What percentage of white america is racist?

Lets take a look at this.


"Most significantly, General Powell would have won the race because of the support of white voters — Bill Clinton outpolled him 2 to 1 among the blacks surveyed. Among white voters, whom Senator Dole had carried very narrowly (too narrowly for him to win), General Powell clobbered the incumbent, 53 percent to 33 percent."

If we assume that most of those white voters who did NOT poll for Bill Clinton there, were NOT democrats then we see that the Right side of the partisan divide in the US is not racist or at least not very racist, if they are will to vote for a black man to be president.

And of course, nearly all of the other whites a few years later, ended up voting for Obama.

THe POSSIBLE size of the white racist vote looks to be pretty small.
How do Republicans feel about Powell today?
It's coming to my attention that the poor and middle class are screwing themselves simply by not voting every 2 years. They don't realize voting is the most important thing they can do and really their only power. Its how the rich got richer and we all got poorer. We aren't smart enough to show up every 2 years. We are too stupid and lazy.

It's why the rich have never been richer and the American people took a huge step back.

It's not enough to vote for Obama/trump. They can't do it by themselves. You have to show up and vote out the obstructionists in the next midterm. Not reward them by staying home you stupid American sheep
Obama and Trump don't belong in the same sentence because they are ideological opposites. Maybe if you put Hillary and Obama together, you'd be accurate.

But comparing Trump to that asshole is an insult to our intelligence.
Obama could have accomplished great things if the people who voted for him in 2008&2012 were smart enough to show up in 2010&2014. But instead the GOP obstructionists were rewarded by low voter turnout.

Bernie supporters aren't smart enough to vote in 2018
Lets take a look at this.


"Most significantly, General Powell would have won the race because of the support of white voters — Bill Clinton outpolled him 2 to 1 among the blacks surveyed. Among white voters, whom Senator Dole had carried very narrowly (too narrowly for him to win), General Powell clobbered the incumbent, 53 percent to 33 percent."

If we assume that most of those white voters who did NOT poll for Bill Clinton there, were NOT democrats then we see that the Right side of the partisan divide in the US is not racist or at least not very racist, if they are will to vote for a black man to be president.

And of course, nearly all of the other whites a few years later, ended up voting for Obama.

THe POSSIBLE size of the white racist vote looks to be pretty small.
How do Republicans feel about Powell today?

Many of them, such as myself, feel betrayed by his endorsement of Obama.

But that is irrelevant to the topic of white racism.

BEFORE the Republicans were betrayed by Powell, they were willing to vote for him to be President of the United States.

As demonstrated by the exit polls of whites.

If you also count the White Dems votes for Obama as evidence of whites being not racist,

There is not much room left in those numbers for very many racists whites.
Lets take a look at this.


"Most significantly, General Powell would have won the race because of the support of white voters — Bill Clinton outpolled him 2 to 1 among the blacks surveyed. Among white voters, whom Senator Dole had carried very narrowly (too narrowly for him to win), General Powell clobbered the incumbent, 53 percent to 33 percent."

If we assume that most of those white voters who did NOT poll for Bill Clinton there, were NOT democrats then we see that the Right side of the partisan divide in the US is not racist or at least not very racist, if they are will to vote for a black man to be president.

And of course, nearly all of the other whites a few years later, ended up voting for Obama.

THe POSSIBLE size of the white racist vote looks to be pretty small.
How do Republicans feel about Powell today?

Many of them, such as myself, feel betrayed by his endorsement of Obama.

But that is irrelevant to the topic of white racism.

BEFORE the Republicans were betrayed by Powell, they were willing to vote for him to be President of the United States.

As demonstrated by the exit polls of whites.

If you also count the White Dems votes for Obama as evidence of whites being not racist,

There is not much room left in those numbers for very many racists whites.
How come you can't show us an example of blacks you have elected to high office?

The tokens you talk about were never elected to anything. Not Ben carson, Herman Cain, condy rice or colon Powell.
Lets take a look at this.


"Most significantly, General Powell would have won the race because of the support of white voters — Bill Clinton outpolled him 2 to 1 among the blacks surveyed. Among white voters, whom Senator Dole had carried very narrowly (too narrowly for him to win), General Powell clobbered the incumbent, 53 percent to 33 percent."

If we assume that most of those white voters who did NOT poll for Bill Clinton there, were NOT democrats then we see that the Right side of the partisan divide in the US is not racist or at least not very racist, if they are will to vote for a black man to be president.

And of course, nearly all of the other whites a few years later, ended up voting for Obama.

THe POSSIBLE size of the white racist vote looks to be pretty small.
How do Republicans feel about Powell today?

Many of them, such as myself, feel betrayed by his endorsement of Obama.

But that is irrelevant to the topic of white racism.

BEFORE the Republicans were betrayed by Powell, they were willing to vote for him to be President of the United States.

As demonstrated by the exit polls of whites.

If you also count the White Dems votes for Obama as evidence of whites being not racist,

There is not much room left in those numbers for very many racists whites.
How come you can't show us an example of blacks you have elected to high office?

The tokens you talk about were never elected to anything. Not Ben carson, Herman Cain, condy rice or colon Powell.

"Tokens"? What are you talking about?

And the primary reason is the low number of blacks in the GOP, it gives a small population to give rise to leaders.

Carson? Carson just wasn't much of a campaigner.

Cain? I liked Cain fine. He was targeted by the lib media with bullshit and wasn't Trump like enough to survive. I was very annoyed with my fellow republicans for not ignoring the lib media.

Condy Rice? She had no desire to run for anything.

Same with Powell.

What did you want US to do? Force them to take the jobs? That's how this how racial divide got started! Haven't you learned anything?!;)
Is it 50%? Is it 5% Is it 95%?
If the top/richest 1% are racist, that matters a lot more than if you or I are racist. ...

Absolutely false.
Who cares if you're a racist? You aren't a business owner hiring anyone.

But if Walton the Walmart owner is racist, that matters more than if just you are racist.

Blacks will get along just fine if you are racist but the Walton's being racist could harm the black community as a whole.

Why won't Walmart open a store in Detroit? Are they racist? Let's see if you can explain that but I doubt you can because you are really just a retarded asian
It's coming to my attention that the poor and middle class are screwing themselves simply by not voting every 2 years. They don't realize voting is the most important thing they can do and really their only power. Its how the rich got richer and we all got poorer. We aren't smart enough to show up every 2 years. We are too stupid and lazy.

It's why the rich have never been richer and the American people took a huge step back.

It's not enough to vote for Obama/trump. They can't do it by themselves. You have to show up and vote out the obstructionists in the next midterm. Not reward them by staying home you stupid American sheep
Obama and Trump don't belong in the same sentence because they are ideological opposites. Maybe if you put Hillary and Obama together, you'd be accurate.

But comparing Trump to that asshole is an insult to our intelligence.

Trump is s a birther

Says all we need to know
Lets take a look at this.


"Most significantly, General Powell would have won the race because of the support of white voters — Bill Clinton outpolled him 2 to 1 among the blacks surveyed. Among white voters, whom Senator Dole had carried very narrowly (too narrowly for him to win), General Powell clobbered the incumbent, 53 percent to 33 percent."

If we assume that most of those white voters who did NOT poll for Bill Clinton there, were NOT democrats then we see that the Right side of the partisan divide in the US is not racist or at least not very racist, if they are will to vote for a black man to be president.

And of course, nearly all of the other whites a few years later, ended up voting for Obama.

THe POSSIBLE size of the white racist vote looks to be pretty small.
How do Republicans feel about Powell today?

Many of them, such as myself, feel betrayed by his endorsement of Obama.

But that is irrelevant to the topic of white racism.

BEFORE the Republicans were betrayed by Powell, they were willing to vote for him to be President of the United States.

As demonstrated by the exit polls of whites.

If you also count the White Dems votes for Obama as evidence of whites being not racist,

There is not much room left in those numbers for very many racists whites.
Sorry if Powell and Scott McClellan later admitted Gw was a huge failure but no worries you just throw anyone who's honest under the bus.

Powell disappointed you but not bush?
It's coming to my attention that the poor and middle class are screwing themselves simply by not voting every 2 years. They don't realize voting is the most important thing they can do and really their only power. Its how the rich got richer and we all got poorer. We aren't smart enough to show up every 2 years. We are too stupid and lazy.

It's why the rich have never been richer and the American people took a huge step back.

It's not enough to vote for Obama/trump. They can't do it by themselves. You have to show up and vote out the obstructionists in the next midterm. Not reward them by staying home you stupid American sheep
Obama and Trump don't belong in the same sentence because they are ideological opposites. Maybe if you put Hillary and Obama together, you'd be accurate.

But comparing Trump to that asshole is an insult to our intelligence.

Trump is s a birther

Says all we need to know
That's all you can remember.
It's coming to my attention that the poor and middle class are screwing themselves simply by not voting every 2 years. They don't realize voting is the most important thing they can do and really their only power. Its how the rich got richer and we all got poorer. We aren't smart enough to show up every 2 years. We are too stupid and lazy.

It's why the rich have never been richer and the American people took a huge step back.

It's not enough to vote for Obama/trump. They can't do it by themselves. You have to show up and vote out the obstructionists in the next midterm. Not reward them by staying home you stupid American sheep
Obama and Trump don't belong in the same sentence because they are ideological opposites. Maybe if you put Hillary and Obama together, you'd be accurate.

But comparing Trump to that asshole is an insult to our intelligence.

Trump is s a birther

Says all we need to know
That's all you can remember.
Trump is not a real American

Real Americans don't advocate torture or killing the families of criminals
It's coming to my attention that the poor and middle class are screwing themselves simply by not voting every 2 years. They don't realize voting is the most important thing they can do and really their only power. Its how the rich got richer and we all got poorer. We aren't smart enough to show up every 2 years. We are too stupid and lazy.

It's why the rich have never been richer and the American people took a huge step back.

It's not enough to vote for Obama/trump. They can't do it by themselves. You have to show up and vote out the obstructionists in the next midterm. Not reward them by staying home you stupid American sheep
Obama and Trump don't belong in the same sentence because they are ideological opposites. Maybe if you put Hillary and Obama together, you'd be accurate.

But comparing Trump to that asshole is an insult to our intelligence.

Trump is s a birther

Says all we need to know
That's all you can remember.
Trump is not a real American

Real Americans don't advocate torture or killing the families of criminals
It depends on what you consider torture. And he never said anything about killing families.
But I guess you have no problem with Muslims cutting our heads off, burning us alive, or putting us in cages and dumping us in a swimming pool

Now that's fucking OKAY!!

I remember a decade ago telling everyone that liberals would end up crying over our enemies....because they care more about our enemies than they do about us Americans.
Now, it's happening.

I really would love to meet some of these stupid fuckers in person and kick the shit out of them, because they're giving aid and comfort to the enemy, literally. During WWII you would be shot for doing this.
Poor little bobo is an angry, illogical, weak, racist, lefty dope.
M Noticing only I reply to your little snarky comments. I'm loving it that I'm not the only one who seems to not get anything out of your posts.

What's the saying about the flee on the wheel of a chariot protesting about how the gladiator is driving it? You're the flee bitch
It's coming to my attention that the poor and middle class are screwing themselves simply by not voting every 2 years. They don't realize voting is the most important thing they can do and really their only power. Its how the rich got richer and we all got poorer. We aren't smart enough to show up every 2 years. We are too stupid and lazy.

It's why the rich have never been richer and the American people took a huge step back.

It's not enough to vote for Obama/trump. They can't do it by themselves. You have to show up and vote out the obstructionists in the next midterm. Not reward them by staying home you stupid American sheep
Obama and Trump don't belong in the same sentence because they are ideological opposites. Maybe if you put Hillary and Obama together, you'd be accurate.

But comparing Trump to that asshole is an insult to our intelligence.

Trump is s a birther

Says all we need to know
That's all you can remember.
Trump is not a real American

Real Americans don't advocate torture or killing the families of criminals
Some do. I think Israel punishes families of terrorists. Are you anti semetic?

And bush and Chaney approved of torture. Are you saying Chaney isn't American?
It's coming to my attention that the poor and middle class are screwing themselves simply by not voting every 2 years. They don't realize voting is the most important thing they can do and really their only power. Its how the rich got richer and we all got poorer. We aren't smart enough to show up every 2 years. We are too stupid and lazy.

It's why the rich have never been richer and the American people took a huge step back.

It's not enough to vote for Obama/trump. They can't do it by themselves. You have to show up and vote out the obstructionists in the next midterm. Not reward them by staying home you stupid American sheep
Obama and Trump don't belong in the same sentence because they are ideological opposites. Maybe if you put Hillary and Obama together, you'd be accurate.

But comparing Trump to that asshole is an insult to our intelligence.

Trump is s a birther

Says all we need to know
That's all you can remember.
Trump is not a real American

Real Americans don't advocate torture or killing the families of criminals
Some do. I think Israel punishes families of terrorists. Are you anti semetic?

And bush and Chaney approved of torture. Are you saying Chaney isn't American?
The focus is on Trump.

He's the threat to Hillary, not Bush and Cheney.
Obama and Trump don't belong in the same sentence because they are ideological opposites. Maybe if you put Hillary and Obama together, you'd be accurate.

But comparing Trump to that asshole is an insult to our intelligence.

Trump is s a birther

Says all we need to know
That's all you can remember.
Trump is not a real American

Real Americans don't advocate torture or killing the families of criminals
Some do. I think Israel punishes families of terrorists. Are you anti semetic?

And bush and Chaney approved of torture. Are you saying Chaney isn't American?
The focus is on Trump.

He's the threat to Hillary, not Bush and Cheney.
I went off on my family tonight supporting trump. I went into my lecture about how its not Obama's fault Americans aren't smart enough to vote in midterms and just like in 2010 when trump supporters don't show up in 2018 to vote out the bums who obstruct trump the next two years, just remember it's not trumps fault, it's ours for only voting every 4 years.

Had Obama supporters showed up in 2010 the GOP wouldn't control the Senate or house

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