What Retaliation For Soleimani's Death Would Justify War With Iran?

Live Updates: Iran Vows ‘Forceful Revenge’ After U.S. Kills General

How big a splash will Iran's retaliation for the killing of their Qud leader have to be to justify our nation going to war with Iran?

How many dead Americans would you say?

How many will you accept without going to war?

If they just kill...four...Americans, will that not be enough?
Iran is not dumb, they will retaliate in phases I think. They will back more now groups like Hizboallah , Hamas, Syria, the Houatis in Yemen. And sabotaging shipments in the Arabian Gulf.

One think is clear, the US is losing momentum to Russia and China around the world with this administration and turning allies to enemies. It wont end well.
Live Updates: Iran Vows ‘Forceful Revenge’ After U.S. Kills General

How big a splash will Iran's retaliation for the killing of their Qud leader have to be to justify our nation going to war with Iran?

How many dead Americans would you say?

How many will you accept without going to war?

If they just kill...four...Americans, will that not be enough?

Well, he was responsible for at least two hundred dead Americans from attacks he planned so the fact that he was allowed to live by the bush and obummer admins means we waited long enough .

Your hero. the obummer gave them billions and their support for terrorism increased so his plan clearly didn't work.

I say let's see how many of their top guys we can kill.

Also, I believe he was in Iraq, so he was a fair target, no?
Do you have any proof of these acts
I find it amusing how the Trumptards behave so Orwellian.

I find it amusing how the Trumptards behave so Orwellian.

I find it amusing some Americans get their panties in a twist over a drone taking out an asshole that has been behind the murder of 100s of their fellow citizens.
Do you have any proof of what he did?

I just have to say here, if you require proof that the now greasy grimy gopher guts mutilated monkey meat deaded terrorist was responsible for the deaths of at least 500 American soldiers, you're apparently eaten up by a really special kind of stupidity.

Not even CNN and MSNBC is disputing that fact.
If Iran had done what Trump did it would be an act of terrorism. It is no different because the US did it.

Globalism much?
You cannot reply, I get it, and accept your capitulation.
hanks to no-nuts Jimmy Carter the Shah was toppled from power.

Yep, one little bullet while still in Paris and there is no new leader in Tehran. Could have made it look like a mugging or something.

I can see some strategic value in that, but I'd rather see it done in a very showy manner, that leaves no doubt to the surviving Iranians that we were behind it.

Let them know that Carter is no longer President, and has not been for a very long time, neither of the Clinton's are president, and Obama is not President; and, at least for now, as long as Trump is our President, this is what happens to shithole nations like Iran when they f••• with America.

I meant way back in the 70s with the original Ayatollah Khomeini.
Iran could still be an ally had they not let that happen. Though there is a part of me that thinks we let the revolution happen because we were concerned that the Shah was getting too friendly with the USSR.

Could you blame the Shah for looking to the Soviets for help? Carter wasn't about to give him much in the way of military assistance and was putting demands on him that he didn't like..

ANTI-MULLAH: Jimmy Carter's Illegal Demands on Shah
Live Updates: Iran Vows ‘Forceful Revenge’ After U.S. Kills General

How big a splash will Iran's retaliation for the killing of their Qud leader have to be to justify our nation going to war with Iran?

How many dead Americans would you say?

How many will you accept without going to war?

If they just kill...four...Americans, will that not be enough?

Well, he was responsible for at least two hundred dead Americans from attacks he planned so the fact that he was allowed to live by the bush and obummer admins means we waited long enough .

Your hero. the obummer gave them billions and their support for terrorism increased so his plan clearly didn't work.

I say let's see how many of their top guys we can kill.

Also, I believe he was in Iraq, so he was a fair target, no?
Do you have any proof of these acts
I find it amusing how the Trumptards behave so Orwellian.

I find it amusing how the Trumptards behave so Orwellian.

I find it amusing some Americans get their panties in a twist over a drone taking out an asshole that has been behind the murder of 100s of their fellow citizens.
Do you have any proof of what he did?

I just have to say here, if you require proof that the now greasy grimy gopher guts mutilated monkey meat deaded terrorist was responsible for the deaths of at least 500 American soldiers, you're apparently eaten up by a really special kind of stupidity.

Not even CNN and MSNBC is disputing that fact.
If Iran had done what Trump did it would be an act of terrorism. It is no different because the US did it.
Big difference. We killed a murderous terrorists who planned car bombings and assassinations. You see it’s very simple dipshit. We’re the good guys here.
The United States has not been the good guys for decades, jagoff.
Do you have any proof of these acts
Do you have any proof of what he did?

I just have to say here, if you require proof that the now greasy grimy gopher guts mutilated monkey meat deaded terrorist was responsible for the deaths of at least 500 American soldiers, you're apparently eaten up by a really special kind of stupidity.

Not even CNN and MSNBC is disputing that fact.
If Iran had done what Trump did it would be an act of terrorism. It is no different because the US did it.
Big difference. We killed a murderous terrorists who planned car bombings and assassinations. You see it’s very simple dipshit. We’re the good guys here.

Ain't it funny how globalists don't see it that way? They seem to think the world is one big happy family.
They have a child’s view of the world.
Better than your moron view.
Serious question: what should we have done differently? Nothing? A strongly worded letter? More sanctions? What?
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I guarantee last night's attack by the U.S. gave Bush92 the biggest boner he's ever had without a little blue pill.

He is the biggest warmonger on this forum. He's John Bolton x 1,000,000,000.
Dead terrorists make my dick hard, no doubt about it. I will take that as a compliment. I’m not a warmonger, I just believe in peace through superior firepower.

Oh stop it. If a Muslim farted in an elevator you'd call it a gas attack and be ready to nuke their home country.

The U.S. should have built up all the evidence they needed and simply arrested the guy and took him to the Hague and gotten him convicted and given the death penalty, not killed him with a missile attack in a sovereign country.
Why go through all that trouble when you can just eliminate the threat?

...because what they did was an act of war based on international law? They did a missile attack in a sovereign country...

But I guess laws don't matter when it is the U.S. I love my country, but we are supposed to be the leaders with better morals and ethical standards than the scum of the world like the man we just killed.

The missile attack was in response to not only the killing of an American, but the attack on our embassy, which is considered to be a sovereign entity of the United States...

Is an Embassy on Foreign Soil the Sovereign Territory of the Host Country or the Embassy's Country?

Therefore we have every right to use whatever means are necessary to protect and defend it, unless your name is Hillary Clinton, and your embassy happens to be in Benghazi.
Six minutes ago, you Trumptards were whining about "endless wars".

If Trump starts a war, you will change your tune in the Orwellian way about you we have all come to recognize.

I want to see just how much of a hair trigger you tards are on.

Are we at war with Iran? Probably have been for multiple decades in low intensity through proxies.

Now the fuckers want nukes too, and your master was giving it to them. Now, a real president is saying that policy is batshit crazy, and maybe it is time to go high intensity, if only for a short time.

Barack Obama promised them Nukes. Donald Trump is interfering with that. Despite efforts by John Kerry on behalf of Iran, the march to nuclear domination has been hampered by Trump.

The most serious blow America could deliver to Iran would be to bomb the Heinz estate in Martha's Vineyard.Take out Iran's top strategist.
Actually, they dismantled their nuclear program under Obama
Trump is allowing them to restart it

Fucking liar.

Iran has committed an additional breach of its nuclear deal with major powers by enriching uranium with advanced centrifuges, and plans to install more of those advanced machines than previously announced, a UN nuclear watchdog report showed on Thursday.

"On 25 September 2019, the Agency verified that all of the (centrifuge) cascades already installed in R&D lines 2 and 3...were accumulating, or had been prepared to accumulate, enriched uranium," the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said in its report.}

Iran expands uranium enrichment in new breach of nuclear deal | DW | 26.09.2019

Sorry, but Trump took the US out of the Iran nuclear deal back on May 8th, 2018. The report was completed a year AFTER Trump backed out of the deal.

If there is no deal to adhere to, there are no violations if they start refining after the deal was voided. And, while I'm not happy that Iran went back to refining nuclear material, there isn't anything we can do about it if we are not part of the deal anymore. If Trump had stuck with the deal, it would be another 7 or 8 years before they could start refining again. When he backed out and voided it, that is when they decided to start refining again.
Live Updates: Iran Vows ‘Forceful Revenge’ After U.S. Kills General

How big a splash will Iran's retaliation for the killing of their Qud leader have to be to justify our nation going to war with Iran?

How many dead Americans would you say?

How many will you accept without going to war?

If they just kill...four...Americans, will that not be enough?
Iran is not dumb, they will retaliate in phases I think. They will back more now groups like Hizboallah , Hamas, Syria, the Houatis in Yemen. And sabotaging shipments in the Arabian Gulf.

One think is clear, the US is losing momentum to Russia and China around the world with this administration and turning allies to enemies. It wont end well.
Iran has always vigorously supported those groups and we are gaining ground on Russia and China. We have seen conservatives win in Great Britain and hopefully they can sweep NATO states of Europe in upcoming elections so that Europe can get some of its national pride back.
Pseudocons have been wanting to go to war with Iran since the days of Bush.

It's funny how eager pseudocons are for other people to go to war. Chickenhawks. They seemed to believe us warriors were some kind of robots built on a mass assembly line in the basement of the Pentagon. These pukes thought we could fight in Afghanistan and Iraq and Iran all at the same time.

So tell us, Trumptards, what would it take to finally get your wish? Will you enlist?
The Dems would also be complaining if President Trump didn't do anything
Six minutes ago, you Trumptards were whining about "endless wars".

If Trump starts a war, you will change your tune in the Orwellian way about you we have all come to recognize.

I want to see just how much of a hair trigger you tards are on.

Are we at war with Iran? Probably have been for multiple decades in low intensity through proxies.

Now the fuckers want nukes too, and your master was giving it to them. Now, a real president is saying that policy is batshit crazy, and maybe it is time to go high intensity, if only for a short time.

Barack Obama promised them Nukes. Donald Trump is interfering with that. Despite efforts by John Kerry on behalf of Iran, the march to nuclear domination has been hampered by Trump.

The most serious blow America could deliver to Iran would be to bomb the Heinz estate in Martha's Vineyard.Take out Iran's top strategist.
Actually, they dismantled their nuclear program under Obama
Trump is allowing them to restart it

Fucking liar.

Iran has committed an additional breach of its nuclear deal with major powers by enriching uranium with advanced centrifuges, and plans to install more of those advanced machines than previously announced, a UN nuclear watchdog report showed on Thursday.

"On 25 September 2019, the Agency verified that all of the (centrifuge) cascades already installed in R&D lines 2 and 3...were accumulating, or had been prepared to accumulate, enriched uranium," the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said in its report.}

Iran expands uranium enrichment in new breach of nuclear deal | DW | 26.09.2019

Sorry, but Trump took the US out of the Iran nuclear deal back on May 8th, 2018. The report was completed a year AFTER Trump backed out of the deal.

If there is no deal to adhere to, there are no violations if they start refining after the deal was voided. And, while I'm not happy that Iran went back to refining nuclear material, there isn't anything we can do about it if we are not part of the deal anymore. If Trump had stuck with the deal, it would be another 7 or 8 years before they could start refining again. When he backed out and voided it, that is when they decided to start refining again.
Iran deal was a disaster, disgrace and a joke. Obama and Kerry looked like Chamberlain coming home from Munich in 1938.
Nope. Carter had his “human rights agenda” so he let the Shah fall and let Marxist take Nicaragua too.

Perhaps, but I think it
hanks to no-nuts Jimmy Carter the Shah was toppled from power.

Yep, one little bullet while still in Paris and there is no new leader in Tehran. Could have made it look like a mugging or something.

I can see some strategic value in that, but I'd rather see it done in a very showy manner, that leaves no doubt to the surviving Iranians that we were behind it.

Let them know that Carter is no longer President, and has not been for a very long time, neither of the Clinton's are president, and Obama is not President; and, at least for now, as long as Trump is our President, this is what happens to shithole nations like Iran when they f••• with America.

I meant way back in the 70s with the original Ayatollah Khomeini.
Iran could still be an ally had they not let that happen. Though there is a part of me that thinks we let the revolution happen because we were concerned that the Shah was getting too friendly with the USSR.

Could you blame the Shah for looking to the Soviets for help? Carter wasn't about to give him much in the way of military assistance and was putting demands on him that he didn't like..

ANTI-MULLAH: Jimmy Carter's Illegal Demands on Shah

Not at all. In reality it was a much more common sense alliance based upon location.

I have read a few papers on it over the years that postulate the CIA let Khomeini do his thing thinking the Shah would be able to control it but would knock him down a few pegs.

Can't say it is true but it does have a ring of truth.
Well, he was responsible for at least two hundred dead Americans from attacks he planned so the fact that he was allowed to live by the bush and obummer admins means we waited long enough .

Your hero. the obummer gave them billions and their support for terrorism increased so his plan clearly didn't work.

I say let's see how many of their top guys we can kill.

Also, I believe he was in Iraq, so he was a fair target, no?
Do you have any proof of these acts
I find it amusing some Americans get their panties in a twist over a drone taking out an asshole that has been behind the murder of 100s of their fellow citizens.
Do you have any proof of what he did?

I just have to say here, if you require proof that the now greasy grimy gopher guts mutilated monkey meat deaded terrorist was responsible for the deaths of at least 500 American soldiers, you're apparently eaten up by a really special kind of stupidity.

Not even CNN and MSNBC is disputing that fact.
If Iran had done what Trump did it would be an act of terrorism. It is no different because the US did it.

Globalism much?
You cannot reply, I get it, and accept your capitulation.

Please don't expect me to reply to a Tide Pod and Crayola-eating inbred like yourself. There are so many responses in this thread that I can't address all of them.
I guarantee last night's attack by the U.S. gave Bush92 the biggest boner he's ever had without a little blue pill.

He is the biggest warmonger on this forum. He's John Bolton x 1,000,000,000.
Dead terrorists make my dick hard, no doubt about it. I will take that as a compliment. I’m not a warmonger, I just believe in peace through superior firepower.

Oh stop it. If a Muslim farted in an elevator you'd call it a gas attack and be ready to nuke their home country.

The U.S. should have built up all the evidence they needed and simply arrested the guy and took him to the Hague and gotten him convicted and given the death penalty, not killed him with a missile attack in a sovereign country.
Why go through all that trouble when you can just eliminate the threat?

...because what they did was an act of war based on international law? They did a missile attack in a sovereign country...

But I guess laws don't matter when it is the U.S. I love my country, but we are supposed to be the leaders with better morals and ethical standards than the scum of the world like the man we just killed.

The missile attack was in response to not only the killing of an American, but the attack on our embassy, which is considered to be a sovereign entity of the United States...

Is an Embassy on Foreign Soil the Sovereign Territory of the Host Country or the Embassy's Country?

Therefore we have every right to use whatever means are necessary to protect and defend it, unless your name is Hillary Clinton, and your embassy happens to be in Benghazi.
Iran wanted some attention...Trump kept his pimp hand strong and gave it to the bitches. :21:
Nope. Carter had his “human rights agenda” so he let the Shah fall and let Marxist take Nicaragua too.

Perhaps, but I think it
hanks to no-nuts Jimmy Carter the Shah was toppled from power.

Yep, one little bullet while still in Paris and there is no new leader in Tehran. Could have made it look like a mugging or something.

I can see some strategic value in that, but I'd rather see it done in a very showy manner, that leaves no doubt to the surviving Iranians that we were behind it.

Let them know that Carter is no longer President, and has not been for a very long time, neither of the Clinton's are president, and Obama is not President; and, at least for now, as long as Trump is our President, this is what happens to shithole nations like Iran when they f••• with America.

I meant way back in the 70s with the original Ayatollah Khomeini.
Iran could still be an ally had they not let that happen. Though there is a part of me that thinks we let the revolution happen because we were concerned that the Shah was getting too friendly with the USSR.

Could you blame the Shah for looking to the Soviets for help? Carter wasn't about to give him much in the way of military assistance and was putting demands on him that he didn't like..

ANTI-MULLAH: Jimmy Carter's Illegal Demands on Shah

Not at all. In reality it was a much more common sense alliance based upon location.

I have read a few papers on it over the years that postulate the CIA let Khomeini do his thing thinking the Shah would be able to control it but would knock him down a few pegs.

Can't say it is true but it does have a ring of truth.

You know that the Shah had to be shitting bricks. He was watching his beautiful westernized society devolve into an archaic medieval radical fundamentalist Islamic caliphate. He was probably willing to accept any help he could get but Jimmy let him down, offering only abdication as the remedy.

That's why we conservatives view Carter as the father of radical Islam. He could have stopped it then and there, if he'd had the brass balls Trump has.
Well, he was responsible for at least two hundred dead Americans from attacks he planned so the fact that he was allowed to live by the bush and obummer admins means we waited long enough .

Your hero. the obummer gave them billions and their support for terrorism increased so his plan clearly didn't work.

I say let's see how many of their top guys we can kill.

Also, I believe he was in Iraq, so he was a fair target, no?
Do you have any proof of these acts
I find it amusing some Americans get their panties in a twist over a drone taking out an asshole that has been behind the murder of 100s of their fellow citizens.
Do you have any proof of what he did?

I just have to say here, if you require proof that the now greasy grimy gopher guts mutilated monkey meat deaded terrorist was responsible for the deaths of at least 500 American soldiers, you're apparently eaten up by a really special kind of stupidity.

Not even CNN and MSNBC is disputing that fact.
If Iran had done what Trump did it would be an act of terrorism. It is no different because the US did it.
Big difference. We killed a murderous terrorists who planned car bombings and assassinations. You see it’s very simple dipshit. We’re the good guys here.
The United States has not been the good guys for decades, jagoff.
In the world there is “good” and there is “evil.” But then there is the Democratic Republic of the United States of America. Siding with team USA is always good.
I just have to say here, if you require proof that the now greasy grimy gopher guts mutilated monkey meat deaded terrorist was responsible for the deaths of at least 500 American soldiers, you're apparently eaten up by a really special kind of stupidity.

Not even CNN and MSNBC is disputing that fact.
If Iran had done what Trump did it would be an act of terrorism. It is no different because the US did it.
Big difference. We killed a murderous terrorists who planned car bombings and assassinations. You see it’s very simple dipshit. We’re the good guys here.

Ain't it funny how globalists don't see it that way? They seem to think the world is one big happy family.
They have a child’s view of the world.
Better than your moron view.
That was a childish comment.

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