he said absolutely nothing wrong, Fuck off.
It's not your company to decide that....

And its not yours either, jack ass.
Less people come across the border now than at any time in the last fifty years; more people are arrested for illegal entry and deported than before. You simply need to make up things to support your ignorance.

I think at point in time, more Asians are immigrating to the US. I wonder what % are illegal?
Illegal immigration to the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

That's as of 2009. 6 years ago. Still interesting.. will have to look and see where I read the other statistic.
Thanks JimBowie1958
30k Illegal Polish immigrants here also, wanan bitch about them for a while?

According to the link, the number from Mexico is 6.6 million. Just a few more...
And, according to Trump, most are rapists. Though he assumes some are good.
Sure, you can talk about any nationality you wish, in public or private. If you are going to do so in public, while running for office, it might be wise to not come off as sounding like a total fucking moron.

Like you do every fucking day?

That some of the CRIMINAL ILLEGAL ALIENS are rapists is no surprise to anyone int eh real world, except for you Nazi libtads.

God, you people need to stop snorting the Draino soon.

Trump spoke in idiotic broad brushes and by doing so made a fool of himself. Pretty much exactly what you doing here with your post.

Oh by the way, I am not a 'libtard' but I know nuance isn't one of your strong suits.

Bulshit in context he said absolutely nothing wrong, Fuck off.

He assumes some of them are good people? Assumes?! He stepped in it with his broad brush. Trump is a self-serving jackass but if you want to rally around an idiot have at it. Birds of a feather and whatnot.
There is nothing rude about speaking the TRUTH. The whole clamor is nothing more than an attempt at distracting from the main issue that we have ZERO border security and have no idea what is entering this country.

But fucking libtards only see red if any nonwhite ethnicities are mentioned, because you are racists pigs.
Less people come across the border now than at any time in the last fifty years; more people are arrested for illegal entry and deported than before. You simply need to make up things to support your ignorance.

I think at point in time, more Asians are immigrating to the US. I wonder what % are illegal?
Illegal immigration to the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
"The Obama administration deported a record 438,421 unauthorized immigrants in fiscal year 2013, continuing a streak of stepped up enforcement that has resulted in more than 2 million deportations since Obama took office, newly released Department of Homeland Security data show."

Government statistics are the oldest lies in the book. Yeah, Obama's smuggling illegal children into the rest of the country is NOT defending the border, and your thinly veiled use of said statistics of convenience is transparent horse shit.
You cited the same fucking statistics you inbred moron.
And, according to Trump, most are rapists. Though he assumes some are good.

Bullshit, where did he say MOST of them are rapists? Again you lie, lie, lie by omission, lie like a fucking socialist, lie like a fucking moldy ass wet rug in a flooded abaondoned basement.

Do you have ANY shame?
Less people come across the border now than at any time in the last fifty years; more people are arrested for illegal entry and deported than before. You simply need to make up things to support your ignorance.

I think at point in time, more Asians are immigrating to the US. I wonder what % are illegal?
Illegal immigration to the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

That's as of 2009. 6 years ago. Still interesting.. will have to look and see where I read the other statistic.
Thanks JimBowie1958
30k Illegal Polish immigrants here also, wanan bitch about them for a while?

According to the link, the number from Mexico is 6.6 million. Just a few more...
Well tell corporate America, the agri-corporations and greedy builders from hiring them...if they have no income,, they will leave....but don't bitch at the world for what the rich and powerful do and try to make it a cause of a few common folk..
Sure, you can talk about any nationality you wish, in public or private. If you are going to do so in public, while running for office, it might be wise to not come off as sounding like a total fucking moron.

Like you do every fucking day?

That some of the CRIMINAL ILLEGAL ALIENS are rapists is no surprise to anyone int eh real world, except for you Nazi libtads.

God, you people need to stop snorting the Draino soon.

Trump spoke in idiotic broad brushes and by doing so made a fool of himself. Pretty much exactly what you doing here with your post.

Oh by the way, I am not a 'libtard' but I know nuance isn't one of your strong suits.

Bulshit in context he said absolutely nothing wrong, Fuck off.

He assumes some of them are good people? Assumes?! He stepped in it with his broad brush. Trump is a self-serving jackass but if you want to rally around an idiot have at it. Birds of a feather and whatnot.

Lol, in context he was referring to some of the CRIMILA ILLEGAL ALIENS, and that is all and it is plain.

You PC Nazis just want to use the Big Lie tactic to obscure what Trump really said.

Fucking liars.
I think at point in time, more Asians are immigrating to the US. I wonder what % are illegal?
Illegal immigration to the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

That's as of 2009. 6 years ago. Still interesting.. will have to look and see where I read the other statistic.
Thanks JimBowie1958
30k Illegal Polish immigrants here also, wanan bitch about them for a while?

According to the link, the number from Mexico is 6.6 million. Just a few more...
Well tell corporate America, the agri-corporations and greedy builders from hiring them...if they have no income,, they will leave....but don't bitch at the world for what the rich and powerful do and try to make it a cause of a few common folk..

I will defend freedom of speech in any way I goddamned please, dude. Go piss up a rope.

That's as of 2009. 6 years ago. Still interesting.. will have to look and see where I read the other statistic.
Thanks JimBowie1958
30k Illegal Polish immigrants here also, wanan bitch about them for a while?

According to the link, the number from Mexico is 6.6 million. Just a few more...
Well tell corporate America, the agri-corporations and greedy builders from hiring them...if they have no income,, they will leave....but don't bitch at the world for what the rich and powerful do and try to make it a cause of a few common folk..

I will defend freedom of speech in any way I goddamned please, dude. Go piss up a rope.
Try to use all that god damned intelligence you don't have...
Less people come across the border now than at any time in the last fifty years; more people are arrested for illegal entry and deported than before. You simply need to make up things to support your ignorance.

I think at point in time, more Asians are immigrating to the US. I wonder what % are illegal?
Illegal immigration to the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
"The Obama administration deported a record 438,421 unauthorized immigrants in fiscal year 2013, continuing a streak of stepped up enforcement that has resulted in more than 2 million deportations since Obama took office, newly released Department of Homeland Security data show."

Government statistics are the oldest lies in the book. Yeah, Obama's smuggling illegal children into the rest of the country is NOT defending the border, and your thinly veiled use of said statistics of convenience is transparent horse shit.
You cited the same fucking statistics you inbred moron.

I quoted from Wikipedia, a left leaning but fairly neutral source of facts of the public domain, unlike any federal government agency run by this Socialist dictator.
That's as of 2009. 6 years ago. Still interesting.. will have to look and see where I read the other statistic.
Thanks JimBowie1958
30k Illegal Polish immigrants here also, wanan bitch about them for a while?

According to the link, the number from Mexico is 6.6 million. Just a few more...
Well tell corporate America, the agri-corporations and greedy builders from hiring them...if they have no income,, they will leave....but don't bitch at the world for what the rich and powerful do and try to make it a cause of a few common folk..

I will defend freedom of speech in any way I goddamned please, dude. Go piss up a rope.
Try to use all that god damned intelligence you don't have...

lol, thank you for the compliment. When the day comes that a libtard like you thinks I am intelligent I just go shoot myself.
Libtards all go "WAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Trump hurt my feewings! Make him pay! Take away his money! Make him hhurt! WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!"
Okay....Trump is an idiot....who cares. As to the OP question....these are the groups not protected to most protected.

Not Protected

White Men
White Women
Most Asians (because they're too damn smart)


Brown People
Anyone who is really stupid and a fuck up
Hollywood or media elites
Liberals....particularly brown liberals

I think that pretty much covers it. :D
He can hold a racist and bigoted view all he want, but to utter what he utter was out of line in my opinion.

Pointing out that the CRIMINAL ILLEGAL ALIENS FROM MEXICO have rapists among them is not racist, you fucking Nazi.
You got the wrong fuckin' Nazi. Those aren't words I posted.

My apologies. Getting a little trigger happy in my old age.

It was a "crime" of passion ;)

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