What profession is blamed for $850 billion in Unnecessary Health Care Costs?

No. Health insurance is the cause of inflating health care costs, not the solution. We should abolish health insurance. When people start having to pay directly out of pocket, providers will be forced to reduce their 10,000% markups on tongue depressors and the like.

Yeah, and fuck them people who can't afford it.

Silly Darkie. Health Care is for White People.
No. Health insurance is the cause of inflating health care costs, not the solution. We should abolish health insurance. When people start having to pay directly out of pocket, providers will be forced to reduce their 10,000% markups on tongue depressors and the like.

Yeah, and fuck them people who can't afford it.

Silly Darkie. Health Care is for White People.

Moron, if people can't afford it, the health care business will grind to a halt. Eliminating insurance from the equation will force the industry to become affordable in order to survive.
Moron, if people can't afford it, the health care business will grind to a halt. Eliminating insurance from the equation will force the industry to become affordable in order to survive.

You work under the assumption that "Market Forces" will solve the problem.

Okay, simple thought experiment. I have a vial of medicine that will save your life. You have $100,000. What can I charge you for it.

Well, if I'm a decent person, probably just what it cost me to produce it. If I'm an asshole, I'll take your $100,000 AND get you to go into hock to pay me more, and you will happily do it.

So that's why NO COUNTRY EVER has tried the whole Randian 'I've got mine, fuck you" model of health care.

In fact, every other country took exactly the oppossite approach. The government funds everything and then TELLS health care providers what they are going to get.
They specifically stated they were afraid of being sued so they refer to others for duplicate tests. They don't make anything off
except protect themselves from being sued!

That's not true, either. Doctors make a shit load of money on referrals.

New Legislation Seeks to Curb Physician Referral-for-Profit

Try again.

OH I'll try again and knock your point right out of the ball park!

You made a good point and the link was very informative. Especially this point:
"In fact, GAO found that for advanced imaging "providers who self-referred made 400,000 more referrals for advanced imaging services than they would have if they were not self-referring."
Very good point. So assuming the average Patents not covered by insurance - body $4,900,$6,700 brain, $6,800 heart from this link:
How Much Does a PET Scan Cost? - CostHelper.com
So let's deduct from the $850 billion these 400,000 self referrals that doctors made off advanced imaging services at $6,800 or a total of less then $3 Billion!
BIG f...king deal! That still leaves over $800 billion in wasted duplicate tests,etc.!!!
Think for once! IF lawyers will sue at the drop of a hat...doctors don't want lawsuits. Spend insurance companies money and order more tests!
In this again the doctors state over $800 billion versus your puny $3 billion!
Medical care would be in the toilet if it were not for the fear of malpractice suits.

It's absolutely insane to get rid of this measure.

Is not those who sue for the malpractice damage done...

the PROBLEM is the AMA.

What the AMA does is protect the Doctors who are LOUSY with many malpractice suits, and keeps them working, while MAKING THE GOOD AND INNOCENT DOCTORS, pay the high price of malpractice insurance, to keep these BAD DOCTORS working.

6% of ALL Doctors, are the Doctors that are sued 60% of the time and malpractice insurance comes in and pays.... the other 94% of doctors are paying HIGH malpractice Insurance fees to pay for these SAME BAD DOCTORS law suits over and over again while the AMA does NOTHING, and leaves them with their license to continue practicing much longer than they should.
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Medical care would be in the toilet if it were not for the fear of malpractice suits.

It's absolutely insane to get rid of this measure.

Is not those who sue for the malpractice damage done...

the PROBLEM is the AMA.

What the AMA does is protect the Doctors who are LOUSY with many malpractice suits, and keeps them working, while MAKING THE GOOD AND INNOCENT DOCTORS, pay the high price of malpractice insurance, to keep these BAD DOCTORS working.

1% of ALL Doctors, are the Doctors that are sued and malpractice insurance comes in and pays.... the other 99% are paying HIGH malpractice Insurance fees to pay for these SAME BAD DOCTORS law suits over and over again while the AMA does NOTHING, and leaves them with their license to continue practicing much longer than they should.

IT IS NOT the malpractice insurance costs!

Why are you guys protecting the lawyers? These lawyers are promoting lawsuits they KNOW from FACTS: According to the most recently-available statistics, about 95 percent of pending lawsuits end in a pre-trial settlement. This means that just one in 20 personal injury cases is resolved in a court of law by a judge or jury.

Law Dictionary: What Percentage of Lawsuits Settle Before Trial? What Are Some Statistics on Personal Injury Settlements?

So to keep from going to court these doctors prevent that by having insurance companies pay higher number of defensive medicine practice claims. Do you understand?
So the insurance companies simply pay and pass on to you in higher premiums!

Again.. the proof is federal doctors i.e. VA don't get sued so they don't practice defensive medicine!
Saving hundreds of billions in wasted duplicate defensive medicine costs.

Each year during the study period, 7.4% of all physicians had a malpractice claim,
with 1.6% having a claim leading to a payment (i.e., 78% of all claims did not result in payments to claimants).

MMS: Error

That is the reason for $850 billion in stupid wasteful duplicate testing,,, when after all is said and done 78% of claims don't get any $$!
Yet lawyers are paid regardless!
And you idiots defending this WASTEFUL duplicate testing,etc. activity are the dupes paying for it!!
Medical care would be in the toilet if it were not for the fear of malpractice suits.

It's absolutely insane to get rid of this measure.

Is not those who sue for the malpractice damage done...

the PROBLEM is the AMA.

What the AMA does is protect the Doctors who are LOUSY with many malpractice suits, and keeps them working, while MAKING THE GOOD AND INNOCENT DOCTORS, pay the high price of malpractice insurance, to keep these BAD DOCTORS working.

1% of ALL Doctors, are the Doctors that are sued and malpractice insurance comes in and pays.... the other 99% are paying HIGH malpractice Insurance fees to pay for these SAME BAD DOCTORS law suits over and over again while the AMA does NOTHING, and leaves them with their license to continue practicing much longer than they should.

IT IS NOT the malpractice insurance costs!

Why are you guys protecting the lawyers? These lawyers are promoting lawsuits they KNOW from FACTS: According to the most recently-available statistics, about 95 percent of pending lawsuits end in a pre-trial settlement. This means that just one in 20 personal injury cases is resolved in a court of law by a judge or jury.

Law Dictionary: What Percentage of Lawsuits Settle Before Trial? What Are Some Statistics on Personal Injury Settlements?

So to keep from going to court these doctors prevent that by having insurance companies pay higher number of defensive medicine practice claims. Do you understand?
So the insurance companies simply pay and pass on to you in higher premiums!

Again.. the proof is federal doctors i.e. VA don't get sued so they don't practice defensive medicine!
Saving hundreds of billions in wasted duplicate defensive medicine costs.

Each year during the study period, 7.4% of all physicians had a malpractice claim,
with 1.6% having a claim leading to a payment (i.e., 78% of all claims did not result in payments to claimants).

MMS: Error

That is the reason for $850 billion in stupid wasteful duplicate testing,,, when after all is said and done 78% of claims don't get any $$!
Yet lawyers are paid regardless!
And you idiots defending this WASTEFUL duplicate testing,etc. activity are the dupes paying for it!!
Click here to download a copy of our Facts and Myths sheet.


Most medical malpractice lawsuits are frivolous.
On average, 97 percent of medical negligence claims have merit. Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health examined over 1,400 closed medical negligence claims and found that 97 percent were meritorious. Of those 1,400 claims, 80 percent involved death or serious injury. The study concluded that “portraits of a malpractice system that is stricken with frivolous litigation are overblown.”


Greedy, ambulance-chasing lawyers are behind most medical malpractice lawsuits.
Medical malpractice attorneys reject 80 percent or more of the requests for representation they receive. A study of medical malpractice plaintiffs’ attorneys in Wisconsin showed that 80 percent of contacts requesting representation were declined. Another study showed that only one in 30 requests for representation led to lawsuits, translating to a 97 percent rejection rate.
Medical care would be in the toilet if it were not for the fear of malpractice suits.

It's absolutely insane to get rid of this measure.

Is not those who sue for the malpractice damage done...

the PROBLEM is the AMA.

What the AMA does is protect the Doctors who are LOUSY with many malpractice suits, and keeps them working, while MAKING THE GOOD AND INNOCENT DOCTORS, pay the high price of malpractice insurance, to keep these BAD DOCTORS working.

1% of ALL Doctors, are the Doctors that are sued and malpractice insurance comes in and pays.... the other 99% are paying HIGH malpractice Insurance fees to pay for these SAME BAD DOCTORS law suits over and over again while the AMA does NOTHING, and leaves them with their license to continue practicing much longer than they should.

IT IS NOT the malpractice insurance costs!

Why are you guys protecting the lawyers? These lawyers are promoting lawsuits they KNOW from FACTS: According to the most recently-available statistics, about 95 percent of pending lawsuits end in a pre-trial settlement. This means that just one in 20 personal injury cases is resolved in a court of law by a judge or jury.

Law Dictionary: What Percentage of Lawsuits Settle Before Trial? What Are Some Statistics on Personal Injury Settlements?

So to keep from going to court these doctors prevent that by having insurance companies pay higher number of defensive medicine practice claims. Do you understand?
So the insurance companies simply pay and pass on to you in higher premiums!

Again.. the proof is federal doctors i.e. VA don't get sued so they don't practice defensive medicine!
Saving hundreds of billions in wasted duplicate defensive medicine costs.

Each year during the study period, 7.4% of all physicians had a malpractice claim,
with 1.6% having a claim leading to a payment (i.e., 78% of all claims did not result in payments to claimants).

MMS: Error

That is the reason for $850 billion in stupid wasteful duplicate testing,,, when after all is said and done 78% of claims don't get any $$!
Yet lawyers are paid regardless!
And you idiots defending this WASTEFUL duplicate testing,etc. activity are the dupes paying for it!!
Click here to download a copy of our Facts and Myths sheet.


Most medical malpractice lawsuits are frivolous.
On average, 97 percent of medical negligence claims have merit. Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health examined over 1,400 closed medical negligence claims and found that 97 percent were meritorious. Of those 1,400 claims, 80 percent involved death or serious injury. The study concluded that “portraits of a malpractice system that is stricken with frivolous litigation are overblown.”


Greedy, ambulance-chasing lawyers are behind most medical malpractice lawsuits.
Medical malpractice attorneys reject 80 percent or more of the requests for representation they receive. A study of medical malpractice plaintiffs’ attorneys in Wisconsin showed that 80 percent of contacts requesting representation were declined. Another study showed that only one in 30 requests for representation led to lawsuits, translating to a 97 percent rejection rate.


Medical malpractice lawsuits don’t target dangerous doctors.
On average, just 6 percent of doctors are responsible for nearly 60 percent of all malpractice payments. From 1991 to 2005, just 5.9 percent of doctors were responsible for 57.8 percent of all malpractice payments. Of the 5.9 percent, each doctor was found liable twice, while 2.3 percent were found liable three times, and 1.1 percent were found liable four times.

read the other myths here: Facts and Myths About Medical Malpractice
That doesnt make sense .

If somthing is not medically necessary , you can't be sued for not doing it .
I knew what profession was to blame for exorbitant health care costs before I opened this topic.

OH I'll try again and knock your point right out of the ball park!

Sorry, guy, I want my doctor to be scared shitless of my lawyer and so do you. I want him to check three times he's cutting on the right leg. I want him to order that extra test.

Because if it weren't for the lawyers keeping them honest, the doctors and the insurance companies would half-ass it at every opportunity and you know it.
OH I'll try again and knock your point right out of the ball park!

Sorry, guy, I want my doctor to be scared shitless of my lawyer and so do you. I want him to check three times he's cutting on the right leg. I want him to order that extra test.

Because if it weren't for the lawyers keeping them honest, the doctors and the insurance companies would half-ass it at every opportunity and you know it.

So you have a lower opinion of doctors then lawyers! Wow.
Because the insurance companies don't care dummy! They are going to pass that costs of the lawyers directly on in higher premiums!
The only people that do care i.e. are the doctors. The doctors aren't out to make money off of cutting parts of your leg for no reason. That's what stupid people like
you think! You obviously think all doctors don't care about their reputation. It is BECAUSE of their reputation you idiot they make the bucks! Not by making dumb
asses like you even dumber! Again think for once.
Why would a doctor screw up his reputation just to make an extra few bucks? That's the problem with people like you. YOU only think the world is out to get you
because YOU are so important. You obviously aren't because you aren't thinking what a dumb statement you made!
So you have a lower opinion of doctors then lawyers! Wow.

No, I recognize that a Lawyer's mistakes are easier to correct than a doctor's mistakes.

The only people that do care i.e. are the doctors. The doctors aren't out to make money off of cutting parts of your leg for no reason. That's what stupid people like
you think! You obviously think all doctors don't care about their reputation. It is BECAUSE of their reputation you idiot they make the bucks! Not by making dumb
asses like you even dumber!

You don't think the doctors are in this to make money? Why do you think Poor Communities are underserved?

Why would a doctor screw up his reputation just to make an extra few bucks? That's the problem with people like you. YOU only think the world is out to get you
because YOU are so important. You obviously aren't because you aren't thinking what a dumb statement you made!

I don't think any doctor sets out to "screw up his reputation".

I think some just make mistakes because they are incompetent. Others are bad because they learned how to be a doctor in 1970 and didn't upgrade their skills since then.
So you have a lower opinion of doctors then lawyers! Wow.

No, I recognize that a Lawyer's mistakes are easier to correct than a doctor's mistakes.

The only people that do care i.e. are the doctors. The doctors aren't out to make money off of cutting parts of your leg for no reason. That's what stupid people like
you think! You obviously think all doctors don't care about their reputation. It is BECAUSE of their reputation you idiot they make the bucks! Not by making dumb
asses like you even dumber!

You don't think the doctors are in this to make money? Why do you think Poor Communities are underserved?

Why would a doctor screw up his reputation just to make an extra few bucks? That's the problem with people like you. YOU only think the world is out to get you
because YOU are so important. You obviously aren't because you aren't thinking what a dumb statement you made!

I don't think any doctor sets out to "screw up his reputation".

I think some just make mistakes because they are incompetent. Others are bad because they learned how to be a doctor in 1970 and didn't upgrade their skills since then.

Well you've provided the proof you are ignorant.

1. What are the requirements for taking the certification or recertification exam?

Initial certification requires verification of satisfactory completion of three years in an ACGME accredited Family Medicine Residency program.
Additional information is required for physicians whose medical training was acquired outside the U.S.

Recertification currently requires a minimum of 300 hours continuing medical education acquired in the six years just prior to the recertification exam as well as verification of a valid and unrestricted medical license.
As of 2010, the Maintenance of Certification (MC-FP) program will be the process by which one qualifies to take the recertification examination.

Complete details for certification and recertification can be accessed by reviewing the Candidate Information Booklets. The booklets can be found from the ABFM home page by clicking on the heading Certification/Recertification and then selecting "Candidate Information Booklets" from the left side of the page.
ABFM | FAQ: Certification and Recertification

So when you make your dumb ignorant statement "didn't upgrade their skills"...you are proving YOU haven't upgraded your skills in forming logical rational opinions based
on the facts!
Well you've provided the proof you are ignorant.

1. What are the requirements for taking the certification or recertification exam?

Irrelvent to my point.

Why Many Doctors Don't Follow 'Best Practices'

Even MORE relevant when you closely read your LINK where it states:
In cases like these, Wu says, doctors are more likely to follow their gut instincts. And when that happens, fear often comes into play.
Imagine, for example, that a healthy, 40-year-old woman walks into your office and asks about a mammogram.
"If that woman were to develop breast cancer or to have breast cancer, you can imagine what might happen to you if you didn't order the test,
" Wu says.
"Maybe you'd get sued."

Again you reinforced my premise that FEAR of getting sued causes $850 billion per year per the people that are fearful of being sued!

Again you reinforced my premise that FEAR of getting sued causes $850 billion per year per the people that are fearful of being sued!


So you want your doctor making decisions about your health based on his 'gut' and not empirical, testable science? Is this what you are arguing?

You see, if a 40 year old woman comes into his office and she's concerned enough to want a breast exam, I don't see a big problem with giving her one.
Again you reinforced my premise that FEAR of getting sued causes $850 billion per year per the people that are fearful of being sued!


So you want your doctor making decisions about your health based on his 'gut' and not empirical, testable science? Is this what you are arguing?

You see, if a 40 year old woman comes into his office and she's concerned enough to want a breast exam, I don't see a big problem with giving her one.

Again...you show your inability to read and then comprehend.

The same link you sent me...
Why Many Doctors Don't Follow 'Best Practices'

"And since at least 2002, Chen says, clinical guidelines have stipulated that no preoperative testing is needed before cataract surgery.
A large study showed that procedures like chest X-rays, blood tests and EKGs — tests sometimes recommended when older people undergo more complicated surgeries — do not benefit someone who is simply having a cataract removed.
Dr. Steven Brown, a professor of family medicine at the University of Arizona, has studied doctors' reasons for ordering unnecessary tests before a scheduled surgery.
A lot of it has to do with perceived safety, he says."

Do you understand exactly what was written ?
Where in the above is there any discussion of "gut' decision making?
NOW where the term was used was AND READ CLOSELY and try to comprehend!!!

"In cases like these, Wu says, doctors are more likely to follow their gut instincts. And when that happens, fear often comes into play."
What is their FEAR ???
"If that woman were to develop breast cancer or to have breast cancer, you can imagine what might happen to you if you didn't order the test," Wu says.
"Maybe you'd get sued."

Do you NOW understand?

provided a link that TOTALLY reinforces the statement:

Fear of lawsuits cause $850 billion a year in defensive medicine practices!!!

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