What right does he have to demand I lose my rights?

Tearful plea from victim's dad in deadly rampage

Unbelievable he would deny over 100 million their rights because of one person. And the left will eat it up. How about the 3 he stabbed to death? Shouldn't we ban knives too?


Lose your son, and let's see how you react.

He's grieving, for heaven's sake.

Let's hear what he has to say when he becomes rational.

I would blame the government, and you would call me crazy.
because you are
How would that possibly give criminals carte blanche if the tools they use in committing their crimes are outlawed?

Do you even think before you post? Honestly.
Let Me ask you something. The drug problem has never been won, and no matter how hard or how many resources have been thrown at it, drugs are as available now as they were then.

1. You don't "win" a problem, you solve it.

2. The drug problem is in the process of being solved. The best solution thus far: Legalize them. It's working very well in places like Washington state, Canada, etc.

What makes you think that you, or anyone, can eliminate guns? IT is pure fantasy.
Check your reading comprehension, conservatard: Not just guns, but ALL weapons, and anything vaguely weapon-like enough to potentially be used as one. One of the major failings in the War on Drugs was not outlawing anything that could potentially become an illegal drug substitute. The War on Weapons won't make that mistake. That's why we'll win.
Do you need to be taught how to think as well?

A win is solving the problem. There, easy peezy.....Amazing....

Again....to ban everything is to drive mankind back into the trees. Banning the ingredients or the final product is NOT the correct answer you fucking moron.

Let Me see if you can actually figure out what will be the real answer.

I'll take a five dollar wager you can't and I get to be the sole judge of the correct answer.
That's because you insist on labeling it as a gun problem instead of accurately identifying it a behavioral and mental health problem. That would require that someone take responsibility which is way out of the scope of the liberal mind.
It is clear that when the insane get guns, there is rarely a pleasant outcome. The tool of the trade, the assault weapon, is what makes the insane "mass murderers". Further, that same tool is involved in gang shootings. Given the common link and the design features of the assault weapon, could we consider controls on how these deadly weapons are acquired?
We have controls on how these weapons are acquired.
Do you believe that they are effective?
Let's spin the dial of the not-so-wayback machine and look at prohibition? The 18th Amendment...and the result?

These people will NEVER learn.

Prohibition was never enforced strictly enough--and a good thing too, because binge drinking is quite possibly the best recreational activity to partake in.

The reason Prohibition ultimately failed was because--as I mentioned in my previous post responding to another user--they didn't ban everything that could potentially be used as a component in brewing or smuggling alcohol, hence the rise of moonshine and bootlegging. The War on Weapons will ban anything and everything that is a weapon, could become a weapon, or could conceivably be used in the development of a weapon, as well as outlawing any space discrete enough to conceal an illegal weapon, unfinished weapon, or weapon component.

Don't forget, Wrongpublican, it was your fellow religious extremist conservatards that brought about Prohibition, not liberals. Blaming us for your failures doesn't diminish our pristine track record of success.

In other words, if they had just banned yeast, corn, barley, plumbing supplies, fire, knowledge, the ability to think, and elephants, prohibition would have been a complete success.

It really is that simple.
Tearful plea from victim's dad in deadly rampage

Unbelievable he would deny over 100 million their rights because of one person. And the left will eat it up. How about the 3 he stabbed to death? Shouldn't we ban knives too?


I saw that last night, the anti gun nuts finally have the perfect parent, a guy who blames all the innocent people because a spoiled brat had a temper tantrum because no one liked him even though he had a fancy car and great sunglasses.

it wasnt because he was spoiled, and cut the father some slack.

He thought women should be falling all over him because he was rich and had a nice car, he was spoiled, and where did I blame his father for that?
I saw that last night, the anti gun nuts finally have the perfect parent, a guy who blames all the innocent people because a spoiled brat had a temper tantrum because no one liked him even though he had a fancy car and great sunglasses.

it wasnt because he was spoiled, and cut the father some slack.

He thought women should be falling all over him because he was rich and had a nice car, he was spoiled, and where did I blame his father for that?

yeah..he was nuts. he was getting treatment and had been visited by the cops a few times. The kid was nuts.

I read perfect parent, i went that way....
it wasnt because he was spoiled, and cut the father some slack.

He thought women should be falling all over him because he was rich and had a nice car, he was spoiled, and where did I blame his father for that?

yeah..he was nuts. he was getting treatment and had been visited by the cops a few times. The kid was nuts.

I read perfect parent, i went that way....

The other father, I get it now.

For the record, I am not actually blaming him either, he got fed a line by somebody, and the media ran with it.
He thought women should be falling all over him because he was rich and had a nice car, he was spoiled, and where did I blame his father for that?

yeah..he was nuts. he was getting treatment and had been visited by the cops a few times. The kid was nuts.

I read perfect parent, i went that way....

The other father, I get it now.

For the record, I am not actually blaming him either, he got fed a line by somebody, and the media ran with it.

guy is hurt....things happen...they failed to save their kid....that has to hurt a lot
He thought women should be falling all over him because he was rich and had a nice car, he was spoiled, and where did I blame his father for that?

yeah..he was nuts. he was getting treatment and had been visited by the cops a few times. The kid was nuts.

I read perfect parent, i went that way....

The other father, I get it now.

For the record, I am not actually blaming him either, he got fed a line by somebody, and the media ran with it.

What "line" was that exactly?

I asked the OP where in the story the father made any reference to anybody's "rights" -- I got crickets. So that's out. He's distraught over losing a child; that's understandable.

- What's left?
The fact remains that the NRA provides the money, the political extortion and the will of the gun manufacturers that combine to squash any and all responsible gun legislation. Is there a solution to gun violence that can be at least contemplated by the NRA and eir overlords, the gun manufacturers! Could there be at least an honest debate about gun violence without the primrose paths of confiscation and gun free zones? Is there a responsible answer to the culture of guns and the gun violence it spawns?

Bullshit. The guns you are referring to area already there. That's the point. The NRA is fighting to help the rest of us counter it. So what about answering my question?

What about liberals who create gun free zones that honest citizens obey and criminals don't? Do they bear any responsibility for the body count?
Do you lack the imagination to even conceive of a solution to gun violence that does not include pouring more guns onto the streets? The way I see it, stopping gun violence without understanding that guns are part and parcel of the problem is like trying to put out fires with gasoline.

I see your point, it's a lot better to make sure that only criminals are armed. When their victims are armed, that just makes the situation worse, it's like gasoline. You people are so clueless.

BTW, not restricting people from protecting themselves isn't "pouring" anything anywhere.
I wonder how he'd feel if it were suggested the STATE should taken his kid away from him since it seems he couldn't control him and he just KILLED a bunch of innocent people

I can't stand these people who get up on their soapbox and blame everyone else but themselves

and I can't stand you people who jump on his bandwagon like he has a right to put the rest of us down (the NRA, Republicans) in this country down for his poor parenting
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Do you lack the imagination to even conceive of a solution to gun violence that does not include pouring more guns onto the streets? The way I see it, stopping gun violence without understanding that guns are part and parcel of the problem is like trying to put out fires with gasoline.

That's because you insist on labeling it as a gun problem instead of accurately identifying it a behavioral and mental health problem. That would require that someone take responsibility which is way out of the scope of the liberal mind.
It is clear that when the insane get guns, there is rarely a pleasant outcome. The tool of the trade, the assault weapon, is what makes the insane "mass murderers". Further, that same tool is involved in gang shootings. Given the common link and the design features of the assault weapon, could we consider controls on how these deadly weapons are acquired?

I like how shootings with no one shooting back proves to you that we need gun laws. More shootings with no one shooting back proves we need more gun laws. When bombs blow up at the Boston Marathon that proves we need more gun laws. A guy who stabbed three people also proves we need more gun laws.

So riddle me this batman. Which is easier?

A) Keep the millions of guns in the US, the millions of guns outside the US, people from manufacturing their own guns, knives, explosives and other weapons away from nut jobs.

B) Let people arm themselves and have a chance.

Obviously A is easier, right Nosmo? LOL. You people are the nut jobs....
yeah..he was nuts. he was getting treatment and had been visited by the cops a few times. The kid was nuts.

I read perfect parent, i went that way....

The other father, I get it now.

For the record, I am not actually blaming him either, he got fed a line by somebody, and the media ran with it.

What "line" was that exactly?

I asked the OP where in the story the father made any reference to anybody's "rights" -- I got crickets. So that's out. He's distraught over losing a child; that's understandable.

- What's left?

If you have a problem with the OP take it up with the guy that posted it. If you want to know what the father said, go look, it is everywhere.
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The other father, I get it now.

For the record, I am not actually blaming him either, he got fed a line by somebody, and the media ran with it.

What "line" was that exactly?

I asked the OP where in the story the father made any reference to anybody's "rights" -- I got crickets. So that's out. He's distraught over losing a child; that's understandable.

- What's left?

If you have a problem with the P take it up with the guy that posted it. If you want to know what the father said, go look, it is everywhere.

Oh I already did - as I said I got no answer. Which apparently is the answer.

But you made reference to a "line" he "got fed by somebody". What 'line' is it to which you refer?
That's because you insist on labeling it as a gun problem instead of accurately identifying it a behavioral and mental health problem. That would require that someone take responsibility which is way out of the scope of the liberal mind.
It is clear that when the insane get guns, there is rarely a pleasant outcome. The tool of the trade, the assault weapon, is what makes the insane "mass murderers". Further, that same tool is involved in gang shootings. Given the common link and the design features of the assault weapon, could we consider controls on how these deadly weapons are acquired?

I like how shootings with no one shooting back proves to you that we need gun laws. More shootings with no one shooting back proves we need more gun laws. When bombs blow up at the Boston Marathon that proves we need more gun laws. A guy who stabbed three people also proves we need more gun laws.

So riddle me this batman. Which is easier?

A) Keep the millions of guns in the US, the millions of guns outside the US, people from manufacturing their own guns, knives, explosives and other weapons away from nut jobs.

B) Let people arm themselves and have a chance.

You know what would be really cool?

Arm the fire hydrants with gasoline instead of water. Let the fire "have a chance".
Prohibition was never enforced strictly enough--and a good thing too, because binge drinking is quite possibly the best recreational activity to partake in.

The reason Prohibition ultimately failed was because--as I mentioned in my previous post responding to another user--they didn't ban everything that could potentially be used as a component in brewing or smuggling alcohol, hence the rise of moonshine and bootlegging. The War on Weapons will ban anything and everything that is a weapon, could become a weapon, or could conceivably be used in the development of a weapon, as well as outlawing any space discrete enough to conceal an illegal weapon, unfinished weapon, or weapon component.

Don't forget, Wrongpublican, it was your fellow religious extremist conservatards that brought about Prohibition, not liberals. Blaming us for your failures doesn't diminish our pristine track record of success.

In other words, if they had just banned yeast, corn, barley, plumbing supplies, fire, knowledge, the ability to think, and elephants, prohibition would have been a complete success.

It really is that simple.

Uh-huh...and YOUR kind are Control FREAKS and YOUR KIND are an affront to the LIBERTY of every citizen in this Republic, and therefore? AN ENEMY to FREEDOM.

Don't kind yourself toots.

That's because you insist on labeling it as a gun problem instead of accurately identifying it a behavioral and mental health problem. That would require that someone take responsibility which is way out of the scope of the liberal mind.
It is clear that when the insane get guns, there is rarely a pleasant outcome. The tool of the trade, the assault weapon, is what makes the insane "mass murderers". Further, that same tool is involved in gang shootings. Given the common link and the design features of the assault weapon, could we consider controls on how these deadly weapons are acquired?

I like how shootings with no one shooting back proves to you that we need gun laws. More shootings with no one shooting back proves we need more gun laws. When bombs blow up at the Boston Marathon that proves we need more gun laws. A guy who stabbed three people also proves we need more gun laws.

So riddle me this batman. Which is easier?

A) Keep the millions of guns in the US, the millions of guns outside the US, people from manufacturing their own guns, knives, explosives and other weapons away from nut jobs.

B) Let people arm themselves and have a chance.

Obviously A is easier, right Nosmo? LOL. You people are the nut jobs....
Could you consider manufacturing run quotas? Universal background checks? An insurance requirement for assault weapon purchase? Are there common sense solutions to gun violence?
That's because you insist on labeling it as a gun problem instead of accurately identifying it a behavioral and mental health problem. That would require that someone take responsibility which is way out of the scope of the liberal mind.
It is clear that when the insane get guns, there is rarely a pleasant outcome. The tool of the trade, the assault weapon, is what makes the insane "mass murderers". Further, that same tool is involved in gang shootings. Given the common link and the design features of the assault weapon, could we consider controls on how these deadly weapons are acquired?

I like how shootings with no one shooting back proves to you that we need gun laws. More shootings with no one shooting back proves we need more gun laws. When bombs blow up at the Boston Marathon that proves we need more gun laws. A guy who stabbed three people also proves we need more gun laws.

So riddle me this batman. Which is easier?

A) Keep the millions of guns in the US, the millions of guns outside the US, people from manufacturing their own guns, knives, explosives and other weapons away from nut jobs.

B) Let people arm themselves and have a chance.

Obviously A is easier, right Nosmo? LOL. You people are the nut jobs....
Do you see any correlation between guns and gun violence? It's the firing and reloading systems making shootings into mass shootings. With mental illness one has to take due diligence for the public safety's sake.
That's because you insist on labeling it as a gun problem instead of accurately identifying it a behavioral and mental health problem. That would require that someone take responsibility which is way out of the scope of the liberal mind.
It is clear that when the insane get guns, there is rarely a pleasant outcome. The tool of the trade, the assault weapon, is what makes the insane "mass murderers". Further, that same tool is involved in gang shootings. Given the common link and the design features of the assault weapon, could we consider controls on how these deadly weapons are acquired?

I like how shootings with no one shooting back proves to you that we need gun laws. More shootings with no one shooting back proves we need more gun laws. When bombs blow up at the Boston Marathon that proves we need more gun laws. A guy who stabbed three people also proves we need more gun laws.

So riddle me this batman. Which is easier?

A) Keep the millions of guns in the US, the millions of guns outside the US, people from manufacturing their own guns, knives, explosives and other weapons away from nut jobs.

B) Let people arm themselves and have a chance.

Obviously A is easier, right Nosmo? LOL. You people are the nut jobs....

The Left will do whatever it can, preform amazing feats of mental gymnastics, to avoid dealing with the real issue. They'll say "it should be easier to disarm the mentally ill" instead of realizing we should take the mentally ill and isolate them from society so they can get the treatment and help they need. Why do they want those poor people out shouting at street signs and attacking innocent people rather than in a hospital?

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