What should the Biden admin do to fix the illegal immigrant crisis at the border?

Biden has created a mass causality disaster at the border. Now he's gifting nearly $100 million of our American taxpayer money to put his illegals up in hotels and gift them free healthcare and all sorts of free assistance. This clown needs to be arrested and put in jail.
What to do?

admit the entire focus on illegals is manufactured by corporatist lobbyists who wish to prostitute H1B / H2B labor

i'm a dumb redneck farmer .....

but hey, i understand why that mighta flew over a few heads here

What crisis?

I see huddled masses yearning to vote Democratic
Might be a crisis for Republicans
I see coyotes smuggling children into the United States for vile purposes.

I see Democrats aiding human trafficking

This is the nature of the stupid shit left. Once they chart a course for a liberal agenda they refuse to deviate from that course no matter how many people are killed, raped, or abused. The consequences of their actions mean nothing to them.
....listen to Mr Trump
tRump didn't fix shit. He kicked the can down the road for President Joe to deal with.

What does that even mean? He got people off the border and they had to stay outside our borders to apply for "asylum." What did he "kick down the road?"

You fascist morons just talk in propaganda
Did you miss the huge camp of hungry, thirsty people being raped and robbed just over the border?

And so how is that Trump's fault again?
....listen to Mr Trump
tRump didn't fix shit. He kicked the can down the road for President Joe to deal with.

What does that even mean? He got people off the border and they had to stay outside our borders to apply for "asylum." What did he "kick down the road?"

You fascist morons just talk in propaganda
Did you miss the huge camp of hungry, thirsty people being raped and robbed just over the border?

Thats an easy fix...stop coming here.
There is no "fixing".

We need to use the Trump Doctrine and stop the shitheads from coming in.

These idiots that voted for this Joe Dufus clown knowing that he was going to let the sonofabitches flood are traitors to this country.
There is no "fixing".

We need to use the Trump Doctrine and stop the shitheads from coming in.

These idiots that voted for this Joe Dufus clown knowing that he was going to let the sonofabitches flood are traitors to this country.

They still streamed in under Trump no matter how much you want to pretend they didn't.
There is no "fixing".

We need to use the Trump Doctrine and stop the shitheads from coming in.

These idiots that voted for this Joe Dufus clown knowing that he was going to let the sonofabitches flood are traitors to this country.

They still streamed in under Trump no matter how much you want to pretend they didn't.

Stop with your Libtard lies. Trump cut down on the Illegals significantly compared to the millions that flooded in when the worthless Negro was President.

Joe Dufus is continuing with the disastrous policy of catch and release that is the green light for the assholes to flood in. Hell, the sonofabitch announced it before the election and his Ho endorsed it. The Illegals massed on the border waiting for the moron to be sworn in after he stole the election.

Stop with your typical Moon Bat denial. It just makes you look like a fool.
Pass mandatory e-verify with extremely strong penalties for violating it.
So if the illegal alien adults with children cant get a job thanks to e-verify you will let the children sleep on the street and starve to death?
....listen to Mr Trump

I agree. Trump had the right idea about the border. Finish the wall. Back ICE and get Mexico to stop the convoys coming up from South America. It worked great and showed Trump knew exactly what he was doing.

Then along comes the stuttering fuck and ruins it all. We now have thousands of illegals, who cost we tax payers billions every year, in our country. Many have the Chinese virus.

The stuttering fuck is a wonder.

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