What right does he have to demand I lose my rights?


I'll call bullshit here. You are claiming you can tell who is crazy and who is not? Bullshit. Yeah, seeing the guy on the sidewalk muttering to himself is easy. But you maintain that Rodgers was acting batshit crazy. But unless you have some evidence of that, you are simply lying again.

Um, his parents thought he was nuts. his ex-roommate thought he was nuts. which people who dealt with him on a daily basis thought he was nuts.

Watch the fucking video. Does this guy look like he could blend in anywhere?
Yup. SO those Unions were engaging in a legal form of labor protest.

What's your complaint again?

That they tried to intimidate a woman by threats of violence and by threatening her children. I also find it disgusting that this is legal in PA. But I mainly find it amusing that violence against that woman and her children is fine with you, but gun violence by an insane man causes you to demand that everyone who had contact with him lose their jobs.

Oh, and I am also amused that the threats by the union thugs were not successful. The company involved kept the same ratio of union and nonunion jobs.

Um, yeah, I just cant get upset with. "Mommy, why'd he call you a 'scab'?" being up there with slaughtering six people because you can't get laid.

Point was, the gun shop was supposed to make sure they didn't sell to crazy people.

The cops were supposed to make sure that he didn't do anything crazy.

The Shrink was supposed to warn someone if he thought hte guy was a danger to himself or others.

No, but union thugs hurting or kidnapping her children puts it up there.

And the gun shop was not supposed to make sure they didn't sell to crazy people. That requirement is not listed in one single place as what a gun dealer is expected to do. What they ARE required to do is to make sure their name is not in the federal database in NICS. The gun shop did that. It is not the gun dealers job to make assessments on the mental stability of customers. And your claims that the gun dealer should have known are nothing but bullshit.

I'll call bullshit here. You are claiming you can tell who is crazy and who is not? Bullshit. Yeah, seeing the guy on the sidewalk muttering to himself is easy. But you maintain that Rodgers was acting batshit crazy. But unless you have some evidence of that, you are simply lying again.

Um, his parents thought he was nuts. his ex-roommate thought he was nuts. which people who dealt with him on a daily basis thought he was nuts.

Watch the fucking video. Does this guy look like he could blend in anywhere?

Yeah, the people he dealt with in a daily basis knew him. The gun store clerk was a total stranger.

This idea that the gun dealer should have known is just like your claim that he was acting batshit crazy in the store, just another lie.

That you cannot even have a discussion online without lying and making shit up speaks volumes about your integrity.
Relax drama queen. He just lost his kid. Give him a break.

No, he needs to give himself a break. He lost his kid, now he's stirring the pot. I feel no need to pity someone who would bring that on himself.
You feel no pity at all, we are well aware of that.

You are an arrogant jerk, and we are well aware of that.

Notice how your post and mine, have the same level of validity?

It is entirely possible to have sympathy for someone, without just acquiescing to their stupidity.

In fact a parent should know that more than anyone. You kid chooses to do something stupid, and ends up hurt. You can care, and have pity for their pain, while still denying their claim they did nothing wrong.

What that man went through was terrible. Absolutely terrible. That doesn't mean he isn't being an idiot, trying to tell others they shouldn't have a right to defend themselves.

And honestly, if that dudes roommates had been armed, that scummy kid wouldn't have been able to get out of the apartment.

No, but union thugs hurting or kidnapping her children puts it up there.

The Union guys neither hurt nor kidnapped her children. In fact, the whole complaint was that they "Took pictures" of them when they were following her around.

And the gun shop was not supposed to make sure they didn't sell to crazy people. That requirement is not listed in one single place as what a gun dealer is expected to do. What they ARE required to do is to make sure their name is not in the federal database in NICS. The gun shop did that. It is not the gun dealers job to make assessments on the mental stability of customers. And your claims that the gun dealer should have known are nothing but bullshit.

Here's the problem with that, guy. I think the thing is, you are making a distinction between "legal" and "moral". Legally did they break the law? Meh. Maybe not. The NRA has lobbied hard to get guns in the hands as many people and water down the gun laws for years.

For instance, after the DC Snipers killed a bunch of people, they sued the gun shop that sold to these guys. One was a minor and one was a felon. They victims successfully sued both the gun shop AND the gun manufacturer.

Well, the NRA was going to totally put a stop to that shit. They immediately went to congress and got a law passed to protect gun sellers/manufacturers from civil liability.

I'll call bullshit here. You are claiming you can tell who is crazy and who is not? Bullshit. Yeah, seeing the guy on the sidewalk muttering to himself is easy. But you maintain that Rodgers was acting batshit crazy. But unless you have some evidence of that, you are simply lying again.

Um, his parents thought he was nuts. his ex-roommate thought he was nuts. which people who dealt with him on a daily basis thought he was nuts.

Watch the fucking video. Does this guy look like he could blend in anywhere?

Yeah, the people he dealt with in a daily basis knew him. The gun store clerk was a total stranger.

This idea that the gun dealer should have known is just like your claim that he was acting batshit crazy in the store, just another lie.

That you cannot even have a discussion online without lying and making shit up speaks volumes about your integrity.

Guy, again. Crazy people don't hide their crazy.

The gun industry WANTS crazy people to have guns. They want criminals to have guns. They want everyone to be really scared so they want guns, too.
Um, his parents thought he was nuts. his ex-roommate thought he was nuts. which people who dealt with him on a daily basis thought he was nuts.

Watch the fucking video. Does this guy look like he could blend in anywhere?

Yeah, the people he dealt with in a daily basis knew him. The gun store clerk was a total stranger.

This idea that the gun dealer should have known is just like your claim that he was acting batshit crazy in the store, just another lie.

That you cannot even have a discussion online without lying and making shit up speaks volumes about your integrity.

Guy, again. Crazy people don't hide their crazy.

The gun industry WANTS crazy people to have guns. They want criminals to have guns. They want everyone to be really scared so they want guns, too.

Guy, again, where do you get your ignorance about the mentally ill?? Crazy people hide their crazy all the time.
Here's the thing.

After Oklahoma City, they started regulating and tracking who was purchasing Nitrate Fertilizers for suspicious large purchases. (YOu know, from people who aren't actually FARMERS).

After 9/11, they did a whole bunch of things to increase airline security. Full body scans, taking off your shoes, establishing the TSA and putting Air Marshals on the planes.

And since then, guess what. No one has blow up a building with a fertilizer bomb or flown a plane into a building since then.

"Well, Golly, Sarge! How is that!"

But we have mass shootings, and when someone suggests reasonable restrictions on who can have a gun, and the NRA is out there talking about "Second Amendment" and "Founding Fathers" and "Watering the Tree of Liberty with the Blood of Tyrants".

How many fertilizer bombs were set off before McVeigh blew the building up?

How many planes had been flown into buildings before 9/11?

Did the regulations change things, or were they rare enough that we just haven't seen them again?

Uh, yeah, I'd say the regulations did change things.

But here's the point. It didn't take hundreds of these incidents to change how we did business. Once or twice was more than adequate.

Not with guns, though.

But here's the difference, the Airlines and Fertilizer companies don't want their products to be used for mayhem.

The Gun companies want the mayhem to increase sales.

yep, all those changes to the way we do business really stopped the boston marathon bomber
Um, his parents thought he was nuts. his ex-roommate thought he was nuts. which people who dealt with him on a daily basis thought he was nuts.

Watch the fucking video. Does this guy look like he could blend in anywhere?

Yeah, the people he dealt with in a daily basis knew him. The gun store clerk was a total stranger.

This idea that the gun dealer should have known is just like your claim that he was acting batshit crazy in the store, just another lie.

That you cannot even have a discussion online without lying and making shit up speaks volumes about your integrity.

Guy, again. Crazy people don't hide their crazy.

The gun industry WANTS crazy people to have guns. They want criminals to have guns. They want everyone to be really scared so they want guns, too.

please dude, they give crazy people like you a computer, keyboard and internet access to let you excercise your right to free speech. if we start impacting peoples rights based on crazy, you'd be silenced. no one gives a rats ass about your off the wall personal perspectives. it sure isn't going to effect legislation
If as you claim regular Americans are fed up with the 2nd Amendment then you should have no trouble getting a new amendment passed restricting the 2nd. I mean all it takes is an amendment and 37 States. If you have the votes do it. More laws are pointless. California has very strict laws and it did not stop this guy.

Gonna admit again that you think no one except the military and the cops should have firearms?

Again, we don't have to "change" the constitution.

We have to change the judiciary to something sane.

And, yeah, personally, I see no good reason why any civilian should own a firearm. But I'm willing to be reasonable.

I'm completely for gun ownership as long as we have a national registry, strict licensing, mandetory liability insurance and accountability for gun sellers.

Which is what Germany has and they have very few gun murders.

how many gun murders did they have before it?
Then you FIRE THEM. You make a big deal about firing them. You let it be known they didn't do their jobs and six people died. YOu blacklist them so they never, ever work in law enforcement again.

Then the next guy will check the fuckin' registry.

Then you go after the gun store. YOu take away his license to deal guns and you confiscate all his inventory and you throw a padlock in the front of his store.

Then the next guy will do an accurate background check. He might even notice this guy is acting a little screwy when he's in the store.

So the gun store does the standard NICS background check, gets the OK to sell the gun, and you want to take away his license and steal his inventory?? You are the lunatic in this scenario. The gun dealer did it right. And how the guy acts is not part of the system, here. You have to have actual reasons to deny the sale.

Uh, no, the gun owner didn't "do it right'. He sold three guns to a guy who went on to kill six people.

You make a total fucking example out of this guy, the rest of them will get the message.

but he did pass the background checks you claim you want nationally to solve all our problems. 3 times no less.

His guns were registered, which you also claim will solve our problems

He had a license for all 3 guns, which you also claim will solve all our problems.

and guess what, he was held accountable for his actions.

Sounds like this guy single handedlly shot holes in all of your recommendations.

And thsi is why we don't take you gun grabbing lunatics seriously
Tearful plea from victim's dad in deadly rampage

Unbelievable he would deny over 100 million their rights because of one person. And the left will eat it up. How about the 3 he stabbed to death? Shouldn't we ban knives too?


You are despicable for kicking a dead horse…

and seemingly dense as the article has no "quote" in which the father advocated for anything specific.

Tearful plea from victim's dad in deadly rampage

Unbelievable he would deny over 100 million their rights because of one person. And the left will eat it up. How about the 3 he stabbed to death? Shouldn't we ban knives too?


You are despicable for kicking a dead horse…

and seemingly dense as the article has no "quote" in which the father advocated for anything specific.


You have to give him credit for his accurate prediction though...
An answer you don't like is still an answer, guy.

Saying "everyone knew he was nuts" is not an answer to the question I asked now is it?

So Tell me, Sheep, How aside from mandatory psych evals and the subpoenaing of private records do you propose so called crazy people be stopped from legally buying weapons?

Perhaps we should have a registry of people who take psychotropic drugs and prevent them from wandering around amongst us.

Are psychotropic drugs actually linked to mass shootings? | CCHR International

"Instances of mass violence and mass shootings occur undoubtedly too often. When shootings such as those in Sandy Hook, Columbine, Aurora, and Virginia Tech happen, the blame often falls on gun ownership, violent media, or violent video games.

I believe, as a whole, people are overlooking a variable that could very well be at the root of this problem — psychotropic drugs."
Food for thought -

one of the current arguments going on is whether the framers intended the civilian population to be as well armed as the government/military and strong enought to challenge them.

Just remember these framers won our independence by challenging a tyranical government that was not properly representing the people but where representing special interests. kind of makes sense their legislation would pave the way for future generations to be able to do the same thing.
An answer you don't like is still an answer, guy.

Saying "everyone knew he was nuts" is not an answer to the question I asked now is it?

So Tell me, Sheep, How aside from mandatory psych evals and the subpoenaing of private records do you propose so called crazy people be stopped from legally buying weapons?

Perhaps we should have a registry of people who take psychotropic drugs and prevent them from wandering around amongst us.

Are psychotropic drugs actually linked to mass shootings? | CCHR International

"Instances of mass violence and mass shootings occur undoubtedly too often. When shootings such as those in Sandy Hook, Columbine, Aurora, and Virginia Tech happen, the blame often falls on gun ownership, violent media, or violent video games.

I believe, as a whole, people are overlooking a variable that could very well be at the root of this problem — psychotropic drugs."

We should also revoke the driver's licenses of everyone who has been in an alcohol or drug treatment program because they are more likely to cause auto fatalities.
Tearful plea from victim's dad in deadly rampage

Unbelievable he would deny over 100 million their rights because of one person. And the left will eat it up. How about the 3 he stabbed to death? Shouldn't we ban knives too?


Yes, ban guns, ban knives, and ban anything that could possibly be used as a weapon.

And before you conservatards flip out and post some stupid comment like, "durrr how culd we inforce dat ur dum lol", Australia already has exactly this policy in place. Hammers are considered tightly-regulated weapons of mass destruction there because they, too, can be used as weapons.

It's time for America to step into the 21st Century and outlaw all weapons, as well as anything else that kills people.

right---ban cars.

Better idea -- all handguns and assault weapons registered with the state or feds.

All guns have a pink slip and transfer of ownership must be recorded or gun is confiscated and destroyed.

you have one year to comply -- after that, all non-registered guns are a federal crime.
Here's the thing.

After Oklahoma City, they started regulating and tracking who was purchasing Nitrate Fertilizers for suspicious large purchases. (YOu know, from people who aren't actually FARMERS).

After 9/11, they did a whole bunch of things to increase airline security. Full body scans, taking off your shoes, establishing the TSA and putting Air Marshals on the planes.

And since then, guess what. No one has blow up a building with a fertilizer bomb or flown a plane into a building since then.

"Well, Golly, Sarge! How is that!"

But we have mass shootings, and when someone suggests reasonable restrictions on who can have a gun, and the NRA is out there talking about "Second Amendment" and "Founding Fathers" and "Watering the Tree of Liberty with the Blood of Tyrants".

How many fertilizer bombs were set off before McVeigh blew the building up?

How many planes had been flown into buildings before 9/11?

Did the regulations change things, or were they rare enough that we just haven't seen them again?

Uh, yeah, I'd say the regulations did change things.

But here's the point. It didn't take hundreds of these incidents to change how we did business. Once or twice was more than adequate.

Not with guns, though.

But here's the difference, the Airlines and Fertilizer companies don't want their products to be used for mayhem.

The Gun companies want the mayhem to increase sales.

I'm confused. Are you suggesting that there is any regulation in place that can prevent me from driving to multiple locations, and picking up 300 lbs worth of fertilizer, paying in cash, and making a bomb out of it?

I am not aware of anything that would stop me from doing this.
Food for thought -

one of the current arguments going on is whether the framers intended the civilian population to be as well armed as the government/military and strong enought to challenge them.

Just remember these framers won our independence by challenging a tyranical government that was not properly representing the people but where representing special interests. kind of makes sense their legislation would pave the way for future generations to be able to do the same thing.

Um, no, that's retarded.

The Framers won our independence because they were a bunch of slave-raping assholes who didn't want to pay for a war they started.

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