What right does he have to demand I lose my rights?

What "line" was that exactly?

I asked the OP where in the story the father made any reference to anybody's "rights" -- I got crickets. So that's out. He's distraught over losing a child; that's understandable.

- What's left?

If you have a problem with the P take it up with the guy that posted it. If you want to know what the father said, go look, it is everywhere.

Oh I already did - as I said I got no answer. Which apparently is the answer.

But you made reference to a "line" he "got fed by somebody". What 'line' is it to which you refer?

I told you how to find out if you want to know, I see no reason to educate you when your only purpose here is to pretend you are smarter than everyone else by never knowing anything.
If you have a problem with the P take it up with the guy that posted it. If you want to know what the father said, go look, it is everywhere.

Oh I already did - as I said I got no answer. Which apparently is the answer.

But you made reference to a "line" he "got fed by somebody". What 'line' is it to which you refer?

I told you how to find out if you want to know, I see no reason to educate you when your only purpose here is to pretend you are smarter than everyone else by never knowing anything.

So - you don't know what your own words mean??
You're not responsible for your own actions then?
It is clear that when the insane get guns, there is rarely a pleasant outcome. The tool of the trade, the assault weapon, is what makes the insane "mass murderers". Further, that same tool is involved in gang shootings. Given the common link and the design features of the assault weapon, could we consider controls on how these deadly weapons are acquired?

I like how shootings with no one shooting back proves to you that we need gun laws. More shootings with no one shooting back proves we need more gun laws. When bombs blow up at the Boston Marathon that proves we need more gun laws. A guy who stabbed three people also proves we need more gun laws.

So riddle me this batman. Which is easier?

A) Keep the millions of guns in the US, the millions of guns outside the US, people from manufacturing their own guns, knives, explosives and other weapons away from nut jobs.

B) Let people arm themselves and have a chance.

You know what would be really cool?

Arm the fire hydrants with gasoline instead of water. Let the fire "have a chance".

That was almost smart enough to rise you to the level of rdean, keep worming on it.
The car/gun conflation is just silly.

Let me check my wallet. . Do I carry a piece of plastic issued by the State that authorizes me to carry a gun?

Yes I do.

Did I have to pay for that price of plastic?

Yes I did. Over $100.00

Did I have to receive training by State authorized instructors before I could get that piece of plastic?

Yes I did. It's not cheap either.

If I get caught with my gun and not have that piece of plastic will I get arrested and go to jail?

Yes I will.

Do I have to renew that piece of plastic?

Yes I do.

In fact whenever I have an interaction with the police I am required by law to present them that piece of plastic.

Care to continue to say it is silly?

Molon Labe
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The car/gun conflation is just silly.
Let me check my wallet. . Do I carry a piece of plastic issued by the State that authorizes me to carry a gun?

Yes I do.

Did I have to pay for that price of plastic?

Yes I did. Over $100.00

Did I have to receive training by State authorized instructors before I could get that piece of plastic?

Yes I did. It's not cheap either.

If I get caught with my gun and not have that piece of plastic will I get arrested and go to jail?

Yes I will.

Do I have to renew that piece of plastic?

Yes I do.

In fact whenever I have an interaction with the police I am required by law to present them that piece of plastic.

Care to contribute to say it is silly?

Molon Labe

All gun laws are null and void. The only one that counts is the Second Amendment until such time our society opts for tyranny and supercedes it.
He killed 6 people. 3 with a knife and 3 with a gun. Of course the media and the left focuses on the gun and ignores the knife.

Molon Labe
What right does he have to demand I lose my rights?
It’s sad and telling when you and others on the right fail to exhibit the same outrage when a conservative advocates that gay Americans be denied their right to equal protection of the law, and seeks to disallow gays to marry.

Marriage is between a man and a woman. There is no right for gays to marry one another except in the demented minds of idiots and Judges. In fact every single time it has been put to the people it has been defeated. The only reason it exists now is because of Judges.

The Constitution does not provide a right for a man to marry a man nor for a woman to marry a woman. That is a lie.

I support civil unions for gays. As do most people.
Relax drama queen. He just lost his kid. Give him a break.

No, he needs to give himself a break. He lost his kid, now he's stirring the pot. I feel no need to pity someone who would bring that on himself.
You feel no pity at all, we are well aware of that.

Can you believe how heartless so many right wingers are? Such selfishness. Growing up in this country and feeling like that. I don't get it. Was it something that happened when they were growing up? Some traumatic experience that left them unable to feel human emotions?

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Brace yourself; We’re about to point some serious fingers.

If you are unfamiliar with the events that took place, please freshen up first.

Are you up to date? Good. This may be drawn out, so let’s just get right into this head first.

Shooter kills multiple people in multiple ways

It wasn’t all gunshots. His first three victims were stabbed to death. Later on while driving his BMW, he ran over two bicyclists which rendered his car the weapon (neither killed).

The other fatalities were of course due to his handgun(s). But if we look at this statistically, we come up with this:

Knife attacks: 100% murder rate
Vehicle attacks: 0% murder rate
Handgun attacks: 27% murder rate

50% of the people killed were done so with a knife.

Molon Labe
What right does he have to demand I lose my rights?
It’s sad and telling when you and others on the right fail to exhibit the same outrage when a conservative advocates that gay Americans be denied their right to equal protection of the law, and seeks to disallow gays to marry.

Still waiting for the OP to come up with where he found the guy in the story making any reference to anybody's "rights".... :eusa_whistle:
What right does he have to demand I lose my rights?
It’s sad and telling when you and others on the right fail to exhibit the same outrage when a conservative advocates that gay Americans be denied their right to equal protection of the law, and seeks to disallow gays to marry.

Still waiting for the OP to come up with where he found the guy in the story making any reference to anybody's "rights".... :eusa_whistle:

Are you a mental midget? He demanded MORE restrictive laws on firearms as in banning them. If that is not an attack on my 2nd amendment right I don't know what is.
Tearful plea from victim's dad in deadly rampage

Unbelievable he would deny over 100 million their rights because of one person. And the left will eat it up. How about the 3 he stabbed to death? Shouldn't we ban knives too?


Lose your son, and let's see how you react.

He's grieving, for heaven's sake.

Let's hear what he has to say when he becomes rational.

Yeah right..

Mean while Assholes like Bloomberg and Moms against guns and Pelosi and Obama will use his little tirade to support their gun grabbing actions.

He can kiss my ass.

Look at these pathetic losers attacking a grieving father; it's beneath contempt. I wonder if any of you have lost a child.
Brace yourself; We’re about to point some serious fingers.

If you are unfamiliar with the events that took place, please freshen up first.

Are you up to date? Good. This may be drawn out, so let’s just get right into this head first.

Shooter kills multiple people in multiple ways

It wasn’t all gunshots. His first three victims were stabbed to death. Later on while driving his BMW, he ran over two bicyclists which rendered his car the weapon (neither killed).

The other fatalities were of course due to his handgun(s). But if we look at this statistically, we come up with this:

Knife attacks: 100% murder rate
Vehicle attacks: 0% murder rate
Handgun attacks: 27% murder rate

50% of the people killed were done so with a knife.

Molon Labe

Those statistics are for this one event. They are not the type of statistics we have for other mass murder attacks in the US, and the rate of murder by knife in the US does not come close to the rate of murder by firearm.
It’s sad and telling when you and others on the right fail to exhibit the same outrage when a conservative advocates that gay Americans be denied their right to equal protection of the law, and seeks to disallow gays to marry.

Still waiting for the OP to come up with where he found the guy in the story making any reference to anybody's "rights".... :eusa_whistle:

Are you a mental midget? He demanded MORE restrictive laws on firearms as in banning them. If that is not an attack on my 2nd amendment right I don't know what is.

Uh.... huh.

And where does he say anything like this? Got a quote?

Still wai....ting...
Lose your son, and let's see how you react.

He's grieving, for heaven's sake.

Let's hear what he has to say when he becomes rational.

Yeah right..

Mean while Assholes like Bloomberg and Moms against guns and Pelosi and Obama will use his little tirade to support their gun grabbing actions.

He can kiss my ass.

Look at these pathetic losers attacking a grieving father; it's beneath contempt. I wonder if any of you have lost a child.

Say, now I do believe he brought that on himself, now didn't he? Have you ever heard of the murder of Eve Carson? She was a schoolmate of mine. She was gunned down at UNC Chapel Hill in 2008. At my high school, she was an inspiration to us all. And when I heard about it, it shook me to my core. She was the first person of whom I had known personally to ever die. Might not be a child, but it hurts just as much.

Did I blame the NRA for it? Did I make politics out of it? No. Did her parents lash out or make politics of her death? No.

So, why is this father doing it? Huh?
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Yeah right..

Mean while Assholes like Bloomberg and Moms against guns and Pelosi and Obama will use his little tirade to support their gun grabbing actions.

He can kiss my ass.

Look at these pathetic losers attacking a grieving father; it's beneath contempt. I wonder if any of you have lost a child.

Say, now I do believe he brought that on himself, now didn't he?

You know you deserve a neg for that - you know that, right?

"Brought it on himself" by daring to have a child who would 20 years later get in the way of a bullet? That what you mean?

Look at these pathetic losers attacking a grieving father; it's beneath contempt. I wonder if any of you have lost a child.

Say, now I do believe he brought that on himself, now didn't he?

You know you deserve a neg for that - you know that, right?

"Brought it on himself" by daring to have a child who would 20 years later get in the way of a bullet? That what you mean?


Um, no. If anything I deserve a little more respect from you, [MENTION=41527]Pogo[/MENTION].

Before you go putting words in my mouth, I'm saying he's garbage for turning the death of his son into a political weapon, which denigrates the memory of his son's life in this world. I was angry at him when I watched him speak. How could he? He dared to lash out at the NRA and other like minded individuals. He dared to turn his son's death into a political circus.

No father brings the loss of their loved ones upon themself, but the ire he drew from those he lashed out at is a product of his own actions. For that, he brought it down on himself, deservedly.
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