What portion of your income goes to the government?


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2015
I'm assuming that most people who read this are either middle-class or upper middle class. I want to know what portion of your income goes to the government in the form of taxes, fees, and other payments. You have to include taxes of federal, state, and local. That includes federal income tax and state income tax. What percent of your income goes to those governments? I'm going to guess that it is AT LEAST 25%. Everyone complains about the disappearing middle class and we can blame outsourcing and all of that but has anyone ever considered that the poor and middle class are being taxed away. 25% from the Clinton's or Trump doesn't affect them that much since they would still be able to afford a pretty affluent life style but 25% from someone making below 30K a year significantly affects their lives.

I'm just curious what portion of your income goes to the government. I don't know if anyone has ever added it up in their head before or even thought about. We tend to only think of taxes as income taxes but we also have so many other taxes along with that and not one politician wants to remove those taxes. They don't even want to try because they need to fill government troughs. They really don't give a fuck about anyone at all but themselves.
You seriously expect people to answer that and answer it honestly...on a message board?

Here's what you do: Look at the tax tables to find how much you paid last year, divide it by your income for last year, and that will be the percentage of tax you paid.

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You seriously expect people to answer that and answer it honestly...on a message board?

Here's what you do: Look at the tax tables to find how much you paid last year, divide it by your income for last year, and that will be the percentage of tax you paid.


That is just income taxes! Lets include all taxes such as sales tax, new car tax, etc.
You seriously expect people to answer that and answer it honestly...on a message board?

Here's what you do: Look at the tax tables to find how much you paid last year, divide it by your income for last year, and that will be the percentage of tax you paid.


That is just income taxes! Lets include all taxes such as sales tax, new car tax, etc.

Then do the math and you'll have your own personal answer. Any answer anyone else gives you here will be either exaggerated or "nunya."
I'm assuming that most people who read this are either middle-class or upper middle class. I want to know what portion of your income goes to the government in the form of taxes, fees, and other payments. You have to include taxes of federal, state, and local. That includes federal income tax and state income tax. What percent of your income goes to those governments? I'm going to guess that it is AT LEAST 25%. Everyone complains about the disappearing middle class and we can blame outsourcing and all of that but has anyone ever considered that the poor and middle class are being taxed away. 25% from the Clinton's or Trump doesn't affect them that much since they would still be able to afford a pretty affluent life style but 25% from someone making below 30K a year significantly affects their lives.

I'm just curious what portion of your income goes to the government. I don't know if anyone has ever added it up in their head before or even thought about. We tend to only think of taxes as income taxes but we also have so many other taxes along with that and not one politician wants to remove those taxes. They don't even want to try because they need to fill government troughs. They really don't give a fuck about anyone at all but themselves.

A very good question, and I bet that anyone in the middle class who pays any federal income taxes come in close to 50%.


Consider-----------> if you add state tax, county tax, (if you have one) property tax, (and those who rent have the landlords property tax built into their rent) gas taxes, and all the taxes that corporations pay that are passed directly on to us, not to mention hidden taxes, (yes, there is even a tax on toilet paper) license plate taxes, sales tax, etc.....there is little doubt, the middle class is pushing 50%.

And remember, those who have no jobs and live off welfare pay 0......let me spell that for you, Z-E-R-O taxes. How is that? Because their income TAKES from the tax base paid in, so when they pay any kind of tax, they are paying it with tax revenue already paid in, then deducted to pay them. So, they can NEVER pay more of a tax, then the tax base they remove through entitlement, welfare programs!
Not a clue. Everything that's taken we get back so...

Not surprised to see a regressive that hasn't got much income.

(No, most people with any sort of game going on do not get back what they put in, that's kind of the point).
We also have a city tax, yes 1%, above our property tax which has a millage of 42.61. State last I checked was at 4.35% and Federal depends on income.

I'd like to add the property tax is for rental on the property that our house sits on, but if one does not pay their taxes for 2 years the property and house goes to the city.

I'm saying this in response to the cattle farmers out west , the Bundy group who expect free grazing rights,

None of us own the property we live on.
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Was going to try to calculate this one yr but knew the wife wouldnt be bothered to keep all receipts so I could figure it out,,,dont forget the taxes on your utilities and such...bet people would be shocked by a final figure
I'm assuming that most people who read this are either middle-class or upper middle class. I want to know what portion of your income goes to the government in the form of taxes, fees, and other payments. You have to include taxes of federal, state, and local. That includes federal income tax and state income tax. What percent of your income goes to those governments? I'm going to guess that it is AT LEAST 25%. Everyone complains about the disappearing middle class and we can blame outsourcing and all of that but has anyone ever considered that the poor and middle class are being taxed away. 25% from the Clinton's or Trump doesn't affect them that much since they would still be able to afford a pretty affluent life style but 25% from someone making below 30K a year significantly affects their lives.

I'm just curious what portion of your income goes to the government. I don't know if anyone has ever added it up in their head before or even thought about. We tend to only think of taxes as income taxes but we also have so many other taxes along with that and not one politician wants to remove those taxes. They don't even want to try because they need to fill government troughs. They really don't give a fuck about anyone at all but themselves.

A very good question, and I bet that anyone in the middle class who pays any federal income taxes come in close to 50%.


Consider-----------> if you add state tax, county tax, (if you have one) property tax, (and those who rent have the landlords property tax built into their rent) gas taxes, and all the taxes that corporations pay that are passed directly on to us, not to mention hidden taxes, (yes, there is even a tax on toilet paper) license plate taxes, sales tax, etc.....there is little doubt, the middle class is pushing 50%.

And remember, those who have no jobs and live off welfare pay 0......let me spell that for you, Z-E-R-O taxes. How is that? Because their income TAKES from the tax base paid in, so when they pay any kind of tax, they are paying it with tax revenue already paid in, then deducted to pay them. So, they can NEVER pay more of a tax, then the tax base they remove through entitlement, welfare programs!

I wasn't really thinking of taxes that businesses pay. Those, of course, get added into the cost of doing business which the consumer ultimately pays in higher cost of goods. It is interesting to notice that no matter what taxes are in place the government can only collect about 18-20% of GDP. It gets to the point where people start hiding things just so they can survive. I hate to say this but once greed takes over in the minds of government bureacrats it is impossible to get them to lower taxes and it may actually take an armed revolt to get them to stop.

I'm not one to suggest we should shoot the clerk who charges us a 15% sales tax because revolts are dangerous and often are counterproductive. It is like how the Empire got replaced with the First Order in Star Wars. We get rid of one tyrant and then another seems to show up.
You seriously expect people to answer that and answer it honestly...on a message board?

Here's what you do: Look at the tax tables to find how much you paid last year, divide it by your income for last year, and that will be the percentage of tax you paid.


That is just income taxes! Lets include all taxes such as sales tax, new car tax, etc.
While you're at it, include all the federal business taxes that get rolled up into the price of everything you buy and don't forget the hidden tax you pay thanks to the fed eroding the buying power of your dollars via inflating the money supply.
As a small business person I don't like to think of how much of my money is spent on govt. In addition to taxes there's workers comp, unemployment, osha regs, epa regs, employment regs, tax accountants, administrative costs associated with child support, I could go on but it's too depressing.
%AGI? or before? Typically, roughly?

28% FED, 13% SSi?, Medicare 8%?, Property 1%*value?, state tax 5%?, Gasoline 10% monthly cost, sales tax 8%, utilities, sewer, phone, fees, fines, medical, disposal fees? any others?

100K AGI, 300K house. 100gal gas per month at $3/gal.
You take home about $46K, -$3K property - $360GasTax ~= $42.7 left.
Now you pay 8% on any non-food during year.........say $5000*0.08= $400
minus any and all hidden fees?

58%*AGI paid in taxes? off top of head?
I'm assuming that most people who read this are either middle-class or upper middle class. I want to know what portion of your income goes to the government in the form of taxes, fees, and other payments. You have to include taxes of federal, state, and local. That includes federal income tax and state income tax. What percent of your income goes to those governments? I'm going to guess that it is AT LEAST 25%. Everyone complains about the disappearing middle class and we can blame outsourcing and all of that but has anyone ever considered that the poor and middle class are being taxed away. 25% from the Clinton's or Trump doesn't affect them that much since they would still be able to afford a pretty affluent life style but 25% from someone making below 30K a year significantly affects their lives.

I'm just curious what portion of your income goes to the government. I don't know if anyone has ever added it up in their head before or even thought about. We tend to only think of taxes as income taxes but we also have so many other taxes along with that and not one politician wants to remove those taxes. They don't even want to try because they need to fill government troughs. They really don't give a fuck about anyone at all but themselves.

A very good question, and I bet that anyone in the middle class who pays any federal income taxes come in close to 50%.


Consider-----------> if you add state tax, county tax, (if you have one) property tax, (and those who rent have the landlords property tax built into their rent) gas taxes, and all the taxes that corporations pay that are passed directly on to us, not to mention hidden taxes, (yes, there is even a tax on toilet paper) license plate taxes, sales tax, etc.....there is little doubt, the middle class is pushing 50%.

And remember, those who have no jobs and live off welfare pay 0......let me spell that for you, Z-E-R-O taxes. How is that? Because their income TAKES from the tax base paid in, so when they pay any kind of tax, they are paying it with tax revenue already paid in, then deducted to pay them. So, they can NEVER pay more of a tax, then the tax base they remove through entitlement, welfare programs!

I wasn't really thinking of taxes that businesses pay. Those, of course, get added into the cost of doing business which the consumer ultimately pays in higher cost of goods. It is interesting to notice that no matter what taxes are in place the government can only collect about 18-20% of GDP. It gets to the point where people start hiding things just so they can survive. I hate to say this but once greed takes over in the minds of government bureacrats it is impossible to get them to lower taxes and it may actually take an armed revolt to get them to stop.

I'm not one to suggest we should shoot the clerk who charges us a 15% sales tax because revolts are dangerous and often are counterproductive. It is like how the Empire got replaced with the First Order in Star Wars. We get rid of one tyrant and then another seems to show up.

Let me say this................... the government % you cite, is only non-hidden taxes. This is one of the reasons they like high corporate taxes, because those taxes get passed on to us while they wipe their hands and proclaim how the crooked corporations over charge us. The government has become very adept at passing taxes on in product cost, thus insuring they are not the blame for the high cost of said product. It works exactly OPPOSITE when they want something purchased by using subsidies. In essence, they control your personal choices by affecting price.

FICTITIOUS EXAMPLE------------> I want you to buy electric vehicles. How can I force you to do this? EASY! I tax the hell out of regular, dino vehicles, and use that money to subsidize electric ones! Oh wait, they kind of already do this. Well damn, they are ahead of the curve I suggested, lol.
You seriously expect people to answer that and answer it honestly...on a message board?

Here's what you do: Look at the tax tables to find how much you paid last year, divide it by your income for last year, and that will be the percentage of tax you paid.


That is just income taxes! Lets include all taxes such as sales tax, new car tax, etc.

The net amount? In other words, the amount you pay in vs. the value of the services you receive in return?
You seriously expect people to answer that and answer it honestly...on a message board?

Here's what you do: Look at the tax tables to find how much you paid last year, divide it by your income for last year, and that will be the percentage of tax you paid.


That is just income taxes! Lets include all taxes such as sales tax, new car tax, etc.

The net amount? In other words, the amount you pay in vs. the value of the services you receive in return?

Well then NY, you must be implying we need a huge tax hike. Why? Because the government is unable to balance its books at this threshold of taxation, while giving the level of service it currently does.

So you are for a liberal tax hike? Pray tell, how much would you like all of us to pay!
The net amount? In other words, the amount you pay in vs. the value of the services you receive in return?

U mean like the potholes cost tires/alignment? 3 hour round trip commute sitting braking? long lines post office DMV Courthouse? Paying GOVT bureaucrats medical and retirement at age 50 forever? and many more.
You seriously expect people to answer that and answer it honestly...on a message board?

Here's what you do: Look at the tax tables to find how much you paid last year, divide it by your income for last year, and that will be the percentage of tax you paid.


That is just income taxes! Lets include all taxes such as sales tax, new car tax, etc.

The net amount? In other words, the amount you pay in vs. the value of the services you receive in return?

I'm wondering what kind of service the people who are in prison are getting. Did they get their money's worth?

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