What Non-Christians Want Christians To Hear

I think what Chuck is saying, Jillian, is that the OP is negative and is asking others to join you in smearing Christians. If reading about the Gospel of Jesus Christ is an imposition to you don't click on the thread. There are plenty of forums on USMB. As to Christians who share the gospel.........

That is what Christians are commanded to do by Jesus Christ. Preach the Gospel.

* My fav. maxim on this board? Accentuate the positive!!

What you and other evangelicals need to hear is that you do not have a monopoly on morality and righteousness, that your faith is predicated on subjective doctrine and dogma, not facts or evidence, and that consequently you’re in no position to seek to compel others to abide by that subjective doctrine and dogma, particularly with regard to seeking to codify your religious dogma into secular law all citizens must obey.

You need to hear that whether you’re aware of it or not, whether intentional or not, you and other evangelicals come off as arrogant and intolerant, you exhibit a ‘my way or the highway’ mentality, and when you incorrectly perceive your religious liberty to be ‘violated,’ you complain about being ‘smeared’ or subject to a ‘war on Christianity,’ when in fact such nonsense couldn’t be further from the truth.

And you need to hear that non-Christians’ beliefs – or lack thereof – are just as valid as your beliefs, just as much entitled to Constitutional protections, and are just as entitled to be part of society as a whole. The United States is a secular Nation, where persons of faith and those free from faith are at liberty to practice that faith – or observe no faith at all – in accordance with one’s own good conscience.

Last, when someone you approach informs you that he is aware of your gospel and has no interest in it and wishes to be left alone, you must respect that wish and indeed refrain from further attempts at proselytizing. Religion is personal and subjective, and should be left solely to oneself and his fellow adherents.

Would you be interested in a story without any passion? :dunno:

What you say is perfectly true from a Civil point of view, but there is nothing wrong with expressing one's story of perceived salvation with all the passion and emotion that that sort of experience can generate.

Believing with complete heart, soul and mind is all part of the human religious deal, and the rest of us have no right to ask that personal religious passions be tempered, except where Civil Law is concerned - in politics EVERYONE needs to holster their religious iron and err on the side of liberty.
I am beginning to think the definition of "Christian bashing" is whenever you say something they don't want to hear, as it relates to comportment.

Spoken like a jewess who demands Christian protection throughout the world.
I think what Chuck is saying, Jillian, is that the OP is negative and is asking others to join you in smearing Christians. If reading about the Gospel of Jesus Christ is an imposition to you don't click on the thread. There are plenty of forums on USMB. As to Christians who share the gospel.........

That is what Christians are commanded to do by Jesus Christ. Preach the Gospel.

* My fav. maxim on this board? Accentuate the positive!!

What you and other evangelicals need to hear is that you do not have a monopoly on morality and righteousness, that your faith is predicated on subjective doctrine and dogma, not facts or evidence, and that consequently you’re in no position to seek to compel others to abide by that subjective doctrine and dogma, particularly with regard to seeking to codify your religious dogma into secular law all citizens must obey.

You need to hear that whether you’re aware of it or not, whether intentional or not, you and other evangelicals come off as arrogant and intolerant, you exhibit a ‘my way or the highway’ mentality, and when you incorrectly perceive your religious liberty to be ‘violated,’ you complain about being ‘smeared’ or subject to a ‘war on Christianity,’ when in fact such nonsense couldn’t be further from the truth.

And you need to hear that non-Christians’ beliefs – or lack thereof – are just as valid as your beliefs, just as much entitled to Constitutional protections, and are just as entitled to be part of society as a whole. The United States is a secular Nation, where persons of faith and those free from faith are at liberty to practice that faith – or observe no faith at all – in accordance with one’s own good conscience.

Last, when someone you approach informs you that he is aware of your gospel and has no interest in it and wishes to be left alone, you must respect that wish and indeed refrain from further attempts at proselytizing. Religion is personal and subjective, and should be left solely to oneself and his fellow adherents.
Not really.

My point in religion is always two:
Religion is a matter of opinion & All religious opinion has equal value.​

I don't know about that Joe.. People do not all worship the same God and people are not all the same inside.
Some people are as innocent as puppies while others are snarling beasts drooling at the thought of devouring them.

Does the religious opinion that it is better to forgive sin and love your neighbor have equal value to the religious opinion that sin must be punished by chopping off your neighbors hands and feet ?

Is it not true that some religious beliefs are completely false and defile and contaminate the mind and have absolutely no positive value at all?

That is precisely why we have Civil Laws and precisely why Civil Law MUST trump Religious Law whenever the two conflict, and why Civil Law should try to err on the side of liberty.

Punish behavior not belief. Monsters of any faith should be isolated or terminated.


Secular law indeed trumps subjective religious doctrine and dogma, predicated on the fact that religion is devoid of objective fact or evidence. That one ‘believes’ something in the context of faith is legally and Constitutionally irrelevant.

Subjective religious belief is entitled to Constitutional protections, but the Constitution likewise prohibits subjective religious belief to be promoted at the behest of the state, using the power and authority of the state.
I am beginning to think the definition of "Christian bashing" is whenever you say something they don't want to hear, as it relates to comportment.

Spoken like a jewess who demands Christian protection throughout the world.

[MENTION=46168]Statistikhengst[/MENTION] - does she know something I don't know?

I should check with my mom's birth family.

I am beginning to think the definition of "Christian bashing" is whenever you say something they don't want to hear, as it relates to comportment.

Spoken like a jewess who demands Christian protection throughout the world.

So you call a Jewish woman a atheist, A non Jewish person Jewish, and liberals black... All in the name of trying to insult them. Nope, not a hateful bigot at all. Fucking crazy bitch.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
Or, if Christianity's true then Judaism can't be. Simialrly, if Islam's true Christianity and Judaism can't be.

The fact is that none of these religions are ‘true.’

They are all equally subjective and impossible to ‘prove.’ And they are all equal as they exist as contrivances of men, all equally reflecting the fear and arrogance of men.
I am beginning to think the definition of "Christian bashing" is whenever you say something they don't want to hear, as it relates to comportment.

Spoken like a jewess who demands Christian protection throughout the world.

[MENTION=46168]Statistikhengst[/MENTION] - does she know something I don't know?

I should check with my mom's birth family.



Or maybe her meds aren't right, who knows!!!

I hear that an imbalance of meds make people say crazy-assed shit like:

"Waaah, stat has more rep than posts!"
"Waaah, the mods don't take my advice, they don't let me hate on people the way I want to!"
"Waaaaaah, poor people deserve it because they're without class!"
"Waaaaaaaaaah, Lefties suck"
"Waaaah, I'm dying, let me be mean to people, fuckers!!!"

BTW, I think that "jewess" is a nice title. But let's just let Sunshine hate some more, appears to be the only thing that gives her any energy at all.

Isn't that kind of strong? What is a monster? Whose decides?

Or is "monster" someone you disagree with?

We're not from the Westboro Baptist Church and I am not implying they are monsters although they are misguided.

No, Chuck! The whole point is that disagreement is o.k. while violence is not. As long as the misguided (our shared opinion, nothing more) folks of Westboro Baptist obey the Civil Laws of whatever jurisdictions they find themselves operating in, their time is theirs to spend.

Punish BEHAVIOR not belief, and let current Civil Law draw the line.

Judgement should be the purview of a dynamic Civil Law that has the power to arrest and punish and, in a healthy society, that dynamic and fluid Civil Law reflects the people it governs. The more pluralistic a society becomes over time, the more Civil Law needs to protect the liberties of the inevitable minorities that arise.

Except this is government by the people and when the people want school vouchers, others don't want the government and Civil Law to be established. It isn't about whether the government draws the line. It is about who draws the line.


Who SHOULD draw the line? :dunno:

Who should judge - The Pope, The Mullah, or The Duly Elected Representatives of We, The People, specific religions be damned?

This is the American Experiment at work. It was easy when most of the power was held by folks of similar opinions about most of the stuff of life.

How many are beginning to resent what The US Constitution is doing for American gays and other 'minority viewpoints'?

Spoken like a jewess who demands Christian protection throughout the world.

[MENTION=46168]Statistikhengst[/MENTION] - does she know something I don't know?

I should check with my mom's birth family.



Or maybe her meds aren't right, who knows!!!

I hear that an imbalance of meds make people say crazy-assed shit like:

"Waaah, stat has more rep than posts!"
"Waaah, the mods don't take my advice, they don't let me hate on people the way I want to!"
"Waaaaaah, poor people deserve it because they're without class!"
"Waaaaaaaaaah, Lefties suck"
"Waaaah, I'm dying, let me be mean to people, fuckers!!!"

BTW, I think that "jewess" is a nice title. But let's just let Sunshine hate some more, appears to be the only thing that gives her any energy at all.


Was I supposed to be insulted? Too bad, so sad.

Although I am wondering if in her mind I look like Sammy Davis Jr's kid sister.
[MENTION=46168]Statistikhengst[/MENTION] - does she know something I don't know?

I should check with my mom's birth family.



Or maybe her meds aren't right, who knows!!!

I hear that an imbalance of meds make people say crazy-assed shit like:

"Waaah, stat has more rep than posts!"
"Waaah, the mods don't take my advice, they don't let me hate on people the way I want to!"
"Waaaaaah, poor people deserve it because they're without class!"
"Waaaaaaaaaah, Lefties suck"
"Waaaah, I'm dying, let me be mean to people, fuckers!!!"

BTW, I think that "jewess" is a nice title. But let's just let Sunshine hate some more, appears to be the only thing that gives her any energy at all.


Was I supposed to be insulted? Too bad, so sad.

Although I am wondering if in her mind I look like Sammy Davis Jr's kid sister.

She would then try to take you to a RICH soiree and then tell people afterward you weren't good enough to be there, cuz classes really do exist, you know!!!

Or maybe her meds aren't right, who knows!!!

I hear that an imbalance of meds make people say crazy-assed shit like:

"Waaah, stat has more rep than posts!"
"Waaah, the mods don't take my advice, they don't let me hate on people the way I want to!"
"Waaaaaah, poor people deserve it because they're without class!"
"Waaaaaaaaaah, Lefties suck"
"Waaaah, I'm dying, let me be mean to people, fuckers!!!"

BTW, I think that "jewess" is a nice title. But let's just let Sunshine hate some more, appears to be the only thing that gives her any energy at all.


Was I supposed to be insulted? Too bad, so sad.

Although I am wondering if in her mind I look like Sammy Davis Jr's kid sister.

She would then try to take you to a RICH soiree and then tell people afterward you weren't good enough to be there, cuz classes really do exist, you know!!!

Returning the topic to the subject at hand and apologies to Jillian for the wander.

I need some sleep. :crybaby:
Was I supposed to be insulted? Too bad, so sad.

Although I am wondering if in her mind I look like Sammy Davis Jr's kid sister.

She would then try to take you to a RICH soiree and then tell people afterward you weren't good enough to be there, cuz classes really do exist, you know!!!

Returning the topic to the subject at hand and apologies to Jillian for the wander.

I need some sleep. :crybaby:

Ah, I'm sure jillian is cool with it, I think she was pretty much expecting a whackadoodle or two to show up, and well, Sunshine did not disappoint!!
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Except when comparing two religions. Then whether they're opinion or not, correct or not doesn't matter because the comparisons limited to the two religions 'reality bubble.' As with Christianity believing Yeshua was the Messiah, and Judaism believing he wasn't. Whether he was or not wasn't isn't relevant because the question's being restricted to a comparion of two discrete systems. :)

...Fast moving thread, this was for AVG-JOE. :)

You should stick with advising those in your own religion. You are out of line when you preach to Christians. As are the wiccans like bones, and the atheists like jillian. You have been doing that since your first day on this forum and it is not appropriate.

You would do well to not try to inhibit his right to free speech, because he is going to speak his mind, anyway, first amendment and all.

And if you don't like it, well, tough.
If all Christians were like Jake and Jeri there would be no need for the OP. Respecting the rights of others to have their own beliefs/lack thereof is first and foremost. The only way to truly gain "converts" is to live a life that others want to follow.

Agree. Might mention Judaism forbids seeking converts and even disuades potential converts. We instead teach non-Jews be whatever religion you're happy with. If you're just and righteous G-d loves you every bit as much as He does us. He just doesn't hold you to 613 commandments like He does us, you only get 7 which are all commons ense you probably find yourself doing as they occur in just about every religion. 'Don't steal' etc.

Well FWIW, you seem not to realize that Jesus did not do away with Jewish law. He lived it and merely added to it, and he expanded his mission to include gentiles. Nowhere does Jesus say that Jewish law does not apply.

Matthew 23:23 (KJ21) | In Context | Whole Chapter

23 “Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law: judgment, mercy, and faith. These ought ye to have done and not to leave the other undone.

This is absolutely correct, which means that by, extentions, all 613 Mitzvoteem (Commandments) apply to all Christians.

Thank you for your assistance in this matter.

I may just pos rep you for this posting.
If all Christians were like Jake and Jeri there would be no need for the OP. Respecting the rights of others to have their own beliefs/lack thereof is first and foremost. The only way to truly gain "converts" is to live a life that others want to follow.

Agree. Might mention Judaism forbids seeking converts and even disuades potential converts. We instead teach non-Jews be whatever religion you're happy with. If you're just and righteous G-d loves you every bit as much as He does us. He just doesn't hold you to 613 commandments like He does us, you only get 7 which are all commons ense you probably find yourself doing as they occur in just about every religion. 'Don't steal' etc.

Not only that, should a non-jew want to convert, it is STRONG tradition for the attending Rabbi to try to dissuade him at least 23 times, and if, by the 24th time, he still wants to convert, then the process begins. Some claim this is law, but the number 23 is not specified in Torah.

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