“What Percentage Of Murders Are Committed With An AR-15?”

so, the lgbt community can, take your word for it?
What the fuck is that supposed to mean? Take my word for what?

I don't, know if, they can take, my word for it. (commas are fun)

"...the right of the people...shall not be infringed."
so, why is the lgbt community, being Infringed?

Now the entire reason Danny boi is here.............
proving even promiscuous women can be more conservative than right wingers who are full of fallacy?
"...the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not infringed."

Repeated 10000 times.

so, the lgbt community can, take your word for it?

"...the right of the people...shall not be infringed."
so, right wingers are simply full of fallacy, when they deny and disparage the lgbt community, right, right wingrs?

Freedom from disparagement? Is that somewhere in the Freedom to eat yellow snow section of the constitution? You want turd on you're dick, have at it. You want to eat yellow snow, go for it. In either case, no matter how disgusting I would think you are, I will defend your right to be so.
so, the lgbt community can, take your word for it?
What the fuck is that supposed to mean? Take my word for what?

I don't, know if, they can take, my word for it. (commas are fun)

"...the right of the people...shall not be infringed."
so, why is the lgbt community, being Infringed?

Now the entire reason Danny boi is here.............
proving even promiscuous women can be more conservative than right wingers who are full of fallacy?

so, right wingers are simply full of fallacy, when they deny and disparage the lgbt community, right, right wingrs?
I know you have a point here, but you suck at making it, so let me make your point for you and then promptly destroy it.

I assume by "fallacy" you mean right wingers are inconsistent in their belief in liberty. I agree that some are.

Let me set the record straight.

I believe the LGBT community has the right to marry whomever they want. They have the right to equal treatment and due process. They have the right to do whatever they want in their own bedrooms as long as the conduct is consensual.

I will defend the rights of the LGBT community....with my guns if necessary....as long as I have them. I would hope the LGBT community would defend my rights as well. I have absolutely no ill will toward the LGBT community.

They have the right to participate in the military if they choose, but NO ONE has the right to put an undue burden and expense on the military due to a mental-health disorder that makes them want to be the opposite sex. They can want to be the opposite sex as long as they do not force the military to take on unreasonable expenses to facilitate their desired change. That is the ONLY qualms I have about transgender military service. They must be willing to be treated the same as everyone else. Watch the move G.I. Jane. That is what I expect from transgenders. No special treatment.

The LGBT community has an ally in me. I would hope they could see the need for my ability to resist and defend their rights with force if needed.

Does that answer your off-topic, red herring attempt to paint me as a hypocrite question?

See, Dan. I love freedom. The freedom that is important to you, I will defend if I can.
so, right wingers are simply full of fallacy, when they deny and disparage the lgbt community, right, right wingrs?
I know you have a point here, but you suck at making it, so let me make your point for you and then promptly destroy it.

I assume by "fallacy" you mean right wingers are inconsistent in their belief in liberty. I agree that some are.

Let me set the record straight.

I believe the LGBT community has the right to marry whomever they want. They have the right to equal treatment and due process. They have the right to do whatever they want in their own bedrooms as long as the conduct is consensual.

I will defend the rights of the LGBT community....with my guns if necessary....as long as I have them. I would hope the LGBT community would defend my rights as well. I have absolutely no ill will toward the LGBT community.

They have the right to participate in the military if they choose, but NO ONE has the right to put an undue burden and expense on the military due to a mental-health disorder that makes them want to be the opposite sex. They can want to be the opposite sex as long as they do not force the military to take on unreasonable expenses to facilitate their desired change. That is the ONLY qualms I have about transgender military service. They must be willing to be treated the same as everyone else. Watch the move G.I. Jane. That is what I expect from transgenders. No special treatment.

The LGBT community has an ally in me. I would hope they could see the need for my ability to resist and defend their rights with force if needed.

Does that answer your off-topic, red herring attempt to paint me as a hypocrite question?

See, Dan. I love freedom. The freedom that is important to you, I will defend if I can.

so, right wingers are simply full of fallacy, when they deny and disparage the lgbt community, right, right wingrs?
I know you have a point here, but you suck at making it, so let me make your point for you and then promptly destroy it.

I assume by "fallacy" you mean right wingers are inconsistent in their belief in liberty. I agree that some are.

Let me set the record straight.

I believe the LGBT community has the right to marry whomever they want. They have the right to equal treatment and due process. They have the right to do whatever they want in their own bedrooms as long as the conduct is consensual.

I will defend the rights of the LGBT community....with my guns if necessary....as long as I have them. I would hope the LGBT community would defend my rights as well. I have absolutely no ill will toward the LGBT community.

They have the right to participate in the military if they choose, but NO ONE has the right to put an undue burden and expense on the military due to a mental-health disorder that makes them want to be the opposite sex. They can want to be the opposite sex as long as they do not force the military to take on unreasonable expenses to facilitate their desired change. That is the ONLY qualms I have about transgender military service. They must be willing to be treated the same as everyone else. Watch the move G.I. Jane. That is what I expect from transgenders. No special treatment.

The LGBT community has an ally in me. I would hope they could see the need for my ability to resist and defend their rights with force if needed.

Does that answer your off-topic, red herring attempt to paint me as a hypocrite question?

See, Dan. I love freedom. The freedom that is important to you, I will defend if I can.

I think, what you posted is a lesson in freedom and properly run Government. It was fantastic.

I may not agree with liberals on most issues, but on those issues it is not because they are liberal, but it's because the arguments defy logic.

You are liberal and I am conservative. Before the gun debate I don't recall ever running into you in a debate. But that being said, I can live with gay marriage, not because I agree with it, but because the legal argument is logical. I am a conservative, and can live with legal abortion, not because I agree with it, but because it makes legal logic.

I do not hate Liberals or Progressives any more than I hate conservatives that use irrational speculation to frame their arguments.

That would not serve the greater good, and if we accomplish anything, liberal or conservative, it should be the greater good.
I think, what you posted is a lesson in freedom and properly run Government. It was fantastic.

I may not agree with liberals on most issues, but on those issues it is not because they are liberal, but it's because the arguments defy logic.

You are liberal and I am conservative. Before the gun debate I don't recall ever running into you in a debate. But that being said, I can live with gay marriage, not because I agree with it, but because the legal argument is logical. I am a conservative, and can live with legal abortion, not because I agree with it, but because it makes legal logic.

I do not hate Liberals or Progressives any more than I hate conservatives that use irrational speculation to frame their arguments.

That would not serve the greater good, and if we accomplish anything, liberal or conservative, it should be the greater good.
Excellent post.

Imagine if everyone put aside the bickering and focused on protecting their freedom on those of their countrymen (especially those with whom they disagree). The Authoritarians in power would be OUT.

Instead, they keep us all fighting with each other over bullshit (mainly how one side can screw the other out of rights) while they to work to make governing appear to be this mysterious, complicated problem that only super geniuses can handle, making them further untouchables with absolute power.

Fight for the freedom of others. They will fight for yours. We will all be better off.
The real ideological fight going on right now isn't left vs. right, it's libertarian vs. authoritarian. The two major parties have the authoritarian side on lock.
The real ideological fight going on right now isn't left vs. right, it's libertarian vs. authoritarian. The two major parties have the authoritarian side on lock.

Perhaps. I've not paid that much attention to it in that aspect. The most troubling is that no one answers direct questions that aren't that hard to answer. It's almost like no one can take a stand and defend it without a shred of courage of conviction. Maybe they exist, but they don't get much airtime.
Perhaps. I've not paid that much attention to it in that aspect. The most troubling is that no one answers direct questions that aren't that hard to answer. It's almost like no one can take a stand and defend it without a shred of courage of conviction. Maybe they exist, but they don't get much airtime.
Think about it. The conversation completely centers around who is president and how the president and/or government is going to fix our problems. If you think the government is capable of fixing anything, you're already wrong regardless of what the issue is. If you elect someone thinking they're going to fix anything, the only thing they could possibly fix is government itself. Problems are solved by people acting intelligently and morally, not by edicts codified into law by our lords and masters.
Perhaps. I've not paid that much attention to it in that aspect. The most troubling is that no one answers direct questions that aren't that hard to answer. It's almost like no one can take a stand and defend it without a shred of courage of conviction. Maybe they exist, but they don't get much airtime.
Think about it. The conversation completely centers around who is president and how the president and/or government is going to fix our problems. If you think the government is capable of fixing anything, you're already wrong regardless of what the issue is. If you elect someone thinking they're going to fix anything, the only thing they could possibly fix is government itself. Problems are solved by people acting intelligently and morally, not by edicts codified into law by our lords and masters.

I've often opined that I hope to live to see the day that somebody runs for our highest office on the platform that, if he/she wins, he/she will walk into the White House on day one, and take a four year nap, because the good people of this Country do not need more laws, they can do fine on their own.
Do you think that you have the rights to bear the arms needed to form a militia?


Yep and any other reason I want.

The militia has no meaning if you can't defeat russia or China. Trust me kid, no musket or semi auto ar15 is going to do this, so a2 is long repealed

Genghis Khan, the Afghan Rebels and the American Continental Army begs to disagree. But we know the cowards will run. It's OK, you'd just get in the way anyway.
lol when the Russians come, you defeat them with your ar15 semi auto pop gun. Send me an email telling us how u r..


Gee Rosy, they ain't attacked yet, have they? After all, we are well armed.

Ever read about Genghis Kahn? Defeated the Greatest, most advanced nation on Earth with his itty bitty tribe.

OBTW, they also nailed a few other HUGE military powers as well, WITH LESS ADVANCED ARMS. Same was true of the Continental Army and the Afghan rebels.

Do I need to continue. You cowards will be free to run. It is, after all, what you do best.
ghengis kahn.....

Jesus u r stupid
I've often opined that I hope to live to see the day that somebody runs for our highest office on the platform that, if he/she wins, he/she will walk into the White House on day one, and take a four year nap, because the good people of this Country do not need more laws, they can do fine on their own.
That's nice. But what we really need is someone who would roll back most of government. It's impossible at this point. The government is just a slow rolling snowball getting bigger and bigger, thus becoming more and more dangerous.
I've often opined that I hope to live to see the day that somebody runs for our highest office on the platform that, if he/she wins, he/she will walk into the White House on day one, and take a four year nap, because the good people of this Country do not need more laws, they can do fine on their own.
That's nice. But what we really need is someone who would roll back most of government. It's impossible at this point. The government is just a slow rolling snowball getting bigger and bigger, thus becoming more and more dangerous.

I didn't go through my entire rant, so I did include. And don't wake me up to sign anything unless to sign a bill that removed 2 laws for every new law signed.
Yep and any other reason I want.

The militia has no meaning if you can't defeat russia or China. Trust me kid, no musket or semi auto ar15 is going to do this, so a2 is long repealed

Genghis Khan, the Afghan Rebels and the American Continental Army begs to disagree. But we know the cowards will run. It's OK, you'd just get in the way anyway.
lol when the Russians come, you defeat them with your ar15 semi auto pop gun. Send me an email telling us how u r..


Gee Rosy, they ain't attacked yet, have they? After all, we are well armed.

Ever read about Genghis Kahn? Defeated the Greatest, most advanced nation on Earth with his itty bitty tribe.

OBTW, they also nailed a few other HUGE military powers as well, WITH LESS ADVANCED ARMS. Same was true of the Continental Army and the Afghan rebels.

Do I need to continue. You cowards will be free to run. It is, after all, what you do best.
ghengis kahn.....

Jesus u r stupid

Nice retort. I expected no less from you.
"What Percentage Of Murders Are Committed With An AR-15?" | Extrano's Alley
Someone came by searching for “what percentage of murders committed with AR[15.”

That number varies with the year, of course, and is in decline along with other gun related murders. Using 2014 FBI number of 11,961 ‘depraved heart murders,’ 39 of 11,961 murders, or very slightly more than 3 in 1,000 murders were reported by the media to have been committed with AR-15, AK-47, and similar firearms.

On the other hand, the number wanted is the percentage of the homicide total, which includes murder, manslaughter, and “official intervention” 91 of 14,249 homicidem> victims were killed with military style semiautomatic rifles; the majority by police SWAT teams. That is a per decimal percentage of 0.00073845 or approximately 7 per 1,000 homicides, or 0.0.7 percent.

Yet in the face of this we most remember that 40100 people were killed in auto accidents last year, and 40100 families were destroyed. So why are you so concerned with the tiny percentage of people killed by AR-15 style weapons?

Start counting by 1 and stop when you get to 40100..........

110 people a day are killed in cars, how can you not want cars and vans banned

But the important question actually is, what number of murders would logically be avoided if AR-15s were banned.

The answer is, probably none.
The militia has no meaning if you can't defeat russia or China. Trust me kid, no musket or semi auto ar15 is going to do this, so a2 is long repealed

Genghis Khan, the Afghan Rebels and the American Continental Army begs to disagree. But we know the cowards will run. It's OK, you'd just get in the way anyway.
lol when the Russians come, you defeat them with your ar15 semi auto pop gun. Send me an email telling us how u r..


Gee Rosy, they ain't attacked yet, have they? After all, we are well armed.

Ever read about Genghis Kahn? Defeated the Greatest, most advanced nation on Earth with his itty bitty tribe.

OBTW, they also nailed a few other HUGE military powers as well, WITH LESS ADVANCED ARMS. Same was true of the Continental Army and the Afghan rebels.

Do I need to continue. You cowards will be free to run. It is, after all, what you do best.
ghengis kahn.....

Jesus u r stupid

Nice retort. I expected no less from you.
I can't combat a kid babbling about ghenghis kahn....

Did he have nukes, drones, GPS, and night vision

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