What percentage of white america is racist?

If I am talking to a cave monkey then yes Blacks are superior. However, that applies to all humans. Cave monkeys are not really humans. You cant get to the bottom of this until you adjust your thinking. You assume you know things you dont have a clue about.
Like what? This is good. Keep going.

I have to go put our docks out. The lake just thawed last week and it's 65 degrees. Have a good day.

Ultimately whatever you say my advise is if you want to improve get over it and you are responsible for you and the kids you bring into this world
Like what you just said for example. You say the way to improve is to get over it. The Jews havent gotten over their holocaust it was only one generation. I am assuming you feel they have improved to whatever you feel "improving" entails? That shows you lack a grasp of facts to support your opinion. Youre like the guy that says to a drug addict that they should just stop taking drugs and everything will be ok. "Just Say No" However, you miss almost the entire picture because you dont address the issues that contributed to the person taking the drugs in the first place.
OK we'll try it your way. What do WE have to do to fix the problem? What do whites have to do before blacks in places like Detroit will stop the pattern of high crime and poverty?
Blacks did not bring the poverty to Detroit, they were a victim of it. Crime is an expected result. In the absence of a legal economy, an illegal economy will do.
So what do we do about that? Companies won't move to Detroit because of the crime.

I have some ideas but want to hear yours.

Enterprise Zones created a climate wherein an areas infrastructure receives grants, revenue sharing and taxing incentives to provide a safe and environmentally clean area within a depressed zone in places where unemployment and poverty dominate.

The image above is bullshit and only an ignorant person believes ethnocentric factors are = to racism.
Like what? This is good. Keep going.

I have to go put our docks out. The lake just thawed last week and it's 65 degrees. Have a good day.

Ultimately whatever you say my advise is if you want to improve get over it and you are responsible for you and the kids you bring into this world
Like what you just said for example. You say the way to improve is to get over it. The Jews havent gotten over their holocaust it was only one generation. I am assuming you feel they have improved to whatever you feel "improving" entails? That shows you lack a grasp of facts to support your opinion. Youre like the guy that says to a drug addict that they should just stop taking drugs and everything will be ok. "Just Say No" However, you miss almost the entire picture because you dont address the issues that contributed to the person taking the drugs in the first place.
OK we'll try it your way. What do WE have to do to fix the problem? What do whites have to do before blacks in places like Detroit will stop the pattern of high crime and poverty?
Blacks did not bring the poverty to Detroit, they were a victim of it. Crime is an expected result. In the absence of a legal economy, an illegal economy will do.
So what do we do about that? Companies won't move to Detroit because of the crime.

I have some ideas but want to hear yours.

Enterprise Zones created a climate wherein an areas infrastructure receives grants, revenue sharing and taxing incentives to provide a safe and environmentally clean area within a depressed zone in places where unemployment and poverty dominate.
There are certainly things our government could/should do to fix poor parts of America.

Some whites will say we tried all these things and the ghettos remained shithole.

I think we didn't try hard or long enough. Instead of all those jobs going out of the country the last 45 years they should have been moving to poor neighborhoods in America.

The image above is bullshit and only an ignorant person believes ethnocentric factors are = to racism.
I have to admit Americas free market capitalistic policies are anti American and don't care about poor Americans.

If companies don't like union dues the move to a red state. Don't move to Mexico or china.

Trump supporters get this thank god and so do us liberals.

A union company can't cry if the company moves to Mitch McConnell kentucky
Lets take a look at this.


"Most significantly, General Powell would have won the race because of the support of white voters — Bill Clinton outpolled him 2 to 1 among the blacks surveyed. Among white voters, whom Senator Dole had carried very narrowly (too narrowly for him to win), General Powell clobbered the incumbent, 53 percent to 33 percent."

If we assume that most of those white voters who did NOT poll for Bill Clinton there, were NOT democrats then we see that the Right side of the partisan divide in the US is not racist or at least not very racist, if they are will to vote for a black man to be president.

And of course, nearly all of the other whites a few years later, ended up voting for Obama.

THe POSSIBLE size of the white racist vote looks to be pretty small.
Is it 50%? Is it 5% Is it 95%?
If the top/richest 1% are racist, that matters a lot more than if you or I are racist. They do the hiring and they bribe our politicians to do their bidding. If you deny that's true then you are a dummy Cruz kasich or rubio Slappy. Everyone else gets it.

And the rich aren't racist necessarily. To them we are all niin&&s. There are even rich blacks. They only use God gays guns and racism to divide us and look how its working
Lets take a look at this.


"Most significantly, General Powell would have won the race because of the support of white voters — Bill Clinton outpolled him 2 to 1 among the blacks surveyed. Among white voters, whom Senator Dole had carried very narrowly (too narrowly for him to win), General Powell clobbered the incumbent, 53 percent to 33 percent."

If we assume that most of those white voters who did NOT poll for Bill Clinton there, were NOT democrats then we see that the Right side of the partisan divide in the US is not racist or at least not very racist, if they are will to vote for a black man to be president.

And of course, nearly all of the other whites a few years later, ended up voting for Obama.

THe POSSIBLE size of the white racist vote looks to be pretty small.
If Bruce Jenner ran against hillary all of the sudden sex would no longer be a wedge issue they would use. All of the sudden Republicans would be the party of live and let live.

When we start needing immigrant workers Republicans will start going after Mexican voters again. Right now they're willing to sacrifice immigrants votes to tap into the nationalism thing going on. They love the anger.

It's my opinion that legal immigrants don't really care if the Republicans are anti-immigrant because once they are in what do they care now? It's like my family came from Greece but I don't care if we keep letting more Greeks in. Fuck em
Lets take a look at this.


"Most significantly, General Powell would have won the race because of the support of white voters — Bill Clinton outpolled him 2 to 1 among the blacks surveyed. Among white voters, whom Senator Dole had carried very narrowly (too narrowly for him to win), General Powell clobbered the incumbent, 53 percent to 33 percent."

If we assume that most of those white voters who did NOT poll for Bill Clinton there, were NOT democrats then we see that the Right side of the partisan divide in the US is not racist or at least not very racist, if they are will to vote for a black man to be president.

And of course, nearly all of the other whites a few years later, ended up voting for Obama.

THe POSSIBLE size of the white racist vote looks to be pretty small.
If Bruce Jenner ran against hillary all of the sudden sex would no longer be a wedge issue they would use. All of the sudden Republicans would be the party of live and let live.

When we start needing immigrant workers Republicans will start going after Mexican voters again. Right now they're willing to sacrifice immigrants votes to tap into the nationalism thing going on. They love the anger.

It's my opinion that legal immigrants don't really care if the Republicans are anti-immigrant because once there and what are they care now? It's like my family came from Greece but I don't care if we keep letting more Greeks in. Fuck em
If Bruce Jenner ran against Hillary, they'd paint him as a circus clown. A sideshow candidate. A weirdo who's just looking for attention.

Sounds like many of the attacks against Trump.

The image above is bullshit and only an ignorant person believes ethnocentric factors are = to racism.
I have to admit Americas free market capitalistic policies are anti American and don't care about poor Americans.

If companies don't like union dues the move to a red state. Don't move to Mexico or china.

Trump supporters get this thank god and so do us liberals.

A union company can't cry if the company moves to Mitch McConnell kentucky

Considering the history of labor in America, the Right to Work States may very well see strikes and the concomitant violence of the past if they do not learn from the development of organized labor and the growth of unions. Wages are not the only variable when it comes to working.
Lets take a look at this.


"Most significantly, General Powell would have won the race because of the support of white voters — Bill Clinton outpolled him 2 to 1 among the blacks surveyed. Among white voters, whom Senator Dole had carried very narrowly (too narrowly for him to win), General Powell clobbered the incumbent, 53 percent to 33 percent."

If we assume that most of those white voters who did NOT poll for Bill Clinton there, were NOT democrats then we see that the Right side of the partisan divide in the US is not racist or at least not very racist, if they are will to vote for a black man to be president.

And of course, nearly all of the other whites a few years later, ended up voting for Obama.

THe POSSIBLE size of the white racist vote looks to be pretty small.
If Bruce Jenner ran against hillary all of the sudden sex would no longer be a wedge issue they would use. All of the sudden Republicans would be the party of live and let live.

When we start needing immigrant workers Republicans will start going after Mexican voters again. Right now they're willing to sacrifice immigrants votes to tap into the nationalism thing going on. They love the anger.

It's my opinion that legal immigrants don't really care if the Republicans are anti-immigrant because once there and what are they care now? It's like my family came from Greece but I don't care if we keep letting more Greeks in. Fuck em
If Bruce Jenner ran against Hillary, they'd paint him as a circus clown. A sideshow candidate. A weirdo who's just looking for attention.

Sounds like many of the attacks against Trump.
Republicans will back whoever will promote their economic policies. Just look at all the horrible things they're saying about Trump now. As soon as he is their nominee there will be no more Republicans who are ever anti Trump. They will all become his biggest cheerleaders
Lets take a look at this.


"Most significantly, General Powell would have won the race because of the support of white voters — Bill Clinton outpolled him 2 to 1 among the blacks surveyed. Among white voters, whom Senator Dole had carried very narrowly (too narrowly for him to win), General Powell clobbered the incumbent, 53 percent to 33 percent."

If we assume that most of those white voters who did NOT poll for Bill Clinton there, were NOT democrats then we see that the Right side of the partisan divide in the US is not racist or at least not very racist, if they are will to vote for a black man to be president.

And of course, nearly all of the other whites a few years later, ended up voting for Obama.

THe POSSIBLE size of the white racist vote looks to be pretty small.
If Bruce Jenner ran against hillary all of the sudden sex would no longer be a wedge issue they would use. All of the sudden Republicans would be the party of live and let live.

When we start needing immigrant workers Republicans will start going after Mexican voters again. Right now they're willing to sacrifice immigrants votes to tap into the nationalism thing going on. They love the anger.

It's my opinion that legal immigrants don't really care if the Republicans are anti-immigrant because once there and what are they care now? It's like my family came from Greece but I don't care if we keep letting more Greeks in. Fuck em
If Bruce Jenner ran against Hillary, they'd paint him as a circus clown. A sideshow candidate. A weirdo who's just looking for attention.

Sounds like many of the attacks against Trump.

Thus Ms. Jenner would fit right well into the clown care.
Lets take a look at this.


"Most significantly, General Powell would have won the race because of the support of white voters — Bill Clinton outpolled him 2 to 1 among the blacks surveyed. Among white voters, whom Senator Dole had carried very narrowly (too narrowly for him to win), General Powell clobbered the incumbent, 53 percent to 33 percent."

If we assume that most of those white voters who did NOT poll for Bill Clinton there, were NOT democrats then we see that the Right side of the partisan divide in the US is not racist or at least not very racist, if they are will to vote for a black man to be president.

And of course, nearly all of the other whites a few years later, ended up voting for Obama.

THe POSSIBLE size of the white racist vote looks to be pretty small.
If Bruce Jenner ran against hillary all of the sudden sex would no longer be a wedge issue they would use. All of the sudden Republicans would be the party of live and let live.

When we start needing immigrant workers Republicans will start going after Mexican voters again. Right now they're willing to sacrifice immigrants votes to tap into the nationalism thing going on. They love the anger.

It's my opinion that legal immigrants don't really care if the Republicans are anti-immigrant because once there and what are they care now? It's like my family came from Greece but I don't care if we keep letting more Greeks in. Fuck em
If Bruce Jenner ran against Hillary, they'd paint him as a circus clown. A sideshow candidate. A weirdo who's just looking for attention.

Sounds like many of the attacks against Trump.
Just like Republicans in defense of carson say now us liberals are the racists, they would say we are the anti gays if Jenner were your man/woman when we made comments about Jenner like I just did. Like unkotard you would now claim your party has the moral high ground.

I know your playbook better than you

The image above is bullshit and only an ignorant person believes ethnocentric factors are = to racism.
I have to admit Americas free market capitalistic policies are anti American and don't care about poor Americans.

If companies don't like union dues the move to a red state. Don't move to Mexico or china.

Trump supporters get this thank god and so do us liberals.

A union company can't cry if the company moves to Mitch McConnell kentucky

Considering the history of labor in America, the Right to Work States may very well see strikes and the concomitant violence of the past if they do not learn from the development of organized labor and the growth of unions. Wages are not the only variable when it comes to working.
What else?
Lets take a look at this.


"Most significantly, General Powell would have won the race because of the support of white voters — Bill Clinton outpolled him 2 to 1 among the blacks surveyed. Among white voters, whom Senator Dole had carried very narrowly (too narrowly for him to win), General Powell clobbered the incumbent, 53 percent to 33 percent."

If we assume that most of those white voters who did NOT poll for Bill Clinton there, were NOT democrats then we see that the Right side of the partisan divide in the US is not racist or at least not very racist, if they are will to vote for a black man to be president.

And of course, nearly all of the other whites a few years later, ended up voting for Obama.

THe POSSIBLE size of the white racist vote looks to be pretty small.
If Bruce Jenner ran against hillary all of the sudden sex would no longer be a wedge issue they would use. All of the sudden Republicans would be the party of live and let live.

When we start needing immigrant workers Republicans will start going after Mexican voters again. Right now they're willing to sacrifice immigrants votes to tap into the nationalism thing going on. They love the anger.

It's my opinion that legal immigrants don't really care if the Republicans are anti-immigrant because once there and what are they care now? It's like my family came from Greece but I don't care if we keep letting more Greeks in. Fuck em
If Bruce Jenner ran against Hillary, they'd paint him as a circus clown. A sideshow candidate. A weirdo who's just looking for attention.

Sounds like many of the attacks against Trump.

Thus Ms. Jenner would fit right well into the clown care.
President Jenner would settle that question. It's ambiguous.
Lets take a look at this.


"Most significantly, General Powell would have won the race because of the support of white voters — Bill Clinton outpolled him 2 to 1 among the blacks surveyed. Among white voters, whom Senator Dole had carried very narrowly (too narrowly for him to win), General Powell clobbered the incumbent, 53 percent to 33 percent."

If we assume that most of those white voters who did NOT poll for Bill Clinton there, were NOT democrats then we see that the Right side of the partisan divide in the US is not racist or at least not very racist, if they are will to vote for a black man to be president.

And of course, nearly all of the other whites a few years later, ended up voting for Obama.

THe POSSIBLE size of the white racist vote looks to be pretty small.
If Bruce Jenner ran against hillary all of the sudden sex would no longer be a wedge issue they would use. All of the sudden Republicans would be the party of live and let live.

When we start needing immigrant workers Republicans will start going after Mexican voters again. Right now they're willing to sacrifice immigrants votes to tap into the nationalism thing going on. They love the anger.

It's my opinion that legal immigrants don't really care if the Republicans are anti-immigrant because once there and what are they care now? It's like my family came from Greece but I don't care if we keep letting more Greeks in. Fuck em
If Bruce Jenner ran against Hillary, they'd paint him as a circus clown. A sideshow candidate. A weirdo who's just looking for attention.

Sounds like many of the attacks against Trump.
Republicans will back whoever will promote their economic policies. Just look at all the horrible things they're saying about Trump now. As soon as he is their nominee there will be no more Republicans who are ever anti Trump. They will all become his biggest cheerleaders

I think you are giving the moderates to much credit.
It's coming to my attention that the poor and middle class are screwing themselves simply by not voting every 2 years. They don't realize voting is the most important thing they can do and really their only power. Its how the rich got richer and we all got poorer. We aren't smart enough to show up every 2 years. We are too stupid and lazy.

It's why the rich have never been richer and the American people took a huge step back.

It's not enough to vote for Obama/trump. They can't do it by themselves. You have to show up and vote out the obstructionists in the next midterm. Not reward them by staying home you stupid American sheep
It's coming to my attention that the poor and middle class are screwing themselves simply by not voting every 2 years. They don't realize voting is the most important thing they can do and really their only power. Its how the rich got richer and we all got poorer. We aren't smart enough to show up every 2 years. We are too stupid and lazy.

It's why the rich have never been richer and the American people took a huge step back.

It's not enough to vote for Obama/trump. They can't do it by themselves. You have to show up and vote out the obstructionists in the next midterm. Not reward them by staying home you stupid American sheep
Obama and Trump don't belong in the same sentence because they are ideological opposites. Maybe if you put Hillary and Obama together, you'd be accurate.

But comparing Trump to that asshole is an insult to our intelligence.
Lets take a look at this.


"Most significantly, General Powell would have won the race because of the support of white voters — Bill Clinton outpolled him 2 to 1 among the blacks surveyed. Among white voters, whom Senator Dole had carried very narrowly (too narrowly for him to win), General Powell clobbered the incumbent, 53 percent to 33 percent."

If we assume that most of those white voters who did NOT poll for Bill Clinton there, were NOT democrats then we see that the Right side of the partisan divide in the US is not racist or at least not very racist, if they are will to vote for a black man to be president.

And of course, nearly all of the other whites a few years later, ended up voting for Obama.

THe POSSIBLE size of the white racist vote looks to be pretty small.
If Bruce Jenner ran against hillary all of the sudden sex would no longer be a wedge issue they would use. All of the sudden Republicans would be the party of live and let live.

When we start needing immigrant workers Republicans will start going after Mexican voters again. Right now they're willing to sacrifice immigrants votes to tap into the nationalism thing going on. They love the anger.

It's my opinion that legal immigrants don't really care if the Republicans are anti-immigrant because once there and what are they care now? It's like my family came from Greece but I don't care if we keep letting more Greeks in. Fuck em
If Bruce Jenner ran against Hillary, they'd paint him as a circus clown. A sideshow candidate. A weirdo who's just looking for attention.

Sounds like many of the attacks against Trump.

Thus Ms. Jenner would fit right well into the clown care.
Clown care?

Don't you mean Obamacare?
I dont think inherently anyone is superior due to race. Who told you that?
You're always busting balls about how blacks are superior. Maybe you're just talking smack. Anyways I'm sorry if sometimes I say stupid shit. I'm just trying to get to the bottom of this and if we can't hash it out here who can?
If I am talking to a cave monkey then yes Blacks are superior. However, that applies to all humans. Cave monkeys are not really humans. You cant get to the bottom of this until you adjust your thinking. You assume you know things you dont have a clue about.
Like what? This is good. Keep going.

I have to go put our docks out. The lake just thawed last week and it's 65 degrees. Have a good day.

Ultimately whatever you say my advise is if you want to improve get over it and you are responsible for you and the kids you bring into this world
Like what you just said for example. You say the way to improve is to get over it. The Jews havent gotten over their holocaust it was only one generation. I am assuming you feel they have improved to whatever you feel "improving" entails? That shows you lack a grasp of facts to support your opinion. Youre like the guy that says to a drug addict that they should just stop taking drugs and everything will be ok. "Just Say No" However, you miss almost the entire picture because you dont address the issues that contributed to the person taking the drugs in the first place.
OK we'll try it your way. What do WE have to do to fix the problem? What do whites have to do before blacks in places like Detroit will stop the pattern of high crime and poverty?

What do you mean by "WE"? The only logical thing whites can really do is stop being racist. Black people have to stop letting white racism make them quit. Both of those things are not going to be things that happen immediately. It takes a mindset change for whites and Blacks.
It's coming to my attention that the poor and middle class are screwing themselves simply by not voting every 2 years. They don't realize voting is the most important thing they can do and really their only power. Its how the rich got richer and we all got poorer. We aren't smart enough to show up every 2 years. We are too stupid and lazy.

It's why the rich have never been richer and the American people took a huge step back.

It's not enough to vote for Obama/trump. They can't do it by themselves. You have to show up and vote out the obstructionists in the next midterm. Not reward them by staying home you stupid American sheep
Obama and Trump don't belong in the same sentence because they are ideological opposites. Maybe if you put Hillary and Obama together, you'd be accurate.

But comparing Trump to that asshole is an insult to our intelligence.
Doesnt matter. The same idiots turning out for trump and Bernie won't In 2018 or 2022

Don't expect trump to accomplish much when the establishment wins every midterm

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