What right does he have to demand I lose my rights?

Gun fetishists are far too reactionary to someone even saying they dislike guns, much less banning them or even suggesting something, anything sholud be done. Every time something like this happens the gun worshipers, knowing full well the door has been slammed on any kind of real gun control, close ranks and cry that people are out to grab their precious guns. I am all for responsible gun ownership but that kind of reactionary, pitiless response to tragedy makes me less than proud that I mostly share the prevailing opinion on gun ownership with the assholes that seeing horror in our streets reflexively think "my guns are in danger". What an embarrassment you people are.

So gun owners should just relax and bask in the knowledge that their rights will never be infringed upon ? Sorta like we can relax---our govt would never spy on us ?

Yes you should and quit living in fear while you are at it. I thought guns were supposed to make people feel secure but instead politically motivated gun owners are the biggest, most fearful pussies in the world.

They are fearful paranoid loons who see danger lurking in the shadows and around every corner just ready to spring out at them
Tearful plea from victim's dad in deadly rampage

Unbelievable he would deny over 100 million their rights because of one person. And the left will eat it up. How about the 3 he stabbed to death? Shouldn't we ban knives too?


Lose your son, and let's see how you react.

He's grieving, for heaven's sake.

Let's hear what he has to say when he becomes rational.

I would blame the government, and you would call me crazy.
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Do you lack the imagination to even conceive of a solution to gun violence that does not include pouring more guns onto the streets? The way I see it, stopping gun violence without understanding that guns are part and parcel of the problem is like trying to put out fires with gasoline.

Using your logic, then you are limiting the number of cars on the road in order to reduce fatal car accidents.

You are also for limiting the amount of alcohol made in order to limit the number of deaths that are alcohol related.

You are also for limiting the number baseball bats, hammers, knives, and other instruments that are used in order to kill people.

You are also for limiting the number of abortions because we all know that every abortion results in the death of an unborn child.
If you want to compare guns to cars, realize that you have to be licensed and insured to drive a car. Would you prefer to be licensed and insured to own a gun? Has anyone every carried a concealed Buick into a liquor store?

The car/gun conflation is just silly.

The same goes for your weird stretch with booze.

Ditto for the other tools you mentioned because guns were designed to kill and to kill almost exclusively.

As for abortion, why drag that issue into a gun debate unless you have little or no faith in your argument?
uh-huh...and give CRIMINALS Carte Blanche.:cuckoo:


How would that possibly give criminals carte blanche if the tools they use in committing their crimes are outlawed?

Do you even think before you post? Honestly.
Let Me ask you something. The drug problem has never been won, and no matter how hard or how many resources have been thrown at it, drugs are as available now as they were then.

1. You don't "win" a problem, you solve it.

2. The drug problem is in the process of being solved. The best solution thus far: Legalize them. It's working very well in places like Washington state, Canada, etc.

What makes you think that you, or anyone, can eliminate guns? IT is pure fantasy.

Check your reading comprehension, conservatard: Not just guns, but ALL weapons, and anything vaguely weapon-like enough to potentially be used as one. One of the major failings in the War on Drugs was not outlawing anything that could potentially become an illegal drug substitute. The War on Weapons won't make that mistake. That's why we'll win.
Do you lack the imagination to even conceive of a solution to gun violence that does not include pouring more guns onto the streets? The way I see it, stopping gun violence without understanding that guns are part and parcel of the problem is like trying to put out fires with gasoline.

Using your logic, then you are limiting the number of cars on the road in order to reduce fatal car accidents.

You are also for limiting the amount of alcohol made in order to limit the number of deaths that are alcohol related.

You are also for limiting the number baseball bats, hammers, knives, and other instruments that are used in order to kill people.

You are also for limiting the number of abortions because we all know that every abortion results in the death of an unborn child.
If you want to compare guns to cars, realize that you have to be licensed and insured to drive a car. Would you prefer to be licensed and insured to own a gun? Has anyone every carried a concealed Buick into a liquor store?

The car/gun conflation is just silly.

The same goes for your weird stretch with booze.

Ditto for the other tools you mentioned because guns were designed to kill and to kill almost exclusively.

As for abortion, why drag that issue into a gun debate unless you have little or no faith in your argument?

And guns were designed for one thing an one thing only, to kill or maim
How would that possibly give criminals carte blanche if the tools they use in committing their crimes are outlawed?

Do you even think before you post? Honestly.
Let Me ask you something. The drug problem has never been won, and no matter how hard or how many resources have been thrown at it, drugs are as available now as they were then.

What makes you think that you, or anyone, can eliminate guns? IT is pure fantasy.
Let's spin the dial of the not-so-wayback machine and look at prohibition? The 18th Amendment...and the result?

These people will NEVER learn.

Prohibition was never enforced strictly enough--and a good thing too, because binge drinking is quite possibly the best recreational activity to partake in.

The reason Prohibition ultimately failed was because--as I mentioned in my previous post responding to another user--they didn't ban everything that could potentially be used as a component in brewing or smuggling alcohol, hence the rise of moonshine and bootlegging. The War on Weapons will ban anything and everything that is a weapon, could become a weapon, or could conceivably be used in the development of a weapon, as well as outlawing any space discrete enough to conceal an illegal weapon, unfinished weapon, or weapon component.

Don't forget, Wrongpublican, it was your fellow religious extremist conservatards that brought about Prohibition, not liberals. Blaming us for your failures doesn't diminish our pristine track record of success.
If you allow yourself to be publicly exploited you get no slack.

If you haven't been there, you have no idea.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

I have not lost one of my children.

Even if I had, I would not allow the event to serve a political cause. Especially a political cause that serves to create more tragedies by disarming good people.

Therefore sympathy from me = 0

I'm saying you don't know until you have been there. Allow him his grief, a reporter sticks a mic in your face, you are grieving...then you go off. He may very we'll believe it with all his heart, however he can say his peace.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
Do you lack the imagination to even conceive of a solution to gun violence that does not include pouring more guns onto the streets? The way I see it, stopping gun violence without understanding that guns are part and parcel of the problem is like trying to put out fires with gasoline.

Using your logic, then you are limiting the number of cars on the road in order to reduce fatal car accidents.

You are also for limiting the amount of alcohol made in order to limit the number of deaths that are alcohol related.

You are also for limiting the number baseball bats, hammers, knives, and other instruments that are used in order to kill people.

You are also for limiting the number of abortions because we all know that every abortion results in the death of an unborn child.
If you want to compare guns to cars, realize that you have to be licensed and insured to drive a car. Would you prefer to be licensed and insured to own a gun? Has anyone every carried a concealed Buick into a liquor store?

The car/gun conflation is just silly.

The same goes for your weird stretch with booze.

Ditto for the other tools you mentioned because guns were designed to kill and to kill almost exclusively.

As for abortion, why drag that issue into a gun debate unless you have little or no faith in your argument?

If we are comparing guns to cars, anyone can buy a car without a background check. Even people who have been convicted of multiple DWIs can buy, and drive, a car. As for the insurance thing, all that is required is a minimum amount to cover damage to toher people from an accident that you cause. It usually isn't enough to cover their medical expenses, or even get them a new car.

But, please, keep telling us how much easier it is to get a gun than a car, it makes me laugh.
So gun owners should just relax and bask in the knowledge that their rights will never be infringed upon ? Sorta like we can relax---our govt would never spy on us ?

Yes you should and quit living in fear while you are at it. I thought guns were supposed to make people feel secure but instead politically motivated gun owners are the biggest, most fearful pussies in the world.

They are fearful paranoid loons who see danger lurking in the shadows and around every corner just ready to spring out at them

IF we'd do more to care for the mentally ill and stop trying to ignore them, we could clean up the streets, give them better lives and stop all the murders. The guy killed 50% of his victims with a knife. Gun laws aren't the answer, not matter what the weak minded, slandering totalitarians want us to believe.
Let Me ask you something. The drug problem has never been won, and no matter how hard or how many resources have been thrown at it, drugs are as available now as they were then.

What makes you think that you, or anyone, can eliminate guns? IT is pure fantasy.
Let's spin the dial of the not-so-wayback machine and look at prohibition? The 18th Amendment...and the result?

These people will NEVER learn.

Prohibition was never enforced strictly enough--and a good thing too, because binge drinking is quite possibly the best recreational activity to partake in.

The reason Prohibition ultimately failed was because--as I mentioned in my previous post responding to another user--they didn't ban everything that could potentially be used as a component in brewing or smuggling alcohol, hence the rise of moonshine and bootlegging. The War on Weapons will ban anything and everything that is a weapon, could become a weapon, or could conceivably be used in the development of a weapon, as well as outlawing any space discrete enough to conceal an illegal weapon, unfinished weapon, or weapon component.

Don't forget, Wrongpublican, it was your fellow religious extremist conservatards that brought about Prohibition, not liberals. Blaming us for your failures doesn't diminish our pristine track record of success.

In other words, if they had just banned yeast, corn, barley, plumbing supplies, fire, knowledge, the ability to think, and elephants, prohibition would have been a complete success.
How would that possibly give criminals carte blanche if the tools they use in committing their crimes are outlawed?

Do you even think before you post? Honestly.

Criminals follow LAWS now real well, don't they?



Have you really not thought this out?

They'll have no choice BUT to follow the laws, as all the law-abiding citizyns will snatch up every weapon in the country and give them to the government, which will dispose of them properly. If they have no weapons laying around to enable their criminal behavior, they will go back to being good, productive citizyns that don't beat womyn and check their white privilege daily.

That's worked out well with marijuana, hasn't it? With heroin? With cocaine? With meth?

You are the one that hasn't thought it out.
Tearful plea from victim's dad in deadly rampage

Unbelievable he would deny over 100 million their rights because of one person. And the left will eat it up. How about the 3 he stabbed to death? Shouldn't we ban knives too?


Oh, poor baby. Your right to own, possess and have in your custody and control a gun was questioned by someone whose son was murdered, and you're pissed off. Well fuck you, you stupid inconsiderate asshole.
Gun fetishists are far too reactionary to someone even saying they dislike guns, much less banning them or even suggesting something, anything sholud be done. Every time something like this happens the gun worshipers, knowing full well the door has been slammed on any kind of real gun control, close ranks and cry that people are out to grab their precious guns. I am all for responsible gun ownership but that kind of reactionary, pitiless response to tragedy makes me less than proud that I mostly share the prevailing opinion on gun ownership with the assholes that seeing horror in our streets reflexively think "my guns are in danger". What an embarrassment you people are.

I know. No sympathy for the dead but "They took my guns!!" is the first thing out of their mouth. Like those people deserved to die. I mean for fvck sakes they bitch so much about protecting the second amendment and don't give a shit about other people's rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness that was taken away from those 6 individuals.
Tearful plea from victim's dad in deadly rampage

Unbelievable he would deny over 100 million their rights because of one person. And the left will eat it up. How about the 3 he stabbed to death? Shouldn't we ban knives too?


Yes, ban guns, ban knives, and ban anything that could possibly be used as a weapon.

And before you conservatards flip out and post some stupid comment like, "durrr how culd we inforce dat ur dum lol", Australia already has exactly this policy in place. Hammers are considered tightly-regulated weapons of mass destruction there because they, too, can be used as weapons.

It's time for America to step into the 21st Century and outlaw all weapons, as well as anything else that kills people.

Are you aware of how many women who are raped and murdered are usually strangled to death? They are choked to death with the perps hands, belt, bed sheets or a multitude of other common household items.
No I'm not, why don't you give me a specific number and cite a credible source for it?

Hammers are no more dangerous than baseball bats or heavy vases. What should the liberals do? Come through our homes and impose limits on what we can use for décor?

Yes. If baseball bats and vases are in the same league of dangerousness as hammers, then of course.

Just how far do you go to regulate things?

As far as it takes.

Should we ban staircases since people can get pushed down them? Should we ban all tools? Screwdrivers are used to stab people. What about steak knives? Or will meat be banned to eliminate the need for some cutlery?

In order: I don't see why not, yes, definitely, and of course. Meat is the epitome of male piggishness and should've been banned eons ago.

Virtually anything is a weapon with a dangerous person. It's just not reasonable to tell the rest of us we cannot have common items we need around the house or even guns in the event of a home invasion.

It's perfectly reasonable. You may think you need a particular item, but really, you don't; there are plenty of substitutes out there. Name me some of the items we need to ban in the War on Weapons and I'll give you some alternatives. Do you really think that guns are the ONLY way to defend yourself during a home invasion? Protip: You have to have a lot of money to buy a gun, so if you have one, you're probably bourgeois scum that needs to check their privilege. Phones, on the other hand, are very cheap, and you can use them to call the police, whose job it is to stop home invasions. Don't try to be a hero; vigilantism is just as much a threat to your loved ones and property as the criminals themselves are.

Criminals continue to pose a threat and the left would have us ban anything that would stop them.

Only because it's necessary for your safety. If you'd just fall back in line like a good, law-abiding citizen, there wouldn't be any conflict and we could completely eliminate all violent crime.
Let Me ask you something. The drug problem has never been won, and no matter how hard or how many resources have been thrown at it, drugs are as available now as they were then.

What makes you think that you, or anyone, can eliminate guns? IT is pure fantasy.
Let's spin the dial of the not-so-wayback machine and look at prohibition? The 18th Amendment...and the result?

These people will NEVER learn.

Prohibition was never enforced strictly enough--and a good thing too, because binge drinking is quite possibly the best recreational activity to partake in.

The reason Prohibition ultimately failed was because--as I mentioned in my previous post responding to another user--they didn't ban everything that could potentially be used as a component in brewing or smuggling alcohol, hence the rise of moonshine and bootlegging. The War on Weapons will ban anything and everything that is a weapon, could become a weapon, or could conceivably be used in the development of a weapon, as well as outlawing any space discrete enough to conceal an illegal weapon, unfinished weapon, or weapon component.

Don't forget, Wrongpublican, it was your fellow religious extremist conservatards that brought about Prohibition, not liberals. Blaming us for your failures doesn't diminish our pristine track record of success.
History DENIER. They couldn't keep up with it.

Spare us? YOU are for a totalitarian Government...Dictatorship.

NOT going to happen HERE...get it?

Stop with the bullshit. Brevity is the soul of wit. YOU aren't there and NEVER will be in the common sense department.:eusa_hand:
Tearful plea from victim's dad in deadly rampage

Unbelievable he would deny over 100 million their rights because of one person. And the left will eat it up. How about the 3 he stabbed to death? Shouldn't we ban knives too?


Yes, ban guns, ban knives, and ban anything that could possibly be used as a weapon.

And before you conservatards flip out and post some stupid comment like, "durrr how culd we inforce dat ur dum lol", Australia already has exactly this policy in place. Hammers are considered tightly-regulated weapons of mass destruction there because they, too, can be used as weapons.

It's time for America to step into the 21st Century and outlaw all weapons, as well as anything else that kills people.

Are you aware of how many women who are raped and murdered are usually strangled to death? They are choked to death with the perps hands, belt, bed sheets or a multitude of other common household items.

Hammers are no more dangerous than baseball bats or heavy vases. What should the liberals do? Come through our homes and impose limits on what we can use for décor? Just how far do you go to regulate things? Should we ban staircases since people can get pushed down them? Should we ban all tools? Screwdrivers are used to stab people. What about steak knives? Or will meat be banned to eliminate the need for some cutlery?

Virtually anything is a weapon with a dangerous person. It's just not reasonable to tell the rest of us we cannot have common items we need around the house or even guns in the event of a home invasion. Criminals continue to pose a threat and the left would have us ban anything that would stop them.

Liberal Media...wants total control and obedience. The essence of those in power right now. Time to kick ALL of these shitheads and people that think like them OUT of power...and IF they still don't get it?

Second Amendment OPTION is viable. And THAT...is what they fear.
Do you lack the imagination to even conceive of a solution to gun violence that does not include pouring more guns onto the streets? The way I see it, stopping gun violence without understanding that guns are part and parcel of the problem is like trying to put out fires with gasoline.

That's because you insist on labeling it as a gun problem instead of accurately identifying it a behavioral and mental health problem. That would require that someone take responsibility which is way out of the scope of the liberal mind.
It is clear that when the insane get guns, there is rarely a pleasant outcome. The tool of the trade, the assault weapon, is what makes the insane "mass murderers". Further, that same tool is involved in gang shootings. Given the common link and the design features of the assault weapon, could we consider controls on how these deadly weapons are acquired?
We have controls on how these weapons are acquired.
Let's spin the dial of the not-so-wayback machine and look at prohibition? The 18th Amendment...and the result?

These people will NEVER learn.

Prohibition was never enforced strictly enough--and a good thing too, because binge drinking is quite possibly the best recreational activity to partake in.

The reason Prohibition ultimately failed was because--as I mentioned in my previous post responding to another user--they didn't ban everything that could potentially be used as a component in brewing or smuggling alcohol, hence the rise of moonshine and bootlegging. The War on Weapons will ban anything and everything that is a weapon, could become a weapon, or could conceivably be used in the development of a weapon, as well as outlawing any space discrete enough to conceal an illegal weapon, unfinished weapon, or weapon component.

Don't forget, Wrongpublican, it was your fellow religious extremist conservatards that brought about Prohibition, not liberals. Blaming us for your failures doesn't diminish our pristine track record of success.

In other words, if they had just banned yeast, corn, barley, plumbing supplies, fire, knowledge, the ability to think, and elephants, prohibition would have been a complete success.
Everyone back into the trees! That will fix our gun problem!!
Tearful plea from victim's dad in deadly rampage

Unbelievable he would deny over 100 million their rights because of one person. And the left will eat it up. How about the 3 he stabbed to death? Shouldn't we ban knives too?


I saw that last night, the anti gun nuts finally have the perfect parent, a guy who blames all the innocent people because a spoiled brat had a temper tantrum because no one liked him even though he had a fancy car and great sunglasses.

it wasnt because he was spoiled, and cut the father some slack.

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